Form Approved SECTION i Budget Bureeu No, 68-RO LEAVE BLANK mee GROup COUNCIL (Month, Year} TO BE COMPLETED BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (/tems 1 through 7 and 164} 1. TITLE OF PROPOSAL (Do not exceed 53 typewriter spaces) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ORMERLY GRANT APPLICATION OATE RECEIVED Resource Related Research - Computers and Chemistry (RR-00612 renewal) 2. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 3.DATES OF ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD [This applicatic 2A. NAME (Last, First, Initial) / FROM THROUGH Lederberg, Joshua 5/1/74 4/30/77 2B. TITLE OF POSITION 4, TOTAL DIR Re- Dine D mus FOR PERIOD IN FOR FIRST 12-MONTH PERIC Prof d : ofessor and Chairman $1,639 ,456 $488,267 ty, State, Instructions) _ Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Department of Genetics Department of Chemistry, and Department of Computer Science Stanford University Department of Genetics 3H. MAJOR SUBDIVISION (See Instructions) School of Medicine 7. Hesserch Trvolving Humen Subjects (See Instructions} laventions (Renewal Applicants Only - See Instructions} 77 A.CINO 8.7) YES Approved: A. NO 8.(7] YES — Not previously reported C. (3) YES — Pending Review Date C.CCJYES — Previously reported TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY (ftems 8 through 13 and 168) 9. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION(G) (See Instructions} 7. ION (Check applicable item) CIFEDERAL CJSTATE (CJ LOCAL [KJOTHER (Specify) Stanford University Private, non-profitUniversity sanford, California 94305 3 FICIAL iN ‘BUSINESS OFFICE WHO SHO D ALSO E IRS No. 94-1156365 FFICIA ULD ALSO B ARD iS MA Congressional District No. 17 BOTIFIED IF AN AWARD dE K. D. Creighton Deputy Vice Pres. for Business and Finan: Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 7 AND TELEPHONE NUMB 18 NAME, TITLE, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICIALS) 1 SIGNING FOR APPLICANT ORGANIZATION(S) Telephone Number(415) 321-2 300. X2. V FOR INSTITUTIONAL GRANT PURPOSES (See instructions} O1 School of Medicine c/o Sponsored Projects Office 14, ENTITY NUMBER (Formerly PHS Account Number ) Tetephone Number {s) =2300___X2823 458210 16, CERTIFICATION ANO ACCEPTANCE, We, the undersigned, certify that the statements herein are true end complete to the best of our knowledge end accept, as to any grant awarded, the obligation to comply with Public Health Service terms and Conditions in effect st the time of the averd, iSignetures required on ) — i , APR 26 ‘973 not miM 396 (FORMERLY PHS 998 Rev. 1/73 ——SECTION. 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE LEAVE BLANK PUBLIC HEALTH SEAVICE PROJECT NUMBER RESEARCH OBJECTIVES NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 SAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, OFFICIAL TITLE, AND DEPARTMENT OF ALL mA PERSONNEL ENGAGED ON PROJECT, BEGINNING WITH PRINCIPA ESTIGATOR OFESSIONAL Lederberg, Joshua, Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics Djerassi, Carl, > Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Feigenbaum, Edward, Professor of Computer Science, Dept. of Computer Sci Buchanan, Bruce, ‘Research Computer Scientist, Dept. of Computer Scien Duffield, Alan, » Research Associate, Department of Genetics ~ Pereira, Wilfred, Associate, Department of Genetics Rindfleisch, Thomas Associate, Department of Genetics Smith, Dennis Associate, De 7 ’ partment of Chemistry _ Sridharan, Natesa, Associate, Department of Computer Science A e,—-Den mer omistys nme Pen ove ry TITLE OF PROJECT " — : Resource Related Research - Computers and Chemistry USE THiS SPACE TO ABSTRACT YOUR PROPOSED RESEARCH. OUTLINE OBJECTIVES AND METHODS. UNDERSCORE THE KEY WO (NOT TO EXCEED 10) IN YOUA ABSTRACT. The objectives of this research: program are the development of innovative computer and biochemical, analysis techniques for application in medical research and closely related aspects of investigative patient care. We will apply the unique analytical capabilities of gas chromatograph /mass spectromet (GC/MS) and Carbon(13) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance § ectromet (CMR) with the assistance of data interpreting computer programs utilizing artificial intelligence techniques, to investigate the chemical constituents of human body fluids in a variety of clinical contexts, Specific subtasks of this program include; 1) the application of artificial intelligence techniques to programs capable of interpreting mass spectra from basic principles as well as extending mass spectral theory by analysis of solved spectrum structure examples, 2) the extension of GC/MS data systems incorporating an increasing level of automation and allowing the directed collection of specialized information, 3) the application of GC/MS techniques to analyze body fluids such as urine and blood, and to relate detected metabolic abnormalities to clinically observable disease states, and 4) the application of CMR techniques to assist in the determinatic of chemical structure. LEAVE BLANK NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) PAGE 2 Rev. 1/73 The undersigned ayrees to accept responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct of this project and for provision of required progress reports if a gtant is awarded as the result of this application. -APR2610/3____ __- we, eA Date Joshua Lederber Principal Investigator RESOURCE=RELATED RESEARCH: COMPUTERS AND CHEMISTRY (RR-00612 - Renewal Application) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction eesoeootvoetweeeeeveeveeovneseeveeveevnene ov ease eooeoeveevmneeeeveevene ee ees P-1 Part A: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Mass Spectrometry oeeeseeooeseeeveeaesvseeveeeseeoeveeceee eevee enes oe eae P=5 Part BBCi): Mass Spectrometer Data System Development ........ Pri? Part BCiI): Analysts of the Chemical Constituents of Body Flulds @enpreeHeeeoveeseesee8seeseseeeeoeeewseseweeenheneeeeeneeees P-28 Part C: Extension of the Theory of Mass Spectrometry by Computer @eeeenveeeeseeeeeseersreenseenoveeeteeoveeaeseeeseeeoetceeoaeeveeseteeeseenweeee P-39 Part D: Appltcattions of Carhon(13) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry to Assist [In Chemical Structure Determination ..cccccccscccsccesceececesese PUES Sltgnificance ewpreeeeeeseseeveeeeeeveeteeewtensteseeseeenteenweeeeeweeseeseeoeneneeeoeesteesd @ PR? Co? laborative Arrangements @eeeeoeausueee#eee9#8#Heesesee#etesenwreeoeoeeweeteeseeenvneseeeeree & D-~Rh Facllittes Aval lable @eeoeeea2ns1seeesenteeneteeaeseeeeeeseeoeseeveeeeoeseensveeereeneteneownwte @ P-86 Human Subjects @eeeeoerneevnvwvensseeewvseeewpeoeaeneoueeteeoeoeeseeeesesvseeeesveespeseeveaeec ee P-&8 Budgets and Justification e@orevntetensvseeeveeneeeveee eevee eovonvne snes eeeeranene P-90 Blographles eseeeeeveeeeveeensvnsevrererevneeeveeveseeoeeeveevneoes een eeeaseenseeeevnevneveve P-117