Research Proposal Submitted to the National Science Foundation Proposed Amount $294,476 Proposed Effective Date 6/1/78 _ Proposed Duration 24 (months ) Title MOLGEN: A Computer Science Application to Molecular Genetics Principal Investigator Edward A. Feigenbaum supmitting Institution Stanford University Soc. Sec. No. Department Computer Science Institution Branch/C (if different from submitting institution) en/vanpus: Address Stanford, California Addres ’ ess 94305 Branch/Campus Co-Principal Investigator___Joshua Lederberg Soc.. Sec. » iim Co-Principal Investigator Soc. Sec. No. ‘ If renewal request previous NSF grant No. MCS 76-11649 Make grant to Stanford University (name of institution or organization to which grant should be made) Endorsements: Principal Investigator(s) Dept. Head Institutional Admin. Offic: Name Edward A. Feigenbaum / . . Signature Edit A, Fljende— Edin 4h Fecaebe 7 : ¢ Title Professor and Chairman Telephone Number 415-497-4079 Date October 27, 1977 October 27, 1977 Table of Contents Section Page Subsection 1. Introduction - ee leh elle ll 1 1. 1 Motivations e * e * e e e . a a e e a 4 1.2 Progress To Date . . «1 « © © «© © «© «© «© e 4 1.3 Plans for the Remainder of this Grant Period . . . 12 1.4 An Example of the Genetic Utility of Automated Experiment Design . . « «© » »© © « «# «© «© JY 2. Research Plans a 2.1 Building and Maintaining the Genetics Knowledge Base ee le le ee 2.2 Recognizing and Abstracting and Saving Successful Plans. . .« «© « «© »© «© «© «© « « 22 2.3 Understanding Experimental Discrepancies by Hypothesis Formation . .« « « «© »© «» «»© «© « 25 2.4 Reasoning by Analogy . . « «© 2 © «© «© «© « « 33 2.5 Performance Evaluation and Improvement of AI Knowledge-Based Systems > 8 8 @© e© ew eh hehe (C8 3. Significance oe ee ele le le le le ll 3.1 Significance to Computer Science . . . + «+ + « 44 3.2 Significance to the Conduct of Experimental Science and to Science Policy . . . +6 « « « 46 4. Budget . , . . ° ° e * . . e. @ . e . « 49 5. Resources : Appendix I _ GLOSSARY . Appendix II EDNA -- The Editor for DNA ‘Appendix III A Genetic Planning Example References . ii October 27, 1977 50 52 59 63 67