SUMMARY OF RESOURCE USAGE This section called for in the annual report instructions does not apply since the project is resource-related research and has no resources, per se. “roanmt to PON AWYIGBL2=02 Naterd Sentrermber 39, 1972 IT.€, RESTURCE EQMEPPENT LIST EQVGPPHMENT LOCATED Pf tabs 2ecemee anc Eruponeqt Cost Jescrivtion/ Pdentifica- ManuPace Node | .ate In- Yate Murckoge Annual Source of tion , turer Type ilo, stalin Scaeote? Price Rant Funds In addition to equipment listel ta the prior yeor rexort, the Followirs jitans eosting over $1,999. crere vpurchaset ef th fants Fray this rrants dscillosconpe Tektronix Storage 3143 2-2-7) 220-79 L,5°7,%7 The following parts for the Varian ‘AT 711 mass soectrowter were canitalized as systen additions: Saapte Rod and Intet Filanent S1,717.82% spare Source 1,527.54 exit Slit 1,929.99 \ larcse number of cannonent parts were purchaset (sone cantitalize4) for the construction of interfacing hardware use.! in datastos-coanuter inforaitioy procassinsg., Mafor itens vere: Dizital Squioment Co, Unibus eneater $1,%755.6? Nisital Equinment Co, Jivital Interfaces 1,299.79 SUMMARY OF PUBLICATIONS D. H. Smith, B. G. Buchanan, R. 5. Engelmore, A. M. Duffield, A. Yeo, E. A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, and C. Djerassi, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference VIII. An Approach to the Computer Interpretation of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of Complex Molecules. Structure Elucidation of Estrogenic Steroids", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 94, 5962-5971 (1972). B. G. Buchanan, E. A. Feigenbaum, and N. S. Sridharan, “Heuristic Theory Formation: Data Interpretation and Rule Formation", In Machine Intelligence 7, Edinburgh University Press. (1972). H. Brown, L. Masinter, L. Hjelemeland, "Constructive Graph Labeling Using Double Cosets". Stanford Computer Science Memo 318 (1972). Ay 11. Sumnary of Resource Expenditures By budeet Periods Personne) a, Salariss % Wages bh, Fringe Senefits Subtotal Consultant Services Equionent a. Purchased S/l/7i- 12/31/71 Actual Previous $53,571. 7,876. Trant tho, 5 2h Seclion Tite 1/1/72- 12/31/72 Currant 191,851. 16,41". 2 Hanser p rey ob wd wd 3! 14,5395, 5. Aainteniance -4- -f- onan, Subtotal AV WR, 14,395, pan. Supplies 5,137. 19, 98%. ene Travel B29, 2,005. 1,099, Alterations % Renovations -3- -- -0- PUbLication Costs -9- -N- -- Jther a. Computer Services 33,296 66,259, NE, O2E, bh. Other 5,657. 3, 954%. Toe Subtotal 7,993, £9,284 hO,428, Subtotal - Ofrect Costs 214,122. 214,993. PU, Te, Indireet Costs Ciate by Bulfeet i ’ a. Previous 31 59% of S$, 7 4 4% (5/1/71 - ©/31/71) 12,998, and 2 46% of “ITO® (9/1/71-212/31/71) 25,971. b. Current 7? 46% of NTSC 21,932, c. Next 2 46% of NTOS 75,778, Total Costs 251,791. OVE LIF, 971,3€5, 7 t is > \e Sudivary of Resource throush Geaenober 31, SudceL. Catesories 2 rsonnel Cjilarics erinse “ene thes Cansgubtant gervieess Equbeayeat Supplics Travel Clounsttic) pihers SCorputer Servier Qoper Towils Ato presen Jecerber Exoen fi tur: 1372 Currs: Su tere Cas Le po ud oe) ed ra) ‘ory Laws fwd Dorin! 2 o ha “MG. 7Otal Estinated Cxoendi tures and Sb lisattions 191,851. 16,9018. Wy, 38, a hy ab i ao po aM ry — te AT r.1y eo P A tho , through rejent, Grant No. & 228 R2909612-02 Section IIl-A 4a. Sarmary of Resource Expandtitures Estimate Next Budeet Perfot dan. 1, 1972 throucth Jecembor 31, 1973 Part oA Party ?P Part ¢ Total Parsonnel (salaries) 33,0351, 42,536. 26,3512, 111,°85, Frings Senefits c,75", 7,°64. 3,972, 1%, 195, Consubtant Services -A- “A “I+ -9- Raubooent 4, Purchase -%- -3- ~O- -4- yy. Gatntenance -~ J- e,7on, -%- €,099. Suototed -1- a, 09%, -4- a,c, Supplies 209, 5,597, 299, 5,909, Travel (conestic) 549, -3- 3443, 1,999, Jthyer: a. Coaputer Services 12,322, 19,999, 25,849, 49,2298, 5, Publications £99, -)- 69). 1,200, Total Direct Costs 57,978, 39,9909, 55,43. 124,408, Legg: Exemptions £9,628,>(¢1) -%- €17,%2°.>01)¢27,198.>(01) Not Total Direct “Tosts 49,279, 89,999, 36,910, 167,599, Intirece Costs 3} &GS NTA 29,073, 35,270, 17,4%°°, 79,958, TUTAL C1,%51. TTA, 879, 72,915, 271,556, (1) Coaputer Service frou Carunig Facility Personnel (1) Fringe Senefits Consultant Services Equipment: iiaintenancs Supplies: ‘tise. office, ete. feliurn Sas Chronatosraph coliins Qre7anbic chenicals Electronic supplies * renlacement yarts subtotal Travel: Domestic Qther: Connuter Services: Teruinal Service Computer Time % Storaze-SCC Coraputer Time * Storazte-ACitrl subtotal HT ications: Srant Total Direct 3. Expenditure Jetails - Jirect Costs Grant Mo, 2 R27 RRA LT 2-92 Sectian Eile? ity Pari Park 3 Parc © Toral BR, 75), Be, G35. 24, 71, Lil, &es, o,°59. 7,° 0%. 3, oF, 1°,195, -%- “A. -- -4- -)- Baan, -2- °,990, 299. “O- 904, HAD, -%. 599, ~%- 599, “4 1,999, ~1. 1,999, ~*~ Lean, -"- 1,909, oe 7,79", -7- 3,900. f yf Loy c ate, my, ban, mae 7, 390, 59”, -5- BUN, 1,999, 2,09, -%- 2,39, n,o 90, 9,388, -- 17,424. 27,198. REA, 197,999, 5,12", 6,520, 12,328, 19,999, 25,°47, RR, 22%, a9, -f- G99 1,799. Be, OTe, G9, TV, Bo, TIL AAe, aergan are fyefowm gybni Pou tor es9arite caver, C. Grant No. 5 R24 RROO61L2-02 Section IITI-c Budget Explanation - Justification The total budget for the twelve month period, January 1, 1973 - December 31, 1973, is equal to the level of support recommended for the applicable 03 budget period, namely $194,408. The two largest items in this budget request are salaries and computer services. Comments on each budget item are as follows: i. Personnel (salaries): The salary budget was figured on the basis of current salary rates for each individual on the project plus a 5.5% allowance for merit increases and promotions. Additional details of the salary budget by person are being submitted under separate cover. Fringe Benefits: These have been budgeted at standard university rates which are 16% for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1973, and 17% for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1974. Equipment - Maintenance: Budgeted funds are necessary to maintain the major existing hardware components, including the PDP-11/20 computer as well as the MAT 711 mass spectrometer which ceases to be covered by the manufacturers warranty next year. Supplies: Outside of normal office supplies, the budget includes helium, gas chromatograph columns, organic chemicals and electronic supplies and replacement parts. Budgeted funds are for supplies needed for gas chromatograph operation and chemistry procedures necessary to isolate fractions of urines and other body fluids. Also included is an allocation for needed electronic supplies and replacement parts for in-house equipment maintenance and modifications. Travel: A minimal level of domestic travel funds have been requested for visits by project personnel to other laboratories where work of mutual interest is under way, and for trips to relevant scientific meetings. Computer Services: The current budget for ACME computer services is carried forward prorated for half of the next year, after which time the existing ACME grant expires. It is assumed that DENDRAL computing requirements will be met as one application of the proposed, separately funded SUMEX facility (proposal currently under review by NIH) after July, 1973.