:f /j/X/yale.program.1946 4/9/46 Program transcript of BBGJBJ-K 1. Sex 2. Auxanography 3. Mutant method 4. UV - & time delay 5. Schizosaccharomyces versatilis - mutation & genetics Use small colony technique? 6. Leucineless inhibitor 7. Neurospora auxanography. 8. Neurospora mutant production. 9. Neurospora selection after u.v. 10. Heterocaryon transformation 11. Isogenic stocks 12. Specific absorption {*Q-75} Neurospora Variations in genetic composition of hyphal tips - Isolate from a heterocaryon to complete medium and test on minimal medium. Cytoplasmic inheritance in heterocaryons. Transformation. Nuclear mutations by irradiation of cytoplasm. Adaptations not on genic basis must be studied. Alleles of 33757 - adaptability & selectivity. {leucineless Neurospora} CO2 on 299. {pyridoxineless Neurospora} Interspecific heterocaryons. Growth of E. coli mutants in terms of specific factors and their interaction: Exchange reactions. Composition of organism. Availability vs. synthesis. Master reaction: temperature analysis. Reverse mutation. Correlation in mutation at different loci in various cultures. Technical considerations selective phenomena, and inhibition of colony formation. Coincidental reversion. Association with forward mutation. Influence of age, temperature, radiation, chemical agents. Induction of mutations with radioactive isotopes. 3H^1 {tritium} particularly. Isolation of enzyme systems from prototroph blocked in mutants. Supplement mutants with enzymatic fractions? Transformation? Immunologic analysis. Microorganisms as reagents in isotope work. Selection phenomena mutants vs. wild type. Use a natural hetero- troph and compare with adapted form. Induction of mutations with anti-sera. Reversion in yeast with rudimentary genetic analysis. Yale Program BBGJBK 4/5/46 1. Sex A. Production of mutant stocks (e.g. u.v.); dosage optimum B. Test for reversion C. Detection of allele patterns D. Time factor in mutant production E. Technical - Mutant viability in detection technique F. Implications of success: systematics, mutant breeding, populations.... 2. Populations A. Syntrophism B. Selection and antagonism [Methionine less] 3. Growth A. Specific absorption and B. Dynamic interchange C. Medium analyses. 4. N.A. assays -- 5. Availability of p.F.P.A. (p-fluoro phenylalanine) 6. Mutation - v. Ryan: reverse mutation 7. Neurospora leucineless (interspecific heterocaryons [Dodge for N. tetrasperma mutants]) cytoplasmic inheritance 8. Biochemical studies of mutants. biotin as inhibitor? =========== { note: _011224 * See Q-75 re specific adsorbents -- this was premonition of THE PREPARATION OF SPECIFIC ADSORBENTS DICKEY FH PNAS 35 (5): 227-229 1949 in Linus Pauling's lab. }