FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH IN REPLYING ADDRESS BETHESDA 14, MARYLAND Division of Yesearch t ann Grants and Fellowshins September 5, 19/ z Mr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanica) Taboratory Yale University New Haven, Connectiant Dear Mr. Lederberg: I take pleasure in informing von that vour annlication for » U. S. Public Health Service Research Fellowship has been considered by the Fellowshin Boards and that the Surgeon General has awarded you e National Tnetitute of Health Jun‘or Research Fellowship for one vear for vour study with Doctor F, J. Ryan, Denartment of Zoolocy, Columbia University, You have indicsted that you will be available for sppointment as a Fellow in September, 1947. Your annointment will be made effective from the day vou register st Columbia liniversity to comnence the studies for which this Fellowshin is awarded. In connection with your apoointment, it will be necessary for you to have a ohysical examination, and 9 medical certificate is enclosed for this purpose. It will also be necessary for you to take an oath of office and sign the enclosed affidavit form. These two latter forms are to be signed on the dev you start work on the fellowshio; they cannot be executed before that date. All three forms should then be returned to this office for completion of your annointment. In order to complete our files it is requested that you provide us with a statement from Doctor Rvan or other resnonsible person to the effect that, arrangements for vour stidies satisfactory to him and the University heve been made, I wish to advise you thet pay periods «re bi-weekly, beginning on Sunday and ending every second Saturday. Desionated pay days sre every other Tuesday. The amount each pay day for a Junior Research Fellow is $92.31. The salaries of Reseerch Fellows are not subject to withholding tax. Your salary checks will be mailed you from the Tnstitute. You are requested to submit 9 progress report at the end of eight months, if you contemplate amlving for a re-appointment, or at the end of the fellowshin vear, if vou do not. Mr, Joshia Lederberg -2- 9/5/17 Al] miblications resulting from work carried on while you are vail, S, Public Health Service Research Fellow should carry 4 Footnote acknowledgment of the Fellovshir award, and we would appreciate receiving two reprints of each such publication, Tf we can be of anv assistence to von, please let us know. Sincerely yours, C.J. en B2yRke Co. J. Van Slyke, Medicsl Director ChieP, Division of Research Grents and ®ellowshins Enelosures