orvtncher £1,099 7. Freaks oA pursunch + and - Aocwed) fmm SP -/6f mam END Spy ak. ct 4% P4ek gele , pote + port J a) +r } t+ one Wa b) so ++ cm WS3. (58-16) pu fae (dls) - ad > pushes’ ferwnucl, yet jot teh, , fesucedl fom Y/0, agen J bd, fae. A 7a. WS2 x YS3. Vorremnte, 21, (977. S frebes whucl, are (og + lec+ and’ yel- lec- 2020. bade bast lec ~, ly Wha pessclls shold be Atorstall, Khevace Cire bree’, lhe tpe bact If- thier. befor iT rea. Mt can be contillbleg Clery We crore "beet Gf % bee = 28 ~ urhch abel nob ey gle for I. Fea bh Aeral aryesflens Augsa dco , Mp tity borer of. f P21 Pro thins nt 2Tablro YP tretl, . heechale orm, Ae 37°: ADD. Vtamapir Foal ta. hes Sut yo ne FAM _ . Jao, ek, ey, ln, / /o) au T(6,) elaten . A. Wsax Yer $5 Bo WS3 x yews! A2Y. Seepenel lol yO and pttahind ny lac EMG (i abhese; arvog he thomas o Lact and Lae - popula tgegelnn Uae, Co. 276 Vorvernher 2H ITY 7, 4 Wwsax Ys 3 Loe t+ ot % lee - ¢~-) Stirabe rt woe oe | EN B. WS3nRYSS. lac tG- xcae-~G-). ae ie wd po bb+ fb~ Fea Haw ws ght Alo) g% - A( 6). 20 bar - . ll append toncert 4 FM pater whe. 7 laet. ¢ Shovels of- + aud >— oma fobs fue. Bib). lyiae- te Pieces WSs + ‘oe YS 3 + -~ J g 0) | + Mae Sy ; _ 2 > bac 4 “hr: ; . x Ue feces Mt dl Lagat allept a Ot yelecbrcke bed tah bec brs apis tpt ht 153 - 1 oot bec 1 trie: A (oregalrsmte Thy ddtipes | PUES Pee epee “he pace tal and uvecteorr of IAM, T-b ~ B,- bac tv? wz B,- Marr. Cura B-/4- 7+L+By4 bee ~V% x AULd Ales P,- Lae - types Mechs Crd wer a0 brlace 4, Yyso & B+Y+T- L- B,- lace V, gpoutaet Beet B-N-T-L-BtlactV’ at ah Lael nine chance darter, . Me re, Ieoty ! | | PI | - 1Y ~ AU, (PIGS, IT. ae bec~ (c-¢. sfro). T lcow orton lakes, Cals Hane oct TL RA TLB, Ayrin, pep ae 7d T 2 /d-1 + ~ + a rT 3 vc t ~ aa 7 4+ “y pyned 7 + + x 7 naa " " 6 1573 ft * 6 f wLacolruce § is - + + t 8 T g ITI + ~ + 4 a jo? 1? 72 + ~ t 0 nou7r>ad4 ~ + fl Sl, / totone , Ih 'p. ! _ + + pr TT : 3 Frm 2 ~ + + Yr { Carlos, ye @°-3 ~ + + io / ey Prete. 1? ig.~4 - + + 7 ie af 710 taloreer?- Miche 1-S- 16 )8-S. +. + + é 7 Sruhsaue. Heke | ~ 3, f-H- Au. + PI0 chore. Brely 1-5. Cote pect sae { i a . oa 7 jist, pecceh te mallore rtiod up Umit rg, | SLeeliod pid feat trig Lact eoleus Nev tide Kian ek pg cope eZ 2 Aaa Compeuren Years gee d/ncgace fox ee Kab Myereber a0, 1647. | Mele Mal- lace lee EMB +1%: baler ©. fred - alles. bacbie Y.5.9. tte = ahh- 2. heey, tee alagn | epntan of is Behl (farayn ) ted Mblbar, ¢.f. +44 — elf. 4 (EtA) Meee pefd tH ~ athe Mableie fluuief 4+ + allat (EA) shag x et pus eve te sukble seems. ~ hilo otanelcachrulornes - athe ply he “pony te tee pe bh Pv ee te Ann whe, foe << pf eh ple pudink dtd wll a anole up tacbee “use wleogh nate hit and Mbbee ‘andf ( Fitna, EA. fas, (ef vege {er Mallere lLalore 100%. .0o! 2. Vrr §. 0997. wb ge ed cll, Lit, bl Mofo ee enemtitions. UM Int clbt Im yo fog ous H 0 wok pepe dfs p11 1.0. CLE O38 uk OCP NS “6 pes feet Made «up WIS AM. palate. so thyy N30 ANF. laa! WES ~ — 7 tt — +tt pipe ++ ++ — +44 Lac / tits tO ae np Aaiaez - - - a Unreare ov S/ pe at alle E gen 576, Lhaudlp eto f a with To Ty, ha mys Ie i : peotthiy rep ° of _ go, Ve L 2 Chccoer thasitl “ Ure Heese (Aad tht ta + : lon “4 ee . Nkns nrlia turk aud vthiucon , + 3. i hem ntifandiaccd ie “5 re EMD An oe a tte Ansf au Mitte ay ghee, + frvenk. al ban vei bee oe - lac eotozecs, mn. Ad; ff ge bx 7 cote Ant fea abl 73 . EMP tAcgaal Io: hase, Male -mA sé “Gy. tics te Pr ee — TO tate + ecco erro Ladner tugace, Mf By 713, “| 2Yh. 36 t,. J Uvh. Gk. 58-161. Yf7. 1%, abhor. nw. precieregeci fovipead i faplla . os Sf, arnall difade ~ br Aun - meccoscaget fra pod iden) 01 °%/o Poriporns, lien. 0 rab; crlerscce | ects NI co 4 Attfay hunk / carbon wepglonw tlm vd YET pharor ctinnall, fom fips an al Qe A, YE? fone Ata conus cuties, prope t wluih, witin Aureus. 61%, ni aker geckel& . (DG eager; Mel veg) Koy 33 Gora WsSaxw-l oa, Or, “er b-H-T+lab+ bac +fogdyr Mek + x bers ee bac ~ Maf- . a en, Z " wedi he Me Sete bee 3 f Now. 26, 1477. Mako SP - SEC ra ESL a” » 3p 2 hen Meares 3, 124 2 0h Ei A ke olng deat ten Aiea, My, 44 rae ta Abpjce: baad. if 1 ee pom OT :@ Db. Heals rut Cot f" a ute AAt At beta 4: &. ut ™ acGse c ifs | Ww-2P + W244, . Now. 27, CYT. ed ar ecb 10% pu | cele. . Y 32. ro). ioe . Yi3e: Aeysmme | V, cohen | |, i colores. Vol hulu iy No tolories . Yrd2 . Tle). ?8e + wolf turf. “ Fagen tiacf-val. 2? (00 rely. teeth | ful . Pay Lk. CPO Colonics for Yi3P4 YI42 |. , : To) 7: ( (- E 7 of len UP leer. ned. Os bo = vak - ctv. 463l of ! MT oO: = 2 “4 +t £36 aha ptes . 120 ot % yak tu OK! Tau ening why 98 194 ae “ae wets ths! 4 dt oo: ~ Bh cast t+ loge “er : 132 Oo, ~ faq. a aig. ~ he no Aye. - As Both, A+AG Hy. ad m- Re 133 OA ag at hs a atl, Ftp 2 dee ghe 7. [34 0: a the ar tt 8. 137 O: a sup athy q. 138 Oo: — ay ~ fee ~ AE PF ok. atl on. fo. [39 o: — a4 ~ host ~ athe te OX. Mies Adal . 6 44t. EC +H. J}. VB. 0, -~ (tv ~ Ht Lin tebepe tut afl sae / 1 wy PAF Miya eegpinene ! db apte wR as a f ty 7 Ferahd eek chive Ay Md 96, Ob AVE. Bre. af 37° Yi42 a ey ad aa Vind 44001 ace fac habe, copeobly 158, do. Yiro. gard Y ire, U4 bu efor’ frtecdar 234 free 2, 1997 054, un, Tl) Bm) wd 1% cn EMP. A Aaglee (Chink ~ fron K-P-L.) 2 fru epee ( de.) c WwW 0. 4 Sa, lal fm Barely. Pit. — Conliah Foor whihegation Y arg opel, att to ott" pene es py au Pld egahinn Y x . PIG Card Mecrmrr cy feabrdl, dete = ue. AH .01% P24 Utilization apparently complete. Rate measurements were exceedingly crude. Waxy starch was not utilized to nearly the extent that amylopectih was. This should be repeated for confirmation. Save flasks of amylopectin culture. Exp. terminated this date. a . ee nee x Ba + - ) N16 AM Qh tale Ap. 0x% c+ + aud uad- veel - os, i‘) — t ‘hak. 6 £ ( h ) ° d hee ste Noertee ~ J @ + = fee hae “ —_ te» Lubliicd. J Q@. Utah soiclld lay, eel feop nw vats atcha hin EMS! ~~ — (= 6, albbd) YO bey Mar, Pb yak 4) vy Rey 1997. w-| xto-S3. THL-2,- bec -HA-/ogt x BH- bect Halt (OG- M M- ) Tha) ples bee A IS b- 4H Melt Hel - b) TC 9.) pbc . in © , 7 THA : bet 3 25 Lan of q/. | 13 Me - Lt 2.4 20.3 Lact =~ 22.7 - 3,2 Tf,0 beac —- 2? 77,2 = 6 Mabe y,clerely Clef O-n. dondunith a tb 4, priv eA ol . feet ge P aud Lac. ees ladle any rofeen 4 lie. an Melt. Cheba mack, propetef Va, Pec. 3/977. fF tron Rati Liar fee 42 Ys ati, t, tal 4A Hay vere hlove “yee * torer} Pi bnd— Mt fp bent ler, . ( TP, pate ). Mt iM - / 28S B / a5, ! do } 7? 3 36 4 4 3 3 al 4315-272 / 28°. Mhr= thes = 46%. Teot all Hatt + m taclbaa L Lae - M+ o =< oe Nal + - _ 3 ef le s /3 gq j 220 fhe 272. >” 1b 7 388 22 / 400. e/, 9H) Lac - TH4.I1% 2,475 bee + 10.4% 3.3%, Y/b fact Lae - (og t 20 |. B36 +! bd - ° 4+? © 2o 27 Thee praciude unet conetrnill hy hiahans fot Ve beet wed, crefeln blows vot a abt Mi WA ner W-S3 wes whl at 1V6. furl gu aloo both /o6 + ard tenet ly deo A To prmemnariye | all aval baet ce (hehe The bee~ of YS3+der., Y87 4 hen, Wo are Ya : oN . 7 , ~ UY 3 yy WwW 4h, WY4 ce /Obgehl + ; ( be Lae 035556 ) : / Cll Luspinewnn elaed Peleg? hth Oak oom Pope Tnne war pat or 1 (0) atid >) arucblar Eri InEMh, Mone of was (1alleae +. n> cape mk, Bporrlte Het - On Tho). Vere f IF ' shuld G Mallee , urd beet. 7) tis ate | BA EMO), bac rgeyaling was: (lak. 24th, eto hd. | "0 es Sent colmce une niticd be pocboal |e. a saan fh Bacwele, Hacte, “4 2. | >b00 Wnasltelt. Conepine HL St Leet by bec Ho oO. f x ¥ i yf LJ ) fo tr ). 4, bee thy mye Ute Lif ‘Sh de ( r laAore S- MN E Po) voll be. ov Feces cenacng ploter [Spuigtinen ) “ - 6 . : 5) 7 “ lban oe allah Pond a oa Y > I heansracury, c : ZL : i : , . . d i K {4 aed Loe. hully feasts {litae dg “ A, Yto x wW-l Lact Naklt Lae ~ Nebr ~B—w=o ~ Yb beep Myf x bag At hoe aof bo EN6 -, : pels e, Bin EMC emby Ll Mal Che Neb 7 lene eam ke prcbecdf auto crib be ry eacfrl. hee Tlo) | df? hs Ce. - Vine _t Y f. d Late bce i a4. AA £ pa a ay [* vadky fas in. Ps. “ ue. 10° hehe vile P(.£) phbes (hebeLhin). 1h V.Ly., 1% UE hoe , 1%, Ape on peter, sale’ deregels Corte : sf 7 SI SY iy att FOR ectiye 3) Awe wn weovereal. ‘ + Mt 1 Moree (a by acthuen do Siete pS ms feat fen 6. 1498: Vel + 3 de . }. ~ — 2. WA — 3. EA — 4 +E A 7 5. Ne (G61) + b Vlleee a+ 7 Y.eg. re Ace SFB bole ng. on inks. shh bron YAS Lac ~ aud? YF3 bac ~ 7% heeeenber 4/997. WIS *¥S%. Oy Tlp,) andl Els tae (t,) Gea Ib lace sta S/ an EN. Teiacga eG fault Audfeatinn ferw bee ~ \ Max ke baer eis be Loc, = bee, . ot on the S : Yeh p. on be 4 7 | wo err EN 16. ee ee ge f« ~ ve Fg b «,* o SF -- 4 25 | 14 7 a a 4. 4 >| B e tee* 2% §F vee 7 *% /7 wWdS x YS35. Reged 46 Re pee Lect posse of Ceres | [feats fo for), nena, Grund fom T(A,) ry Lee. EMbase te Pend | phe, oe ay I rs Gut samme avenge sates’ hegevrer, 34 $6 a = sh 67% lace , atices Hee tarelor, (q wa | i] t Helelims unt 90%, Lae -. am Y tHISG 4, txt I? & » tt ee. 264 Be ty 3, 17a, ry . ° .e @ ® e HY] leco : . °. eo? “e e. e * e 47 hago * ® e fy, e Ree, ‘e* 7 pr, a wy eo a? -eoe: ° e ‘¢ teres . . “é e ay we @, . e . ee all .. se: af ~~" "ae oe Parry e. . eo W-2) x ¥ b4 hea EMA, Mbhons Sy sap hen : IP . | B-M~ Th Br Lect Neb-Y x BIMET-L PB, tac - fel," eh Nels | A pura rene whe << 1: ltoNel - Maft ! aD vii Aatl. . 7 e* @&. * ¢ e ov re BL ae . 6 2 e ® woh. - : ° / eo 3°" eo HM Te. Oe 8 a of” oe 8° \ ot es wen eg ro 2 ee, . bal “+ @ Nether, Fatlnart , ekcin Shgeling, v4 Lee 8 (997 a). Keffpnces 3%, Nhhww (he + Seletin (% EHO. Shakrl SP-U/ Aa. Mer RK -~ Gt te tah pl gar pl Bo b). Gute Mgae? / ,Os af Tn) + Ply. VE leer anoles 7 4. a ad {hte SaliwmENh and vine aecoad hale of Ty) tolocc, t+ anud- Cloris. deen. gelekin Sele bees Hafere. fru rueeeenfuf, bal + oo WSSU Teat 153, W-7S vw, wn LA «bette ty | K Plrencake 1% 7 2°/e t+ s% $e 1s. ++ Dhuron os% Lt 1s 2° 5s