UNIvErRsITY oF MINNESOTA Tus Menpicar Scxooi Minwneapotis 14 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY November 20 ’ 1956 . Derr Josh and Esther: November 15th wes the beginning of Winter as far as T am concerned. Snow and sleet practically paralyzed the city. I wes very surprised tc see what little effort the citfies expended in removing it. We had a meeting in the south side .f Minneapolis that night, and although we experienced no undue difficult; in getting to and fro, there were numerous c#r abandoned. More snow is forecast for today. I am anxious to get tc Madison for a short visit soon and had hoped to crin Lois and the children al-ng. That will be impossible unless the weather improves. Ih as much as tne children sre in school, travel with them requires the weekend whereas I can take of! in the middle of the week without undue inconvenience. Any way I tentatively plan to drop in on you during the last week of November if I come alone