December 18, 1975 Central Processing Section National Scienca Foundation Washington, D. C. 20559 For Consideration By: Dr. Sally Sedelow Office of Computing Activities Subject: Proposal entitled "MOGLEN: A computer Science Application to Molecular Genetics" Gentlemen: On behalf of Stanford University, I am pleased to submit twenty copies of our abova-described proposal requesting research grant support. The proposed project's principal investigator would be Professor Edward A. Feigenbaum, Department of Cofiputer Science. Tha proposed project duration is two years, commencing June 1, 1976. Tha support level requested from the Foundation is $113,544. In addition to this sum, Stanford University will cost share in accordance with current Foundation policy. This proposal has the endorsement of the Univeraity’s administration. Should you need additional information please call me at (415) 497-2883. We look forward to the prospect of your favorable review. Sincerely, Raymond P. Girouard .- Sponsored Projects Officer Enclosures cco: E. A. Feigenbaun bee: B. Seott J. Lederberg a BE. C. Pierce VP-Research Funds/PBR — hold RB/gnf