September 24, 1956 Profeasor P. D. Boyer Dept. Physiological Chemistry University of Minnesota Minneapolis 14, Minn. Dear Professor Boyer: I wish I knew what "K123" was! I have distributed a number of lambda- sensitive mtants, with various genetic backgrounds, for different purposes under specific stock labels. Unfortunately, the admonition on the attached slip has sometimes been overlooked. However, I am sending W-1485 (history as given in Genetics 38: p. 55) as one possibility, and likely to be of equal use. [It should be a chnvention that oitherva specific citation, or a history, be published for any cultures used in physiological studies. ] May I recommend that you visit with Dr. S. G. Bradley in your Bacteriology department if you have any other requirements— Dr? Bradley spent two years here as a postdoctoral fellow, and inter alia, may be helpful with some of a group of stocks he brought with hiz. Yours sincere a Lederberg fessor of Geneti