University of Hawaii at Manoa THE ALOHA SYSTEM 2540 Dole Street e Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 e Cable Address: UNIHAW December 6, 1974 Professor Joshua Lederberg SUMEX-AIM Computer Project Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Drs. Robert Nordyke, Casimir Kulikowski, and I are planning to establish a research project on a "Distributed Data-Base System for Chronic Diseases." The research project proposes to use SUMEX-AIM facilities for the develop - ment of artificial-intelligence based chronic disease consultative programs. On November 14, 1974, Dr. Kulikowski and I presented a summary of our proposed program to the AIM advisory group at Stanford. It was decided that the next step was for me to send you a formal application for use of SUMEX resources and an estimate of SUMEX time that we would require. In the following are our estimates: Phase I, (January 1, 1975 - August 31, 1975), Preliminary Development: (Connect time--12 hours/week, CPU time--40 minutes/week, Program size-- 50K Maximum Phase II, (September 1, 1975 - August 31, 1976); Connect time--36 hours/week, CPU time--1 hour/week, Program size--140K maximum It should be noted that we intend to access SUMEX through ARPANET rather than TYMNET. Therefore, no TYMNET connect time charges will be incurred. We gave every member of the AIM advisory group a copy of our proposal on November 14, 1974. I am enclosing an additional copy for your convenience. If you require more information, please let me know through ARPANET. With kind regards. Sincerely yours, CC Kes mk F, = fA Director THE ALOHA SYSTEM Enclosure FFK/et cc: Nordyke Kulikowski AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER