1976 - 1977 ANNUAL REPORT RESOURCE-RELATED RESEARCH COMPUTERS AND CHEMISTRY Grant No. RR-00612 BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES PROGRAM OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH February, 1977 COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY Form Approved SECTION | OMB No, 68- -R0249 ce mein oop ee co eT sega | GRANT NUMBER (Insert on all pages) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, ANO WELFARE SSS 5 R24 RR-00612 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE eee . TOTAL PROIEGT PERIOD APPLICATION | From 5/1/74 . —_roreugn: 4730077 oe FOR CONTINUATION GRANT REQUESTED BUDGET PERIOD {from 8/1/76 __Twrourn: 4/30/77 _ LTTE oe ~ Resource-Related Research Computers and Chemistry ; _ JA. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR OR PROGRAM DIRECTOR & APPLICANT ORGANIZATION (Name and Address-Street, City, State, Zip Code! (Name and Address, Street, City, State, Zip Code) DJERASSI, CARL STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD UNIVERSITY DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY STANFORD, CALIF. 94305 28 DtGREEt—™” , ‘Toe soctat Secunity NO.|~=—S*~*S*S*«~CS*SSéR HS ACCOUNT NUMBER oe PH.D. 1944156365A1 2D. DEPARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY OR EO ~~ "TS" Tie AND ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL IN BUSINESS OFFICE OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION _ CHEMISTRY 7E. MAIQR SUBDIVISION ~~ DEPUTY V. P. FOR BUSINESS & FINANCE SCH. OF HUMANITI ES AND_ sc I ENCES STANFORD UNIVERSITY J ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT YO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR INSTITUTIONAL STANFORD, CALIF. 94305 GRANT PURPOSES 20 OTHER 7. RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS (See Instructions) "Tg INVENTIONS (See Instructions ww ~ os X Kno {) Ves-not previously reported Rio UT] Yes APPROVED a Le Bate Tr. Yea previously reparled 9. PERFORMANCE SITE(S) ee mt eT ene INFORMATION STANEORD UNIVERSITY Y isa PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR | ates Tele Nob Eat code DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY or —~ COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM DIRECTOR «tem 201 his | 497-2783 DEPARTMTNE OF GENETICS -_ - - { STANFORD, CALI F. 94305 L1@) Name of dusiness officiel (item 6) K. D. Creighton bis [497-2251 r iC Name and Uitte ‘of ) agminsatealive - ~ oT JO. DIREGT COSTS REQUESTED FOR BUDGET PERIOD. ti (iti‘:;™~S™S D'A ne "Oe ” 8 nn owney 415 {497-2 883 $129,931.00 _ Sponsored Projects Dir. 128. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION SHOWN IN ITEM 4 128 COUNTY OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION SHOWN IN ITEM TWELFTH SANTA CLARA 13 00 NOT USE THIS SPACE 14, CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPYANCE. We, the undersigned, certify thal fhe stptements Nerern are true and cumpiele to Ihe best of Gur &nowledge and accept, as to any grant awarded, the obligation to comply wih Pubhc Heaith Service terms aan comitions on etfect at tne tme of the awa 154 Caio OGRAM DIRECTUR DATE 15. SIGNATURES {Signatures requiced on orginal = copy onty Use ina “Per sig | 1oH OFFICIAL SIGNING FOR APPLICAN) ORGANIZATION parl natures mot acceptable ) I H-2540-1 (Formerly Ue 2000-1 ) Wee aeererdbed ty NEE fecual alot, S506 and Lone, (Rev. 4. 75) SECTION II—BUDGET PERSONNEL NAME (Last, First, “Wnitialy, - (a) SECTION It FROM May , (USUALLY 12 MONTHS) A. HEMIZE DIRECT costs REQUESTED | FOR NE NEXT | BUDGET PERIOD TITLE OF POSITION PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR A377 Paprl April, [SALARY REQUESTED > 1978} | FRINGE BENEFITS [GRANT NUMBER RR-00612 (See tnstructions) posal ‘for ‘Continued Research | Submitted May, 1976 — ape eee ee { ndicate cost of each Item listed below) - Subtotals: CONS JLTANT COSTS (See Instructions) TOTAL (Columns (6) and (e) EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES DOMESTIC TRAVEL FOREIGN PATIENT COSTS (See instructions) ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (ltemize) TOTAL DIRECY COST (Enter INDIRECT cosT (See Instructions) on Page 1, Item 10 PHS=2540—1 (Former ty “iuezu0e-1) (Rev. 4+ 75) ) % S&w* % TOC’ Bate af DHEW Agreement: "PAGE 2 vi this is a spec iat rate (e.g. Off-site}, explain. : an YY I iy T) Not Requested * Under negottation with SECTION 11 (Contiaued) Grant Number SECTION Il—BUDGET (Continued) RR~00612 B. Supplementa! intormation regarding ITEMS in the proposed budget for the next period which require explanation or justification. (See instructions) See Proposal for Continued Research 1977-80 submitted May, 1976 PAGE 3 Poe 2 Gel CRormecty ite 200e—1 } (Kev. 4~75) SECTION ti! SECTION III_FISCAL DATA FOR FROM THROUGH GRANT NUMBER CURRENT BUDGET PERIOD (USUALLY 12 MONTHS) 8/1/76 4/30/77 RR-90612 The following pertains to your CURRENT PHS budget. Do not include cost sharing funds. This information in conjunction with that provided on Page 2 will be used in determining the amount of support for the NEXT budget period. ACTUAL ESTIMATED CURRENT EXPENDITURES | EXPENDITURES AND | “EXPENDITURES. | UNOLIGATED BUDGET A. BUDGET CATEGORIES (As approved by V 31/77 OPREMAINDER ORT MSO z plus | (Subtract Col. 4 awarding unit) (Insert Date) BUOGeT PERIOD Col. 3) fram Col. 1) qd) (2) (3) (4) (5) Personnel (Salaries) 100,761 59,784 36 593 96 ,377 4,384 Fringe Benefits 18,943 11,1744 6,953 18,097 846 Consultant Costs - - - - - Equipment - - - - - Supplies - 50 10 60 (60) Domestic 1,400 1,509 1,741 3,250 (1,850) TRAVEL Foreign Patient Costs Aiterations and Renovations & Other 8,827 7,355 4,585 11,940 (3,113) Total Direct Costs 129,931 79, 842 4g , 882 129,724 207 Indirect Costs (If inctuded in award) TOTALS ———_——-> | $129 931 + 79,842 $ 49,882 129,724 * 207 Use space below to: B. List ait items of equipment purchased or expected to be purchased during this budget period which have a unit cost of $1000 or more. C. Explain any significant batance or deficit shown in any category of Column 5. D. List all other research support for Principal! Investigator by source, project title, and annual amount. B. Equipment Purchased Terminal Rental 3,587 3,957 1,800 Telephone 2,100 2,340 1,080 Publications and Technical services 2,900 984 1,600 Postage 240 74 105 11,940 (3,113) D. Research Support for Principal Investigator NIH AMO4257 Mass Spectrometry in Organic $ 67,700 Biochemistry NtH GMO6840 Marine chemistry with special 101,490 Emphasis on Steroids NIH GM20276 Applications of Magnetic ho ,834 Circular Dichrosim (him25 9001 (F ormer iy Hlie20¢u-" ; BG: 4 ruse Continuation Pages as ve essary (kev. 4-75) ee ote SECTION IV APPLICANT. REPEAT GRANT NUMBER SHOWN ON PAGE 1) ————>> GRANT NUMBER SECTION IV—SUMMARY PROGRESS REPORT RR-00612 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR OR PROGRAM DIRECTOR (Last, First, Initial) PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT FROM THROUGH NAME OF ORGANIZATION 8/1/76 4/30/77 TITLE (Repeat title shown in item 1 on first page) 1. List publications: (a) published and not previously reported; (b) in press. Provide five reprints if not previously submitted. 2. List ail additions and deletions in professional personne! and any changes in etfort. 3. Progress Report. (See Instructions) Progress Report Follows Phoe2 9081 (Farmer ty Tibtte2due-1) (Rev. 4-7,3 PAGE 5 (Use Continuation Page as neasssary) Resource Related Research - Computers & Chemistry Stanford University NIH/BRP Grant RR-00612 Carl Djerassi, Principal Investigator (Social Security No. ) Research Highlights (1976-77) 1. One of the DENDRAL programs, named CONGEN, continued to be used by working scientists on problems of biomedical importance. CONGEN is a complex symbol-manipulation program that helps working scientists develop hypotheses about the molecular structure of organic chemical compounds. The scientist provides structural inferences, the program provides’ the result of combining the scientist’s partial hypotheses in all plausible ways. Several scientists across the nation have used the CONGEN program to help them elucidate molecular structures of naturally- occurring compounds, We anticipate continued use of this program, and similar ones, as scientists realize how helpful they can be for structure elucidation, 2. The Meta-DENDRAL program successfully formulated rules of mass spectrometry that were new to the sciences These rules, along with a discussion of the methodology, were published in the scientific literature [Jnl Am Chem Soc, 98:6168 (1976)]. The program was tested to see if it could rediscover the rules of mass spectrometry for two classes of chemical compounds that were already well understood (amines and estrogenic steroids). Then it was applied to three classes of compounds whose behavior in a mass spectrometer was not as well known (mono-, di-, and tri- ketoandrostanes). The program produced three sets of rules that explained much of the significant data for these classes. The time for manual rule formation for these data was estimated to be several months. RR-00612 Annual Report Table of Contents Section Page Subsection 1h OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES « . «6 « «© © «© « 1 2. EXPERIMENT PLANNER a 5 3. Applications of REACT to Structure Elucidation Problems a 9 KY CONGEN Developments ye eee we SS 41 Intelligent use of constraining substructural information . . . « « «© « 15 4,2 New tools for post-pruning CONGEN structures. os oe ee Uwe YD 5. USE OF CONGEN BY OTHER SCIENTISTS «~« . « « « «© «© 24 5.1 Chemists Using Exported Programs . .« « +» +» 24 5<2 Remote Users of SUMEX. . « «© «© +» «© «© « 26 5.3 Chemists Communicating by Mail . .« « « « « 26 5.4 Chemical Problems Posed to CONGEN. . . +« . 26 6. Stereochemistry in CONGEN « . . «© « «© «© » «© « 30 6. 1 Algori thm ‘ * * * . ° s a . . * 30 6.2 Programming Progress « ~» .« «© « «# « «6 « 31 Ts The GC/HRMS DATA SYSTEM ye eee 8 7.1 Improvements to the Data System * 6 «© wv ws 32 RR-00612 Annual Report Tv Changes in the Operating System * 7<3 New Developments oe ee 8. META DENDRAL oo. * 4 9. C13 NMR SPECTROMETRY 10. BUDGET er 11. RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE HEURISTIC PROGRAMMING PROJECT a oe we Re ii