University of Hawaii at Manoa Y THE ALOHA SYSTEM 2540 Dole Street e Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 e Cable Address:: UNIHAW P . i tr ony April 16, 1975 Dr. Elliot Levinthal Stanford University Medical Center Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Dr. Levinthal: Thank you for your letter of April 7, 1975. I am very pleased that the SUMEX-AIM Executive Committee has extended to us the availability of SUMEX to August 31, 1975. Concerning the status of our grant application to HEW, we had our site visit yesterday (April 15, 1975) and expect a funding decision from HEW sometime during the summer. In the event of a favorable decision, we will apply to the SUMEX-AIM Executive Committee for a continuation of a grant for SUMEX resources, Yours sincerely, Franklin F. Kuo Technical Director THE ALOHA SYSTEM FFK/et cc: i: Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dr. Robert Nordyke Dr. Casimir Kulikowski Dr. Saul Amarel AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER