Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin March 20, 1952 Dear Dr. Boulgakov: I have recently been given to understand that I could reach you at the Pasteur Institute, and hope this letter arrives in good form. I am writing to inquire about the flagellar phages that were described in 1836 by Sertic and yourself. We are condubéing some investigations on the genetics of the flagellar antigens in Salmonella for which such phages would be most useful. Unfortunately, I have not bean able to obtain any further information about them except for the article by Rakieten and Bornstein. I have con- sulted Dr. Rakieten in New York, and he regrets that kis cultures have been lost. Would you be kind enough to tell me about the current status of your phages? If your cultures are no longer viable, can you advise ma as to the best procedure for isolating this type of phage? If your 1936 preparations are still recoverable, would it be too much to ask to have them sent to us? We should be most appreciative of these favors, as well as of your reply to this letter, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics