STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER a STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 497-5801 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SUMEX CoMPUTER PROJECT Coss Department of Genetics Professor J. Lederberg Principal Investigator 10 Sep tember 1974 Dr. Richard Feldman Computation Center Division of Computing Research and Technology National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Richard: Dennis Smith relayed to me your interest in getting some experience with computer networking as it may relate to your work at NIH. As you know, one of the central objectives of the SUMEX project, within its AI theme, is to explore aspects of networking to promote interaction and sharing among a national community of users. As a pilot study toward this end, we would welcome your collaboration with the SUMEX computing resource and the networking connections being implemented. We feel such an interaction could be mutually beneficial in terms of an evaluation of networking per se as well as software exchange. SUMEX-AIM has established some formal procedures for the authorization of users, but Dr. Lederberg is empowered to enable informal use of the system from month-to-month for pilot and demonstration purposes. He has indicated that he would be delighted to welcome you on this basis. At some future time, depending on the loading of the system and the extent of your own use, he may ask you to submit a formal proposal. Meanwhile, we are enclosing a memorandum describing the philosophy of usage, of which, according to Dr. Lederberg, you are a leading example with your interest in disseminating and sharing your programs. We are just now in the process of implementing our connection to the TYMNET. This is a terminal~oriented network (as opposed to intermachine communication-oriented network) which will likely handle much of our general terminal traffic. The primary support is for 30 character/second and slower terminals but we will be experimenting with 120/15 cps split speed terminals. This connection should be complete by late September. We will also be connecting to the ARPANET as a very distant host sometime around January 1975. I propose that we set up an account for you on the SUMEX machine when the TYMNET connection is operational. This should be in a few weeks. Our few interim IN-WATS lines are rather heavily committed to existing collabo- rator groups and in order to minimize congestion, I would prefer to delay THE SUMEX AIM projEcT IS A SHARED RESOURCE FOR RESEARCH IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE SUPPORTED BY THE BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES BRANCH, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Dr. Richard Feldman 10 September 1974 Page 2 your starting until an actual network connection is working. I will be forwarding information about SUMEX and the TYMNET facilities soon along with details on your account. I look forward to your joining the SUMEX community. Sincerely yours, Thomas C. ndfleisch SUMEX Facy¥Yity Director ec: J. Lederberg E. Feigenbaum E. Levinthal D. Smith B. Buchanan Enclosure