April 25, 1952 Dear Dr. Boulgakov: Thank you very mich for the reprints which were received some time ago, an@ for the package of bacterial and bacteriophage cultures received just yesterday. I am writing simply to acknowledge that these have arrived in good condition. In preliminary tests, however, the phage samples marked " Sertic-Boulgakov 1936" did not behave as expected: this phage lysed both the 0-901 and OH-901 S. typhi (Felix), and gave strong lysis. The other samples, marked VIII-113 passage strain 372, appear to be specific for the OH-901, and presumably correspond to the published description of the faagellotropic phage. Would you suggest that this discrepancy is worth investi- gating?, or should we simply discard the "1936" sample? Dr. B. A. D. Stocker, who I understand has also written to you about flagellar phages, will be coming to this laboratory in a few weeks, and I expect we shall be working togéther on them. We shall communicate any interesting developments. May I express my sincere appreciation for your kindness in sending this gaterial. Yours truly, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics