August 18, 1955 Dr. Abraham White Associate Dean Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1710 Newport Avenue New York 61, N.Y. Dear Dr. Shite: Thank you for your letter of August 9. Would it be possible for you to give me a partial answer to some of my questions that were asked in my previous letter, before arranging any further discussions? T have given the matter considerable thought during the last week, and I would conelude that this excellent opportunity has simply presented itself five or ten years too soon. At the present time, I am still too guch interested in the laboratory to consider myself available for a posi- tion that would probably keep me out of it moat of the time. I am conscious of the challenge and opportunity for public service that are at stake ยป but not only ay inclinations but agy competence have to be considered. If the facts that I asked for would put a different aspect on the position, I will be happy te consider thea, Otherwies, I should have tu conclude now that I was simply not yet ready for the position, and that 1t would be a waste of tims, ebergy and money to proceed with further discussions. If I can be af any further serice, please Let we Know. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg : Professor of Genstics ~