Community Growth and Project Synopses Appendix A Stanford Project: RX--DERIVING KNOWLEDGE FROM TIME-ORIENTED CLINICAL DATABASES Principal Investigators: Robert L. Blum, M.D. Departments of Medicine and Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-3088 (BLUM@SUMEX-AIM) Gio C.M. Wiederhold, Ph.D. Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-0635 (WIEDERHOLD@SUMEX-AIM) The objective of clinical database (DB) systems is to derive medical knowledge from the stored patient observations. However, the process of reliably deriving causal relationships has proven to be quite difficult because of the complexity of disease states and time relationships, strong sources of bias, and problems of missing and outlying data. The goal of the RX Project is to explore the usefulness of knowledge- based computational techniques in solving this problem of accurate knowledge inference from non-randomized, non-protocol patient records. Central to RX is a knowledge base (KB) of medicine and statistics, organized as a taxonomic tree consisting of frames with attached data and procedures. The KB is used to retrieve time-intervals of interest from the DB and to assist with the statistical analysis. Derived knowledge is incorporated automatically into the KB. The American Rheumatism Association DB containing 7,000 patient records is used. SOFTWARE AVAILABLE ON SUMEX RX--(excluding the knowledge base and clinical database) consists of approximately 200 INTERLISP functions. The following groups of functions may be of interest apart from the RX environment: SPSS Interface Package: Functions which create SPSS source decks and read SPSS listings from within INTERLISP. Statistical Tests in INTERLISP: Translations of the Piezer-Pratt approximations for the T,F, and Chi-square tests into LISP. Time-Oriented Data Base and Graphics Package: Autonomous package for maintaining a time-oriented database and displaying labelled time-intervals. 301 —E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix A Community Growth and Project Synopses REFERENCES Blum, R.L. and Wiederhold, G.: Inferring knowledge from clinical data banks utilizing techniques from artificial intelligence. Proc. Second Annual Symposium Computer Applications in Medical Care, IEEE, Washington, D.C., November, 1978, pp. 303-307. Blum, R.L.: Automating the study of clinical hypotheses on a time-oriented database: The RX project. Submitted to MEDINFO80, Third World Conference on Medical Informatics, Tokyo, 1980. Weyl, S., Fries, J., Wiederhold, G. and Germano, F.: A modular self- describing clinical databank system. Comp. and Biomed. Res. 8(3):279- 293, June, 1975. Wiederhold, G., Fries, J.F.: Structured organization of clinical data bases. AFIPS Conference Proc. 44:479-485, 1975. E. A. Feigenbaum 302 AI Handbook Outline Appendix B Appendix B I Handbook Outline E. A. Feigenbaum and A. Barr Computer Science Department Stanford University This is a list of the Chapters in the Handbook. Articles in the first five Chapters appear in Volume I. Chapters VI through X will appear in Volume II, and the remaining chapters are expected to appear in Volume III. A list of all of the articles in each Chapter (although tentative for Volume III) follows. VOLUME I: I. Introduction II. Search III. Knowledge Representation IV. Understanding Natural Language V. Understanding Spoken Language VOLUME IT: VI. Programming Languages for AI Research VII. Applications-oriented AI Research: Science VIII. Applications-oriented AI Research: Medicine IX. Applications-oriented AI Research: Education X. Automatic Programming VOLUMES III (Tentative): XI. Models of Cognition XII. Automatic Deduction XIII. Vision XIV. Robotics XV. Learning and Inductive Inference XVI. Planning and Problem Solving 303 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix B AI Handbook Outline VOLUME I I, INTRODUCTION A. What is Artificial Intelligence? B. The AI Handbook C. Accessing the AI literature Il. SEARCH A. Overview B. Problem representation 1. State-space representation 2. Problem-reduction representation 3. Game trees C. Search methods 1. Blind state-space search 2. Blind AND/OR graph search 3. Heuristic state-space search a. Basic concepts in heuristic search b. A*--Optimal search for an optimal solution c. Relaxing the optimality requirement d. Bidirectional search 4, Heuristic search of an AND/OR graph 5. Game tree search a. Minimax procedure b. Alpha-beta pruning c. Heuristics in game tree search Sample search programs 1. Logic Theorist 2. General Problem Solver 3. Gelernter's geometry theorem-proving machine 4. Symbolic integration programs 5. STRIPS 6. ABSTRIPS III. KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION A. Overview B. Survey of representation techniques C. Representation schemes Logic Procedural representations Semantic networks Production systems . Direct (analogical) representations Semantic primitives Frames and scripts NOOR WM PR E. A. Feigenbaum 304 AI Handbook Outline IV. VI. oO OnPwNnNrPAOnhwnre UNDERSTANDING NATURAL LANGUAGE A. Overview B. Machine translation C. Grammars 1. Review of formal grammars 2. Transformational grammars 3. Systemic grammar 4. Case grammars D. Parsing 1. Overview of parsing techniques 2. Augmented transition networks 3. The General Syntactic Processor E. Text generation F. Natural language processing systems Early natural language systems Wilks's machine translation system LUNAR SHRDLU . MARGIE SAM and PAM LIFER SOO & OD UNDERSTANDING SPOKEN LANGUAGE A. Overview B. Speech systems architecture C. The ARPA SUR projects 1. HEARSAY 2. HARPY 3. HWIM 4, The SRI/SDC speech systems VOLUME II PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES FOR AI RESEARCH A. Historical overview B. Features of AI programming languages Overview and comparison Data structures Control structures Pattern matching Programming environment . Truth maintenance ajor AI programming languages LISP PLANNER and CONNIVER . QLISP . SAIL POP-2 FUZZY 305 E. A. Appendix B Feigenbaum Appendix B VII. VIII. IX. APPLICATIONS-ORIENTED AI RESEARCH: SCIENCE A. Overview of applications-oriented AI research B. TEIRESIAS--Issues in designing expert systems C. Research on applications in chemistry 1. Applications in chemical analysis 2. The DENDRAL programs a. DENDRAL b. CONGEN and its extensions c. Meta-DENDRAL 3. CRYSALIS 4. Applications in organic synthesis D. Other scientific applications 1. MACSYMA 2. The SRI computer-based consultant 3. PROSPECTOR 4. AI in database management APPLICATIONS-ORIENTED AI RESEARCH: MEDICINE A. Overview B. Medical applications systems . MYCIN . CASNET INTERNIST Present Illness Program Digitalis Advisor IRIS EXPERT SO OF dt G Ph PR APPLICATIONS-ORIENTED AI RESEARCH: EDUCATION AI Handbook Outline Historical overview of AI applications in education A. B. Issues in the design of tutoring systems C. Computer-based tutoring systems 1. SCHOLAR 2. WHY 3. SOPHIE 4, WEST 5. WUMPUS 6. GUIDON 7. BUGGY 8. EXCHECK R AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING A. Overview--Methods of program specification Feigenbaum 306 esearch on nontutorial uses of AI in education AI Handbook Outline XI. XII. XIII. XIV. B. Basic approaches to automatic programming C. Automatic programming systems 1, PSI 2. SAFE 3. Programmer's Apprentice 4. PECOS 5. DAEDALUS 6. PROTOSYSTEM-1 7. NLPQ 8. LIBRA--Automatic program optimization VOLUME III (Tentative) MODELS OF COGNITION Overview General Problem Solver . Models of cognitive development EPAM Semantic-network models of memory 1. Quillian's semantic memory system 2. HAM 3. ACT 4. MEMOD F. Belief systems mMmOoonW > AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION . Overview Resolution-based theorem proving Nonresolution theorem proving Applications of theorem proving Nonmonotonic logic MUOnO DY VISION Overview Blocks-world understanding Processing of visual data Shape understanding TAMOOD YS Sample applications in vision research Robotics Overview Computation in a physical environment Engineering and kinematics Languages and simulation Planning and representation mr9O90O 0 > 307 Representation and control methods in vision E. A. Appendix B Feigenbaum Appendix B AI Handbook Outline XV. Learning and Inductive Inference A. Overview B. Rote learning C. Advice taking D. Learning from examples Overview Adaptive learning Learning single concepts Learning multiple concepts Learning by doing ON & Wh Ee XVI. Planning and Problem Solving A. Overview B. Linear planners C. Hierarchical planners 1. NOAH and extensions 2. MOLGEN D. Opportunistic planning E. A. Feigenbaum 308 AIM Management Committee Membership Appendix C Appendix C AIM Management Committee Membership The following are the membership lists of the various SUMEX-AIM management committees at the present time: AIM Executive Committee: LEDERBERG, Joshua, Ph.D.. (Chairman) President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 (212) 360-1234, 360-1235 AMAREL, Saul, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 (201) 932-3546 BAKER, William R., Jr., Ph.D. (Exec. Secretary) Biotechnology Resources Program National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room §B43 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-5411 FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. Principal Investigator - SUMEX Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 LINDBERG, Donald, M.D. (Adv Grp Member) 605 Lewis Hall University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65201 (314) 882-6966 MYERS, Jack D., M.D. School of Medicine Scaife Halt, 1291 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 309 £. A. Feigenbaum Appendix C AIM Management Committee Membership SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TC117 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 E. A. Feigenbaum 310 AIM Management Committee Membership AIM Advisory Group: Appendix C LINDBERG, Donald, M.D. (Chairman) 605 Lewis Hall University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65201 (314) 882-6966 AMAREL, Saul, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 (201) 932-3546 BAKER, William R., Jr., Ph.D. (Exec. Secretary) Biotechnology Resources Program National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 5B43 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-5411 FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. (Ex-officio) Principal Investigator - SUMEX Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 LEDERBERG, Joshua, Ph.D. President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 (212) 360-1234, 360-1235 MINSKY, Marvin, Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology 545 Technology Square Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (617) 253-5864 MOHLER, William C., M.D. Associate Director Division of Computer Research and Technology National Institutes of Health Building 12A, Room 3033 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-1168 311 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix C E. A. Feigenbaum AIM Management Committee Membership MYERS, Jack D., M.D. School of Medicine Scaife Hall, 1291 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 (412) 624-2649 PAUKER, Stephen G., M.D. Department of Medicine - Cardiology Tufts New England Medical Center Hospital 171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02111 (617) 956-5910 SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. (Ex-officio) Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TC117 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 SIMON, Herbert A., Ph.D. Department of Psychology Baker Hall, 339 Carnegie-Mellon University Schenley Park Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (412) 578-2787 or 578-2000 312 AIM Management Committee Membership Appendix C Stanford Community Advisory Committee: FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. (Chairman) Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TC117 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 DJERASSI, Carl, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, Stauffer I-106 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-2783 MAFFLY, Roy H. Maffly, M.D. Division of Nephrology Veterans Administration Hospital 3801 Miranda Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 (415) 858-3971 313 E. A. Feigenbaum References Feigenbaum, E.A., The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering, Proceedings of the 1978 National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, (1978). Nilsson, N.J., Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Tioga Publishing Company, Palo Alto, California (1980). Winston, P.H., Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., (1977). Nilsson, N.J., Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing 74, North-Holland Pub. Co. (1975). Barr A. and Feigenbaum, E.A. (Eds.), The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Volume I, William Kaufmann, Inc. Los Altos, Calif. (1981) Boden, M., Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man, Basic Books, New York, (1977). McCorduck, P., Machines Who Think, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco (1979). Coulter, C. L., Research Instrument Sharing, Science, Vol. 201, No. 4354, August 4, 1978. . Metcalfe, R.M. and Boggs, D.R., Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks, Comm. ACM, Vol. 19, No. 7 (July 1976). Shoch, J.F. and Hupp, J.A., Performance of an Ethernet Local Network -- A Preliminary Report, Proceedings of the Local Area Communications Network Symposium, Boston,May 1979. Taft, E.A., Implementation of PUP in TENEX, Internal XEROX PARC memorandum, June 1978, Feigenbaum 314 12. Boggs, D.R., Shoch, J.F., Taft, E.A., and Metcalfe, R.M., PUP: An Internetwork Architecture, XEROX PARC report CSL-79-10, July 1979. 13. Digital Equip. Corp., Intel Corp., and Xerox Corp., The Ethernet - Data Link and Physical Layer Specifications, Version 1.0, September 30, 1980. 315 E. A. Feigenbaum