Page ! of 2 Research Proposal Submitted to the National Science Foundation * Proposed Amount_113,544 Proposed Effective Date 6/1/76 _ Proposed Duration_24 (months ) Title MOLGEN: A Computer Science Application to Molecular Genetics Principal Investigator Submitting Institution Stanford University Soc. Sec. No. Department _ Computer Science Institution . . M (if different from submitting institution) Branch/Campus__Main Address Address Stanford, California 94305 Branch/Campus Co-Principal Investigator [Edward A. Feigenbaum Soc. Sec. No. Co-Principal Investigator Joshua Lederberg Soc. Sec. — 4 If renewal request previous NSF grant No. Stanford University Make grant to (name of institution or organization to which grant should be nade ) Endorsements: Principal Investigator(s) Dept. Head Institutional Admin. Official - Name Edward A. Feigenbaum Robert Floyd D'Ann Downey creates tn h. Fg bee Seb t SGA A Title Professor of Chairman, department Asst. Sponsored Computer Science of Computer Science Projects Officer Telephone Number (415) 497-4878 (415) 497-2274 (415) 497-2883 Date Page 2 of 2 Research Proposal Submitted to the National Science Foundation Provosed Amount_ 113,544 Proposed Effective Date 6/1/76 Proposed Duration 24 (months) Title MOLGEN: A Computer Science Application to Molecular Genetics Principal Investigator Submitting ti i Stanford Universit Soc. Sec. No. Tnstitution tty Department Computer Science Institution . Main (af different from submitting institution) Branch/Campus Address Stanford, California 94305 Address Branch/Campus Co-Principal Investigator Edward A. Feigenbaum Soc. Sec. No. Co-Principal Investigator Joshua Lederberg Soe. Sec. No. \ If renewal request previous NSF grant No. Make grant to Stanford University (neme of institution or organization to which grant should be made) Endorsements: rincipal Investigator(s) Dept. Head Institutional Admin. Offici - Name Joshua Lederberg oshua Lederberg D'Ann Downey signature at . Title préicheor & Chairman profesloy & Chairman Asst. Sponsored Department of Genetics Department of Genetics Projects Officer Telephone Number (415) 497-5801 (415) 497-5801 (415) 497-2883 ch O wp 1 PROLOGUE The scientific text of this proposal is identical with that of the companion from the University of New ‘“exico. The budget is separate and it will be administered by Stanford University as indicated in the budget page. We realize that this is an unusual procedure but we feel it is justified as a means of bringing geographically separate scientists together to work on common problems. The personnel involved in the proposals began working together on the organization of the project in June, 1975 when Prof. Martin visited Stanford for the summer. We are proposing that Martin spend the major part of the first year at Stanford, working closely with the Stanford group on all phases of the foundation of the systen. This is strongly supported by Prof. D. Morrison, chairman of the Division of Computing and Information Science at UNM. The second year Martin will return to UNM to continue working on special subparts of the system with the aid of a UNM graduate research assistant. Constant connunication can be maintained through the excellent SUMEX-AIM time sharing installation as outlined in the Resource Section. of this proposal. At regular intervals all participants in the project will meet at Stanford to review progress and suggest new directions. Section Table of Contents Subsection Introduction ° . . ° . ° e . ° . Background and Related Work . - © © © © © 8 2.1 Relationship to Other Research in Artificial Intelligence. - . . . . . - « 2.2 Related Work in Computers Applied to Genetic Biochenistry . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Supporting Research at the Stanford Heuristi Programming Project . . . . ° . . ° Detailed Plans for Work During the Proposal Period 3.1 Introduction . - . . 8 ~ 6 e 3.2 An Experimental Planning Program . ° . . 3.3 An Enzyme Simulation Program . ° - 8 3.4 Knowledge Base ., . . . . . . . . . 3.5 A DNA structure entry and editing systen . Resources ° . e . e ° . . ° ° Bibliography . . . - . . . . . Personnel . . . . . . ° . . . Budget . . . ° . . . . . . Page 16 18 23 23 26 31 35 39 41 43 47 48