ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE YESHIVA UNIVERSITY 1710 NEWPORT AVENUE New YorK 61, N.Y. OFFICE OF THE DEAN July 29, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Denartment of Bacteriology University of Wisconsin Madison, Nisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: As you probably know, the new Albert ninstein College of Medicine will admit its first class in the coming September, 1955. In the meantime, the College teaching clinical center has been open for over a year and at voresent, some four hundred patients are under the care of the full time College of Medicine faculty. The Hospital Center consists of a fourteen hundred bed facility of two hospitals, one containing five hundred beds and the other nine hundred beds. The College of Medicine proper will occupy a newly constructed ten story ouild- ing which will house the departments of the first two years and will also provide some office and research space for the clinical departments, In addition to this building, plans are being prepared for a student dormitory to be construc- ted adjacent to the Medical School building. ‘The site is on sixteen and one half acres in the Westchester Heights section of the Borough of the Bronx, This is a relatively unpopulated area and is twenty minutes by car from Westchester and Long Island. In both of these areas one can find pleasant rural living and most of the faculty are settling in these areas. The faculty and student body of the College of Medicine have been selected solely on the basis of ability and character, without regard to sex, race, re- ligious beliefs or geographic origin. I have been authorized by a Committee on the Selection of a Chairman for the Denartment of Microbiology to contact you and ascertain whether you would be interested in being considered for this position, The Committee feels that you, among a few others, are outstanding in this country as a nossible candidate for the Chairmanship of our venartment of Picrobiology. Je hone that you will give this some favorable thought so that we may have the onvortunity to discuss further with you, nersonally, the program of this institution, At the same time, a meeting here would also en- able you to see what we feel is a very exciting and potentially great vroject in medical education. In this connection, I wonder whether by chance your schedule during the next month or so includes a possible trip sast. In any event, if your schedule will nermit a visit to us in the next month or two, Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- July 29, 1955 we would be happy to defray expenses which you might incur for tnis visit if you come last especially for this purpose and were not planning to make a trip at this time, Should you desire to give this matter further favorable consideration, it would coe helnful if you could send me, for the use by the Committee, a completed, up- to-date copy of your curriculum vitae, Looking forward to hearing from you, I am Sordially yours, Abraham ‘Jhite Associate Dean AN:ms