SUMEX STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL EXPERIMENTAL COMPUTER RESOURCE RR-00785 ANNUAL REPORT—YEAR 12 Submitted to BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH June 1, 1985 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Edward H. Shortliffe, Principal Investigator Edward A. Feigenbaum, Co-Principal Investigator DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DIVISION OF RESEARCH RESOURCES BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT PART I., TITLE PAGE - PHS GRANT NUMBER: 5 P41 RROO785-12 . TITLE OF GRANT: SUMEX Stanford University Medical Experimental Computer Resource . NAME OF RECIPIENT INSTITUTION: Stanford University . HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL: School of Medicine . REPORTING PERIOD: 5a. FROM: 08-01-84 5b. TO: 07-31-85 . PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: . DATE SIGNED: 6a. NAME: Edward H. Shortliffe, M.D., Ph.D. 6b. TITLE: Associate Professor of Medicine and Computer Science 6c. SIGNATURE: . TELEPHONE: 415-497-6979 5P41-RR00785-12 Table of Contents I. Title Page II. Description of Program Activities IT.A. Scientific Subprojects II.B. Books, Papers, and Abstracts II.C. Resource Summary Table It. Narrative Description III.A. Summary of Research Progress NI.A.1. Executive Summary III.A.2, Resource Goals and Definitions III.A.2.1. What is Artificial Intelligence? III.A.2.2. Resource Sharing 1I1.A.2.3. Significance to Biomedicine TM1.A.2.4. Summary of Current Goals NILA.3. Details of Technical Progress TII.A.3.1. Progress Highlights N1.A.3.2. Resource Equipment Details III.A.3.3. Core System Development TH.A.3.4. Core AI Research IIT.A.3.5. Training Activities III.A.3.6. Resource Operations and Usage IIL.A.4, Future Plans NIB. Highlights III.B.1. Scholarly Publications I11.B.2. The PROTEAN Project III.B.3. Software Export IIl.B.4. The MENTOR Project III.B.5. Blackboard Model Research IIL.C. Administrative Changes III.D. Resource Management and Allocation MILE. Dissemination of Resource Information III.F. Suggestions and Comments IV. Description of Scientific Subprojects IV.A, Stanford Projects IV.A.1. GUIDON/NEOMYCIN Project IV.A.2. MOLGEN Project IV.A.3. ONCOCIN Project IV.A.4. PROTEAN Project IV.A.5. RADIX Project IV.B. National AIM Projects IV.B.1. CADUCEUS Project IV.B.2. CLIPR - Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition E. H. Shortliffe 5P41-RR00785-12 IV.B.3. MENTOR Project 140 IV.B.4. Rutgers Research Resource 144 IV.B.5. SECS: Simulation & Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis 150 IV.B.6. SOLVER Project 157 IV.C, Pilot Stanford Projects 166 IV.C.1. CAMDA Project 167 IV.C.2. Protein Secondary Structure Project 175 IV.C.3. REFEREE Project 178 IV.C.4. Ultrasonic Imaging Project 184 IV.D. Pilot AIM Projects 190 IV.D.1. PATHFINDER Project 191 IV.D.2. RXDX Project 196 Appendix A. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory 203 Appendix B. AIM Management Committee Membership 211 Appendix C. Scientific Subproject Abstracts 215 References 237 E. H. Shortliffe ii 3P41-RR00785-12 Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: List of Figures SUMEX-AIM DEC 2060 Configuration SUMEX-AIM DEC 2020 Configuration SUMEX-AIM Shared DEC VAX 11/780 Configuration SUMEX-AIM File Server Configuration SUMEX-AIM EtherNet Configuration Total CPU Time Consumed by Month Monthly CPU Usage by Community Monthly Terminal Connect Time by Community Cumulative CPU Usage Histogram by Project and Community TYMNET Terminal Connect Time ARPANET Terminal Connect Time 25 26 27 28 36 53 55 56 58 65 65 ili E. H. Shortliffe