OCT 10 1974 Columbia University in the City of New York | New York, N.Y. 10027 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Schermerhorn Hall October 7, 1974 Joshua Lederberg Professor, Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh, Thanks for the note on DENDRAL. ['I1 see you at the dinner on the evening of the 3lst but, if you get in earlier in the day and want to stop over at the lab, some of the things here might amuse you. I'm enclosing a piece that | wrote as a pitch for the Fairchild money and also a couple of papers on our things. The relavance of our CARTOS stuff to SUMEX is that we are now starting to do automatic image processing with serial section photographs. The man doing it, Dr. Irwin Sobel, got his degree with Al at Stanford and talked to Elliot Levinthal about a job there some time ago. His situation here is temporary and he would in the tong run still like to come back to the West coast. What transmission rates can be supported over Tympet and is there any way that we could use SUMEX with a high speed (50 K bay) line? Basically, ! think all of our serious work will have to be done here on our PDP-I1, Adage, and our 360, but | would very much like to have our peopte in contact, through your machine, with people in Stanford doing image processing. | suspect that much of the work we are doing on protein folding, pattern recognition in electron density maps, etc., would make it useful to have closer interaction but I'm not quite sure exactally what format this should take. (ttl see you on the 3Ist, yours, C 4 Y | “Y leva CL/kr |