YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT May 28, 1947. Board of Managers, H.I.H. Researoh Fellowships, U,8.Public Health Service, Bethesda, Maryland. Gentleman: My application for a National Institute of Health Researoh fellowship is enclosed herewith. There are, however, certain considerations relevant to this application which are not con- veniently explained in the form, amd to which I beg leave to refer here. In March 1946, following the completdon of two years! work at the Columbia Medioal School, I obtained leave of absence to pursue reagearches in the genetics of bactergZa in this laboratory, under the direction of Professor E.L, Tatum. This work has been sponsored by the Jane Soffin Childs Fund for Medical Research. Publications which have come out of this work are summarized on page 3 of the form, but are for the most part in press at the pre- sent time. While pursuing this work, I have registered as a can- a@idate for the degree of Ph.B., and expect to have completed all residence requirements, and the preparation of the dissertation by Septemher 1947, although the degree cannot then be awarded until the following June. The dissertation consists, for the most part of the material presented in a paper now in press, due to appear in the June issue of the Journal of Bacteriology; a draft manusoript is enclosed, which is the only form of copy available. The program for which I am requesting financial aid is as follows: to return to the Columbia Medical School to resume and complete studies leading to the degree of M.D. This will require two years, Following this I hope to continue to devote my atten- tions to medical research, possibly directly along the lines already developed, namely the genetics of miorworgenisms in relation to a) problems of abnormal growth and b) the basis of pathogenicity in pacteria. While attending medical school I hope to continue, on a part-time basis, similar studies in the laboratory of Dr, F.J. Ryan of the Dept. of Zoology, Columbia University. It might be noted that the work leading to the publication entitled *Reverse-Mutation and Adaptation in Leucineless Neurospora! was done under just such ciroumstances. Under the ciroumstances, it is not clear whether I should he eligible to apply for a Senior ér a Junior fellowhipy a question which I should like to leave to the discretion of the Board. I have asked Professor Tatum to explain my academic status; a trans- oript fowm Yale University id not set available, as my work here has gonsisted almost entirely of the reasgarohes already mentioned. Yours sincerely, ~ Joshua Lederberg. , yeu. her 7