August 22, 1951. Dr. 0. E. Bolduan, PB Divieion, Chemical Corps, Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. Dear Dr. Bolduan: I mist apologize for having been so tardy in returning the assembly for the molecular filtere. However, I did not return myself to Madison until a month after I saw you, and we have been delayed by varicus dislo-~ cations until now. The assembly has been mailed to you under separate cover. Our conclusions are somewhat indefinite, and I hope we will have an Opportunity to verffy them when the filters become more readily available. In general, the filter proved to be roughly equivalent to the l4j-lb. test Mandler in retention of bacterla, except, of course, in spedd of filtraticn. fe found it impractical to sterilize with with facilities immediately Ey: available, and resorted to immersing the assembled filter in boiling water. This worked reasonably well, except that re-use of 2 filter was impractical. Ordinary cultures of Salmonella typhimurium and Serratia marcescens were retained. In our cleanest experiment, the molecular filter retained a phage-treated culture of Salmonella, which max permeated our Jandler filter. In another experimant, the molecular filter also passed a few cells (or "L-forms?") of phage-treated Salmonella. Until this question is cleared up, I think that some reservation should be entertained about the absolute bacterial sterility of ‘molecular filtrates", but under# most conditions, complete retention is very likely, and at worst, only a fery fmoumicwocex small proportion of cells is likely to pass, even from cultures expressly treated to encourage their filtrability. if the filters do appear on the market, I hope it will be possible to arrange to have them sterilized at the plant. I would avpreciate any recent information on their commercial xix availability, and barring that, a copy of the working drawings for the assembly. _ Yours sincerely, - Joshua Lederberg, Technical Representative DA-18-064~-C 1-401