PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROGRAM o1REcToR: E+ H. Shortliffe BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Give the following information for key professional personnel listed on page 2, beginning with the Principal Investigator/Program Director. Photocopy this page for each person. NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) Research Bruce G. Buchanan Professor of Computer Sciende/ 7-7-40 EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate or other initial prafessional education and include postdoctoral training) DEGREE (circte YEAR F Y INSTITUTION AND LOCATION highest degrees CONFERRED FIELD OF sTUD Ohio Wesleyan University B.A. 1961 Mathematics Michigan State University M.A. 1966 Philosopny Michigan State University Ph.D. 1966 Philosophy RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Conciuding with present posttion, list in chronological order previous employment, exoeri- ence, and honors. include present membersnip on any Federal Government Public Advisory Committee. List, in chronotogical order, the titles ana complete references to ail publications during the past three years and to representative eartier publications pertinent to this apptication. DO NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES. Teaching and Professional Appointments 1981-present Professor of Computer Science (Research) Stanford University Co-Principal Investigator (with E. Feigenbaum) of the Heuristic Programming Project since 1976. 1976-1981 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Dept., Stanford 1972-1976 Research Computer Scientist, Computer Science Department, Stanford University 1966-1971 Research Associate, Artificial Intelligence Project, Stanford University 1965-1966 Instructor, Department of Philosophy Michigan State University Professional Activities e Editorial Board, Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal. e Editorial Board, Journal of Automated Reasoning. e Editorial Board, MIT Press series on Artificial Intelligence. e Editorial Board, Addison-Wesley Press series on Expert Systems. e Advisory Board. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence e American Association for Artificial Intelligence -- Founding Committee. Program Committees, and Membership Chairman e National Research Council Panel on Basic and Applied Research in Computer Science (1982-83) Teknowledge Inc. -- Co-Founder, Past President. Consulting Senior Scientist. Technology Advisory Board Member ¢ Comtex Scientific Corp. -- Scientific Advisory Board Continued PHS 398 (Rev. 5/82) PAGE <6 E. H. Shortliff RECENT AND SELECTED PUBLICATIONS orreatre E.H. Shortliffe and B.C. Buchanan, "A Model of Inexact Reasoning in Medicine," Mathematical Biosciences, 23, 351, 1975. B.G. Buchanan and E.A. Feigenbaum, "“DENDRAL and Meta DENDRAL: Their Applications Dimension," Artificial Intelligence, 11 (1.2), 5, 1978. E.H. Shortliffe, B.G. Buchanan, and E.A. Feigenbaum, "Knowledge Engineering for Medical Decision Making: A Review of Computer-Based Clinical Decision Aids," Proceedings of the IEEE, 67, 1207-1224, 1979. R.K. Lindsay, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg, Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference: The DENDRAL Project, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980. B.G. Buchanan, “Research on Expert Systems," in J.E. Hayes, D. Michie, and Y.H. Pao (eds.), Machine Intelligence 10, New York: John Wiley, 1982. B.G. Buchanan, "Partial Bibliography of Work on Expert Systems," SIGART Newsletter No. 84, (Association for Computing Machinery), April, 1983 Thomas G. Dietterich and B.G. Buchanan, "The Role of Experimentation in Theory Formation," In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Machine Learning June 1983, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp. 147-153. B.G. Buchanan, "Introduction to the Memo Series of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory," AI MAGAZINE Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter 1983. B.G. Buchanan and E.H Shortliffe RULE-BASED EX -H. > - XPERT SYSTEMS: THE MYCIN EXPERIMENTS OF THE STANFORD HEURISTIC PROGRAMMING PROJECT. Addison-Wesley, 1984, New York: J.C. Kunz, E.H. Shortliffe, B.G. Buchanan, and E.A. Feigenbaum, "Computer- Assisted Decision Making in Medicine," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9:135-160, 1984. B.G. Buchanan, "Expert Systems," Journal of Automated Reasoning Vol. 1, No. l, Winter 1985. D.C. Wilkins, B.G. Buchanan, and W.J. Clancey, "Inferring an Expert's Reasoning by Watching." Proceedings of the 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machines, 1984. (Also HPP Report 84-29) B.G. Buchanan, "Expert Systems: Toward Machines that Think." 1985 Yearbook of Science and the Future. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1984. Li-min Fu and B.G. Buchanan, "Enhancing Performance of Expert Systems bv Automated Discovery of Meta-Rules,'' Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Applications of Expert Systems 1984. (Also HPP Report HPP 84-38) Li-Min Fu and B.G. Buchanan, "Learning Intermediate Knowledge in Constructing a Hierarchical Knowledge Base," to be presented at IJCAI-1985 and to appear in the conference proceedings. R.G. Smith, H.A. Winston, T.M. Mitchell, and 8.G. Buchanan, "Representation and Use of Explicit Justifications for Knowledge Base Refiniemenr," to be presented at IJCAI-85 and to appear in the conference proceedings, 27 C Jace PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Edward H. Shortliffe BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Give the following information for key professional personnel listed on page 2, beginning with the Principal Investigator/Program Director. Photocopy this page for each person. NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (lo., Day, Yr.) Lawrence M. Fagan Senior Research Associate 1/22/51 EDUCATION (Begin with bacca/aureate or other initial professional education and include postdoctoral training} DEGREE (circle YEAR e © sTUDY INSTITUTION AND LOCATION highest degree) CONFERRED IELD OF S Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.S. 1973 Interdisciplinary Sci Stanford University, Stanford, California Ph.D. 1980 Computer Science University of Miami, Miami, Florida M.D. 1983 Medicine RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Concluding with present position, list in chronalogical order previous employment, experi- ence, and honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government Public Advisory Committee. List, in chronological order, the titles anc compiete references to all publications during the past three years and to representative earlier publications pertinent to this application. OO NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES. Professional Experience 1972 ~ 1973 Research Assistant, Architecture Machine Group, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 1973 ~ 1975 Research Associate; Systems Analyst, Program Verification Project, University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, Calif. 1975 Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1975 - 1979 Research Assistant, Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, MYCIN Project: Diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases. PUFF/VM: Expert System for intensive care units. 1979-1980 Associate Scientist, The Institues of Medical Sciences, Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, Calif. (PUFF/VM Project) 1980 Research Associate, Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University: ONCOCIN Project. 1980 - 1981 Research Associate, Joint Appointment, Department of Medicine and Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. ONCOCIN Project. 1981 - 1983 On leave: Ph.D to M.D. Program, University of Miami, Miami, Florida. July 1983 Senior Research Associate in Medicine, Department of Medicine, Stanford University. Awards and Offices 1979 Paper of the Year - Medical Instrumentation 1980 Chairman, Program Demonstration Sessions, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, California 1980 — Member, Executive Committee, Heuristic Programming Project 1983 Co-director, Medical Information Sciences Program, Stanford University 1983 National Liaison - SUMEX-AIM Computer National Resource for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine hs ee Project Director: ONCOCIN, Cancer protocol management system. 1. Wraith, S.M., Aikins, J.S., Buchanan, B.G., Clancey, W.J., Davis, R., Fagan, al. Computerized consultation system for selection of antimicrobial therapy, Americal Journal Hospital Pharmacy 33:1304-1308, 1976. 2. Yu, V.L., Fagan, L.M., Wraith, S.M.,et al. Antimicrobial selection by a computer - 4 blinded evaluation by infectious disease experts. J. Amer. Med, Assoc, 242:1279-1282, 1979. 3. Osborn, J.J., Fagan, L.M., Fallat, R., Kunz, J.C., McClung, D., Mitchell, R. Managing the data from respiratory measurements. Med. Instrumentation, 13(6), November 1979, PHS 398 (Rev. 5/82) PAGE 22 Biographical sketch, Lawrence M. Fagan - continued 4. an . 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Fagan, L.M.: Representing time-dependent relations in 2 medical setting Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, i9£0. (Thesis advisor: Edward Feigenbaum). Fagan, L.M.: Measurement interpretation in the intensive care unit. Firith Illinois Conference on Medical Information Systems, Champaign, Illinois, May 1979, pp. 253-262, Fagan, L.M., Kunz, J.C., Feigenbaum, E.A. and Osborn, J.J.: A symbolic processing approach to measurement interpretation in the intensive care unit. Proc. Third Annual Symposium Computer Applications in Medical Care. Silver Spring, Maryland, October, 1979, pp. 30-33. Fagan, L.M., Kunz, J.C., Feigenbaum, E.A., Osborn, J.J.: Representation of dynamic clinical knowledge: Measurement interpretation in the intensive ca unit., 6th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intellizence, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979, pp. 260-262. Fagan, L.M., Shortliffe, E.H. and Buchanan, B.G.: Computer-based medical decision making: From MYCIN to VM. Automedica 3(2), 1980, pp. 97-106. Also appears in “Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence", (W. Clancey and E.H. Shortliffe, eds.) Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., 1984. Kunz, J.C., Fallat, R.J., McClung, D.H., Osborn, J.J., Votteri, B.A., Nii, H.P., Aikins, J.S., Fagan, L.M., Feigenbaum, E.A.: A physiological rule based system for interpreting pulmonary function test results. Proc. Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine, IEEE Press, 1979. Fagan, L.M. Understanding Spoken Language. In ''The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence" (A. Barr and E.A. Feigenbaum, eds.), Vol. 1, pp 323-362, Los Altos, California, 1981. Shortliffe, E.H. and Fagan, L.M. Expert systems research: modeling the medical decision making process. In "An Integrated Approach to Monitoring” (J.S. Gravenstein, R.S. Newbower, A.K. Ream, and N.T. Smith, eds.), pp. 185- 202, Woburn, MA. Butterworth's 1983. - Fagan, L.M., Kunz, J.C., Feigenbaum, E.A., Osborn, J.J. "Extensions to the Rule-~Based Formalism for a Monitoring Task". In "Rule-Based Expert Systems: the MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project" (B. Buchanan and E.H. Shortliffe, eds.) Addison-Wesley, 1984. Shortliffe, E.H. and Fagan, L.M. Artificial intelligence: the expert systems approach to medical consultation. Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Symposium on Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine, 4-7 June 1984, Heidelberg, Germany. Horvitz, E.,J., Heckerman, D.E., Nathwani, B.N., and Fagan, L.M. Diagnostic Strategies in the Hypothesis-Directed PATHFINDER System. HPP Memo 84-13. First Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Dec. 5-7, 1984, Denver, Colorado. t Blum, R.L., Walker, M.G., and Fagan, L.M. Minimycin: A Miniature Rule- Based System. To appear in M.D. Computing. Preston, K., Jr., Fagan, L.M., Huang, H.K., and Pryor, T.A. Computing in Medicine. To appear in "Computer", 1984. (Centennial Issue). Invited Talks National Computer Conference, Los Angeles, CA 1978 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Workshop, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1984 IEEE Chapter Biomedical Engineering, San Francisco, CA, 1980 Computers in Medicine Conference, Stanford, CA, 1984 Physicians and Computers Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada 1984 Stanford University Obstetrics-Gynecology Grand Rounds, 1984 29 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROGRAM oinecTorR: E. H. Shortliffe BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Give the following information for key professional personnel listed on page 2, beginning with the Principal Investigator/Program Director. Photocopy this page for each person. NAME Barbara Haves-Roth TITLE Sr. Research Associate BIRTHDATE (fo., Day, Yr.) 1/14/49 EDUCATION (Begin with bacca/aureate or other initial professional education and include postdoctoral training) DEGREE (circle YEAR INSTITUTION AND LOCATION highest degree) CONFERRED FIELD OF STUDY Boston University A.B. 1971 Psychology University of Michigan M.S. 1973 Psychology University of Michigan Ph.D. 1974 Psychology RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Concluding with present position, list in chronological order previous employment, exper ence, and honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government Public Advisory Committee. List, in chronological order, the titles an complete references to ail publications during the past three years and to representative earlier publications pertinent to this application. DO NO EXCEED TWO PAGES. Employment History: 1982-Present Senior Research Associate, Computer Science Department 1976-1982 1974-1976 1972-1974 1971 1969-1971 Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. Senior Psychologist/Computer Scientist, Information Sciences Department, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, Ca. Member of Technical Staff, Instructional Research Department Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J. Teaching Fellow, Department of Psychology The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mi. System Analyst, Deapartment of Marketing Research The Gillette Company, Boston, Ma. Consultant and Programming Instructor Cambridge Computer Associates, Cambridge, Ma. Consulting History: 1984-Present AI Research Center 1985 1984-1985 1982-1985 1979-1983 1979-1980 1978 1977-1979 EMC Corporation, Santa Clara, Ca. AI Research Group Martin-Marietta, Denver, Co. Knowledge Systems Division Perceptronics, Menlo Park, Ca. Cognitive Interface Department Hewlitt-Packard, Palo Alto, Ca. Cognitive Processes Panel National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Consulting Associate Professor Psychology and Computer Science Departments, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. Summer Study Group on Educational Testing, Falmouth, Ma. National Institute of Education, Washington, D.C. Adjunct Assistant Professor University of California, Los Angeles PHS 398 (Rev. 5/82) PAGE _30__ E. H. Shortliffe Teaching Experience: 1979-1982 Cognitive Processes in Planning, Stanford University 1977 Thinking, University of California, Los Angeles 1972-1974 Artificial Intelligence, Learning and Memory, Psychology as a a Natural Science, Psychology Teaching Practicum, Psychology Research Practicum 1969-1971 Computer Programming, Cambridge Computer Associates Fellowships, Honors and Professional Memberships: Phi Beta Kappa, 1971 ; ; . _ National Institutes of Health Trainee, The University of Michigan, 1971-1972 National Science Foundation Fellow, The University of Michigan, 1972-1974 Nominated as Fellow to the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 1980 Member, American Association for Artifical Intelligence Member, Cognitive Science Society Publications and Technical Reports: Hayes-Roth, B. A blackboard architecture for control, Artificial Intelligence Journal, 1985, in press. Hayes-Roth, B., and Hewett, M. Learning control heuristics in BBl. Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. Report HPP-85-2. Hayes-Roth, B. BB1: An environment for building blackboard systems that control, explain, and learn about their own problem-solving behavior. Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. Report HPP-84-16. Hayes-Roth, B. A blackboard model of control. Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca., Report HPP-83-38, August, 1983 Hayes-Roth, B. An Overview of the Blackboard Architecture. Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca., Report HPP-83-30, February, 1983 Thorndyke, P.W., and Hayes-Roth, B. Differences in spatial knowledge acquired from maps and navigation. Cognitive Psychology, 1982, 14, 560-589. Hayes-Roth, B. A cognitive science approach to improving planning. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, Berkeley, 1981. Hayes-Roth, B. Opportunism in consumer behavior. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research, October, 1981. Kanouse, D., and Hayes~Roth, B. Cognitive considerations in the design of product warnings. In Barofsky, I., Mazis, M., and Morris, L.A. (Eds.), Banbury Reports: Product Labeling and Health Risks, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1980. Hayes-Roth,B., and Hayes-Roth, F. A cognitive model of planning. Cognitive Science, 1979, 3, 275-310. 31 r . PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROGRAM piRECTOR: _-: H- Shortliffe BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Give the following information for key professional personnal listed an page 2, beginning with the Principal Investigator/Program Director. Photocopy this page for each person. NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) Harold Brown Sr. Research Associate EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education and include postdoctoral training) DEGREE feircle YEAR F STUDY INSTITUTION AND LOCATION highest degree) CONFERRED FIELD OF S University of Notre Dame M.S. 1963 Mathematics Ohio State University Ph.D. 1966 Mathematics RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Conciuding with present position, list in chronoiagical order previous employment, exper ence, and honors. Include present membership on any Federal Gavernment Public Advisory Committee. List, in chronological order, the titles an complete references to ail publications during the past three years and to representative earlier publications pertinent to this application. DO NO EXCEED TWO PAGES. Experience: 1979 - Senior Research Associate, Member Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1977 ~ 1979 Senior Project Scientist, NASA-Ames Research Center Institute for Advanced Computation, Sunnyvale, CA 1974 - 1977 Research Associate, Member Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1977 Lecturer, Information Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 1971 - 1972 Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, 1973 - 1974 Stanford University 1963 - 1975 Instructor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Chairman, Associate Professor, Professor, Mathematics Department, Ohio State University Winter 1971, Visiting Professor, Mathematics, Rhine. Westf. Tech. 1973, 1964 1967 1960 1975 Hoch., Aachen - 1970 Director, Associate Director, NSE - SSTP - 1968 Visiting Member, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University - 1963 Assistant to the Chairman, Mathematics Department, University of Notre Dame Professional Memberships: American Association for Artificial Intelligence Association for Computing Machinery Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers PHS 398 (Rev. 5/82) PaGe 32 E. H. Shortliffe Representative Publications: Brown, H.D. and Stefik, M. The partitioning of concerns in digital system design. Proceedings of the MIT Conference on Advanced Research in ULSI, 1981. Brown, H.D., Tong, C., and Foyster, G. Environment for circuit design. Computer, vol. 16, no. 12, December 1983. Brown, H.D., Yan, J. and Foyster, G. An expert system for assigning mask levels. HPP Report 83-39, October 1983. 33 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROGRAM oiREcToR: ©: H- Shortliffe BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Give the following information for key professional personnel listed on page 2, beginning with the Principal Investigator/Program Director. Photocopy this page for each person. NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) Hisako Penny Nii Research Associate EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education and inciude postdoctoral training) OEGREE feircle YEAR Ff F STUDY INSTITUTION AND LOCATION highest degree) CONFERRED IELD O Stanford University M.S. 1973 Computer Science Tufts University B.S. 1962 Mathematics RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Concluding with present position, list in chronological order previous employment, expe: ence, and honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government Public Advisory Committee. List, in chronological order, the tities ar complete references to all publications during the past three years and to representative eariier publications pertinent to this application. DO NO EXCEED TWO PAGES. Experience: 1976 1973 1967 1962 1965 1965 1963 1962 present Research Associate, Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. 1975 Associate Investigator for Computer Science, HASP Project Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, California. 1968 Systems Engineering Advisor, International Business Machines, World Trade Asia Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. 1967 Research Staff Programmer, International Business Machines Corporation, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, New York 1967 Project Leader, Electronic Coding Pad (ECP) System, Designed and developed a multi-language, conversational programming and debugging system using display terminals on satellite computers. . 1966 Assistant Manager, Man-Computer Interaction Group. Designed and implemented an interactive System/360 Assembly Language interpreter. Supervised projects in computer-aided project management, interactive PL/1, and graphic modeling. 1964 Programmer. World's Fair Lexical Processing System, translation from Russian to English using special-purpose computer. 1963 Programmer, miscellaneous applications ranging from text processing to linear programming problems. PHS 398 (Rev. 5/82) PAGE _34 - Recent Publications Nii, H. Penny. "Research on Blackboard Architectures at the Heuristic Programming Porject", Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-85-24, May 1985. Also to appear in: "The Proceedings of the Workshop on AI and Distributed Problem Solving", 1985. Feignebaum, E., H. Brown, B. Delagi, R. Gabriel, P. Nii, and T. Rindfleisch. “Advanced Architectures Project: Scope and Approach," Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-84-40, October, 1984. Nii, H. Penny. "Signal-to-Symbol Transformation: Reasoning in the HASP/SIAP Program", Proc. of ICASSP'84. Nii, H. Penny. "Signal-to-Symbol Transformation: A Summary of HASP/SIAP Case Study," Intellectual Leverage for the Information Society, Digest of Papers, Spring Compcon83, IEEE Catalog No. 83CH1856-4, pp. 120 - 125. Nii, H. P., E. A. Feigenbaum, J. J. Anton, and A. J. Rockmore. "Signal-to-Symbol Transformation: HASP/SIAP Case Study", The Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Vol 3, No. 1, 1982. Nii, H. P. An Introduction to Knowledge Engineering, Blackboard Model, and AGE, Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-80-29, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1980. Manuals Aiello, N., H.P. Nii, and W.C. White. The Joy of AGE-ing: An Introduction of AGE-1 System, Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-81-23, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, October 1981. Aiello, N., H.P. Nii, and W.C. White. AGE System Reference Manual, Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-81-24, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, October 1981. Aiello, N. and Nii, H. P. BOWL: A Beginner's Program Using AGE, AGE Example Series: No. 1, Heuristic Programming Project Memo-81-26, 1980. Aiello, N. and H.P. Nii. AGEPUFE: A Simple Event-Driven Program, AGE Example Series No. 2, Heuristic Programming Project Memo-81-25, 1981. 35 Biographical Sketches 1.5. Current and Pending Support The following lists the sources of current and pending support for key personnel in our proposal: EDWARD H. SHORTLIFFE CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RRO0785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: RR-01631 Project Title: Studies of the Dissemination of Consultation Systems Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $624,455 Period Covered: 7/1/83-6/30/86 Current Award: (7/1/84-6/30/85) $222,511 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 30% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: LM-04136 Project Title: Therapy-Planning Strategies for Consultation by Computer Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $211,851 Period Covered: 8/1/83- 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84-7/31/85) $69,875 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% (No salary) Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: IST 83-12148 Project Title: Information Structure and Use in Knowledge-Based Expert Systems Principal Investigators: Bruce G. Buchanan & Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $330,138 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/1/84-2/28/87 Current Award: (3/1/85-2/28/86) $101,308 (Total Costs) Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1 T32 LM07033 Project Title: Postdoctoral Training in Medical Information Science Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $903,718 Period Covered: 7/1/84-6/30/89 Current Award: (7/1/84-6/30/85) $79,059 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 15% (No salary) E. H. Shortliffe 36 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support Agency: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation ID Number: None Project Title: Henry J. Kaiser Facuity Scholar in General Internal Medicine Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $150,000 Period Covered: 7/1/83-6/30/86 (renewable until June 1988) Current Award: (7/1/84-6/30/85) $50,000 Percent Effort Committed To Project: Supports time on other projects: provides 40% of salary plus unrestricted research funds PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1 RO] LM04420-01 Project Title: Knowledge Management for Clinical Trial Advice Systems Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Requested: $314,707 Period Covered: 7/1/85-6/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: National Center for Health Services Research / National Institutes of Health ID Number: NCI/HS-05414 Project Title: Computer support for clinical research in the community Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Requested: $1,578,840 Period Covered: 10/1/85-9/30/89 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE Privileged Communication 37 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support EDWARD A. FEIGENBAUM CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RROO785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 6% Agency: Boeing Computing Services Company ID Number: None Project Title: Research on Blackboard Problem-Solving Systems Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $225,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 2/1/85 - 1/31/86 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: N0Q0039-83-C-0136 Project Title: Heuristic Programming Project Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $3,354,493 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: MDA903-83-C-0188 Project Title: Research Computing Equipment Modernization Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $2,565,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 6/1/83 - 5/31/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 0% salary Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: F30602-85-C-0012 Project Title: Expert Systems on Multiprocessor Architecture Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $4,454,444 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/14/85 - 3/13/89 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 19% Agency: NASA-AMES Research Center ID Number: NCC 2-220, S1 Project Title: Research on Advanced Knowledge-Based System Architectures Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $265,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 11/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 2% E. H. Shortliffe 38 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support Agency: IBM; IBM/Stanford Joint Study ID Number: None Project Title: The Use of Design Models in the Diagnosis of Computer Hardware Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $846,824 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 6/1/80 - 5/31/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 2% Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: MCS-8310236 Project Title: Applications of AI to Molecular Biology Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $270,836 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 11/1/83 - 10 /31/85 Current Award: (11/1/84 - 10/31/85) $131,621 (Total Costs) Percent Effort Committed To Project: 4% (no current salary support) Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: MCS-8303142 Project Title: The Mechanization of Formal Reasoning (Computer Research) Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $183,921 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 7/15/83 - 6/30/85 Current Award: (7/1/84 - 6/30/85) $98,657 (Total Costs) Percent Effort Committed To Project: 2% (no current salary support) PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 15% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE Privileged Communication 39 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support BRUCE G. BUCHANAN CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: § P41 RR00785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: NASA-Ames Research Center ID Number: NCC02-274 Project Title: Research On Knowledge Representation Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $850,000 (Proposed Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/83 - 9/30/88 (support level pending for future years) Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: N0Q0039-83-C-0136 Project Title: Heuristic Programming Project Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $3,354,493 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 40% Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: IST-83-12148 Project Title: Information Structure-Use Knowledge-Based Expert Systems Principal Investigators: Bruce Buchanan & Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $330,138 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/15/84 - 2/28/87 (support level pending for future years) Current Award: (3/1/85 - 2/28/86) $101,308 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: PCM-84-02348 Project Title: Interpretation of NMR Data for Proteins Using AI Methods Principal Investigators: Bruce Buchanan & Oleg Jardetzky Amount Awarded: $100,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 11/1/84 - 10/31/86 Current Award: (11/1/84 - 10/31/85) $50,000 (Total Costs) Percent Effort Committed To Project: 0% (No salaries included in grant.) Agency: NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center ID Number: NAG-5-261 Project Title: Planning in Uncertain and Unforgiving Situations, and Planning Physical Actions Principal Investigators: Bruce G. Buchanan & Thomas O. Binford Amount Awarded: $127,837 (Total Costs) (level pending for future years) Period Covered: 9/1/83 - 8/31/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 12% E. H. Shortliffe 40 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support Agency: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation ID Number: None Project Title: A Family of Intelligent Tutoring Programs for Medical Diagnosis Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $503,415 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/1/85 - 2/29/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: International Business Machines ID Number: None Project Title: Attempts to Determine the User's Conceptualization System Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $165,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 5/11/84 - 5/10/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: Boeing Computing Services Company ID Number: None Project Title: Research on Blackboard Problem-Solving Systems Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $225,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 2/1/85 - 1/31/86 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: Lawrence Livermore ID Number: None Project Title: Research on Intelligent Budget Planning and Resource Management Systems Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $49,964 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 12/14/84 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 3% PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: None Project Title: Understanding and Critiquing Clinical Trials Literature Principal Investigators: Bruce G. Buchanan & B.W. Brown Amount Requested: $340,316 Period Covered: 7/1/85 - 6/30/88 First Year: 7/1/85 - 6/30/86 $107,505 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: Office of Naval Research ID Number: None Project Title: Computer-Based Tutors for Explaining and Managing the Process of Diagnostic Reasoning Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $510,622 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/15/85 - 3/14/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Privileged Communication 41 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support Agency: Office of Naval Research ID Number: None Project Title: Expert Control of Problem-Solving Search Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $725,899 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 8/1/85 - 7/31/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 35% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE E. H. Shortliffe 42 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support LAWRENCE M. FAGAN CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RR00785-12 Project Title; SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: RR 01613 Project Title: Studies in the Dissemination of Consultation Systems Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $624,455 Period Covered: 7/1/83 - 6/30/86 Current Award: (7/1/84 - 6/30/85) $222,511 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 16% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: LM-04136 Project Title: Therapy-Planning Strategies for Consultation by Computer Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Amount Awarded: $211,851 Period Covered: 8/1/83-7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84-7/31/85) $69,875 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 29% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1 R23 LM04316 Project Title: Explanation of Computer-Assisted Therapy Plans Principal Investigator: Lawrence M. Fagan Amount Awarded: $107,441 Period Covered: 2/1/85-1/31/88 Current Award: (2/1/85-1/31/86) $37,500 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 50% PENDING SUPPORT: NONE APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE Privileged Communication 43 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support THOMAS C. RINDFLEISCH CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RROO785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 100% PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed to Project: 20% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE E. H. Shortliffe 44 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support WILLIAM J. YEAGER CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RRO0O0785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 100% PENDING SUPPORT: NONE APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE Privileged Communication 45 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support HAROLD BROWN CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: N0Q0039-83-C-0136 Project Title: Heuristic Programming Project Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $3,354,493 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 100% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: F30602-85-C-0012 Project Title: Expert Systems on Multiprocessor Architecture Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $4,454,444 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/14/85 - 3/13/89 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 50%, beginning 10/85 PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RR00785-13 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Pending Award: (8/1/85 - 7/31/86) $1,281,295 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce ’G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE E. H. Shortliffe 46 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support HISAKO PENNY NII CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RROO785-12 Project Title: SU Medical Experiment Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $1,108,929 Percent Effort Committed to Project: 40% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: N00039-83-C-0136 Project Title: Heuristic Programming Project Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $3,354,493 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 40% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: F30602-85-C-0012 Project Title: Expert Systems on Multiprocessor Architecture Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $4,454,444 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/14/85 - 3/13/89 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 50%, beginning 8/85 Agency: NASA-AMES Research Center ID Number: NCC 2-220, S1 Project Title: Research on Advanced Knowledge-Based System Architectures Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $265,000 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 11/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 20% PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & B.G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed to Project: 5% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE Privileged Communication 47 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support BARBARA HAYES-ROTH CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: N00039-83-C-0136 Project Title: Heuristic Programming Project Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Awarded: $3,354,493 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/82 - 9/30/85 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 75% PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 5 P41 RR00785-13 Project Title: SU Medical Experimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Principal Investigators: Edward H. Shortliffe & Edward A. Feigenbaum Amount Awarded: $6,400,287 Period Covered: 8/1/81 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/85 - 7/31/86) $1,281,295 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 15% Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ID Number: None Project Title: Knowledge-Based Systems Research Principal Investigators: Edward A. Feigenbaum & Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $4,464,793 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 10/1/85 - 9/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 50% Agency: Office of Naval Research ID Number: None Project Title: Computer-Based Tutors for Explaining and’ Managing The Process of Diagnostic Reasoning Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Amount Requested: $510,311 (Total Costs) Period Covered: 3/15/85 - 3/14/88 Percent Effort Committed to Project: 25% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE E. H. Shortliffe 48 Privileged Communication Current and Pending Support CHARLOTTE JACOBS CURRENT SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: PO] CA34233-02 Project Title: Clinical and Laboratory Studies of the Malignant Lymphomas Principal Investigator: Saul A. Rosenberg Period Covered: 4/1/83 - 3/31/86 Current Award: (4/1/85 - 3/31/86) $1,314,907 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: CA09287-07 Project Title: Investigative Oncology Principal Investigator: Saul A. Rosenberg Period Covered: 9/1/78 - 8/31/88 Current Award: (9/1/84 - 8/31/85) $92,580 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 3% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1 R24-RRO1631 Project Title: Studies in the Dissemination of Consultation Systems Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Period Covered: 7/1/83 - 6/30/86 Current Award: (7/1/84 - 6/30/85) $222,511 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 5% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: CA25862-04 Project Title: Northern California Oncology Group Principal Investigator: C. Norman Coleman Period Covered: 8/1/83 - 7/31/86 Current Award: (8/1/84 - 7/31/85) $104,483 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 3% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1R01A2 CA33849 Project Title: Chemical Modifiers of Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy Principal Investigator: C. Norman Coleman Period Covered: 5/1/84 - 4/30/87 Current Award: (5/1/85 - 4/30/86) $184,256 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 10% PENDING SUPPORT: Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 1R01CA3771-01 Project Title: Modifiers of Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity Principal Investigator: Charlotte Jacobs Amount Requested: $361,503 Period Covered: 7/1/85 - 6/30/88 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 30% Privileged Communication 49 E. H. Shortliffe Current and Pending Support Agency: Bristol Myers ID Number: None Project Title: Improvements in the Efficacy of Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity Principal Investigator: Charlotte Jacobs Amount Requested: $347,658 Period Covered: 7/1/85 - 6/30/86 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 30% Agency: National Institutes of Health ID Number: 2 R25 CA21555-07A1 Project Title: Cancer Education Program Principal Investigator: Charlotte Jacobs Amount Requested: $293,182 Period Covered: 7/1/85 - 6/30/90 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 25% Agency: Bristol Myers ID Number: None Project Title: A Phase III Randomized Study Comparing High Dose Bolus Platinol (DDP) and 96-Hour Continuous Infusion Fluorouracil (5-FU) in Combination and as Single Agents in Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Principal Investigator: Charlotte Jacobs Amount Requested: $21,600 Period Covered: 7/1/85 - 6/30/86 Percent Effort Committed To Project: 26% APPLICATIONS IN PREPARATION: NONE E. H. Shortliffe 50 Privileged Communication