LeJULS75 11205s319PDT.7073000000000000 Dates 1 JUL 1975 1105=P0T Froms LEVINTHAL Subjects: wipke proposal . _ Tos FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN, RINDFLEISCHe dsmith ec! levinthal We have received a proposal from wipke for sumex use. Lederberg agrees with the following proceedure for preliminary reviewnl) feigenbaum and buchanan should review it for its AI qualuty and its eoneributfon to the AI goals of Dendral;2) Djerassi and D Smith should review its expected contribution to medical science) and 3) Rindfleiseh should examine its excected demand on Sumex resources, We have two eopies of the preposal and supporting materials, Let me know if it will be possible to accomplish this during the next two weeks, Elliott .