November 12, 1952 Dear Dr. Boydk Thank you very mich for your two shipments of Salmonella typhiaurium, which arrived similtaneously, day before yesterday. They appear in very good order. I have beer: especially interested in the transgressive specificities of these phages. Unfortunately, none of the eight strains of Sala. bovis-morbificans that we have here appears to respond either to A3 or to Al. It would save me a good deal more preliminary work if I eould have the particularty strains of 8. bovis-mcrbificans and of S$. paratyphi C that are auntioned in table V of your 1950 paper (JPB 62,501) as suscep- tible to Al, A3 and B4 respeatively. To answer one of the questions I put to you in ay previously letter, I have picked up 2 few of the rough-specific phages mentioned by Burnet. A rough variant of your 1404 strain, cbtained very readily from aged broth cultures, sorves as indieator. You can find euch a phage without dirri- culty in culture "LT-3", which I hope Dr. Stocker will hava brought to you. LT-1O appears to have one also, but this is leas readily brought out. Yours gincersty,