UNIVERSITY oF MINNESOTA Tue Mepicau ScHoo.t MINNEAPOLIS 14 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Ss ep t emb: er 2 1 ; 1 9 5 6 pals 7H Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: We are interested in doing some experimental studies with E. coli using the K12S strain such as has been used by Drs. Cohen and Rickenberg. Dr. Monod tells me that this strain is the same as the \sensitive K12 strain which I understand you have in stock as cultures. If it would be convenient for you to send us a culture of same, would you kindly do so. I have not met you personally and hesitate to make this request except that the necessary strain does not appear to be available from the American Type Culture Collection. We do have a good mutual friend in Dr. Lardy at the University of Wisconsin, and we are both indebted to you for suggestions relative to the forthcoming: edition of The Enzymes. Please accept my thanks in advance for your kind attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Ebi P. D. Boyer Professor PDB: ejb 8) | yo