Sept. 10, 1947. Dr. Oed. Van Slyke, Grants ond Fellowships National Inatitute of Health Bethesda, Maryland. Dear Dr. Yan Slyke: I have in hand your letter of the 5th, informing me of the awara of a N.I.H. dx. Research Fellowship, for 1947-1948. I am quite sensible of the honor thereof, and for that reason regret that I must resign this award due to a change in plans and con- ditions, namely that I have acoepted an appointment at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Dept. of Genetics. The University is pro- viding excellent facilities for the prosecution of research in the genetics of mloroorganisms, and I hope there to continue the program of research which was outlined in my fellowship appli- oation. The appointment is for the academic year of nine months only, and the staff is encouraged to seek employment or other support for researoy for the remaining quarter-year, either at the Univer- sity or elsewhere, As a matter of information, I should like to enquire whether it 1s the policy of the Fellowship Boards to ap- point fellows under these conditions, and if so, when it t#ould be most appropriate to apply for aid for the quarter June 15 - Sept. 15,19487 Thank you for your effort and consideration, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg.