OFFICE MEMORANDUM e¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM ¢© STANFORD UNIVERSITY @¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: October 9, 1975 To : File From : Joshua Lederberg Lv SUBJECT: Wipke: status on SUMEX and with NIH Baker had called me about 10 days ago to caution me that Wipke has been in some difficulty around BRB, his well known personal attributes evidently having ruffled quite a few people's fur. In particular Dr. Stimmler was quoted as being surprised that our AIM Executive Committee would even give him the time of day. When I checked will Cark Brewer, however, he felt that we were pursuing a correct policy with respect to the allocation of resources on SUMEX and that he understood that I was hardly going into it with the sense of particularly liking him as a person but rather from a more objective evaluation of his scientific capabilities. This is important to know, however, from the standpoint of helping to guide Wipke into making reasonably moderate proposals that will not get him into even more trouble on account of arrogance. WNONVYOWIW 351UIO © ALISYZAINN QGYOINVIS @ When Stimmler:herself was here yesterday and we were able to meet for the first time, I gingerly mentioned Wipke's name and she did not bat an eyelash. I did convey to her the same as indicated above and that I hoped too that his having been through a stormy time of it in leaving Princeton might have chastened him to the point of encouraging some further maturity. So that is where it is left. ALISYZAINA QGQHYOINVIS © WNONVHOWAW F30IddO © ALISYJAINN GYOINWIS WNGNVYOW4AW 391ddO e