PROPOSAL FOR CONTINUATION OF THE STANFORD ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROJECT JOHN MCCARTHY, Professor of Computer Science Principal Investigator ARTHUR SAMUEL, Senior Research Associate in Computer Science Associate Investigator and THE HEURISTIC DENDRAL PROJECT EDWARD FEIGENBAUM, Professor of Computer Science Co-Principal Investigator JOSHUA LEDERBERG, Professor of Genetics Co-Principal Investigator ARPA SD-183 JUNE 1969 PROPOSAL FOR CONTINUATION OF THE STANFORD ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROJECT JOHN McCARTHY, Professor of Computer Science Principal Investigator ARTHUR SAMUEL, Senior Research Associate in Computer Science Associate Investigator and THE HEURISTIC DENDRAL PROJECT EDWARD FEIGENBAUM, Professor of Computer Science Co-Principal Investigator JOSHUA LEDERBERG, Professor of Genetics Co-Principal Investigator ARPA SD-183 June , 1969 ABSTRACT $1,975,859 is requested to continue research in artificial intelligence and related theoretical work in computer science for an eighteen month period beginning 1 January 1970. Principal research objectives are in the areas of representation theory, mathematical theory of computation, machine interaction with the physical world, computer recognition of speech, heuristic search strategies, and models of cognitive processes. Table of Contents Le. Introduction . occ ccc ec cece cece ee teen cere c ene tneneee 1 2. Theory ..... seen eee cece eee rene eee Cece e eee rer eeee 3 2.1 Representation Theory ........ cc cece ee eee 8 2.2 Mathematical Theory of Computation ............ 12 %,. Visual Perception and Control sss e ere ceeeeneveeos +e 16 3.1 Organization of a Visual Perception System .... 18 4.2 Hand-Eye Systems «..-.ceeeeeaeee seve e eect eeeee + 2% 3.3% Visual Perception Projects ......eeeeeeeeee wee 2G Ze Arm Control ... cece cece ee cee ee eee eee eee eees 29 3.5 Visual Control of a Vehicle ......-...s ee eeeee 31 4. Speech Recognition .... ce eee ccc eee ce eee eens 35 5. Heuristic Search ........ Parana see e eee nee LO 5.1 Machine Learning 1... ee cece cece eee eee eens LO 5.2 Automatic Deduction ... ccs ce ccc e cece c eee eee LZ G. Models of Cognitive Processes .....cce ee ce eee eceraee AS 6.1 Heuristic DENDRAL 2... eee eee cee eee ee eee eens LS 6.2 Language Research eee ee cece cece eee een eens 53 6.4% Higher Mental Functions .......c cee eee ecw eee 55 7. Budget ...ssseeee, . ee Cee cece en eee e ee eees 57 8. Cognizant Personnel] 1... eee cece eee eee eee eens 66 Appendix A - Publications of Project Members ..... ee eeee Al Appendix B - Theses weer ceceesces es ccecenssercererercere Bl Appendix C - Film Reports wo... ccc cece cee cette tne ees Cl Appendix D - Abstracts of Artificial Intelligence Memos D1 Appendix E Operating Notes ...... rn sere eee El 11