CHEMICAL CORPS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES MM DIVISION Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 13 August 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin College of Agricuiture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I finally got back to Frederick and thus get a chance to reply to some of your accumulated correspondence. First of all, I want to thank you for the copy of the manuscript. With the help of the dissecting microscope, i have been able to decipher the material quite successfully. as far as the assembly for holding the molecular filters is concerned, you should return this item to Dr. 0.E. Bolduan, PD Division, Camp Detrick, Md. ‘ I expect that Mr. Reifsnider has informed you about the manner in which we are planning to handle the extension of your contract. Since Mr. Reifsnider is on vacation I have not been able to check with him on this, but in case there are any questions, do not hesitate to write to me inmediately. We had a very pleasant time at C.S.H. and some of the results which I obtained in regard to amino acid levels in cells treated with mutagenic agents (415) might be of potential intereste . With best regardse Sincerely yours, (Oo WERNER BRAUN wWB/kd