ake @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 (415) 497-5801 October 4, 1974 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SUMEX Computer PROJECT Department of Genetics Professor J. Lederberg Principal Investigator I believe that Saul Amarel has already been in touch with you about plans for the organization of a National Advisory Committee to the SUMEX-AIM Program. As principal investigator for the SUMEX project and chairman of its Executive Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to serve on that advisory committee and to help us in the organization of a national community that can advance the sophisticated applications of computing for health research and care. I intentionally stress the constructive aspects of your responsibilities, although these of course cannot be separated from the critical one, of advising on the relative merits of the range of proposals for utilization of different aspects of the SUMEX~AIM system. It is of course impossible to find interest and expertise in these areas disassociated from active involvement with these kinds of capabilities and I wish to assure you that your service on this committee will in no way prejudice the consideration of any other role you may wish to adopt. The appointments to this committee are intended to be for a term of one year, effective October 1, 1974, Dr. Amarel has agreed to serve as temporary chairman of the Advisory Committee but the committee itself will reorganize itself promptly after its early meeting. I look forward to your accepting this invitation and suggest that you communicate directly with Dr. Amarel about details of the first session, We anticipate that service on this committee will be covered with respect to expenses and honoraria along lines similar to those for other NIH advisory groups; more details thereon will be forthcoming. I must apologize and take personal responsibility for a delay in transmitting these formal letters of invitation and assure you that this is certainly no fault of Dr. Amarel's, I do not know whether it will be possible to attempt to have a preliminary meeting - perhaps for orientation purposes - in the very near future, We have a more definite expectation of arranging such a session in connection with the dedication ceremonies for SUMEX to be held at Stanford on November 14th and hope that you may find it possible to reserve time on your calender for the 14-15 period. Needless to say, you will be getting more details about that. THe SUMEX AIM PROJECT IS A SHARED RESOURCE FOR RESEARCH IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE SUPPORTED BY THE BIOTECHNOLOGY ReEsouRCES BRANCH, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Subsequent meetings will be held at various locations and I am sure will be intended to meet as far as possible the convenience of the members, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg JL/rr