SOLVER Project 5P41-RRO00785-14 The ETA (Exercise Test Analyzer) expert system has been implemented and tested. The change in the health of the patient's heart, as measured by treadmill ECG tests, between any two tests was rated on a seven-point scale; each subject was rated on several features and overall. Rules for sub-area ratings were built from the verbal protocols of a POSCH cardiologist, and then weightings for combining sub-area ratings into an overall rating were determined. ETA was tested on 100 cases from the POSCH study and outperformed both the average POSCH cardiologist and a previously developed multiple regression model. In the past year, the expert system ESCA ("Evaluator of Serial Coronary Angiograms”) has been developed with domain knowledge organized in an inference network modeled after that of AGNESS. The domain knowledge was gathered from verbal protocols of a POSCH member inferring changes in atherosclerotic disease from changes in the flow of blood as revealed in angiograms taken at different times. In some cases, the POSCH member was first asked to determine the change solely from a form recording the consensus of a two-member sub-panel, and then was shown a more detailed and less stylized diagram and allowed to modify his conclusion. A sub-panel working from the films was also observed so the influence of the perceptual component could be judged. Indeed, much of ESCA’s success is due to factoring the domain into a perceptual component followed by an expert system component. Its success thus dispels doubts about the applicability of expert system technology to domains with significant perceptual components. ESCA performed slightly better than the sub-panel of clinicians for the cases examined. Using ESCA for subjective clinical evaluation, and one cardiologist io screen the conclusions, POSCH can now evaluate films faster, more consistently, and with less cost. Research in Progress The research in progress for the current year will be a continuation of projects that have been underway for some time. The main areas will be -- l. Inference engine mechanisms in diagnostic reasoning. This will be a continuation of the Cleric/Vesalius project. The Cleric language will be used to model different diagnostic strategies -- path-following, compare and conquer, and stateless analysis. 2. Merit system for question selection. AGNESS is being used in developing an expert system for early detection of clinical trends in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In addition, the ESCA expert system will be extended to consider multiple lines of reasoning and to make use of the Dempster-Shafer method. 3. Detection of deviations in time series by the human observer. Surveiilance and early detection of deviation from a homeostatic state are goals common to health care programs for the apparently healthy as well as for groups of patients known to have or have had specific diseases. Automated approaches to detecting deviations have the advantage of being reliably applied, traceable, consistent in outcome, and conserving of professional resources. Rule based expert systems based upon analysis of human graph reading strategies are being evaluated. 4. Knowledge based system for improving transfusion practice. The ESPRE expert system has undergone preliminary evaluation and is now being used in parallel with traditional decision processes in transfusion therapy. E. H. Shortliffe . 176 5P41-RR00785-14 SOLVER Project D. List of Relevant Publications 1. Bailey, al: Auditing, artificial intelligence, and expert systems, DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATION, A.B. Whinston (ed.), North-Holland Publications, 1985. 2. Connelly, D.P. and Rich, S.S.: Detection of deviations in time series by the human observer. Proc. IMIA Workshop on Maintaining a Healthy State within the Individual. (in press) 3. Connelly, D. and Johnson, P.E.: Medical problem solving. Human Pathology, 11(5):412-419, 1980. 4. Elstein, A. Gorry, A., Johnson, P. and Kassirer, J: Proposed Research Efforts. In D.C. Connelly, E. Benson and D. Burke (Eds.), CLINICAL DECISION MAKING AND LABORATORY USE. University of Minnesota Press, 1982, pp. 327-334. 5. Feltovich, PJ.. Knowledge based components of expertise in medical diagnosis. Learning Research and Development Center Technical Report PDS-2, University of Pittsburgh, September, 1981. 6. Feltovich, P.J., Johnson, P.E., Moller, JH. and Swanson, D.B.: The Role and Development of Medical Knowledge in Diagnostic Expertise. In W. Clancey and E.H. Shortliffe (Eds.), READINGS IN MEDICAL AIT, Addison-Wesiey, 1984, pp. 275-319. 7. Johnson, P.E. and Zualikernan, [: Building expert systems for troubleshooting from knowledge of the design process, YASTED International Conference on Expert Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, June, 1987. 8. Johnson, P.E., Zualkernan, I., and Garber,S.: Specification of expertise, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (in press). 9. Johnson, P.E. Cognitive models of expertise, Proceedings of USC Symposium on Expert Systems and Auditor Judgment, February, 1986. 10. Johnson, P.E.: Problem Solving. In ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, McGraw-Hiil, 1985. 11. Johnson, P.E., Moen, J.B. and Thompson, W.B.: Garden Path Errors in Medical Diagnosis. In Bolc, L. and Coombs, MJ. (Eds.), COMPUTER EXPERT SYSTEMS, Springer-Verlag (in press). 12. Johnson, P.E.: Cognitive Models of Medical Problem Solvers. In DC. Connelly, E. Benson, D. Burke (Eds.), CLINICAL DECISION MAKING AND LABORATORY USE. University of Minnesota Press, 1982, pp. 39-51. 13. Johnson, P.E.: What kind of expert should a system be? Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 8:77-97, 1983. 14, Johnson, P.E.:. The Expert Mind: A New Challenge for the Information Scientist In Th. M.A. Bemelmans (Ed.), INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland), 1984. 15. Johnson, P.E., Severance, D.G. and Feltovich, P.J.: Design of decision support systems in medicine: Rationale and principles from ihe analysis of 177 E. H. Shortliffe SOLVER Project S5P41-RR00785-14 Physician expertise. Proc. Twelfth Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Western Periodicals Co. 3:105-118, 1979. 16. Johnson, P.E., Duran, A., Hassebrock, F., Moller, J., Prietula, M., Feltovich, P. and Swanson, D.: Expertise and error in diagnostic reasoning. Cognitive Science 5:235-283, 1981. 17. Johnson, P.E. and Hassebrock, F.: Validating Computer Simulation Models of Expert Reasoning. In R. Trappl (Ed.), CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH. North-Holland Publishing Co., 1982. 18. Johnson, P.E. and Thompson, W.B.: Strolling down the garden path: Detection and recovery from error in expert problem solving. Proc. Seventh IJCAI, Vancouver, B.C., August, 1981, pp. 214-217. 19. Johnson, P.E., Hassebrock, F. and Moller, J.H.: Multimethod study of clinical judgement. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 30:201-230, 1982. 20. Moller, J.H., Bass, G.M.,. Jr. and Johnson, P.E.: New techniques in the construction of patient management problems. Medical Education 15:150-153, 1981. 21. Sielaff, B.H., Galen, G., Scott, E. and Connelly, D.P: Knowledge-based system for improving transfusion practice. In AAMSI Congress 87 (in press). 22. Simpson, D.E., Rich, E., Dalgaard, K., Gjerdingen, K., Crowson, T., O'Brien, D., Johnson, P.E.: The diagnostic process in primary care: A comparison of general internists and family physicians. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE (in press). 23. Slagle, J. et al: "Expert systems in medical studies -- A new twist," Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence, SPIE, 1986. 24. Slagle, J: An expert system for a_ resource allocation problem, Communications of the ACM, September, 1985. 25. Slagle, J.: Alpha Beta Pruning, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, S. Shapiro (ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1985. 26. Slagle, J. and Gaynor, M.: An intelligent control strategy for computer consultation, JEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Inteiligence, March, 1984. , 27. Spackman, K.A. and Connelly, D.P.: Knowledge-based systems in laboratory medicine and pathology: A review and survey of the field. Archives of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology 111:116-119, 1987. 28. Swanson, D.B., Feltovich, PJ. and Johnson, P.E.: Psychological Analysis of Physician Expertise: Implications for The Design of Decision Support Systems. In D.B. Shires and H. Wold (Eds.), MEDINFO77, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1977, pp. 161-164. 29. Thompson, W.B., Johnson, P.E. and Moen, J.B.: Recognition-based diagnostic reasoning. Proc. Eighth IJCAI, Karisruhe, West Germany, August, 1983. E. H. Shortliffe 178 5P41-RR00785-14 SOLVER Project E. Funding and Support Work on the SOLVER project is currently supported by grants from the Control Data Corporation ($95,000; 1986-88) and IBM ($81,000; 1987) to Paul Johnson ($95,000; 1986-88) and by a grant from the Microelectronics and Information Sciences Center (MEIS) at the University of Minnesota to Paul Johnson, William Thompson, James Slagle ($300,000; 1986-7). Research in medical informatics is supported, in part, by a training grant from the National Library of Medicine, LM-00160, in the amount of $712,573 for the period 1984-1989. Dr. Connelly and Prof. Johnson are participants in this grant. The post- doctoral fellowship of Dr. Spackman was funded by this grant. II. INTERACTIONS WITH THE SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE A. Medical Collaborations and Program Dissemination via SUMEX Work in medical diagnosis is carried out with the cooperation of faculty and students in the University of Minnesota Medical School and St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center. The Galen system is available on SUMEX from the University of Minnesota as an unsupported research tool for the study of recognition based reasoning systems. B. Sharing and Interactions with Other SUMEX-AIM Projects The SOLVER project has not been engaged in any formal sharing with other projects in the last year. The SUMEX resource has continued to serve as a communications vehicle for informal contacts with other researchers. Dr. Johnson conducted informal conferences during the year with Drs. Bruce Buchanan and William Clancey. C. Critique of Resource Management None. Il. RESEARCH PLANS A. Project Goals and Plans An overall goal of the project is to describe methods for the specification of expertise. Our objective is to construct an artifact (for example, an expert system) that can solve a class of problems which is currently solved by an expert. To construct this artifact a specification of the requirements is needed which outlines what needs to be computed to solve the problem. A number of artifacts may achieve the same performance in a variety of ways. The expert's method works because it is adapted to the capabilities of the human information processing system and the demands of the problem-solving task. Since we may implement our specification on various kinds of processors, we seek a description that does not depend on a particular processing architecture. The purpose of knowledge acquisition is not to learn how to solve a problem, but rather to discover wat is required to solve a problem. Our goal is to use protocol records of problem-solving activity to develop a specification of the requirements for any artifact that would attempt to solve the same problem. Given a class of problems, such as medical diagnostic tasks, and a protocol record from experts solving these problems, the task is to determine a method for transforming the protocol into a specification of expertise. 179 E. H. Shortliffe SOLVER Project S5P41-RR00785-14 Our goal is to investigate the following framework for specification of expertise: 1. The expert can be viewed as a processor that has the capability of producing cettain problem-solving behavior using expertise. The task of knowledge acquisition is to determine this expertise. 2. The expert has developed a set of actions and abilities that are necessary to realize this expertise. 3. Although we cannot observe the expertise directly, we can observe the invocation of the expert's actions and abilities in a record of problem- solving behavior. 4. Since we can observe the invocation of actions and abilities by the expert, we can develop some representation of the expertise. 5. A statement of the expertise required to perform a task serves as a specification of the requirements for a computer program that is designed to perform the task. The development of a specific methodology for collecting and analyzing protocol data to arrive at a formal specification of expertise. B. Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use Our current model development takes advantage of the sophisticated Lisp programming environments on SUMEX and local facilities. Although much current work with Galen is done using a version running on a local ~ %X 11/780, we continue to benefit from the interaction with other researchers facilitat.: by the SUMEX system. We expect to use SUMEX to allow other groups access to the Galen program. We also plan to continue use of the knowledge engineering tools available on SUMEX. We have completed a CommonLisp implementation of the Galen system and expect to rely heavily on CommonLisp for future projects. C. Needs and Plans for Other Computing Resources Beyond SUMEX-AIM Our current research support has permitted us to purchase Sun workstations for our Artificial Intelligence laboratory. The availability of CommonLisp on these machines is One reason why we expect to make use of that language in the future. SUMEX will continue to be used for collaborative activities and for program development requiring tools not available locally. D, Recommendations for Future Community and Resource Development As a remote site, we particularly appreciate the communications that the SUMEX facility provides our researchers with other members of the community. We, too, are moving toward a workstation-based development environment, but we hope that SUMEX will continue to serve as a focal point for the medical AI community. In addition to communication and sharing of programs, we are interested in development of CommonLisp based knowledge engineering tools. The continued existence of the SUMEX resource is very important to us. E. H. Shortliffe 180 5P41-RRO00785-14 ATTENDING Project IV.B.5. ATTENDING Project ATTENDING Project--Expert Critiquing Systems Perry L. Miller, M.D. Ph.D. Department of Anesthesiology Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT 06510 I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRAM A. Project rationale Our project is exploring the “critiquing” approach to bringing computer-based advice to the practicing physician. Critiquing is a different approach to the design of artificial intelligence based expert systems. Most medical expert systems attempt to simulate a physician’s decision-making process. As a result, they have the clinical effect of trying to tell a physician what to do: how to practice medicine. In contrast, a critiquing system first asks the physician how he contemplates approaching his patient's care, and then critiques that plan. In the critique, the system discusses any risks or benefits of the proposed approach, and of any other approaches which might be preferred. It is anticipated that the critiquing approach may be particularly well suited for domains, like medicine, where decisions involve a great deal of subjective judgment. To date, several prototype critiquing systems have been developed in different medical domains: 1. ATTENDING, the first system to implement the critiquing approach, critiques anesthetic management. 2. HT-ATTENDING critiques the pharmacologic management of essential hypertension. a . VQ-ATTENDING critiques aspects of ventilator management. > PHEO-ATTENDING critiques the laboratory and radiologic workup of a4 patient for a suspected pheichromocytoma. in In addition, a domain-independent system, ESSENTIAL-ATTENDING, has been developed to facilitate the implementation of critiquing systems in other domains. C. Highlights of Research Progress Current projects include the following: HT-ATTENDING The original prototype version of HT-ATTENDING has been converted to the ESSENTIAL-ATTENDING format, and updated to reflect current thinking in the field of hypertension management. A major priority is to subject this system to validation and clinical evaluation, and to explore how best to disseminate the system as a practical consultation tool. 181 E. H. Shortliffe ATTENDING Project 5P41-RRO00785-14 DxCON: Critiquing Radiologic Workup DxCON extends the design developed in PHEO-ATTENDING to critique the radiologic workup of suspected obstructive jaundice. Workup is an area in which we will aggressively pursue the critiquing approach for two reasons. 1) Since many areas of workup are quite constrained, it may prove possible to develop and test complete systems in a reasonably short time-frame. 2) Since workup is expensive, and very wasteful of resources if performed improperly, a computer system which helps to optimize a physician's workup plans could have significant economic benefits. The present national emphasis on. controlling health costs makes this project very topical. We are also using this domain to explore issues of knowledge acquisition and verification. ICON: Critiquing Radiological Differential Diagnosis Most existing diagnostic computer systems produce a ranked differential diagnosis as their output. In this process, the rich structure of the knowledge that went into developing the diagnoses may be lost to the user. ICON explores a different approach to diagnostic advice in the domain of radiology. To use ICON, a radiologist describes a set of findings seen on chest x-ray, together with a proposed diagnosis. [CON then produces a detailed analysis of why the observed findings serve to support or to rule out the diagnosis. It may also suggest further findings that might help refine the diagnosis, again explaining why the findings are important. D. Publications 1. Miller, P.L.: Expert Critiquing Systems: Practice-Based Medical Consultation by Computer. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986. 2. Miller, P.L. (Ed.): Selected Topics in Medical Artificial Intelligence. New York: Springer-Verlag (in press). 3. Miller, P.L., Shaw, C., Rose, J.R., Swett, H.A.: Critiquing the process of radiologic differential diagnosis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 22:12-25, 1986. 4. Miller, P.L.: The evaluation of artificial intelligence systems in medicine. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 22:5-11, 1986. 5. Rennels, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Miller, P.L.: Choice of explanation in medical management: A multi-attribute model of artificial intelligence approaches. Medical Decision Making 7:22-31, 1987. 6. Rennels, G.D., Miller, P.L.: Artificial intelligence research in anesthesia and intensive care. Anesthesiology (submitted). 7. Miller, P.L., Rennels, G.D.: Prose generation from expert systems: An applied computational linguistics approach (submitted). 8. Mars, N.J.L, Miller, P.L.: Knowledge acquisition and verification tools for medical expert systems. Medical Decision Making 7:6-11, 1987. 9. Miller, P.L., Blumenfrucht, S.J., Rose, J.R., Rothschild, M., Swett, H.A., Weltin, G., Mars, NJ: HYDRA: A knowledge acquisition tool for expert systems which critique medical workup. Medical Decision Making 7:12-21, 1987. 10. Swett, H.A., Miller, P.L.: [CON: A computer-based approach to differential diagnosis in radiology. Radiology (in press). E. H. Shortliffe 182 SP41-RR00785-14 ATTENDING Project 11. Rennels, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Stockdale, F.E., Miller, P.L.: A computational model of reasoning from the clinical literature. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (in press). 12. Rennels, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Stockdale, F.E., Miller, P.L: A structured representation of the clinical literature and its use in a medical management advice system. Bulletin du Cancer (in press). 13. Miller, P.L., Barwick, K.W., Morrow, J.S., Powsner, S.M., Riely, C.A.: Semantic relationships and medical bibliographic retrieval: A preliminary assessment (submitted). 14. Miller, P.L.: Exploring the critiquing approach: Clinical practice-based feedback by computer. Biomedical Measurement, Informatics and Control (submitted). 15. Rennels, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Stockdale, F.E. Miller, P.L:: A computational model of reasoning from the clinical literature. The AT Magazine (accepted pending revision). 16. Miller, P.L.: Exploring the critiquing approach: Sophisticated practice-based feedback by computer. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Medical Informatics MEDINFO-86, Washington, D.C., October 1986, pp 2-6. }o ~ . Mars, N.J.I., Miller, P.L.: Tools for knowledge acquisition and verification in medicine. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, D.C., October 1986, pp. 36-42. 18. Miller, P.L., Blumenfrucht, S.J., Rose, J.R., Rothschild, M., Weltin, G., Swett, H.A., Mars, NJ: Expert system knowledge acquisition for domains of medical workup: An augmented transition network model. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, D.C., October 1986, pp. 30-35. 19. Rennels, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Stockdale, F.E., Miller, P.L.: Reasoning from the clinical literature: The Roundsman system. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Medical Informatics MEDINFO-86, Washington, D.C., October 1986, pp. 771-775. 20. Renneis, G.D., Shortliffe, E.H., Stockdale, F.E., Miller, P.L.: Updating an expert knowledge base as medical knowledge evolves: Examples from oncology management. Proceedings of the American Association of Medical Systems and Informatics Congress-87, San Francisco, May 1987, pp. 238-231. 21. Fisher, P.R., Miller, P.L., Swett, H.A.: