THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY SCIENCE Auseust 4, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Bacteriolosy University of California Berkeley, Cleifornia Dear Dr. Lederbere: IT heve just had a letter from Dr. Burnet indicsting that he would lire to come to Madison in October rather than Sentember. It will fit his itinerary to include the dates of October 15, 17 and 18 with the hove that this would be satisfactory to you ss well as others here. I sm now sdvising him thst in your absence such dates will be satisfactory to various people here and vreferable to the original vrovosal of the week of Sentember 18. However, if this time will not fit into your plens perhans we should write him imme- Giately, although I gether that his schedule would make it most advantageous for him to ston here on his way west and for his sail- ing from Vancouver in November. I trust thet you are having a profitable and enjoyable summer and that the weeds will not h-ve grown too high for you to see your residence on Eagle Heights when you return. Best regards. Sincerely yours, . A.’ Brandly CAB ML Chairman