acre 8 man EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14650 RESEARCH LABORATORIES TELEPHONE AREA CODE 716 458-1000 October 20, 1971 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Mr. Lederberg: Your description of work on information access by chem- ical structure, reported in LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE TODAY, is very interesting. I have enclosed a copy of your entry and of mine on this subject. I would be grateful for any documents and references describing your work or that of your coworkers that you can send me. One reads descriptions of many systems in the litera- ture but there is very little information on the per- formance of any one system relative to others. Per- haps through cooperation between people like ourselves, we could improve the situation. It would facilitate the intercomparison of these sys- tems if we could exchange queries, and include in both Systems a common collection of structures, for example, those in the Eastman Organic Chemicals Catalog #46. What is your reaction to this idea of a cooperative effort? Very truly yours, _. 7 . Jus. Lard Wi pt. of Information Services search Laboratories JF Tinker :mb Enclosure Kodak