THE BOTANICAL REVIEW ECONOMIC BOTANY Interpreting “Botanical “Progress Devoted to Plant Utilization Founded in 1935 Founded in 1947 - THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK 38, N. Y., U.S. A. March 6, 1950. Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Unive of Wisconsin Madison, Wisce Dear Dr. Lederberg: You undoubtedly are familiar with The Botanical Review and the position which it occupies in current botanical literature by providing critical reviews of recent contributions on particular topics. In continuing this service, we invite you to contribute a review upon the physiological genetics of lower plants. You are free to expand or restrict the subject and to formulate the presise title. On the basis of our experience in pub- lishizg reviews, we are enclosing a list of suggestions, sent to all prospective contributors, which we would urge you to observe as far as will be compatible with treatment of the assigned topic. in the event that it will not be possible for you to favor us in this respect, which we sincerely hope will not be the case, kindly give us the names and addresses of two or three persons who might be in & position to undertake preparation of the suggested article. Hoping to receive a favorable reply from you, we remain, Very truly yours, ehf.l. THE BOTANID AL REVIEY CoN-As Editor and Publisher.