(Microbial Genetics] August 1, 1955 Dr. Abraham White Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1710 Newport Avene New York 61, N.Y. Dear Dr. White: I have just received your letter of July 29, and feel that I owe you the couréésy of an immediate acknowledgment if I cannot give a considered reply. Your suggestion that I consider, and be considered for, the posi- tion in your bacterlology department has so many implications that I would not want to give an offhand answer even at this preliminary stage; it would be a wasteful burden to both of us even to begin fruitless discussions. Unfortunately, while I was east in May and in June, Sndmamather tied down by other commitments, and had not planned to make any other trips during the next few weeks. If I can complete my backlog of writing and squeeze in one or two other journeys already comnitted, I might manage it som time after mid-September, or sooner if extremlgp urgent. It is impossible not to admire the zeal with which the vision of this new college has been fired, and the consequent success of its accomplishment. The most intriguing aspect of the appointment in microblology would be the opportunity to bring a spirit in the teaching of the subject that was sadly lacking, I fear, in my own experience as a medical student at Columbia. How ever my experience so far has been almost exclusively in research rather than teaching and admingstration, and I would be the first to want to seruti- nize my qualifications for the added responsibility. It would be of some help ig I could learn, in general terms, just what the scope of the department would be-—- what the anticipated staff would encompass; who, if anyone already holds an appointment in the department; the extent of research support from the College, I realize these are the kinds of question that could be explored better in personal conversation, but it might help my bearings tc have some information -~ the counterpart of the vital summary enclosed, By the way, you can probably get a more complete dossier with photo, ete., from the News Bureau of this university. With best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics