Feb. 2, 1961 Dear Gaylen, We both thank you for your thoughfulness in reporting the death of Syverton; otherwise we would hear of it late and through some sort of grapevine. It was indeed a shock. The usual busy turmoil exists here: many MSS to read, write, and several to proof and experiments to run, etcetc. After many spring rains, the weather looks hopeful again for the usual excursions into this delightful countryside. We hope that Bruce Stocker & family ( he is in the lab until June) will join us in these. Bill Stone visited last Fri, and told us all that was going on in Wisconsin. Mari Wright returned to Glenview for the nonce and will leave for Oslo in April. Boris Rotman is here; we are very pleased about this. (Also Tony Iannone ) Love to all Esther & Joshua