SUMEX STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL EXPERIMENTAL COMPUTER RESOURCE RR - 00785 COMPETING RENEWAL APPLICATION Submitted to BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES PROGRAM NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH arith Ban, Ruan O47. u June 1, 1980 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Edward A. Feigenbaum, Principal Investigator Prelude: An Overview and Personal Statement by Edward A. Feigenbaum, Principal Investigator This prelude is unabashedly a statement of advocacy. AS we prepare this proposal, gathering up the threads of our past achievement and weaving them into a coherent picture of our future, there is in the SUMEX Project a sense of pride and accomplishment, and a feeling of exhilaration and momentum regarding the future. SUMEX was established with three main goals: 1. to provide computing resources and human assistance to those scientists working on applications of artificial intelligence research in medicine and biology; 2. to test the idea that it was feasible to provide resources and assistance to the nation from a single site, with time-shared operating systems, national computer communication networks, and a staff oriented toward the special problems of remote users; 3. to grow, from seed to plant, the community of scientists interested in working on applications of AI to the biomedical sciences; facilitating the growth, health, and vigor of-the community by the use of electronic communications linking its members. One question we were asking was, "Is there a new style of science that will emerge in a communications-enhanced setting of national, rather than institutional, scope?” These goats were and are unique to SUMEX, and their pursuit has given rise to a "spirit of SUMEX"--a spirit that unfortunately does not come across well in the dry recitations of a proposal document; hence, this personal prelude. SUMEX's success as a national research resource The SUMEX Project has demonstrated that it is possible to operate a computing research resource with a national charter--that the services providable over networks were those that were facilitative of the growth of Al-in-Medicine. Previous NIH computer RR's were mostly institutional in scope, occasionally regional (like the UCLA resource). Some of the most notable projects in the history of Artificial Intelligence were done with terminal-and-network, without a computer on site. In human terms, this means,of course, without the headaches and energy drains of proposing a machine, installing it, maintaining it and its software, hiring its system programmers and operators, dealing with communication vendors, etc. The famous INTERNIST program was developed from Pittsburgh in this way. And the ACT computer model was begun at Privileged Communication i £. A. Feigenbaum Michigan, continued at Yale, and later at Carnegqie-Mellon, all without moving the program or losing a day's work because of machine transition problems. The projects SUMEX supports have generally required substantial computing resources with excellent interaction. This is hard to obtain in all but a few universities. SUMEX is, in a sense, a “great equalizer". A scientist gains access by virtue of the quality of his/her research ideas, not by the accident of where s/he happens to be situated--in other words, the ethic of the scientific journal. SUMEX has demonstrated that a computer resource is a useful "Vinking mechanism" for bringing together and holding together teams of experts from different disciplines who share a common problem focus. For example, computer scientists have been collaborating fruitfully with physical chemists, molecular biochemists, geneticists, crystallographers, internists, ophthalmologists, infectious disease specialists, intensive care specialists, oncologists, psychologists, biomedical engineers, and other expert practitioners. And in some of these cases, the interdisciplinary collaboration, usually so difficult to achieve in the best of circumstances, was achieved in spite of geographical distance between the participants, using the computer networks. SUMEX has achieved successes as a community builder. AI concepts and software are among the most complex products of computer science. Historically it has not been easy for scientists in other fields to gain access to and mastery of them. Yet the collaborative outreach of SUMEX has been able to bridge the gap in a number of cases. For example, Dr John Osborn (Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco) and I found common scientific interests in the application of AI to intensive care, and initiated a SUMEX-based collaboration. That project resulted in a system of potential significance to intensive care medicine; in two Stanford computer science Ph.D. dissertations, hence two new doctoral-level recruits to the ranks of computers-in-medicine specialists; in one computer science/physiology Special Ph.D. Program for one of Dr. Osborn's biomedical engineers; and an award to Dr. Osborn's team in 1979 from the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. I wish to contrast this success story with the traditional difficulties I have encountered outside the health research field in trying to bridge the gap to engineering-oriented industrial firms. The human resource and motivation was present. The SUMEX base of easily available shared software technology was not. The resulting problems have generally raised too high a threshold to overcome. The SUMEX mission has been able to capture the contributions of some of the finest computers-in-medicine specialists and computer scientists in the country. For example, Professor Joshua Lederberg (SUMEX's first PI, now President of The Rockefeller University) is Chairman of SUMEX's Executive Committee: and Professor Donald Lindberg, M.D., Director of the University of Missouri's Health Care Technology Center, is Chairman of the AIM Advisory Group. Professor Herbert Simon of Carnegie-Mellon University, Professor Marvin Minsky of MIT, and many other distinguished scientists E. A. Feigenbaum WW Privileged Communication serve on that peer review committee. These people are active participants in SUMEX. Lederberg and Lindberg are continuing collaborators in the research itself. And Simon, for exampte, was the person who prompted our collaboration with psychologists at the University of Colorado. SUMEX now has the reputation of a model national resource, pulling together the best available interactive computing technology, software, and computer communications in the service of a national scientific community. Planning groups for national facilities in cognitive science, computer science, and biomathematical modeling have discussed and studied the SUMEX model. SUMEX and Artificial Intelligence Research The SUMEX Project is a relative latecomer to AI research. Yet its scope has given strong impetus to this historic development in computer application. AI research is that part of computer science that investigates symbolic reasoning processes, and the representation of symbolic knowledge for use in inference. It views heuristic knowledge to be of equal importance with "factual" knowledge, indeed to be the essence of what we call "expertise". In its "Expert Systems" work, it seeks to Capture the expertise of a field, and translate it into programs that will offer intelligent assistance to a practitioner in that field. For computer applications in medicine and biology, this research patn is crucial, indeed ineluctable. Medicine and biology are not presently mathematically-based sciences; not like physics and engineering capable of exploiting the mathematical characteristics of computation. They are essentially inferential, not calculational, sciences. If the computer revolution is to affect biomedical scientists, computers will be used as inferential aids. Perhaps the larger impact on medicine and biology will be the exposure and refinement of the hitherto largely private heuristic knowledge of the experts of the various fields studied. The ethic of science that calls for the public exposure and criticism of knowledge has traditionally been flawed for want of a methodology to evoke and give form to the heuristic knowledge of scientists. The AI methodology is beginning to fill that need. Heuristic knowledge can be elicited, studied, critiqued by peers, and taught to students. The tide of AI research and application is rising. AI is one of the fronts along which university computer science groups are expanding. The NSF's program in Intelligent Systems is vigorous and growing. The pressure from student career-line choices is great: to cite an admittedly special case, approximately one-third of the students applying to Stanford's computer science Ph.D. program cite AI as a possible field of specialization. In industry, new groups have been forming regularly: Texas Instruments two years ago formed a substantial AI group: so did the oi1- industry-service firm, Schlumberger, Inc.; IBM has reinitiated its AI work: and the new genetic engineering firms are becoming interested. Privileged Communication Vii E. A. Feigenbaum The tide is rising largely because of the development in the 1970's of methods and tools for the application of AI concepts to difficult professional-level problem solving; and the demonstration in various areas of medicine and other life sciences that these methods and tools really work. Here SUMEX has played a key role, so much so that it is regarded as "the home of applied AI." SUMEX has been the nursery, as well as the home, of such well-known AI systems as DENDRAL (chemical structure elucidation), MYCIN (infectious disease diagnosis and therapy), INTERNIST (differential diagnosis), and ACT (human memory organization). These, and other programs developed at SUMEX, have played a seminal role in structuring modern AL paradigms and methodology. First among these has been a shift of AI's focus from inference procedures to knowledge representation and use. There is now a recognition that the power of problem solvers derives primarily from the knowledge that they contain--of the elements of the problem domain, of the strategies for solving problems in that domain, and of the forms in which the knowledge is to be acquired. In 1977, Goldstein and Papert of MIT, writing in the journal Cognitive Science, described the change of focus as a "paradigm shift” in AI. This shift was induced largely (though of course not exclusively) by the work at SUMEX, beginning with the DENDRAL development in 1965. , Toward the mid-'80s: the Future of SUMEX Success breeds its problems. The revolution in computer technology and costs adds complexity to their solution. At the beginning, the SUMEX community was small, and idea-limited. The SUMEX computer facility was an ideal vehicle for the research. Now the community is large, and the momentum of the science is such that its progress is now limited by computing power. The size and scientific maturity of the SUMEX community has fully consumed the resource in every critical dimension: CPU power, main memory size, and file space. The limitation that AI researchers agree most critically limits their scientific imagination, and adds inordinately to program development time, is the 256K word main memory space, brought about by the 18 bit address of the PDP-10's and 20's. Economically, main memory size need not be much of a limitation any more, but it is essential to move to a machine with more addressing bits. But which machine? In the turmoil of the computer developments of today, this is not easy to answer, Computers will come in many different sizes and prices and each will fit a particular class of needs. Our planning axiom for the period 1981-86 has been: the need to accommodate a HETEROGENELTY of computers and peripheral devices. We must maintain a flexible posture with respect to the introduction of new capabilities and changing costs during this continuing revolution. Yet we must choose. Our plan, sketched below, is conservative in maintaining and extending SUMEX's current service level; yet is forward-looking enough to E. A. Feigenbaum iv Privileged Communication position SUMEX properly for mid-course corrections and for the computing world of the late 1980's. Here it is, briefly sketched. The existing DEC KI-10 duplex, with its superb software, will be "fiiied out"--stretched to the point of diminishing returns from hardware addition; then frozen. It is an amiable workhorse. We can not (indeed dare not) do without it during this period of turbulence. But it has seen better days, and will be ineffective by the end of the grant period. A DEC VAX 11/780 will be acquired in the first year. Based on more modern technology and a more competitive price, it has the extra address bits that are required. On VAX we get the same kind of low-cost ride on the software work of others that we got when we adopted TENEX and INTERLISP for the KI-10's, The UNIX operating system is available, and is being further developed under ARPA support. ARPA is also supporting the reprogramming of INTERLISP for VAX. For integrated circuit design research, ARPA has already placed two VAX computers at our Computer Science Department, so we are building experience rapidly in VAX use. And, de Facto, the VAX has become the “computer science machine” of the early ‘80s, so that nationally its software development is moving rapidly. A family of VAX's, both more and less powerful, at (hopefully) appropriate prices, is in the wings. The "technology transfer" machine to which we will move the heavy national use of SUMEX's mature AI applications (such as DENDRAL, SECS, MOLGEN, VM) will be another DEC VAX, acquired in the middle of the period. This machine's role is intended to be entirely analogous to the role currently played by the DEC 2020 at SUMEX vis a vis the KI-10 duplex. It will be the VAX-era prototype of the "spinoff" machine, loosely tethered to SUMEX by networks. In the last DENDRAL Project renewal, the NIH Study Section denied such a machine to DENDRAL, suggesting that the required resource would better be provided by SUMEX. We seek, and plan, to assume this obligation. And what about the single-user professional scientific workstation-- the powerful, small, cheap officemate that will serve most of the researcher’s computing needs? Much of the present turbulence in the computing world swirls around this question. Yes, we believe it is coming, and will probably be an economically viable concept in the late '80s. No, we do not believe it will be powerful enough or cheap enough for most routine research needs in the planning period. Yet we must begin to explore the space of possibilities opened up by these machines, eschewing articles of faith for real experience. We must learn to build systems of these machines and to build and manage graceful software for these systems. If decentralization is in our future, we must learn its technical characteristics. Consequently, we have planned the acquisition of a number of such single-user workstations over the course of the coming period, some to be placed at Stanford, some in the national community, at the decision of the Executive Committee. These machines will be tethered to the SUMEX central facility and staff by local digital network at Stanford and by national network to the non-Stanford community. With DEC 10's, 20, VAX's, and workstations Privileged Communication Vv E. A. Feigenbaum coexisting to serve community needs, it is economical and convenient to continue the centralization of file storage, and the networks make it possible for most applications at Stanford and many applications nationally. Computer scientists are in general agreement that economies of scale will continue to dominate in secondary storage for some time. We have planned, therefore, to alleviate the present file space shortage not by adding discs to machines in an ad hoc fashion but by adding a common file server to the resource. To facilitate the transfer of software and access to valuahle common facilities, the SUMEX complement of equipment will be linked by focal digital networks to other major centers of computing at Stanford, most important of which is the Computer Science Department. The success of SUMEX is the success of its dedicated and extraordinarily competent staff, headed by Tom Rindfleisch. This human resource of SUMEX should not, and will not, be decentralized. In the world of computer systems talent and user-assistance expertise, there are indeed continuing large “economies of scale". The smoothly operating management structure of SUMEX is one of its joys and victories. We do not plan to fix something that is not broken. We plan that the Executive Committee and the AIM Advisory Committee will continue to function as they now do. So this is it in a nutshell: Run the present configuration with more main memory; acquire two VAX large-memory systems (years 1 and 3) for new research and for maturing project communities; cautiously add some single-user professional workstations; acquire a common file server; link everything in a transparent digital networking scheme; continue the central staff and management structure, essentially unchanged in size and function. As we add up the budget (flinchingly, I hasten to say), we note that the cost will not be cheap, despite the much-touted fall in the cost of computing. But we believe we have been conservative; that the scientific community we serve needs these resources; and that by its science and its applications orientation, it has earned them. I look at the widely acclaimed NSF report calling for the refurbishing of computer equipment for experimental computer science (the so-called "Feldman Report") and note that it calls for “refurbishing” expenditures for just a single department greater than that budgeted in this proposal, with a "refresh" cycle of five years to accommodate advancing technology. The scientific work of the SUMEX-AIM community is the quintessence of experimental computer science. It is advancing, and gaining acceptance, beyond expectations. SUMEX serves the nation, not one university or department. I believe that its budget accords well with the national interest and with the scientific interest. E. A. Feigenbaum vi Privileged Communication Conclusion: the "Spirit of SUMEX" I would like to conclude not with my own words but with the words of Professor Douglas Brutlag, a Stanford Biochemist who collaborates with my group on the MOLGEN project and who sent me, unsolicited, the letter quoted below in its entirety. Nothing I could say could more accurately portray the "spirit of SUMEX" mentioned earlier. "My original role in the Molgen project was that of a biochemist advisor to those developing a knowledge base of molecular biological information and techniques. I rapidly found that SUMEX could be very useful to my own work in ways that I had never expected. First, MOLGEN was a success very early and I now routinely use the artificial intelligence methods incorporated within the frame oriented knowledge base in my everyday work in the laboratory. I use the knowledge base not only to store our results from experiments and to analyze them, but I can readily interact with the knowledge base to examine the data from several different viewpoints and display it in different ways, In addition to the interactive nature of knowledge base work, I have found computer networks and file transfer protocols to be exceptionally useful. The nation wide commercial networks have permitted many of my colleagues across the country to try out the software we have developed at Stanford in pilot projects. This together with message sending capabilities has resulted in instantaneous feed back about the work we have done and allowed us to develop our program and to incorporate ideas from a much larger base of expertise. Several collaborative arrangements have been set up and some have even become involved in our programming efforts. Moreover, our software has had such general utility that subsequently many of the other workers have obtained accounts on their local computers and we have sent them the software by file transfer protocols. Electronic information transfers have Saved both time and energy in preparing hard copy versions’ as well as facilitated the update programs at many distant locations. I think that one of the major reasons that SUMEX works so well is that it is designed with the naive user in mind, Because it is so interactive and user oriented, the activation energy to learn how to use the system is very Tow. Of all of the interactive systems with which I have worked (five in all), SUMEX was not only the easiest, but was indeed a real pleasure. I felt more like the system was working for me from the very beginning, rather than me fighting the system. Hence, my productivity on SUMEX has increased immeasurably. In addition, I have no hesitation encouraging others at remote sites to use SUMEX in the collaborative efforts mentioned above." Privileged Communication vii E. A. Feigenbaum Table of Contents Section Page Prelude: An Overview and Personal Statement . . . . . . . . .7 List of Figures Be ee aN 1. Biographical Sketches See kk 2 2. Budget ra 2.1 First Year Budget Detail (8/1/81 - 7/31/82) eee le le SS 2.1.1 Total First Year Budget . . . . . . UL 8 2.1.2 First Year Personnel Detail . . . . . . . . . .4 2.2 5-year Budget Summary (8/81 - 7/86) . . . . . . . LS 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification. . . . . . . . .6 3. Introduction and Aims a 13 3.1 Overview of Objectives and Rationale . . . . ... . 14 3.1.1 Definitions of Artificial Intelligence . . . . . 14 3.1.2 Resource Sharing ee 16 3.2 SUMEX-AIM Background . . . . we 16 3.3 Specific Aims a 18 3.3.1 Resource Operations a 19 3.3.2 Training and Education Se eee 20 3.3.3 Core Research a 20 4, Significance Be kk 22 5. Progress Se ee ee ke ew 80 E. A. Feigenbaum viii Privileged Communication 5.1 Brief Statement of Prior Goals . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Resource Operations 5.1.2 Training and Education a 5.1.3 Core Research ee ee §.2 Summary of Progress: 11/77 - 4/80 5.3 Detailed Progress Highlights 5.3.1 Resource Operations System Hardware System Software oo. Network Communication Facilities Resource Management... 5.3.2 Core Research eee 5.3.3 SUMEX Staff Publications . . . . . . . 6. Methods of Procedure - 6.1 Resource Operations Plans 6.1.1 Resource Hardware Rationale for Future Plans Summary of Proposed Hardware Acquisitions Existing Hardware Operation Large Address Space Machines Single-User Professional Workstations File Server . 6.1.2 Communication Networks Long-Distance Connections Local Intermachine Connections 6.1.3 Resource Software 6.1.4 Community Management Privileged Communication ix E. A. 30 30 30 31 32 34 34 34 39 46 AT 49 51 52 52 52 52 55 56 57 57 59 62 62 62 64 66 Feigenbaum 6.2 Training and Education Plans re 6.3 Core Research Plans 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. 7. 8. 9. 1 2 3 4 Knowledge Representation 3.1.1 RLL -- The Representation Language Language 3.1.2 Research on Planning .3.1.3 Causal Models Knowledge Utilization and Tools for Building Expert Systems 3.2.1 Attempt to Generalize (AGE) .3.2.2 AI Handbook. . . . 1 2 whe ee 3.2.3 Research in Automated Consultation about Expert Systems, 3.2.4 EMYCIN see Knowledge Acquisition Explanation . ., Available Facilities Literature Cited Collaborative Project Reports 9.1 Stanford Projects. 9.1. 9.1. E. A. Feigenbaum 1 2 AGE - Attempt to Generalize . AI Handbook Project DENDRAL Project . MOLGEN Project MYCIN Project Protein Structure Project RX Project 68 69 71 71 73 77 78 78 78 79 80 82 85 89 90 135 136 137 145 149 171 186 205 211 X Privileged Communication 9.2 National AIM Projects 9.2. 9.2. 1 2 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition HMF - Higher Mental Functions INTERNIST Project PUFF/VM Project Simulation of Cognitive Processes Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine Project fRutgers-AIM] Decision Models in Clinical Diagnosis [Rutgers- AIM] re . Heuristic Decisions in Metabolic Modeling [Rutgers-AIM ] Stanford Projects Ultrasonic Imaging Project AIM Projects 9.4.1 Coagulation Expert Project 9.4.2 Communication Enhancement Project 9.4.3 A Computerized Psychopharmacology Advisor 9.4.4 Computer-Aided Refinement of Medical Knowledge 9.4.5 Interactive Statistical Package Advisor 9.4.6 Conceptual Structures for Medical Diagnosis [Rutgers-AIM] . Privileged Communication x7 E. A, 220 . 221 226 234 240 244 250 261 267 282 286 289 290 297 298 302 309 317 321 323 Feigenbaum E. A, Appendix A Community Growth and Project Synopses Appendix B Resource Operations and Usage Statistics Appendix C Local Network Integration... Appendix D Remote Network Communication Facilities Appendix E Resource Management Structure Appendix F LISP Address Space Limitations Appendix G AI Handbook Outline Appendix H MAINSAIL System Demonstration Appendix I AIM Management Committee Membership Feigenbaum xii soe « « 331 355 374 376 383 390 392 398 399 Privileged Communication List of Figures Figure 1. Current SUMEX-AIM KI-10 Computer Configuration 2. Current SUMEX-AIM 2020 Computer Configuration 3. Intermachine Connections via ETHERNET . . 4, Proposed VAX configuration 5. Planned Ethernet System to integrate System Hardware 6. SUMEX-AIM Growth by Community . 7. Total CPU Time Consumed by Month see et 8. Peak Number of Jobs by Month . . . . . . . 9. Peak Load Average by Month 10. Monthly CPU Usage by Community 11. Monthly File Space Usage by Community . . . 12. Monthly Terminal Connect Time by Community 13. Average Diurnal Loading (4/80): Number of Jobs 14. Average Diurnal Loading (4/80): Load Average 15. Average Diurnal Loading (4/80): Percent Time Used 16. TYMNET Terminal Connect Time Privileged Communication xiii Page 36 37 38 . 60 61 331 356 . 357 357 . 359 360 361 369 370 370 371 Feigenbaum 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. E. A. ARPANET Terminal Connect Time TYMNET Network Node List ARPANET Geographical Network Map ARPANET Logical Network Map TELENET Geographical Network Map Feigenbaum Xiv ‘372 379 380 381 382 Privileged Communication Form Approves SECTION |} 0.M.8. 68-R0249 DEPARTMENT OF LEAVE BLANK HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE TYPE PROGRAM NUMBER PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE REVIEW GROUP FORMERLY GRANT APPLICATION COUNCIL (Month, Year) DATE RECEIVED TO BE COMPLETED BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (items 1 through 7 and 15A) 1, TITLE OF PROPOSAL (Do not exceed 53 typewriter spaces) S U Medical EXperimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) 2, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 3. DATES OF ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD (This application. 2A. NAME (Last, First, Initial) Feigenbaum, Edward A. FROM THROUGH 08/01/81 28, TITLE OF POSITION Professor and Chairman Department of Computer Science 07/31/86 a 4. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS RE- _|5. OIRECT COSTS REQUESTED QUESTED FOR PERIOD IN FOR FIRST 12-MONTH PERIOC ITEM 3 $ 6,793 ,862 2. MAILING AODRESS (Street City, State, Zip Code] SUMEX Computer Project - Room TB105 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 § 1,336,864 6. PERFORMANCE SITE(S) (See Instructions) Stanford University 20. DEGREE 2E. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. Ph.D. en Le: Area Coda TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EXTENSION Pome} 415 497-4079 3G. OEPARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY OR EQUIVALENT (See instructions) Departments of Genetics/Medicine 3H. MAJOR SUBDIVISION (See Instructions} School of Medicine T. Research tnvotving Human Subjects (See instructions) A.CRINO B.(C) YES Approved: c. (CL) YES — Pending Review Date 6. inventions [Renewal Applicants Only - See Instructions} A.KIJNO B.(_] YES — Not previously reported c.CYES — Previously reported TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY fltems 8 through 13 and 158) 9. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION(S) (See instructions) Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 IRS No. 94-1156365 Congressional District No. 12 Ti, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION (Check applicable item] Coreoerat Clstate CILocat &] OTHER (Specify) Private Non-Profit University 12. NAME, TITLE, ADORESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICIAL IN BUSINESS OFFICE WHO SHOULD ALSO BE NOTIFIED IF AN AWARD IS MADE K.D. Creighton Associate Vice President - Controller Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 10. NAME, TITLE, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OFFICIAL(S) SIGNING FOR APPLICANT ORGANIZATION(S} Larry J. Lollar Sponsored Projects Officer Sponsored Projects Office Tatephone Number (s) (415) 497-2883 Tetephone Number 4415) 497-2251 Le IDENTIFY ORGANTZATIONAL COMPONENT TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR INSTITUTIONAL GRANT PURPOSES (See /astructions) 01 School of Medicine 14. ENTITY NUMBER (Formerly PHS Account Number) IRS No. 94-1156365 15. CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE. We, the undersigned, certify that the statements herein are true and complete to the best of our knowledge and accept, as to any grant awarded, the obligstion to comply with Public Healt’: Service terms and conditions in effect at the time of award. SIGNATURES A. SIGNATUREORPERSON NAMED IN ITEM 2A the DATE {Signatures required on original copy only. Use ink, “Per” signatures DATE not acceptable} 5/27 |e N1H 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 {7 B. SIGNATURE(S) OF\PE SON (S) CP VAT AAV 4 = V ( fo E. A. Feigenbaum The undersigned agrees to accept responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct of the project and for the provision of required progress reports if a grant is awarded as the result of this application. 5/21/80 Chul A. Fledbio— Date Edward A. Feigenbaum’ Principal Investigator SECTION 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE LEAVE BLANK PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE PROJECT NUMBER RESEARCH OBJECTIVES NAME AND AODRESS OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 VAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, OFFICIAL TITLE, AND DEPARTMENT OF ALL PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL ENGAGED ON PROJECT, BEGINNING WITH PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR E. Feigenbaum Principal Investigator Computer Science E. Shortliffe Co—Principal Invest. Medicine T. Rindfleisch Facility Manager Genetics/Medicine E. Levinthal AIM Liaison Genetics (See continuation page for additional professional personnel engaged on project.) TITLE OF PROJECT Stanford University Medical EXperimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) USE THIS SPACE TO ABSTRACT YOUR PROPOSED RESEARCH, OUTLINE OBJECTIVES AND METHODS, UNOERSCORE THE KEY WORDS INOT TO EXCEED 10) IN YOUR ABSTRACT. Stanford University is developing and operating a NATIONAL SHARED COMPUTING RESOURCE in pargnership with the NIH Biotechnology Resources Program to explore advanced application of COMPUTER SCIENCE in health research, There are two main objectives of the facility: 1) the, managerial,- administrative and technical demonstration of a national shared technological resource for health research, and 2) the specific encouragement of applicatio of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE (AIM). Besides the economic advantages of resource sharing made pos’sible by emerging DATA COMMUNICATION technologies, a closer interaction between diverse research efforts is expected to promote a more systematic exchange of research products and ideas. This may be particularly true in applications of computer science. Multilateral community building rather than unilateral service is the project's essential mandate. +The term “artificial intelligence" (AI) is applied to research aimed at increasing the computer's effectiveness as a tool through the emulation of aspects of human SYMBOLIC REASONING and PROBLEM-SOLVING. The field emphasizes the judgmental manipulation of symbolic (non-numeric) representations of knowledge of a task domain for model-building and decision-making. Current applications include programs which assist in inferring chemical structures from spectrographic data, suggesting diagnoses and treatments within various classes of diseases, and modeling aspects of human behavior patterns. Additional users of the facility will be selected within available resource computér capacity with the help of an AIM Executive Committee and Advisory Group on the basis of reviews of the proposed research. Selection criteria will include general scientific interest and merit, relevance to the AI mission, and community orientation of the collaborator, LEAVE BLANK WIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) PAGE 2 Rev. t/73 E. A. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES (continuation page) Stanford University Medical EXperimental Computer Resource (SUMEX) Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Additional Professional Personnel Engaged on Project: A. Sweer System Programmer F. Gilmurray System Programmer M. Bizzarri System Programmer M. Achenbach System Programmer W. Yeager System Prograinmer kK. Tucker System Programmer B. Buchanan Adjunct Professor H.P. Nii Research Associate W. van helle Research Associate N, Aiello Scientific Programmer N. Veizades Electronics Engineer Page 2A Feigenbaum Genetics/ Medicine Genetics/Medicine Computer Science Genetics/ Medicine Genetics/Medicine Genetics/Medicine Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Genetics/ Medicine Biographical Sketches 1 Biographical Sketches In order to reduce the bulk at the beginning of this already lengthy proposal, we have placed the biographical sketches for all professional personnel contributing to the project in the section starting on page 94. E. A. Feigenbaum 2 Privileged Communication SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION DETAILED BUDGET FOR FIRST 12-MONTH PERIOD FROM 08/01/81 THROUGH 07/31/82 DESCRIPTION {/temize) AMOUNT REQUESTED (Omit cents) TIME OR PERSONNEL EFFORT FRINGE NAME TITLE GF POSITION wmas. | SALARY BENEFITS TOTAL (see next page) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 462,319 99,045 561,964 CONSULTANT costs__None — EQUIPMENT 465 , 000% Communications, interfaces, test equipment, etc. 10,000 KI-10 AMPEX core expansion 65,000 VAX 11-780 250,000 AIM file server 120,000 Terminals/displays/printers 20,000 SUPPLIES 32,000 Computer operations 12,000 Office supplies 5,000 Engineering parts 15,000 DOMESTIC 6,000 TRAVEL FOREIGN None -- PATIENT COSTS None 7 ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS None -- OTHER EXPENSES 271,900 Equipment maintenance 108 ,400 DEC KI-10 (51,000), Calcomp disks/tapes (13,900), DEC 2020 (15,000), DEC VAX (10,000), File Server (10,000), DEC PDP-11/GT-40 (4,000), Local terminals (4,500) Equipment lease 3,000 Office telephones 7,500 Local dataphones 10,000 Software lease and license 6,000 Technical Services/Repro. /Books 4,000 System and program documentation 3,000 Network communications 100,000 SUMEX-AIM collaborative linkages 30,000 TOTAL DIRECT COST (Enter on Page 1, tiem 5) i aa 1,336,864 INDIRECT COST 58 (See Instructions) -_- % S&w?’ NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) PAGE 3 Rev. 1/73 Privileged Communication x% NIDC August 8, 1979 “IF THIS IS A SPECIAL RATE {e.g off-site}, SO INDICATE, DATE OF DHEW AGREEMENT: (CD WAIVED (CD UNDER NEGOTIATION WITH: E. A. Feigenbaum Section 2.1.2 First Year Budget Detail (8/1/81 - 7/31/82) 2.1.2 First Year Personnel Detail Project Management E. Feigenbaum . Shortliffe . Rindfleisch . Levinthal . Miller . Henderson - Vian Oma MAhr System Staff A. Sweer F. Gilmurray M. Bizzarri M. Achenbach W. Yeager R. Tucker E. Hedberg J. Clayton Core Research Staff B, Buchanan H. Nii W. Vanmelle N. Aiello P. Cohen D. Smith J. Kunz Electrical Engineering Staff N. Veizades E. Schoen Principal Investigator Co-Princ Invest Facility Manager AIM Liaison Admin Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant System Programmer System Programmer system Programmer Syst Prog/User Cons Syst Prog/User Cons Syst Prog/Opns Mgr Syst Prog -— Stud R.A. Syst Prog — Stud R.A. Adj Professor Research Assoc Research Assoc Sei Sei Sei Sei Electronics Engineer Stud, Electronics Aide Student Syst Prog/Opns Support Syst Prog - W. Aviles G. Noga D,. Powers C. Kobinson HXXKAKAKEK Total Personnel E. A. Feigenbaum Syst Prog Prog Prog — Stud R.A. Prog — Stud R.A. Prog — Stud R.A. Syst Prog - Syst Prog - Student Student Student Student Total Salaries Staff Benefits % Salary 10 10 100 25 100 100 25 100 100 100 100 100 100 62 62 10 60 50 50 62 62 62 100 62 50 50 50 50 462319 99645 561964 Privileged Communication SECTION If — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR ALL YEARS OF SUPPORT REQUESTED FROM PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE DIRECT COSTS ONLY (Omit Cents) DESCRIPTION 1ST PERIOD (S4 ME AS DE- ADDITIONAL YEARS SUPPORT REQUESTED (This application only) TAILED BUOGET} 2NO0 YEAR 3RO YEAR 4TH YEAR 5TH YEAR 6TH YEAR 7TH YEAR: costs 561,964) 621,220] 686,694] 767,130] 848,623} -- - CONSULTANT COSTS _. __ __ __ __ a —- (Include fees, travel, etc.} EQUIPMENT (*) 465,000) 280,500) 416,025) 171,576} 132,155 -~ —~ SUPPLIES 32,000} 35,200) 38,720} 42,592] 46,851) -- 7 DOMESTIC 6,000 6,600 7,260 7,986 8,785 -- -- TRAVEL FOREIGN —~ -- -- -- -~ -- -- PATIENT COSTS -~ -— -- -- _~ -- —_ ALTERATIONS AND __ RENOVATIONS -- -- -- -- — — OTHER EXPENSES 271,900) 299,995] 326,747] 346,433] 365,906 -- -- TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 1,336,864]1, 243,51511,475,446/1,335,717|1,402, 320 -- -- TOTAL FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD (Enter on Page 1, [tem 4) ————-» | $ 6,793,862 REMARKS: Justify all costs for the first year for which the need may not be obvious. For future years, justify equipment costs, as well as any significant increases in any other catagory. If a recurring annual increase in personnel costs is requested, give percentage, (Use continuation page if needed.) (*) Equipment Purchase items are not included in the Net Total Direct Cost base used to compute Indirect Costs. (see continuation pages for budget justification) NIK 998 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 Privileged Communication E. A. Feigenbaum Section 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification The following paragraphs explain in detail our budget plan over the proposed 5-year grant term. Indirect costs are not shown in the budget and will be computed separately on the basis of Net Total Direct Costs (Total Direct Costs less funds for Equipment Purchase). In the most recent agreement between Stanford and the DHEW dated August 8, 1979, the indirect cost rate is 58%. Personnel The proposed personnel budget is based on the current staffing for resource management, development, and operations with the addition of a system programmer and an engineering aide to support planned new hardware and software development work. Individual salary figures are not included in the "first year budget detail" plan but have been submitted separately to NIH in confidence. The salary estimates reflect current actual rates and include anticipated increases averaging 10% annually based on recent experience with inflation. Staff benefits are computed using rates currently projected by Stanford University: 21.0% for 8/81, 21.6% for 9/81- 8/82, 22.2% for 9/82-8/83, 22.8% for 9/83-8/84, 24.8% for 9/84-8/85, and 25.4% for 9/85-8/86. Project Management and Technical Direction: Prof. Feigenbaum is budgeted at 10% as project principal investigator, Prof. Shortliffe at 10% as co-principal investigator for medical liaison (*), Mr. Rindfleisch at 100% is responsible for facility implementation and management, Dr. Levinthal at 25% is responsible for liaison with the national AIM community and the AIM management committees, and Ms. Miller and Ms. Henderson at 100% each provide project administrative and office assistance for SUMEX and community affairs. System programming: The programming staff, while sharing a substantial joint responsibility for system development/maintenance, user assistance, subsystem and utility program development, and operational support, have Specific areas of responsibility as follows. Messrs. Sweer and Gilmurray, and Bizzarri (100% each) share responsibility for monitor and system Support. These duties include, for example, on-going development work for new machine integration into the facility, Ethernet implementation, performance analysis and improvement, system communications support, special device drivers and diagnostics, scheduler controls, and system maintenance. They also share responsibility for system software such as (*) No salary is shown for Dr. Shortliffe for the first 3 years because he is supported by an NLM Research Career Development Award through 6/84. In order to assist his work on the project, we budget 25% support for D. Vian, his office assistant E. A. Feigenbaum 6 Privileged Communication Budget Explanation and Justification Section 2.3 EXECutive programs, languages, and other general utilities. Mr. Hedberg is a student system programmer who has been working with the project for several years and will continue to work on EXEC developments, network interface software, and software compatibility under supervision of the system staff. System maintenance and operations: Mr. Tucker (100%) is responsible for our network liaison, operations utility program development and maintenance, and overseeing system operations and backup. He is assisted in providing file system archive/restore service and backup dumps as well as system utility programming support by the four undergraduate students (currently Messrs. Aviles, Noga, Powers, and Robinson), User support: The user support staff includes Mr. Michael Achenbach (100%), Mr. William Yeager (100%), and a student research assistant, Ms. Jan Clayton. Messrs. Achenbach and Yeager will share responsibility for subsystem maintenance and user consulting as well as assisting with software to integrate planned new hardware. Mr. Achenbach also assists in interfacing user program packages into the system (e.g., DENDRAL, MYCIN), assuring appropriate documentation and assisting with initial user contacts. Mr. Yeager serves as the primary contact for user consultation, answering many questions himself and referring others to the appropriate staff members expert in particular areas. Mr. Yeager will also continue development of inter-user communication facilities. Ms. Clayton will be responsible for updating system documentation and developing more effective tools for users to access available documentation. AI Core Research: We budget partial support for specific members of the Heuristic Programming Project for core research work to explore basic AI issues relating to biomedical applications and to develop and generalize AI software tools important to the entire SUMEX-AIM community. Complementary Support for related work within the HPP is received from other sources such as ARPA and NSF. Prof. Buchanan (10%) will provide technical direction for staff and students working on proposed core research efforts. Ms. Nii (60%) and Dr. Vanmelle (50%) will lead the AGE and EMYCIN efforts respectively. Ms. Aiello (50%) will provide programming support and the graduate research assistants, Messrs Cohen, Smith, and Kunz will work on thesis topics related to particular core research goals. E. A. Feigenbaum Privileged Communication Section 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification Electronics support: Finally we budget Mr. Veizades (100%) and a student engineering aide for hardware engineering and maintenance. They are responsible for designing needed special purpose hardware (e.g., communications equipment, intermachine network hardware, and Ethernet interfaces), integrating new hardware into the facility, and maintaining facility equipment. Consultant We do not now plan any consulting support during the follow-on grant period. Equipment The "Equipment" budget covers only equipment purchases. Lease arrangements for collaborator terminal and communications support as well - aS maintenance contracts are discussed under "Other". Minor Equipment: $10,000 per year is allocated for minor equipment purchases including communications equipment, Ethernet interfaces, and test equipment. This budget is increased by 5% per year to accommodate inflation, Major Equipment: Following are budget estimates for the major equipment acquisitions planned. The prices quoted are best current estimates. Over the 5-year term of the grant prices will certainly change and alternate vendor options May become available for some subsystems. We will carefully review each purchase with BRP to achieve the most advantage in terms of technical and cost effectiveness, yr 1 - Add 256K words of core to the existing KI-10 AMPEX memory to reduce page swapping overhead. This will cost $65,000 based on a quote from AMPEX for the memory modules and control logic to augment the existing ARM-10LX cabinet. ~ Buy a VAX 11/780 with 2M bytes of memory, floating point accelerator, 1 RP-06 disk drive, 1 TE-16 tape drive, and 1 DZ-11 line group .at $250,000 based on a current price quotation including tax. This machine will be used to provide large address space INTERLISP facilities, to experiment with AI program export, to support development of VAX system software for the community, and to alleviate congestion in the Stanford 40% of the SUMEX resource. This system has minimal memory for this initial integration work and will be expanded in year 2. E. A. Feigenbaum 8 Privileged Communication Budget Explanation and Justification Section 2.3 yr yr yr 3 4 5 Buy a bare PDP-11/34 processor with 64K of memory ($18,000), 2 Trident 300 Mbyte disk drives with controller ($49,000), and 2 STC 6250 BPI magnetic tape drives with controller ($53,000) to develop a community file server. This file server will be coupled to SUMEX host machines via the high speed Ethernet. This will minimize the need for redundant large file systems on each host and alleviate the file storage limitations of the AIM community. $20,000 is allocated for a "Stanford University Network" bit- mapped display terminal station ($10,000) and a Canon laser printer for high quality hardcopy output ($10,000). Add 2M bytes of memory to the VAX purchased in year 1 ($70,000). Add 630M bytes to the file server purchased in year 1 ($40,000). This will include 2 300 Mbyte drives which will fill the controller. Buy 5 single-user “professional workstations” (PWS) ($160,000 -- $30,000 each plus tax). This price is based on the projected cost of the Zenith-MIT NU system or its equivalent. These machines will be used to develop and experiment with user- dedicated machines for AI program development, export, and human interface enhancements. These machines will be distributed within the Stanford community initially to facilitate development and will be coupled by Ethernet with the main resource. Add a second VAX 11/780 with 4 Mbytes memory, 1 RP-06 disk drive, 1 TE-16 tape drive, floating point accelerator, and 1 DZ-11 line group ($320,000) for general community support with large address space INTERLISP. This machine will be managed for program testing in a way similar to the existing 2020. Add 2 PWS systems ($65,000) to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. $20,000 is allocated for an additional "Stanford University Network" bit-mapped display terminals ($10,000) and a Canon laser printer for high quality hardcopy output ($10,000) for the anticipated growing and distributed community of local users. Add 3 PWS systems ($100,000) to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. Add 630M bytes to the central file server to meet expected growth in community file storage needs. This will include a second controller with two drives ($60,000) Add 3 PWS systems ($100,000) to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. Privileged Communication 9 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification - $20,000 is allocated for an additional “Stanford University Network" bit-mapped display terminals ($10,000) and a Canon laser printer for high quality hardcopy output ($10,000) for the anticipated growing and distributed community of local users. Supplies The computer supplies budget is an extension of our recent operating experience with the SUMEX-AIM facility and expected increases for the new machines. We estimate $12,000 for the first year covering paper, ribbons, tapes, disk packs, labels, and other supplies. We budget a 10% per year escalation of these costs. Office supplies are budgeted at $5,000 per year also based on past experience and are increased 10% per year. Engineering supplies cover needed parts and spares for interfacing and integrating new equipment and for maintaining in-house equipment. We budget $15,000 per year for this purpose with an annual inflation factor of 10%. Travel The travel budget covers travel to technical meetings, management committee meetings, and AIM workshop meetings as well as travel to assist user groups get started on SUMEX as needed. We budget for 4 east coast trips ($800 each), 3 midwest trips ($600 each), and 4 west coast trips ($250 each). Future years are inflated by 10% per year. Other Equipment Maintenance: We budget for facility equipment maintenance based on our past experience with DEC and other vendors. We expect to retain our favorable cooperative maintenance arrangements with DEC for the KI-10 and 2020 Systems and to add appropriate vendor contracts for the other equipment (VAX's, file server, Professional workstations, etc.) as acquired. We spend substantial staff effort in maintaining equipment to minimize costs in contracts and "time and materials" to outside vendors. We continue to investigate alternatives for maintenance: either in-house or from another vendor. So far we have not been able to project enough cost savings or improved service to justify a change. With costs continuously rising, we will periodically re-evaluate alternatives to achieve the most cost effective maintenance service for the resource. We have budgeted a 5% per year inflation for maintenance costs. E. A. Feigenbaum 10 Privileged Communication Budget Explanation and Justification Section 2.3 Equipment Lease: We budget $3,000 per year for equipment lease related to on-going collaborative linkages to SUMEX. $2,000 per year is allocated for continued lease of a communication line between the SUMEX machine room and the SECS facilities at the University of California at Santa Cruz. $1,000 per year is for a line to Prof. Langridge's group at UC San Francisco. These lines were approved by the AIM Executive Committee. Telephone Services: We budget $7,500 per year for staff office and home terminal telephones and $10,000 per year to cover dataphone services for local Stanford community dialup ports on the SUMEX computer. These estimates are based on the current configuration of lines and expected growth for planned new equipment. We periodically review these arrangements to maintain satisfactory service at minimum cost. Software Lease: We budget $6,000 per year for software lease costs. These funds are used to maintain our license rights to and updates for such software as DEC monitors, language and utility products, SITBOL, STP, SPSS, SIMULA, etc. as well as additional packages the community may require. Services and Documentation: $4,000 per year is budgeted for books, publications, technical services, and reproduction based on previous experience. $3,000 per year is budgeted for providing to users up-to-date documentation for system and subsystem usage. Substantial efforts continue to upgrade documentation for the user community. Communications support: We budget a total of $100,000 per year for network services starting in year 1 and increased by 5% per year. Of this amount, $75,000 is allocated based on current experience for TYMNET services (including network interface, maintenance, and usage costs) projected to accommodate increased usage for the new equipment. In past years, these funds have been distributed directly from NIH/BRP through NLM contracts with TYMNET. This may still be the most cost-effective approach and we will work closely with NIH/BRP to secure these critical services at the lowest cost. The remaining $25,000 is budgeted as a contingency to experiment with other networks or communications media to support AIM work if justified by community needs and technological developments or to retain our highly beneficial ARPANET connection. A growing number of the AIM community Privileged Communication 11 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 2.3 Budget Explanation and Justification members with local machines have expressed the need for a means to transfer files with SUMEX. This need will increase with more distributed AIM computing resources. Since TYMNET is not currently moving to provide this kind of service, further experimentation with TELENET or other vendors may be warranted. At present SUMEX-AIM ARPANET costs are being borne by ARPA-IPTO as part of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project contract. We have no information that this relationship will change (we do get frequent inquiries from ARPA about its status however). The $25,000 contingency may be needed to cover part of these costs should ARPA/DCA policies changes. Collaborative Linkages: We budget $30,000 per year for collaborative linkage needs. These funds will be available for terminals, lines, and other facilities to enable more effective inter-group collaborations and contacts with medical scientists. These funds have been very effective in the past in assisting new projects get connected to available computing resources within the AIM community pending grant support of their research. These funds are allocated in close cooperation with the AIM Executive Committee and BRP. We budget a 5% annual increase for this collaborative linkage support. E. A. Feigenbaum 12 Privileged Communication Il. Research Plan Research Plan This is an application for renewal of a grant supporting the Stanford University Medical EXperimental computer research resource for applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (SUMEX-AIM). We have attempted to keep this proposal as brief as possible and to place detailed background information in appendices. However, we felt obliged to exceed some of the page limitations stipulated in the NIH guidelines for a several reasons: 1) 2) 3) the computer science discipline of artificial intelligence is relatively new and its intersection with and significance to medicine requires more explanation than more traditional areas of biomedical research. the SUMEX-AIM resource encompasses a national community of more than 20 research projects pursuing diverse applications areas. In order to illustrate the scope of the community and to provide the scientific basis for continued support of SUMEX as a resource, the objectives of these projects must be presented. We also include a brief description of the important operational base of the resource that may be unfamiliar to some reviewers. this application is for a 5-year renewal term. Many of the core and collaborative research efforts are aimed at long term goals to assist biomedical researchers and clinicians in information management, analysis, and decision making. In order to provide a more efficient research environment, avoiding the overhead of additional proposal preparations and reviews on time scales shorter than expected result horizons, we hope to describe our goals in sufficient detail to justify the 5-year award period. Privileged Communication 13 E. A. Feigenbaum Specific Aims 3 Introduction and Aims 3.1 Overview of Objectives and Rationale The SUMEX-AIM ("SUMEX") project is a national computer resource with a dual mission: a) the promotion of applications of computer science research in artificial intelligence (AI) to biological and medical problems and b) the demonstration of computer resource sharing within a national community of health research projects. The SUMEX-AIM resource is located physically in the Stanford University Medical School and serves as a nucleus for a community of medical AI projects at universities around the country. SUMEX provides computing facilities tuned to the needs of AI research and communication tools to facilitate remote access, inter- and intra-group contacts, and the demonstration of developing computer programs to biomedical research collaborators. In the body of this proposal, we offer definitions and explanations of these efforts at several levels of detail to meet the needs of reviewers from various perspectives. For this overview, we give only a brief definition of AI and a summary of the background, present status, and expectations of our research for the requested term of the renewal, the five years. beginning August 1, 1981. 3.1.1 Definitions of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence research is that part of Computer Science concerned with symbol manipulation processes that produce intelligent action [1 - 7]. By "intelligent action” is meant an act or decision that is goal-oriented, is arrived at by an understandable chain of symbolic analysis and reasoning steps, and utilizes knowledge of the world to inform and guide the reasoning. Placing AI in Computer Science A simplified view relates AI research with the rest of computer science. The manner of use of computers by people to accomplish tasks can be "one-dimensionalized" into a spectrum representing the nature of the instructions that must be given the computer to do its job; call it the WHAT-TO-HOW spectrum, At the HOW extreme of the spectrum, the user supplies his intelligence to instruct the machine precisely HOW to do his job, step-by-step. Progress in computer science may be seen as steps away from that extreme “HOW" point on the spectrum: the familiar panoply of assembly languages, subroutine libraries, compilers, extensible languages, etc. illustrate this trend. At the other extreme of the spectrum, the user describes WHAT he wishes the computer to do for him to solve a problem, He wants to communicate WHAT is to be done without having to lay out in detail all E. A. Feigenbaum 14 Privileged Communication Overview of Objectives and Rationale Section 3.1.1 necessary subgoals for adequate performance yet with a reasonable assurance that he is addressing an intelligent agent that is using knowledge of his world to understand his intent, complain or fill in his vagueness, make specific his abstractions, correct his errors, discover appropriate subgoals, and ultimately translate WHAT he wants done into detailed processing steps that define HOW it shall be done by a real computer. The Lser wants t2 provide this specification of WHAT to do in a language that is comfortable to him and the problem domain (perhaps English) and via communication modes that are convenient for him (including perhaps speech or pictures). The research activity aimed at creating computer programs that act as "intelligent agents" near the WHAT end of the WHAT~TO-HOW Spectrum can be viewed as a long-range goal of AI research. Expert Systems and Applications The national SUMEX-AIM resource is an outgrowth cof a long, interdisciplinary Vine of artificial intelligence research at Stanford concerned with the development of concepts and techniques for building "expert systems" [1]. An “expert system” is an intelligent computer program that uses knowledge and inference procedures to solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human expertise for their solution. For some fields of work, the knowledge necessary to perform at such a level, plus the inference procedures used, can be thought of as a model of the expertise of the expert practitioners of that field. The knowledge of an expert system consists of facts and heuristics. The "facts" constitute a body of information that is widely shared, publicly available, and generally agreed upon by experts in a field. The “heuristics” are the mostly-private, little-discussed rules of good judgment (rules of plausible reasoning, rules of good guessing) that characterize expert-level decision making in the field. The performance level of an expert system is primarily a function of the size and quality of the knowledge base that it possesses. Currently authorized projects in the SUMEX community are concerned in some way with the application of AI to biomedical research (*). The tangible objective of this approach is the development of computer programs that will be more general and effective consultative tools for the clinician and medical scientist. There have already been promising results in areas such as chemical structure elucidation and synthesis, diagnostic consultation, and modeling of psychological processes. : Needless to say, much is yet to be learned in the process of fashioning a coherent scientific discipline out of the assemblage of personal intuitions, mathematical procedures, and emerging theoretical structure comprising artificial intelligence research. State-of-the-art programs are far more narrowly specialized and inflexible than the corresponding aspects of human intelligence they emulate; however, in (*) Brief abstracts of the various projects can be found in Appendix A on page 331 and more detailed progress summaries in Section 9 on page 135. Privileged Communication 15 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 3.1.1 Overview of Objectives and Rationale special domains they may be of comparable or greater power, e.g., in the solution of formal problems in organic chemistry. 3.1.2 Resource Sharing An equally important function of the SUMEX-AIM resource is an exploration of the use of computer communications as a means for interactions and sharing between geographically remote research groups engaged in biomedical computer science research. This facet of scientific interaction is becoming increasingly important with the explosion of complex information sources and the regional specialization of groups and facilities that might be shared by remote researchers [8]. We expect an even greater decentralization of computing resources in the coming years with the emerging VLSI (*) technology in microelectronics and a correspondingly greater role for digital communications, Our community building effort is based upon the current state of computer communications technology. While far from perfected, these developing capabilities offer highly desirable latitude for collaborative linkages, both within a given research project and among them. A number of the active projects on SUMEX are based upon the collaboration of computer and medical scientists at geographically separate institutions; separate both from each other and from the computer resource. The network experiment also enables diverse projects to interact more directly and to facilitate selective demonstrations of available programs to physicians, scientists, and students. We have actively encouraged the development of additional affiliated computing resources within the AIM community. Since 1977, the facility at Rutgers University has allocated a portion of its capacity for national AIM projects and our network connections to Rutgers and common facilities for user terminals have been indispensable for effective interchanges between community members, workshop coordinations, and software sharing. Even in their current developing state, communication facilities enable effective access to the specialized SUMEX computing environment from a great many areas of the United States and to a more limited extent from Canada, Europe, Australia, and other international locations. 3.2 SUMEX-AIM Background Beginning in the mid-1960's with DENDRAL (**), a project focused on applications of artificial intelligence to problems of biomolecular (*) Very Large Scale Integration (**) Much of the early DENDRAL computation work was done on the ACME IBM 360/50 interactive computing resource at Stanford, which was funded by the NIH Biotechnalogy Resources Program between 1965 and 1973. E. A. Feigenbaum 16 Privileged Communication SUMEX-AIM Background Section 3.2 structure characterization, the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project has pioneered in expert systems research with funding support from NIH, ARPA, NSF, and NASA. Since 1973, SUMEX-AIM has developed as a national resource for applying these techniques to a broad range of biomedical research problems. Funding of the SUMEX-AIM rescirse from the NIH Biotechnology Resources Program (BRP) began in December 1973 for a five year period. Prof. Joshua Lederberg was Principal Investigator and Prof. Edward A. Feigenbaum was co-Principal Investigator. The major hardware was delivered and accepted in April 1974, and the system became operational for users during the summer of 1974. In 1977, we applied for a five-year renewal grant to continue our national research effort. We received a recommendation for approval of the five year period from the study section but this was reduced to three years following Professor Lederberg's decision in early 1978 to accept the presidency of The Rockefeller University. The principal investigator role passed easily to Prof. Feigenbaum, Chairman of the Stanford Computer Science Department, based upon his long-time involvement with the project and close collaboration with Prof. Lederberg. The highly interdisciplinary spirit of SUMEX has been retained with very close ties to the Stanford Medical School through Drs. E. H. Shortliffe (current co-Principal Investigator of SUMEX) and S. N. Cohen. Although six years is hardly long enough for a conclusive determination of the success of the SUMEX-AIM model, we can fairly take pride in the diligence and technical competence with which we have responded to the community responsibilities mandated by the terms of our grant. An important element in satisfying those responsibilities was the establishment of a mutually satisfactory management structure, on which we report in further detail later (see Appendix E on page 383). Good will and common purpose are of course the indispensable ingredients for an effective community resource, and we are grateful to have been able to offer this service in a congenial framework, and at the same time to be able to support our local computing research needs. The present renewal application is therefore written from a perspective of having built a substantial community of active biomedical AI research projects and having just begun the new phase of our research to integrate and exploit emerging computer technologies that will have a profound effect on the development and export of practical medical AI programs, Beginning with 5 projects in 1973, the AIM community grew to 11 major projects at our renewal in 1978 and currently numbers 17 fully authorized projects plus a group of 8 pilot efforts. In addition to the Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine project, two of the formal projects and one of the pilots do. their computing using the portion of the Rutgers University facility allocated to AIM community users. As discussed in the sections describing the individual projects (see Section 9 on page 135), many of the computer programs under development by these groups are maturing into tools increasingly useful to the respective research communities. The demand for production-level use of these programs has surpassed the capacity of the present SUMEX facility and has raised important issues of how such software systems can be optimized for production environments, exported, and maintained. Privileged Communication 17 E. A. Feigenbaum Specific Aims Section 3.3.1 1 1) 2) 3) Resource Operations Maintain the vitality of the AIM community. We will continue to encourage and explore new applications of AI to biomedical research and improve mechanisms for inter- and intra-group collaborations and communications. While AI is our defining theme, we may entertain ercaptional app’ ications tustified by sore otter unique feature oF SUMEX-AIM essential for important biomedical research. To minimize administrative barriers to the community-oriented goals of SUMEX-AIM and to direct our resources toward purely scientific goals, we plan to retain the current user funding arrangements for projects working on SUMEX facilities. User projects will fund their own manpower and local needs; will actively contribute their special expertise to the SUMEX-AIM community; and will receive an allocation of computing resources under the control of the AIM management committees. There will se no "fee for service” charges for community members. We will also continue to exploit community expertise and sharing in software development; and to facilitate more effective information sharing among projects. Continue to provide effective computational support for AIM community goals. Our efforts will be to extend the support for artificial intelligence research and new applications work; to develop new computational tools to support more mature projects; and to facilitate testing and research dissemination of nearly operational programs. We will continue to operate and develop the existing KI-10/2020 facility as the nucleus of the resource. We will acquire additional equipment to meet developing community needs for more capacity, larger program address spaces, and improved interactive facilities. . New computing hardware technologies becoming available now and in the next few years will play a key role in these developments and we expect to take the lead in this community for adapting these new tools to biomedical AI needs. We plan the phased purchase of two VAX computers to provide increased computing capacity and to support large address space LISP development, a 2000M byte file server to meet file storage needs, and a number of single-user "professional workstations" to experiment with improved human interfaces and AI program dissemination, Provide effective and geographically accessible communication facilities to the SUMEX-AIM community for effective remote collaborations, communications among distributed computing nodes, and experimental testing of AI programs. We will retain the current ARPANET and TYMNET connections for at least the near term and will actively explore other advantageous connections to new communications networks and to dedicated links. Privileged Communication 19 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 3.3.2 Specific Aims 3.3.2 Training and Education Our goals during the follow-on period for assisting new and established users of the SUMEX-AIM resource are a continuation of those adopted for the previous grant term. Collaborating projects are responsible for the development and dissemination of their own AI programs. Tre SUMEX resource will provide commurity-wide support and will work to make resource goals and AI programs known and available to appropriate medical scientists. Specific aims include: 1) Provide documentation and assistance to interface users to resource facilities and programs. We will continue to exploit particular areas of expertise within the community for developing pilot efforts in new application areas. 2) Continue to allocate "collaborative linkage” funds to qualifying new and pilot projects to provide for communications and terminal support pending formal approval and funding of their projects. These funds are allocated in cooperation with the AIM Executive Committee reviews of prospective user projects. 3) Continue to support workshop activities including collaboration with the Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine resource on the AIM community workshop and with individual projects for more specialized workshops covering specific application areas or program dissemination. 3.3.3 Core Research Our core research efforts will continue to emphasize basic research on AI techniques applicable to biomedical problems and the generalization and documentation of tools to facilitate and broaden application areas. SUMEX core research funding is complementary to similar funding from other agencies and contributes to the long-standing interdisciplinary effort at Stanford in basic AI research and expert system design. We expect this work to provide the underpinnings for increasingly effective consultative programs in medicine and for more practical adaptations of this work within emerging microelectronic technologies. Specific aims include: 1) Continue to explore basic artificial intelligence issues for knowledge acquisition, representation, and utilization; reasoning in the presence of uncertainty; strategy planning; and explanations of reasoning pathways with particular emphasis on biomedical applications. 2) Support community efforts to organize and generalize AI tools that have been developed in the context of individual application projects. This will include work to organize the present state-of- the-art in AI techniques through the AI Handbook effort and the E. A. Feigenbaum 20 Privileged Communication Specific Aims Section 3.3.3 development of practical software packages (e.g., AGE, EMYCIN, UNITS, and EXPERT) for the acquisition, representation, and utilization of knowledge in AI programs. The objective is to evolve a body of software tools that can be used to more efficaciously build future knowledge-based systems and explore other biomedical AI applications. The details of these are given in Section 6.3. Priviteged Communication 21 E. A. Feigenbaum Significance 4 Significance What is the significance of the artificial intelligence research and knowledge engineering work for which SUMEX is a resource? And what is the significance of SUMEX for achieving the goals of the enterprise? In this section, we first sketch, in an abstract way, the significance of the scientific work. We then probe more deeply examining medicine, biochemistry, and psychology. Finally, we look at SUMEX's facilitative role, particularly in the light of the microelectronic revolution; and conclude with a discussion of the more general aspects of SUMEX's scientific role in enhancing scientific communication and knowledge. A Brief Recapitulation Artificial Intelligence research and its applications-oriented twin, Knowledge Engineering, are those parts of Computer Science that are concerned with the representation of symbolic knowledge for computer use; and the construction of programs for symbolic inference that can make use of the knowledge to achieve intelligent action. Examples of such actions include finding problem solutions, forming hypotheses, offering advice, inferring diagnoses, recommending therapeutic steps, and so on. The knowledge that must be used is a combination of factual knowledge and heuristic knowledge. The latter is especially hard to obtain and represent since the experts providing it are mostly unaware of the heuristic knowledge they are using. Managing the Growth of Knowledge Medical and scientific communities currently face many problems relating to the rapid cumulation of knowledge, for example: - codification of theoretical and heuristic knowledge - effective use of the wealth of information implicitly available in textbooks, journal articles and from practitioners - dissemination of that knowledge beyond the intellectual centers where it is collected - customizing the presentation of that knowledge to individual practitioners as well as customizing the application of the information to individual cases These needs are widely recognized. In addition, computers are recognized as the most hopeful technology to overcome the problems. While recognizing the value of mathematical modeling, statistical classification, decision theory and other techniques, we believe that effective use of those methods depends on using them in conjunction with less formal knowledge, including contextual and strategic knowledge. E. A. Feigenbaum 22 Privileged Communication Significance Artificial intelligence offers advantages for representing information and using it that will allow physicians and scientists to use computers as intelligent assistants. In this way we envision a significant extension to the decision making powers of individual practitioners without reducing the significance of the individuals. More specifically...AI in the service of Medicine Although computing technology is playing an increasingly important role in medicine, systems designed to advise physicians on diagnosis or therapy selection have received poor clinical acceptance. Despite diverse research efforts, and a literature on computer-aided diagnosis that has numbered at least 1000 references in the last 20 years, clinical consultation programs have seldom been used other than in experimental environments. The reasons for attempting to develop such systems are self-evident. Growth in medical knowledge has far surpassed the ability of the single practitioner to master it all, and the computer's superior information processing capacity thereby offers a natural appeal. Furthermore, the reasoning processes of medical experts are poorly understood; attempts to model expert decision making necessarily require a degree of introspection and a structured experimentation that may in turn improve the quality of the physician's own clinical decisions, making them more reproducible and defensible. New insights that result may also allow us more adequately to teach medical students and house staff the techniques for reaching good decisions, rather than merely to offer a collection of facts which they must independently learn to utilize coherently. In recent years observers have begun to analyze the reasons for poor acceptance of the systems that have sprung from such research, and some have argued that the problems have tended to lie not only with the decision-making performance of such programs but also with system design features that have failed to appreciate the physician's viewpoint or have made the interactive process unappealing. To correct,these deficiencies future systems must be fast, easy to use, and congenial. They must address important clinical problems with which physicians recognize they need assistance. But perhaps most important, in order to stress the primary physician's role as ultimate decision maker, they must be able to explain what they are doing, not through quotations of statistical theory but in terms of a line of reasoning that is familiar and similar to the kind of justification a clinician might expect from a human consultant. Explanation capabilities help the physician using the program decide whether to follow its advice; they thereby emphasize the computer's function as a helpful tool that is intended to complement rather than replace the primary physician's own decision-making powers. Because of considerations such as these, the last decade has witnessed the development of new approaches to computer-based medical decision making. Of particular significance is research directed at the encoding and utilization of experts' judgmental knowledge -- the kind of practical experience which underlies the daily practice of medicine and is Privileged Communication 23 E. A. Feigenbaum Significance far-removed from the mathematical approaches of formal decision analysis. Artificial Intelligence is a particularly relevant computer science subfield because of its emphasis on symbolic reasoning capabilities rather than numeric computations. The AIM community's promising research into medical symbolic reasoning represents more than the application of well- established computing techniques. Although the approaches are young and experimental, sign*ficant accomzlishments in codifying medical know edge and modeling clinical reasoning have already been achieved. Additional investigation, in artificial intelligence and in related computer science subfields, will further facilitate the development of useful, congenial, high-performance consultation systems. These systems will improve when we know better how to manage such problems as (1) understanding the psychology of medical reasoning as practiced by specialists, (2) automated interpretation of written and spoken natural language, (3) acquisition and representation of knowledge obtained from collaborating experts, (4) encoding and utilization of time relationships central to many disease processes, and (5) mechanisms for representing and measuring inexact reasoning. loin the service of Biochemistry: why SUMEX? Consider three major projects engaged in research in structural biochemistry: 1) DENDRAL, computer-assisted elucidation of molecular structure, including stereochemistry, with applications in the areas of natural products, bio-active compounds and conformational analysis 2) MOLGEN, investigations of experiment planning in molecular genetics, including structural studies of large biomolecules with emphasis on sequencing of nucleic acids 3) SECS, computer simulation and evaluation of chemical synthesis In each case, a new type of computational assistance is being made available to a significant modern area of scientific research. Though in the past each field has made some use of the numeric and searching capabilities of computers, the use of advanced methods for symbolic manipulation, representation of knowledge, and inference is new, currently significant, and holds great promise in future development. Over the past several years all three projects have matured to the point where specific programs are being disseminated to the scientific community via the mechanisms of outside access to SUMEX or direct program export to other laboratories. Each project is currently engaged in studies pointed toward both application of existing programs to real biochemical problems and research into new computer-based tools for future applications. The SUMEX resource provides a focal point for building a collaborative community with common interests in particular programs. The resource provides the computational capacity for new developments and a medium for communication for discussions of successes, and failures, aimed at improving application programs. E. A. Feigenbaum 24 Privileged Communication Significance The rapid development of these programs, to the point of sharing the programs with a community of investigators, is due to several factors. These factors are important in understanding the special significance of the SUMEX resource and the role it plays in continued development and dissemination of the programs. Al1 three projects share an important underlying thread, and that is the concept of a molecular structure. Even though the three projects deal with computer r3presentatiors of molecular structures at varying levels of specificity, the fact that there are formal, precise descriptions of structure available greatly facilitates subsequent computer manipulation of the representations. A significant part of the structural manipulations whitch must take place can be treated algorithmically. Development of such algorithms has reached a highly sophisticated state; these developments represent a strong foundation on which to build subsequent procedures which rely on judgmental knowledge, or rules, to arrive at scientifically meaningful conclusions. The "knowledge engineering" aspects represent a set of similar problems in system design shared by all three projects. Here the concept of community building and sharing of ideas, factors inherent in SUMEX as a resource, play an essential role in allowing the projects to learn from one another and from AI programs in other major areas. The biochemistry projects have as a common goal the development of interactive programs which act as problem-solving assistants to an investigator. In order to be useful to a wide community, such programs must be capable of assisting in the solution of a variety of real scientific problems. Here SUMEX is indispensable. The resource provides many facilities for access to programs, for recording of terminal sessions, for rapid exchange of messages about problems and their solutions, and for development and export of versions of programs for use in other laboratories. Using the DENDRAL project as a concrete example, SUMEX has been used for program development and application to many structural problems of the DENDRAL group and their collaborators throughout the country. Export of the CONGEN program began about eight months ago and already eighteen copies of the program have been distributed to other laboratories. SUMEX will continue to be used for development and for exposure of several new programs (adjuncts to or successors of CONGEN) to structural problems here at Stanford, with export taking place after deveioping confidence in the programs. In addition, new research projects have been undertaken with a small number of collaborators. These persons are interested in development of new techniques for structural analysis, especially in the area of stereochemistry. Network access to SUMEX has been provided so that development of the techniques themselves will take place at one central facility, with the message system providing the primary means of communication between DENDRAL project members and their collaborators. Specific structural problems, for example the conformational studies of Dr. Cowburn at Rockefeller University, come from the collaborators and exemplify the type of problem which the programs must be capable of solving in order to be useful to the community of persons engaged in related research. Privileged Communication 25 —E. A. Feigenbaum Significance Another example: AI methods in Psychology The orientation of AI research toward the construction of intelligent agents -~ known as “knowledge engineering” ~- has always coexisted with an orientation toward the explication and understanding of human cognitive behavior viewed as information processing. Indeed the marriage of AI models and methods with the problems and techniques of Cognitive Psychology has been so fruitful that a field with its own name, society, and journal has been born thereof: Cognitive Science. Since the health research community has long been a supporter of basic research in Cognitive Psychology through the NIMH, it has been appropriate that this branch of AI be supported by SUMEX. The gains thereby have been perceived to be so significant that the Cognitive Science field is itself now considering the establishment of a network-based community, for which SUMEX is one of the leading two models. The significance of the AI methodology to the modeling of cognitive processes has always been seen as: precision of programming languages are not only ideally suited for expressing the elementary information processes of the model and the postulated data structures, but admit no vagueness or incompleteness, complexity...the difficulty of managing the modeling process does not go up significantly as the model becomes richer (more complex); thus the methodology does justice to the complexity of human cognitive processes, does not force oversimplifications. testability...though the models are complex, the computer will generate in detail the remote consequences of the modeling assumptions for particular situations; thus the models are as testable and correctable, in principle, as any in the "hard" sciences. In recent years, SUMEX-AIM has been one of the most significant forces impelling the forward motion of cognitive science. It has allowed the building of geographically dispersed communities around a single modeting effort; and it has reduced the "cost of entry” to this methodology. The best example relates to the ACT model of human long-term associative memory, initially constructed by John Anderson. This elegant model has been explored, modified, and tested by a subcommunity of psychologists who gain access to it by the normal simple SUMEX-AIM procedures (bypassing the laborious process, sometimes impossible to achieve, of “bringing it up" at their own sites). As another example, Professor Kintsch and his group at the University of Colorado were able, on the second day of a visit by two Stanford researchers, to begin the process of using the Stanford-SUMEX-developed system, AGE, to mode? human story comprehension. E. A. Feigenbaum 26 Privileged Communication Significance What is the GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE of SUMEX-AIM? As a Research Resource... SUMEX-AIM is widely viewed as a model national computing resource. Its service has been wide-ranging, in terms of user help and variety of software services provided; reliable; economical on a per-us2r or per- project basis; and effective in promoting the healthy growth of its research community. It is being studied by communities of scientists in molecular biology (both in the U.S. and Europe) and in cognitive science as a model of how to provide similar service to their sciences; and the term "SUMEX-like facility" was common in planning discussions for the National Center for Computation in Chemistry and for a proposed ARPA national computing resource for ARPA-sponsored DOD projects. AS an experiment in community building... Lederberg's original vision extended far beyond the “resource” mandate. He said, in an earlier SUMEX renewal proposal, "We infer that many fields of scientific inquiry will have to use similar methods of exchange of critical commentary; that the electronic communications of computer programs is a prototype for the maintenance of other knowledge bases essential for the fabric of a complex and demanding society. The computer is at one time the node of a knowledge- sharing network, and the device for verifying the consistency and pertinence of the updates and criticisms that the users remit. Thus we can view our resource as exemplifying a technology that induces a new social organization of scientific effort." SUMEX-AIM has been remarkably, though not uniquely, successful in pointing to this new direction for scientific integration and cumulation. The collection of computer science research centers on the ARPANET represents another example, but because the goals of SUMEX are more focused, its achievements at community building are more easily defined. The speed with which the relatively new MOLGEN programs are making their way into the relevant scientific community, by means of help from and access to SUMEX, is gratifying evidence of the community building spirit and technique of the resource. That this path cut by SUMEX in the '70s will become the highway of the 80's and '90s is very likely. As a focus for the development of the inexpensive "intelligent assistant" in medicine and the biosciences... Artificial Intelligence is the computer science of symbolic representations of knowledge and symbolic inference. There is a certain inevitability to this branch of computer science and its applications, in Privileged Communication 27 E. A. Feigenbaum Significance particular, to medicine and biosciences. The cost of computers will fall drastically during the coming two decades. As it does, many more of the practitioners of the world's professions will be persuaded to turn to economical automatic information processing for assistance in managing the increasing complexity of their daily tasks. They will find, in most of computer science, help only for those of their problems that have a mathematical or statistica’ core, or ave of a routine data-precessing nature. But such problems will be rare, except in engineering and physical science. In medicine, biology, management -~ indeed in most of the world's work -- the daily tasks are those requiring symbolic reasoning with detailed professional knowledge. The computers that will act as "intelligent assistants" for these professionals must be endowed with such reasoning capabilities and knowledge. The researchers of the SUMEX-AIM community currently constitute a large fraction of all the computer scientists whose work is aimed at this inevitable development. The day is not far off. There appeared in Business Week, April 14, 1980 an article on INTEL and their plans for the 1980's. INTEL is presently fourth in integrated circuit sales but is on a much faster growth curve than its competitors. Therefore its plans should be an important indicator of the technological environment to be expected in this coming decade. INTEL's plans include a "minimainframe” more powerful than any chip computer so far announced, which includes the ability to be linked in networks for even higher performance. INTEL is investing about $100 million in software for a full-fledged operating system with capabilities in language understanding, mechanization of intellectual activity, pattern recognition etc.. SUMEX-AIM is laying the scientific base so that medicine will be able to take advantage of these technological opportunities for inexpensive computer power, Medical diagnostic aids and tools for the medical scientist that operate in a environment of a network of VAX-like and $30,000 "professional workstation" computers have the practical possibility of large-scale and low-cost use because of these anticipated near-term industrial developments. As a focus for the methodology that will explicate and disseminate the "private" -- heuristic -- knowledge of practice... Knowledge is power, in the profession and in the intelligent agent. As we proceed to model expertise in medicine and its related sciences, we find that the power of our programs derives mainly from the knowledge that we are able to obtain from our collaborating practitioners, not from the sophistication of the inference processes we observe them using. Crucially, the knowledge that gives power is not merely the knowledge of the textbook, the lecture and the journal but the knowledge of "good practice" -- the experiential knowledge of “good judgment” and "good guessing", the knowledge of the practitioner's art that is often used in lieu of facts and rigor. This heuristic knowledge is mostly private, even in the very public practice of science. It is almost never taught E. A. Feigenbaum 28 Privileged Communication Significance explicitly; almost never discussed and critiqued among peers; and most often is not even in the moment-by-moment awareness of the practitioner. Perhaps the the most expansive view of the significance of the work of the SUMEX-AIM community is that a methodology is emerging therefrom for the systematic explication, testing, dissemination, and teaching of the heuristic knowleds? of medica’ oractice and scientific performance. Perhaps it is less important that computer programs can be organized to use this knowledge than that the knowledge itself can be organized for the use of the human practitioners of today and tomorrow. Lederberg's statement from our previous proposal rounds out this larger view: "Aithough our substantive efforts are mostly concerned with the 'micro-problems' of scientific or clinical inference, there may be more important treasures in a macro- perspective on the integration of knowledge in medicine. I believe that it is reasonable to expect that the systematization of biomedical knowledge, to which computer AI will make an indispensable contribution, is an important side effect of these investigations in knowledge-engineering; and that this will lead in turn to the recognition of holes in the overall fabric that badly need patching. We have too little theory of the practice of science to offer more than case studies at this time.” Privileged Communication 29 E. A. Feigenbaum Progress 5 Progress This report covers only the resource nucleus; objectives and progress for individual collaborating projects are discussed in their respective reports in Section 9 beginning on page 135. These projects collectively peovide much of the scientific basis for SUMEX as a resource and our role in assisting trem has been a continuation of that edopted for the first grant term. Collaborating projects are autonomous in their management and provide their own manpower and expertise for the development and dissemination of their AI programs. 5.1 Brief Statement of Prior Goals The following summarizes SUMEX objectives for the on-going three year grant, begun on August 1, 1978. It will be noted that the high-level goals for this work closely parallel those for the renewal period. These are the continuing basis for our Tong-term program in biomedical AI research and are resummarized here to comply with the requested NIH form for this proposal. Changes to previous detailed objectives because of explicit guidelines and funding limits in the council award are noted below, 5.1.1 Resource Operations 1) Continue the building of a community of projects applying AI techniques to medical problems including improving mechanisms for inter- and intra- group collaborations and communications. 2) Provide an effective computing resource to support the development and research dissemination of biomedical AI computer programs for a broad range of applications areas. 3) Provide effective and geographically accessible network communication facilities to the SUMEX-AIM community for remote collaborations, scientific communications, and experimentation with developing AI programs. 5.1.2 Training and Education 1) Provide documentation and assistance in interfacing users to resource facilities and programs. 2) Continue to allocate "collaborative linkage" funds to qualifying new and pilot projects to provide for communications and terminal Support pending formal approval and funding of their projects, These funds are allocated in cooperation with the AIM Executive Committee reviews of prospective user projects. E. A. Feigenbaum 30 Privileged Communication Brief Statement of Prior Goals Section 5.1.2 3) Continue to support technical workshop activities in collaboration with the Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine resource and individual application projects. We had proposed support for a “visiting scientist” position to allow prospective qualified SUMEX-AIM project investigators or users to spend a term ir close contact with on-going research work. Furding for this position was cut by the NIH review committees. 5.1.3 Core Research 1) Continue to encourage community efforts at orqanizing and developing AI techniques by supporting projects such as the AI Handbook, special language developments, and other projects community members may propose to contribute. 2) [Explore generalizations of AI tools for knowledge acquisition, representation, and utilization. 3) Explore AI software implementation and export mechanisms such as machine-independent languages and special purpose computer systems. This includes the continued development of the MAINSAIL system and the investigation of satellite general purpose machines capable of running existing systems. Because of guidelines and funding limits in the council-approved award, we removed several goals. in the core research work as originally proposed including support for development of a general planning package, a heuristic knowledge acquisition system, and a general explanation system. We were also forced to limit the goals of the MAINSAIL effort to the completion of the language design and to a demonstration of implementations for five target systems. No export efforts for MAINSAIL or work on microprogrammed implementations were possible. Privileged Communication 31 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 5.2 Summary of Progress: 11/77 - 4/80 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) EB. A, summary of Progress: 11/77 - 4/80 We have continued to recruit a growing community of user projects and collaborators. The initial complement of 5 projects has grown to 17 fully authorized projects currently plus a group of 8 pilot efforts in various stages of formulation. Several of these projects use the AIM computing facility et Rutgers. Many projects are built around the communications network facilities we have assembled, bringing together medical and computer science collaborators from remote institutions and making their research programs available to still other remote users. SUMEX user projects have made good progress in developing and disseminating effective consultative computer programs for biomedical research, These performance programs provide expertise in analytical biochemical analyses and syntheses, medical diagnoses, and various kinds of cognitive and affective psychological modeling. We have worked hard to meet their needs and are grateful for their expressed appreciation. [see Section 9 beginning on page 135]. A first version of the AGE system has been completed. It uses the “blackboard model" control structure for coordinating multiple expert sources of knowledge for the solution of problems. The UNITS package [9] for a "frame-oriented” representation of knowledge is now being incorporated. AGE provides a general structure and an interactive facility for implementing knowledge-based systems. A workshop to introduce AGE to the AIM community was held at Stanford in February 1980. [see Section 9.1.1 on page 137]. We have completed the initial phases of a systematic effort to document AI concepts and techniques through the AI Handbook Project. It comprises a compendium of short articles about the projects, ideas, problems, and techniques that make up the field of AI. The first two volumes covering heuristic search, knowledge representation, natural language and speech understanding, AI languages, various applications domains, and automatic programming were completed in August 1979 and publication plans are in progress. All completed sections have been published as Stanford Computer Science Department technical reports. Work on a third volume is progressing well. [see Section 9.1.2 on page 145 and Appendix G on page 392] We successfully completed the design and a demonstration of the MAINSAIL language system as a tool for software portability. A common compiler, code generators, and runtime support for TENEX, TOPS-10, TOPS=20, RT-11, and RSX-11 have been developed as part of this demonstration system and numerous applications programs written by collaborating research groups. Further work past this demonstration phase will be done independently of SUMEX through a private company, XIDAK, formed to continue the development, dissemination, and maintenance of MAINSAIL. Work is under way to develop MAINSAIL for the VAX and a number of other target. machines. [see Appendix H on page 398], Feigenbaum 32 Privileged Communication Summary of Progress: 11/77 - 4/80 Section 5.2 6) 7) 8) We have continued refinement of the SUMEX facility hardware and software systems. We have worked to enhance throughput, to better control the allocation of resources among communities, to increase efficiency, to enhance human interfaces, to improve documentation, and to extend the range of software facilities available to user projects. We aiso completed installation and evaluation of a connection to TELENET as an altevnate source of communications services for our community. We completed planning and implementation of a satellite machine that Supports more operational demonstrations of mature AI programs and helps alleviate system congestion for on-going program development. This acquisition of a DEC 2020 system was reviewed and approved by an ad hoc study section. We have installed the machine and are actively working on its integration into KI-10 facility by means of a local Ethernet [10]. Using an interim connection, it has been used extensively for workshops and program demonstrations. We have smoothly completed the management transition. On July 1, 1978, Prof. Edward Feigenbaum assumed the role of SUMEX Principal Investigator following Prof. Joshua Lederberg's installation as president of The Rockefeller University. Prof. Lederberg continues to maintain close ties with SUMEX activities as chairman of the SUMEX-AIM Executive Committee. Close coordination of project activities with medical research is provided by Dr. E. H. Shortliffe, co-Principal Investigator of SUMEX. Dr. Shortliffe is Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine and one of the key developers of the MYCIN system. Effective August 1, 1980, SUMEX will become part of the Department of Medicine where it will be centered in the largest clinical department of the Stanford Medical School. Previously, SUMEX had been in the Department of Genetics with Prof. Stanley Cohen, Dr. Lederberg's successor as chairman, assisting in project medical coordination, Privileged Communication 33 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 5.3 Detailed Progress Highlights 5.3 Detailed Progress Highlights The following material highlights in more detail SUMEX-AIM resource activities since the last review in the context of the resource staff and the resource management, 5.3.1 Resource Operations Our core facility, initially installed in March 1974, is built around a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) KI-10 computer and the TENEX operating system. This facility has provided a superb base for the AI mission of SUMEX-AIM in terms of its interactive computing environment, its AI program development tools, and its network and interpersonal communication media. Biomedical scientists have found SUMEX easy to use in exploring applications of developing artificial intelligence programs for their own work and in stimulating more effective scientific exchanges with colleaques across the country. These tools also give us access to a large computer science research community, including active artificial intelligence and system development research groups. Coupled through effective network facilities, these groups greatly enhance the SUMEX-AIM community environment through broader scientific interchange and software sharing. Following are highlights for recent developments in various aspects of the facility. Detailed information about SUMEX loading can be found in Appendix B on page 355. Plots are given there for overall resource usage, diurnal toading, community/project usage, and network traffic. System Hardware 1) Implemented a number of strategic facility augmentations over the years in response to growing community needs to increase system capacity and improve performance for interactive expert systems. These include: (3/74) - install KI-10 with 192K words of memory; (11/74) - add 64K words of memory; (5/76) - add second KI-10; (8/77) ~ add 256K words of memory and double on-line file space (see Figure 1 for a current configuration diagram). 2) Acquired a software-compatible satellite DEC 2020 computer as a dedicatable resource for improved interactive response for experimental testing of AIL programs. This relatively inexpensive machine ($175,000) includes a KS-10 processor approximately half the speed of a KI-10, 512K words of memory, 1 disk and 1 tape drive, 16 terminal lines, and software license (see Figure 2 for a configuration diagram}). It runs TOPS~20 and is for the most part software-compatible with the KI-TENEX system. The 2020 was installed without problem in August 1979 and we have supported many program demonstrations on it for the DENDRAL, ONCOCIN, AGE, SECS, E. A. Feigenbaum 34 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section 3) 4) 5) INTERNIST, and MOLGEN projects. Major conferences for which the 2020 has been used include the Sixth International Joint Conference on AI from Tokyo, Japan in August 1979 and, most recently, the American College of Physicians meeting in New Orleans in April 1980. Began implementation of a local Ethernet [10] as the basis for integrating the KI-10 facility with the 2020 and future planned hardware. Based on Xerox-developed protocols, this system will connect SUMEX resources through a 3.3 Mbit/sec network to allow uniform terminal access, file transfers, peripheral equipment sharing, and remote resource access through gateways. Figure 3 on page 38 shows current configuration plans for the SUMEX network. The KI-10's are fully operational on the Ethernet through an interim I/O bus PDP-11 interface. This uses a Xerox-designed PDP-11 interface board and an adaptation of their higher level software. The 2020 is connected electrically through its UNIBUS adapter. We are working to complete the 2020 connection software and to design a direct memory interface for the KI-10's to achieve higher performance and efficiency. [see Appendix C on page 374 for details]. We have desiqned and implemented communications control hardware to allow sensing of carrier drop on dial-up lines so that attached jobs can be detached to prevent users from inadvertently connecting to hanging jobs. We also implemented a software-controlled switch to allow more efficient use of available terminal scanner ports on the system. Hardwired and leased line connections no longer tie up scanner ports when not in use. , We have supported community hardware communication needs by installing and maintaining local terminals and connections; assisting in the acquisition and installation of terminals at remote user sites; assisting with dedicated links to remote user sites (e.g., UC Santa Cruz and UC San Francisco); and assisting with equipment installation for AI program demonstrations. Privileged Communication 35 E. A. Feigenbaum Section E. AMPEX Memory ARM 10-LX 256K Words Resource Operations DEC Memory 4x MF-10 256 K Words < 4port memory bus DEC Central DEC Central Processor #0 Processor #1 DEC Memory K1-10 KIi-10 Multiplexer | MX-10C DEC & Digital Development Drum System 1.7M words TY MNET Interface 4800 Bit/Sec < . 1/0 Bus ret PR ARPANET SOK Bit/Sec Lines Direct 513 {MP Memory Access Ethernet Interface Data Products Line Printer 2410 System Concepts Calcomp Tape SA-10 DEC/1BM Controller & Interface 2x Drives Dual DECtape S47-A Drives TD-10 Calcomp Disk DEC TTY Controller & Scanner 32 lines 2x Drives BCc-10 local dial-ups 235-Il 64 Lines total 32 lines nnn’ Calcomp Plotter TTL 1/0 Bus 60 dedicated 565 Extension Line Switch lines 32x64 SUMEX 2020 interim PDP 11/70 4 lines Ethernet Interface Figure 1. Current SUMEX-AIM KI-10 Computer Configuration A. Feigenbaum 36 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section DEC Memory 512K words (MOS) DEC Central Processor KS-10 Unibus Adapter DEC Disk RP-06 Figure 2. Current SUMEX-AIM 2020 Computer Privileged Communication Unibus Adapter 37 DEC TU-45 Magnetic Tape DEC Line Scanner DZ-11 -+———_ K]-10 ETHERNET Interface E. A. Configuration Feigenbaum Section ETHERNET 4 XEROX Alto KI-TENEX System Se 50K bit/sec lines ARPANET Link Ce! SUMEX 2020 ETHERNET 4 Resource Operations UC Santa Cruz Stanford CSD SCIT Stanford Chemistry UC San Francisco 1/O Peripherals (LPT, PLT, ...) | Ls TYMNET Interface 4800 bit/sec lines Ether TIP Figure 3. Intermachine Connections via ETHERNET E. A. Feigenbaum Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section System Software In parallel with the choice of DEC PDP-10 hardware for the SUMEX-AIM facility, we selected the TENEX operating system developed by Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN) as the most effective for our medical AI applications work. Together with the hardware, TENEX has provided a superb environment in which to pursue community biomedical AI applications work. Following are highlights of recent system software developments: Monitor 1) we have made significant contributions to the KI-TENEX monitor that are now in use at other sites. These include efficiency improvements in the management of user page tables, implementation of a memory-shared TYMNET interface including outbound circuit facilities, design and implementation of the dual processor TENEX System, implementation of a page migration system to assure effective use of fixed-head swapping storage, and improvements in system routines for locating and recognizing file names. 2) developed overload control facilities that effectively limit the number of active processes on the system to those that can be supported with reasonable response time. These provide for “background” jobs, “demo priority” jobs, and mechanisms to temporarily suspend user jobs that have not cooperated with requests to reduce the system toad. Active process slots are allocated on the basis of a priori resource percentages that communities and projects are entitled to. 3) implement monitor communication controls for the experimental TELENET network connection. These included special "“Xon/Xoff" facilities to allow transmission of packets into the network at 1200 baud irrespective of terminal speed so that network transmission delays could be minimized. Network “backpressure” commands prevented overruns for slower terminals. [see Appendix D on page 376 for details]. 4) implement monitor service routines for the "carrier detect” control and line switching hardware. 5) examined KI-TENEX page faulting behavior to measure the utility of block transferring pages in anticipation of faults. Data for a wide range of programs indicate that TENEX already does a good job of keeping needed pages in memory, limited by the amount of physical memory availabie. We propose to add another 256K of core memory to the system to reduce swapping overhead. 6) integrate the Ethernet and PUP monitor service routines adapted from Xerox PARC [10, 13]. This required redesigning the hardware interface code for our interim PDP-11 I/O bus interface (KI-10) and the 2020 18-bit UNIBUS adapter, changing executive “XCT” codes to conform to differences in hardware function between the Xerox microcoded PDP-10 and our KI-10's, and implementing needed Privileged Communication 39 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 7) Resource Operations additional system calls (JSYS's). The KI-10 is fully working on our Ethernet. The extensive TOPS-20 monitor changes for the 2020 are Still in progress. adapt the TOPS-20 monitor from the Stanford DEC 2060 systems to the SUMEX 2020. We have made minimal changes to the monitor code except to accommodate the Ethernet interface anc to provides needed controls for priority program demonstration and testing. make numerous monitor bug repairs to provide for more reliable System operation and file integrity. Obvious bugs were removed long ago so those remaining are elusive and occur infrequently. We have found and fixed bugs in the management of multi~fork structures, the ARPANET control programs, the file page backup routines, the manipulation of special monitor pages mapped through the user page table, and the concatenation of drum 1/0 requests for latency reduction. Utility Features We have made a significant number of utility improvements to the monitor to add new features, improve compatibility with TENEX 1.34 and TOPS-20, or improve operational effectiveness. A brief list includes: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) £. A. Printer device and spooler that manages a print queue for Prof. Wipke's group at UC Santa Cruz. This device allows interspersing use of the UCSC link as a terminal line and as a printer device. Password error monitoring to Tog out jobs causing a high number of failures and to report the source and target directories to the operator, This is designed to catch occasional attempts at unauthorized entry into the system, generally from remote network connections. Improved GTJFN features to partially recognize ambiguous file names up to the point of ambiguity and to recognize parts of the TOPS-20 name syntax for compatibility. Upgrade routines and JSYS's to conform with TENEX 1.34 to provide desirable new features (selective expunge, group connect, improved file system physical format, and expanded directory hash table) and to retain compatibility with evolving ARPANET protocols. Checksum monitor code as loaded to detect I/O device errors or memory problems. Make the console teletype of the second processor available for use and improve operational procedures for taking crash dumps and reloading the system. Feigenbaum 40 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section System Executive One of the most important system programs is the EXECutive which is the basic user interface to manipulate files, directories, and devices: control job and terminal parameter settings; observe job and system status; and execute public and private programs. The SUMEX EXEC is quite well developed at this stage but we have made several recent improvements: 1) Implementation of LOGIN.CMD and COMAND.CMD files which are processed at login and upon starting any new EXEC. These files allow the user to give any available EXEC command automatically to set default parameters, print status information, etc. 2) Enhancement of the functions and improvement of the human interaction of the file archive/retrieval system. Users can now specify a list of files to be retrieved, edit their archive directories to remove old entries or collect groups of entries, annotate entries to better document contents, and interactively step forward and backward when searching for an entry. 3) Implementation of general wild card facilities for the COPY and RENAME commands. This allows users to copy/rename groups of files to new files with names derived by reorganizing selected substrings from the originals thereby reducing the manual typing required, 4) Implement the selective expunge command from TENEX 1.34 so that temporary files (e.g., MESSAGE.COPY) can be retained while expunging unneeded deleted files, 5) Improvement of the scheduling control information provided to users for planning their work around overloaded system conditions. 6) Implement demo controls for the 2020 EXEC to preserve its capacity during scheduled sessions for AI program tests or demonstrations. system Utilities and Operations We have made numerous improvements and bug fixes to the system utility and operations programs needed to assist smooth management of the system and to provide new facilities for users. A brief list of the most significant tasks includes: 1) Spooler improvements - allow users to retract requests to list files and implement a special spooler for printing files remotely at UC Santa Cruz for Prof. Wipke's group. This spooler communicates over a line also used for terminals and uses a specially designed protocol to coordinate line usage. 2) SYSJOB controls - several of the system utilities for TELNET connections, mail forwarding, statistics collection, TYMNET downtime msg updating, etc. were relocated to a separate system job to facilitate better resource allocation controls and to reduce Privileged Communication 4l E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Operations competition with other critical system functions (disk page backup and network control programs). 3) Overload controls - implement the user-level demo priority and uncooperative job controls for overloaded system conditions based on the monitor control functions descrited earlier. 4) File archive/retrieval - improvements to BSYS incorporating user Status information on retrieval processing and the latest BBN system for file restoration automation, 5) File system verification - improvements to the CHECKDSK program for detecting file system integrity problems after a crash to allow better notification to users of the names of files that might have been lost or damaged. 6) System and crash analysis - improvements to the program developed to assist in sorting through the complex interlinked monitor tables when unraveling a core dump to analyze the cause of a crash. Also develop several display programs to observe the dynamic operation of individual job structures or network connections. 7) Ethernet/PUP service - import and adapt to the SUMEX system the Xerox user-level service programs for file transfer, terminal connections, mail forwarding, gateway routing, etc. 8) 2020 conversions - on-going conversion of useful KI-10 programs to run in the TOPS-20 environment. 9} TENEX/TOPS-20 compatibility package - we have made substantial extensions to a compatibility package, PA-2040, that was originally written at USC-ISI. This package now emulates many of the TOPS-20 unique JSYS's. We have added the monitor mode instruction emulation software written initially for the SUMEX GTJFN development so that unique TOPS-20 monitor JSYS code can be run directly from user space. This allows JSYS's without TENEX equivalents to be emulated directly. There are still TOPS-20 JSYS definition changes that cannot be handled by means of a compatibility package. User Subsystems We have continued to assemble (develop where necessary) and maintain a broad range of user support software. These include such tools as language systems, statistics packages, DEC-supplied programs, improvements to the TOPS-10 emulator, text editors, text search programs, file space management programs, graphics support, a batch program execution monitor, text formatting and justification assistance, magnetic tape conversion aids, and user information/help assistance programs. 1) new installations or versions of subsystems essential to users have been brought up with varying requirements for local adaptation to run on the SUMEX KI-10's. New or updated subsystems include MLAB £, A. Feigenbaum 42 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section and OMNIGRAPH from NIH; FORTRAN, CCL, COBOL, BACKUP, MACRO, LINK10, GLOB, and a new set of utility routines used by many of the DEC CUSP's from DEC; INTERLISP from Xerox PARC; ESSEX-BCPL from the University of Essex in England; PASCAL and SAIL from Rutgers University (C. Hedrick); PUB (a text formatting program) from IMSSS (M. Hinckley) and SUMEX; MSG (a mail reading program) from BBN (J. Vittal); and TEX (a text publication system) from Stanford (D. Knuth). 2) upgrade the crt display package in the TV text editor to support many additional terminals. TV now handles Teleray-1061, Heath H-19, and a locally modified version of the Hazeltine 1500. Support will soon be available for the NIH Delta Data 5200, Infoton 400, and Visual 200. We are also incorporating enhancements made recently by C. Hedrick at Rutgers to allow improved search and text relocation facilities. 3) impert and support the EMACS text editing system from MIT. Substantial effort has gone into developing macro packages that improve the human engineering features of EMACS and providing introductory documentation for new users. This has been closely coordinated with similar efforts at SRI and MIT. A community of EMACS users is now developing at SUMEX. 4) add features to altow attaching batch jobs that have an initial interactive phase that has to be run from a user terminal but which can then be turned over to batch operation for background or deferred running. Also improve batch efficiency and help facilities. 5) add facilities to the spelling corrector to replace misspelled words with phrases, remember the names of subdictionaries loaded, and override misspellings to do simple translations. Communications Subsystems Of key importance for our community effort is a set of tools for inter-user communications. We have built up a group of programs to facilitate many aspects of communications including interpersonal electronic mail, a "bulletin board" system for various special interest groups to bridge the gap between private mail and formal system documents, and tools for terminal connections and file transfers between SUMEX and various external hosts. Recent developments include: 1) ITYFTP - A system for file transfers usable over any circuit that appears as a terminal line to the operating system (hardline, dial- up, TYMNET, etc.) and incorporating appropriate control protocols and error checking. The design is derived from the DIALNET protocols developed at the Stanford AI Laboratory with extensions to allow both user and server modules to run as user processes without operating system changes. TTYFTP is written in MAINSAIL and is implemented for TENEX, TOPS-20, RT-11, and RSX-11M. Priviteged Communication 43 E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Operations 2) Bulletin Board - BBD has been extended to allow remote posting of bulletins via communication network and has improved efficiency. 3) VITY - we have combined outbound (TELNET) terminal access protocols for TYMNET, SCIT (Stanford IBM facility), SUMEX 2020, and pseudoteletypes in a single virtual terminal program. VTTY provides typescript services to record sessions. 4) Electronic mail - improve the mail facilities for guests and allow reediting of all message fields (i.e., addressees, subject, and body) in SNBMSG. Also import the more efficient protocols for network mail developed by K. Harrenstien at MIT. software Sharing At SUMEX-AIM we are committed to importing rather than reinventing software where possible. As noted above, a number of the packages we have brought up are from outside groups. Many avenues exist for sharing between the system staff, various user projects, other facilities, and vendors. The availability of fast and convenient communication facilities coupling communities of computer facilities has made possible effective intergroup cooperation and decentralized maintenance of software packages. The TENEX Sites on the ARPANET have been a good model for this kind of exchange based on a functional division of labor and expertise. The other major advantage is that as a by-product of the constant communication about particular software, personal connections between staff members of. the various sites develop. These connections serve to pass general information about software tools and to encourage the exchange of ideas among the sites. 1) We continue to import significant amounts of system software from other ARPANET sites, reciprocating with our own local developments, Interactions have included mutual backup support, experience with various hardware configurations, experience with new types of computers and operating systems, designs for local networks, operating system enhancements, utility or language software, and user project collaborations. 2) We have assisted groups that have interacted with SUMEX user projects get access to software available in our community. For exampte, Prof. Dreiding's group in Switzerland became interested in some of the system software available here after attending the DENDRAL CONGEN workshops (see Section 9.1.3 on page 149). We have provided him with the non-licensed programs requested. We are working on a similar arrangement for a group interested in the MOLGEN program. User Assistance and Documentation The SUMEX resource exists to facilitate biomedical artificial intelligence applications from program development through testing in the target research communities. This user orientation on the part of the £. A. Feigenbaum 44 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section facility and staff has been a unique feature of our resource and is responsible in large part for our success in community building. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) We have tailored resource policies to aid users whenever possible within our research mandate and available facilities. Our approach to system scheduling, overload control, file space management, etc. all attempt to give users the greatest latitude possible to pursue their research goals consistent with fairly meeting our responsibilities in administering SUMEX as a national resource. The resource staff has spent significant effort in assisting users gain access to the system and use it effectively. We respond promptly to questions by telephone, terminal link, or electronic mail. We also exercise great care in managing system file integrity and assisting users in recovering files lost through user error or system malfunction, We have worked hard to assist projects achieve their goals in setting up an appropriate computing environment on the system including directory groups, collaborator and guest facilities, file space allocations, and special software subsystems. We have solicited and acted upon user recommendations for system development goals. A “gripe” system is available to users for general comments as well as electronic mail to individual staff members responsible for particular aspects of the system. We have spent substantial effort to develop, maintain, and facilitate access to documentation so as to accurately reflect available software. The HELP and Bulletin Board subsystems have been important in this effort. As subsystems are updated, we generally publish a bulletin or small document describing the changes. We have worked to review the existing documentation system, reorganize it for easier access and maintenance, create command and documentation summaries where appropriate for new users, and update on-line and hardcopy documents for compatibility with the programs now running. We have collected useful comparisons and difference summaries between the KI-TENEX and 2020 systems to assist users in moving easily between them. Maintenance of accurate and useful documentation is a continuing task. Privileged Communication 45 E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Operations Network Communication Facilities A highly important aspect of the SUMEX system is effective communication with remote users. In addition to the economic arguments for terminal access, networking offers other advantages for shared computing. These include improved inter-user communications, more effective software sharing. uniform user access to multiple machines and special purpose resources, convenient file transfers, more effective backup, and co- processing between remote machines. These issues become even more important with the emerging computing technology that will make increasing decentralization possible. Networks will be crucial for maintaining the collaborative scientific and software contacts built up. A detailed description of our network connections can be found in Appendix D on page 376. Recent milestones include: 1) We continue cur connection to TYMNET as the primary means for access to SUMEX-AIM from research groups around the country and abroad. There has been no significant change in user service or network performance. Very limited facilities for file transfer exist and no improvements appear to be forthcoming soon, Services continue to be purchased through the NLM contract and we have elected "dedicated port" pricing as the most cost effective. We continue to have serious difficulties getting needed service from TYMNET for debugging network problems. See Figure 18 on page 379 for a recent Tist of TYMNET access nodes. 2) We continue our advantageous connection to the Department of Defense's ARPANET, now managed by the Defense Communications Agency (DCA). Terminal access restrictions are in force so that only users affiliated with DoD-supported contractors may use TELNET facilities, ARPANET is the primary Tink between SUMEX and other machine resource such as Rutgers-AIM. Current ARPANET geographical and logical maps are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20 on page 380. 3) We implemented an experimental connection to TELENET via a TP-2200 interface with 12 asynchronous lines to SUMEX and one 4800 baud line connecting to the network backbone. In spite of potential economic advantages, this experiment was unsuccessful. Users complained of poor node reliability, intolerable delays in response, uneven flow of terminal output, and poor operational management of the network. Similar problems existed from the system standpoint. Other half- duplex users (e.g., the NLM MEDLINE system) have reported more - successful connections. Because of funding Timitattions, we had to abandon our TELENET link for the time being. See Figure 21 on page 382 for a recent list of TELENET access nodes. E. A. Feigenbaum 46 Privileged Communication Resource Operations Section Resource Management Early in the design of the SUMEX~AIM resource, a rather elaborate management plan was worked out with the Biotechnology Resources Program at NIH to assure fair administration of the resource for both Stanford and national users and to provide a framework for recruitment and development of a scientifically meritorious community of application projects. This Structure is described in some detail in Appendix E on page 383. It has continued to function effectively as summarized below. 1) The AIM Executive Committee meets reqularly by teleconference to advise on new project access applications, discuss resource management policies, plan workshop activities, and conduct other community business. The Advisory Group meets together at the annual AIM workshop to discuss general resource business and individual members are contacted much more frequently to review project applications. (See Appendix I on page 399 for a current listing of AIM committee membership). 2) effective July 1, 1978, Prof. Edward Feigenbaum, Chairman of the Stanford Department of Computer Science became SUMEX principal investigator after Prof. Joshua Lederberg assumed the presidency of The Rockefeller University. This transition took place smoothly because of Prof. Feigenbaum's role as co-Principal Investigator of SUMEX from its start and his long standing collaboration with Prof. Lederberg. Close scientific and administrative ties are maintained with the Stanford medical community through Prof. Edward H. Shortliffe, who is one of the key designers of MYCIN and co- Principal Investigator of SUMEX. The project will become administratively part of. the Stanford Department of Medicine, effective August 1980. As part of the largest clinical medicine department at Stanford, SUMEX will have increased visibility and opportunity to broaden its local scientific collaborations. 3) We have actively recruited new application projects and disseminated information about the resource. The number of formal projects in the SUMEX-AIM community has nearly quadrupled since the start of the project (see Figure 6 on page 331). Here, for example, are just some recent efforts to broaden outside awareness of work in the AIM community and to encourage new projects: the CONGEN workshop at Stanford (1978); the AGE workshop at Stanford (1980); an AI session at the Fourth Illinois Conference on Medical Information Systems (1979); INTERNIST and MYCIN participation in a course on AI computing at NIH (1979); an AI session at the Association for Information Science meeting (1979); an AI session at the Sixth International Joint Conference on AI (1979); an extensive lecturing tour among Japanese university, government, and industrial research groups; and MYCIN and INTERNIST program demonstrations at the American College of Physicians meetings (1979 and 1980). 4) With the advice of the Executive Committee, we have awarded pilot project status to promising new application projects and investigators and where appropriate, offered guidance for the more Privileged Communication 47 E. A. Feigenbaum section Resource Operations 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) bE. A, effective formulation of research plans and for the establishment of research collaborations between biomedical and computer science investigators. We have welcomed a number of visiting investigators at Stanford who were able to pay their own expenses, so they could see first hand how AI applications programs are formulated and get acquainted with the computing tools available. Funds for such visiting scientists were deleted from our previous grant award. We have allocated limited "collaborative linkage" funds as an aid to new projects or collaborators with existing projects to support terminals, communications costs, and other justified expenses to establish effective links to the SUMEX-AIM resource. Executive Committee advice is used to guide allocation of these funds. We have carefully reviewed on-going projects with our management committees to maintain a high scientific quality and relevance to our biomedical AI goals and to maximize the resources available for newly developing applications projects. Several pilot projects have been terminated as a result and more productive collaborative ties established for others.” We have continued to provide active support for the AIM workshops. The tast one was held in May 1979. It was organized by MIT-Tufts and Rutgers and was devoted to clinical diagnosis programs. We also have supported individual project workshops such as those held for CONGEN and AGE. The next AIM workshop will be held at Stanford in August 1980 together with several tutorial sessions on AI for physicians. Prof. Shortliffe is the program chairman for this workshop. We have continued our policy of no fee-for-service for projects using the SUMEX resource. This policy has effectively eliminated the serious administrative barriers that would have blocked our research goals of broader scientific collaborations and interchange on a national scale within the selected AIM community. In turn we have responded to the correspondingly greater responsibilities for careful selection of community projects of the highest scientific merit. Feigenbaum 48 Privileged Communication Core Research Section 5.3.2 5.3.2 Core Research Since the last report we have supported several core research activities aimed at developing information resources, basic AI research, and tools of general interest to the SUMEX-AIM community. Specific areas of current effort include: 1) The AI Handbook, under Prof. Feigenbaum and Mr. Avron Barr: a compendium of knowledge about the field of artificial intelligence being compiled by students and investigators at several research facilities across the nation. The handbook is broad in scope, covering all of the important ideas, techniques, and systems developed during 20 years of research in AI in a series of articles. Each is about four pages Jong and is a description written for non- Al specialists and students of AI. The first two volumes covering heuristic search, knowledge representation, natural language and speech understanding, AI languages, various applications domains, and automatic programming are complete. All completed sections are published as Stanford Computer Science Department technical reports. Work on a third volume is progressing well. [see Section 9.1.2 on page 145 for a more detailed report and Appendix G on page 392 for an outline of the handbook contents) 2) The AGE project: an attempt to isolate inference, control, and representation techniques from previously developed knowledge-based programs; reprogram them for domain independence; write a rule-based interface that will help a user understand what the package offers and how to use the modules; and make the package available to other members of the AIM community. A first version of the AGE system has been compieted. It uses the "blackboard model" control structure for coordinating multiple expert sources of knowledge for the solution of problems. The UNITS package [9] for a "frame-oriented" representation of knowledge is now being incorporated. AGE provides a general structure and an interactive facility for implementing knowledge-based systems. A workshop to introduce AGE to the AIM community was held at Stanford in February 1980. [see Section 9.1.1 on page 137 for a more detailed report]. 3) The MAINSAIL project: an effort to design and demonstrate a machine- independent, ALGOL-like language system to facilitate software transportability between different machine/operating system environments. We successfully completed the design and a demonstration of the MAINSAIL language system as a tool for software portability [14, 16]. A common compiler, code generators, and runtime support for TENEX, TOPS-10, TOPS-20, RT-11, and RSX-11 have been developed as part of this demonstration system and numerous applications programs written by collaborating research groups. Further work past this demonstration phase will be done independently of SUMEX through a private company, XIDAK, formed to continue the development, dissemination, and maintenance of MAINSAIL. Work is under way to develop MAINSAIL for the VAX and a number of other target machines. [See Appendix H on page 398 for a more detailed summary of the final phases of this project]. Privileged Communication 49 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 5.3.2 Core Research It should be noted that SUMEX provides only partial support for the AI Handbook and the AGE projects with complementary support coming from an ARPA contract to the Heuristic Programming Project. Other portions of our original proposal for core research in knowledge acquisition, planning, and generalized explanation systems have not been supported for lack of resources following council reduction of this section of our budget. E. A. Feigenbaum 50 Privileged Communication SUMEX Staff Publications Section 5.3.3 5.3.3 SUMEX Staff Publications The following are publications for the SUMEX staff and include papers describing the SUMEX-AIM resource and on-going research as well as documentation of system and program developments. Many of the publications documenting SUMEX-AIM community research are from the individual collaborating projects and are detailed in their respective reports (see Section 9 on page 135). Publications for the AGE and AI Handbook core research projects are given there. [1] Carhart, R.E., Johnson, S.M., Smith, D.H., Buchanan, B.G., Dromey, R.G., and Lederberg, J, Networking and a Collaborative Research Community: A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Programs, ACS Symposium Series, Number 19, Computer Networking and Chemistry, Peter Lykos (Editor), 1975. [2] Levinthal, E.C., Carhart, R.E., Johnson, S.M., and Lederberg, J., When Computers Talk to Computers, Industrial Research, November 1975 [3] Wilcox, C. R., MAINSAIL - A Machine-Independent Programming System, Proceedings of the DEC Users Society, Vol. 2, No. 4, Spring 1976. [4] Wilcox, Clark R., The MAINSAIL Project: Developing Tools for Software Portability, Proceedings, Computer Application in Medical Care, October, 1977, pp. 76-83. [5] Lederberg, J. L., Digital Communications and the Conduct of Science: The New Literacy, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 11, Nov 1978, [6] Wilcox, C. R., Jirak, G. A., and Dageforde, M. L., MAINSAIL - Language Manual, Stanford University Computer Science Report STAN-CS-80-791 (1980). [7] Wilcox, C. R., Jirak, G. A., and Dageforde, M. L., MAINSAIL - Implementation Overview, Stanford University Computer Science Report STAN-CS-80-792 (1980). Mr. Clark Wilcox also chaired the session on "Languages for Portability" at the DECUS DECsystemi0 Spring '76 Symposium, In addition, a substantial continuing effort has gone into developing, upgrading, and extending documentation about the SUMEX-AIM resource, the SUMEX-TENEX system, and the many subsystems available to users. These efforts include a number of major documents (such as SOS, PUB, TENEX-SAIL, and MAINSAIL manuats) as well as a much larger number of document upgrades, user information and introductory notes, an ARPANET Resource Handbook entry, and policy guidelines. Privileged Communication 51 E. A. Feigenbaum Methods of Procedure 6 Methods of Procedure This section details our approach to achieve the goals summarized in Section 3.3 on page 18 during the next five year period. As indicated earlier, objectives and plans for individual collaborating projects are discussed in Section 9 beginning on page 135. Just as the tone of our renewal proposal derives from the continuing long-term research objectives of the SUMEX-AIM community, our approach derives from the methods and philosophy already established for the resource. We will continue to develop useful knowledge-based software tools for biomedical research based on innovative, yet accessible computing technologies. For us it is important to make systems that work and are exportable. Hence, our approach is to integrate available state-of-the art hardware technology as a basis for the underlying software research and development necessary to support the AI work. SUMEX-AIM will retain its broad community orientation in choosing and implementing its resources. We will draw upon the expertise of on-going research efforts where possible and build on these where extensions or innovations are necessary. This orientation has proved to be an effective way to build the current facility and community. We have built ties to a broad computer science community; have brought the results of their work to the AIM users; and have exported results of our own work. This broader community is particularly active in developing technological tools in the form of new machine architectures, language support, and interactive modalities. 6.1 Resource Operations Plans 6.1.1 Resource Hardware Rationale for Future Plans As discussed in our progress report and supported by collaborating project reports, we have implemented an effective set of computing resources to support AI applications to biomedical research. At the resource core is the KI-TENEX/2020 facility, augmented by portions of the Rutgers 2050 and Stanford SCORE 2060 machines. These have provided an unsurpassed set of tools for the initial phases of SUMEX-AIM development in terms of operating system facilities, human engineering, language support for artificial intelligence program development, and community communications tools. As the size of our community and the complexity of knowledge-based programs have increased, several issues have become important for the continued development and practical dissemination of ATI programs: E. A. Feigenbaum 52 Privileged Communication Resource Hardware Section 1) The community has a continuing need for more computing capacity. - This arises from the growth of new applications projects, new core research ideas, and the need to disseminate mature systems within and outside of the AIM community. Nowhere is this felt more strongly than among the Stanford community where system access constraints have seriously impeded development progress. A picture of system congestion can be found in the summary of loading Statistics in Appendix B on page 355 and in the statements from many of our user projects. 2) Many programs require a larger virtual address space. As AI systems become more expert and encompass larger and more complex domains, they require ever larger knowledge bases and data structures that must be traversed in the course of solving problems. The 256K word address limit of the PDP-10 has constrained program development as discussed in Appendix F on page 390. Increasing effort has gone into “overlays” resulting in higher machine overhead, more difficulty in making program changes, and lost programmer time. Simpler hardware solutions are needed. 3) AI programs are being tested and disseminated increasingly beyond their development communities. We cannot continue to provide all of the computing resources this implies through central systems like SUMEX. The capacity does not exist. Network communications facilities are not able to support facile human interactions (high speed, improved displays, graphics, and speech/touch modalities). And a grant-supported research environment cannot meet the technical and administrative needs of a “production” community. Thus, we need to explore better ways to package complex AI software and distribute the necessary computing tools cost effectively into the user communities. An "obvious" solution to our capacity needs (but not the address space limitations) is to buy additional large machine resources that are software compatible with the existing community KI-10 and PDP-20 systems. By placing these nodes at user sites, an improvement in communication bandwidth would be possible to enhance the human interactive support. The addition of more DEC 2060 or larger machines to the SUMEX community is not cost-effective, however. An alternative and more feasible approach to meet community needs is to explore the use of smaller, less expensive machines as satellites (some remote) to the main resource. A variety of technologies are now becoming available as machines that we can buy and use. These could have a number of advantages: 1) A relatively small investment in capital equipment is required for each incremental capacity augmentation. 2) New architectures directly support larger program address spaces. 3) Possible location close to individual research groups allows better human engineering of user interfaces by using higher speed Priviteged Communication 53 E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Hardware communication, improved display technology, and other modalities for human interaction such as speech and touch. 4) System capacity can be allocated more flexibly and efficiently by having to satisfy fewer simultaneous scheduling constraints and by being more easily dedicatable to operational demonstrations. This approach poses a number of possible disadvantages stemming primarily from the distributed nature of the computing resources: 1) Each such machine would have a relatively small capacity. These may be sufficient for many computing tasks of a local user group. It would be difficult to aggregate such dispersed capacity, however, when needed for a single computing-intensive task except through multiprocessing. This woutd be made difficult by geographic remoteness. Such intensive computing needs will likely still be best handled by shared specialized central resources. 2) Decentralizing the computing resources places an increased centrifugal force on community interactions. Effective network communications must be maintained to allow continued collaborative interactions, software sharing, access to common knowledge and data bases, message exchange, etc. 3) Geographically distributed computing tends to encourage costly duplication of similar operations and maintenance functions for system hardware and software support. These added costs are lessened when distributed over clusters of systems near SUMEX-AIM community nodes. These trade-offs, coupled with the developing new computer technology, suggest a continuing need for a spectrum of resource configurations and support functions over the next grant period including: 1) experimentation with new shared centralized systems 2) distributed single-user "professional workstations" 3) improved communications tools to integrate them together effectively. In addition to continuing operation of the existing resources, we plan to direct SUMEX research efforts to explore the potential of such newly available systems as solutions to AIM community needs. Our approach will be to integrate a heterogeneous set of network-connected hardware tools, some of which will be distributed through the user community. We will emphasize the development of system and application level software tools to allow effective use of these resources and continue to provide community leadership to encourage scientific communications. £. A. Feigenbaum 54 Privileged Communication Resource Hardware Section Summary of Proposed Hardware Acquisitions As discussed in more detail in later sections, we plan to acquire the following yr i - yr 3 - yr 4 - yr 5 - additional hardware Add 256K words of core to the existing KI-10 AMPEX memory to reduce page swapping overhead. Buy a VAX 11/780 with 2M bytes of memory and minimal disk and tape peripherals to provide large address space INTERLISP facilities, to experiment with AI program export, to support development of VAX system software for the community, and to alleviate congestion in the Stanford 40% of the SUMEX resource. Develop a file server coupled to SUMEX host machines via the high speed Ethernet. This will minimize the need for redundant large file systems on each host and alleviate the file storage limitations of the AIM community. The server will be based on a PDP-11 with 630M bytes of disk storage initially and tape facilities for backup and archives. Add 2M bytes of memory to the VAX purchased in year 1. Add 630M bytes to the file server purchased in year 1. Buy 5 single-user "professional workstations" (PWS) based on the Zenith-MIT NU system (or equivalent) to develop and experiment with this means for AI program development, export, and human interface enhancements. These machines will be distributed within the Stanford community initially to facilitate development and will be coupled by Ethernet with the main resource. Add a second VAX 11/780 for general community support with large address space INTERLISP. This machine will be managed for program testing in a way similar to the existing 2020. Add 2 PWS systems to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. Add 3 PWS systems to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. Add 630M bytes to the central file server to meet expected growth in community file storage needs. Add 3 PWS systems to be distributed within the AIM community under Executive Committee control. Privileged Communication 55 E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Hardware Existing Hardware Operation The current SUMEX-AIM facilities represent a large existing investment. The KI-10 facility has operated at capacity for more than three years, even with periodic augmentation. Significant augmentation to any of the present hardware configuration cannot be done without major upgrades to the mainframe and memory components. A factor of 5-10 increase in throughput could be achieved by replacing the KI-10's with a DEC 2060 or the projected new 2080 processor. This would maintain software compatibility in the same sense as the 2020 (TENEX vs TOPS-20) but would cost $500 - 1000K. We do not believe the funding for such an upgrade would be forthcoming. It also would not attack the INTERLISP addressing limitations or the needs for higher performance interactive support. Whereas this magnitude of capacity augmentation within the AIM community would indeed be welcome, we feel that SUMEX as a research resource should invest its efforts in exploring newer technologies that offer solutions to current needs with broader long range impact. For these reasons, we do not propose any substantial changes to the existing KI-10 and 2020 hardware systems and we expect them to continue to provide effective community support and serve as a communication nucleus for more distributed resources. We do propose to augment the KI-10 AMPEX memory box purchased in 1977 in order to reduce page swapping overhead, During peak loads, an average of 15-20% of system capacity is lost to pager traps and a substantial additional load comes from drum service interrupt handling. The AMPEX will physically hold another 256K words or 512 pages of memory. Since our current configuration has a net of 852 pages available to users, this increment would provide 60% more physical user space at a cost of only $65,000. We feel this will measurably improve efficiency and smooth out interactive response at high loads. It should be recognized that the KI-10 processors are now 6 years old and will be 12 years old at the end of the proposed grant term. We have already begun to feel maintenance problems from age such as poor electrical contacts from oxidization and dirt, backplane insulation flowing on "tight wraps", and brittle cables. These problems are quite manageable still and we expect to be able to continue reliable operation over the next grant term. We plan no upgrades to the 2020 configuration. The current file shortage will be remedied in conjunction with that of the rest of the facility by implementing a community file server sharable and accessible via the Ethernet. For both systems, we are actively working to complete efficient interfaces to the Ethernet to allow flexible, high speed terminal connections, file transfers, and effective sharing of network, printing, plotting, remote links, and other resources. This system will form the backbone for smooth integration of future hardware additions to the resource, £. A. Feigenbaum 56 Privileged Communication Resource Hardware . Section Large Address Space Machines As indicated in Appendix F on page 390, the user address space limitations imposed by the architecture of the PDP-10/20 systems have been increasingly felt in building large knowledge-based systems for biomedicine. After considerable study, the ARPANET INTERLISP community has started active projects to convert INTERLISP to run on the DEC VAX and to extend the UNIX operating system for VAX to support demand paging and to take advantage of the 31-bit address space. VAX was also the preferred choice as an export machine for the DENDRAL project to support the biomolecular characterization community. Their choice of VAX was made to provide the best match with machines increasingly available in the biochemistry laboratory environment and able to run the programs being developed by DENDRAL (including CONGEN recently converted from INTERLISP to BCPL). Whereas other machines (e.g., PRIME) offer a comparable address Space capability and are cost competitive, a comparable software community does not exist on which to base not only AI program development but also the extensive utility software packages for interactive user support necessary to the AIM community. For these reasons we feel VAX is an ideal candidate for augmenting the SUMEX resource to experiment with large address space LISP systems, to provide added capacity to support software export efforts like DENDRAL, and to alleviate the congestion of the Stanford aliquot of the current system. We propose a modest configuration initially to support developmental efforts to integrate the VAX into the SUMEX resource during the first year of the continuation grant (see Figure 4 for a configuration diagram). This machine can be expected to support 8-10 users initially. In year 2 we plan to increase the memory size by 2 Mbytes to allow more efficient use of the VAX capacity, increasing the users supported to 15-20. In year 3, we plan to add a second VAX to make large address space LISP available more broadly in the community to support future program testing akin to the purpose of the 2020 system. We tentatively plan for another 11/780 system although by then newer models may be available. Single-User Professional Workstations Motivated by the development of AI programs that are truly useful to their target communities, another major thrust of our research plans for the coming term is the investigation of single-user "professional workstations" (PSW) as a vehicle for exporting AI programs and providing computing power local to the user so that high bandwidth human interactions can be supported (e.g., bit mapped displays for high quality video and graphics, touch, and speech). Emerging VLSI technology promises increasingly capable and cost-effective computing tools through denser packing of microelectronic circuits and reduced development costs to produce relatively specialized systems. Packing density increases by four orders of magnitude may be expected over the next five to ten years [16]. Such hardware advances make the cost-effective marketing of complex AI systems a coming reality. Privileged Communication 57 E. A. Feigenbaum Section Resource Hardware Prototype single-user professional workstation systems based on current technology such as the Motorola MC-68000 or other special microprocessors are being developed and will begin to be delivered within the year. We must begin now to develop our software systems to take advantage of the improved computing environments these provide for biomedical AI programs. We propose an active role in integrating these systems into the SUMEX-AIM community so that user projects can exploit them for developing, testing, and disseminating their programs. Current candidates as experimental single-user PWS's include the "PERQ” by Three Rivers Computer Corporation [17], the "D-Class" machines by Xerox Corporation [18, 19], the MIT-developed "CADR" LISP machine by Symbolics, Inc. [20], the MIT-developed "NU" system by Zenith [21], and the "Jericho" system by BBN. Details of the design of most of these systems are still proprietary but deliveries of PERQ, CADR, and NU are expected within a year with continued active development based on user community needs. Characteristically, these systems are intended to be high performance, single user computers with tocal disk storage, bit-mapped display, and connection to a contention network such as Ethernet or MIT's Chaosnet. Considerable hardware and system software development work remains on these machines, but by year 2 (1982), we expect them to be relatively well established and we plan to purchase 5 for integration into the Stanford — community. We budget $30,000 per machine based on projected pricing of the NU system. The NU will be produced by Zenith from a design by S. Ward at MIT around the MC-68000 microprocessor. This machine supports 23-bit addressing, 32-bit internal data and address registers, 16-bit asynchronous bus, and will soon have facilities for virtual memory management. These will be allocated with 2 machines for Heuristic Programming Project development work, 1 for the experimental ONCOCIN system, 1 for Prof. Shortliffe's research work in MYCIN, and 1 for development work within the SUMEX staff. Our efforts will be to tailor AI performance programs to these systems to provide improved and cost effective expert assistance to biomedical professionals. This first batch of machines will be limited to the Stanford community to allow close access for developing software and tailoring network connection facilities as well as easy maintenance. We will work during that year to tune the software systems on these machines for AIM community use. In years 3-5, we play to acquire an additional 2-3 machines per year to be allocated among the user community based on Executive Committee - advice. We will establish necessary communication links to couple these machines to other AIM resources using leased telephone lines, dial-up services, or commercial network links as appropriate. E. A. Feigenbaum 58 Privileged Communication Resource Hardware Section File Server An equally important resource to SUMEX-AIM community development is file storage. We have reported frequently in the past on the effects of file storage limitations for our existing resource. As AI programs develop larger knowledge and data bases, as the community of application projects grows, and as more and more external users gain access to test working programs, significantly increased file storage capacity will be needed to support interactive work. It makes little sense to duplicate expensive file storage facilities for each of the machines contemplated in the SUMEX- AIM resource and community. We expect users to work between several machines in the course of their research and many of the files will be common. Similarly there are many system and documentation files common between the KI-10 and 2020 systems as will be the case between other clusters of similar machines (VAX's and professional workstations). Thus, a more efficient approach is to implement for each machine only the amount of storage needed to support the currently active users together with a community file service coupled to each machine through a high speed local network (Ethernet). Such a "file server" has worked effectively in the Xerox Alto/Ethernet environment and is a natural approach for the evolving SUMEX-AIM environment. By centralizing file storage, we can minimize equipment costs and file backup, archiving, and operations costs. Such a system even makes selective redundancy for reliability possible and thereby makes users more immune to failures in individual machines. We plan to implement a basic file server for the SUMEX~AIM community in the first year. It will] be based initially on a PDP-11/34 computer with two 317M byte disk drives and two tape drives for backup. The choice of the PDP-11 is based on the ready availability of disk/tape systems for these machines. In years 2 and 4, we plan to add an additional 2 drives each year to bring the total capacity to 2000M bytes. Privileged Communication 59 E. A. Feigenbaum Section E. A. Resource Hardware VAX 11/780 with FPA DEC Memory UNIBUS Adapter DEC Line Scanner DZ-11 Ethernet interface Figure 4, Feigenbaum 60 2M bytes Mass Bus Adapter DEC Disk RPO6 DEC Magnetic Tape TE16 Proposed VAX configuration Privileged Communication Resource Hardware Section ETHERNET § Gateways XEROX Alto SUMEX 2020 Ether TIP 1/0 Peripherals (LPT, PLT, ...) VAX 11/780 (year 1) 4800 bit/sec lines TYMNET VAX 11/780 Interface (year 3) File Server KI-TENEX (year 1) System Professional Work Stations (years 2-5) Se ARPANET 50K bit/sec lines . Link Le -ETHERNET | mT UC Santa Cruz Stanford CSD SCIT Stanford Chemistry UC San Francisco Figure 5. Planned Ethernet System to Integrate System Hardware Privileged Communication 61 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.1.2 Communication Networks 6.1.2 Communication Networks Networks have been centrally important to the research goals of SUMEX-AIM and will become more so in the context of increasingly distributed computing. Communication will be crucial to maintain community scientific contacts, to facilitate shared system and software maintenance based on regional expertise, to allow necessary information flow and access at all levels, and to meet the technical requirements of shared equipment. Long-Distance Connections We have had reasonable success at meeting the geographical needs of the community during the early phases of SUMEX-AIM through our ARPANET and TYMNET connections. These have allowed users from many locations within the United States and abroad to gain terminal access to the AIM resources (SUMEX, Rutgers, and SCORE) and through ARPANET links to communicate much more voluminous file information. Since many of our users do not have ARPANET access privileges for*technical or administrative reasons, a key problem impeding remote use has been the limited communications facilities (speed, file transfer, and terminal handling) offered currently by commercial networks. Commercial improvements are slow in coming but may be expected to solve the file transfer problem in the next few years. A number of vendors (AT&T, IBM, Xerox, etc.) have yet to announce commercially availabie facilities but TELENET is actively working in this direction. We plan to continue experimenting with improved facilities as offered by commercial or government sources in the next grant term. We have budgeted for continued TYMNET service and an additional amount annually for experimental network connections. High-speed interactive terminal support will continue to be a problem since one cannot expect to serve 1200-9600 baud terminals effectively over Shared long-distance trunk lines with gross capacities of only 9600-19200 baud. We feel this is a problem that is best solved by distributed machines able to effectively support terminal interactions locally and coupled to other AIM machines and facilities through network or telephonic links. As new machine resources are introduced into the community, we will allocate budgeted funds with Executive Committee advice to assure effective communication Tinks. Local Intermachine Connections A key feature of our plans for future computing facilities is the Support of a heterogeneous processing environment that takes advantage of newly available technology and shared equipment resources between these machines, The "glue" that links these systems together is a high speed local network. We have chosen Ethernet and the Xerox PUP [10, 13] protocols for these interconnections. This choice was based on the E. A. Feigenbaum 62 Privileged Communication Communication Networks Section availability of that technology now and the economics of using already developed TENEX and other server software. We expect the Ethernet system to continue to meet our technical needs for the coming grant term and we pian to continue to use it. We are working closely with other groups here at Stanford and elsewhere to share hardware interface and software designs wherever possible. Our goals are to complete integration of the 2020 system with the KI- 10 system, including making selected KI-10 peripherals available as Ethernet nodes, creating links to nearby campus resources, and establishing needed remote links to other groups not on the ARPANET such as Wipke at the University of California at Santa Cruz. A diagram of our Ethernet system is shown in Figure 5 on page 61 and includes the following major elements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) 7) KIi-10 direct memory access interface. We currently have an inefficient I/O bus connection. 2020 interface. Complete the hardware and software connection of the 2020 using the UNIBUS adapter. Stanford campus gateway. Establish links to other Ethernets on campus to allow access to special resources (Dover printer, plotters, typesetting equipment, etc.) and to allow users to easily access various computing resources. Ethertip. We need additional terminal ports into the system and the Ethernet provides a natural mechanism to do this supporting high speed terminals and connections to various resources (KI-10, 2020, VAX's, etc.)}. TYMNET connection. This connection currently comes through the KI- 10's and will be moved to a separate Ethernet node. This will free the KI-10's from handling the special TYMNET protocol and will allow TYMNET users to access any of the SUMEX-AIM resources. Similar facilities for the ARPANET may also be implemented depending on administrative constraints. Printer/plotter service. We plan to make these local resources accessible from any of the SUMEX-AIM machines instead of being centered on the KI-10's. This will also free up the KI-10's from routine spooler tasks. Connections for other machines (VAX's, Professional Workstations, file server, etc.) Privileged Communication 63 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.1.3 Resource Software 6.1.3 Resource Software We will continue to maintain the existing system, language, and utility support software on our systems at the most current release levels, including up-to-date documentation. We will also be extending the facilities available to users where appropriate, drawing upon other community developments where possible. We rely heavily on the needs of the user community to direct system software development efforts. Specific development areas for existing systems include: 1) completion of the Ethernet connections and necessary host software. This will include basic packet handling, PUP protocols at all levels, and relocation of shared existing resources to become Ethernet nodes. 2) bug fixes in the current monitors. We have 6 bugs partially characterized that cause infrequent crashes and that are hard to isolate because they cause system problems long after the fact. We will continue to work to repair these problems as time permits. 3) continued evaluation of system efficiency to improve performance. 4) compatibility issues. Our current compatibility package for TOPS~20 requires additional work to extend its features. We will also keep it up-to-date as DEC make new changes to their system. 5) continued work to create similar working and programming environments between our TENEX and TOPS-20 systems. This will include moving TENEX features like the SUMEX GTJFN enhancements and scheduling controls as needed to TOPS-20 and vice versa | 6) continued work to improve system information and help facilities for users. Our plans for augmenting the SUMEX-AIM resources will entail substantial new system and subsystem programming. Our goals will be to derive as much software as possible from the user communities of the new VAX and Professional Workstation machines but we expect to have to do considerable work to adapt them to our biomedical AI needs. Many features of these systems are designed for a computer science environment and lack some of the human engineering and “friendliness” capabilities we have found needed to allow non-computer scientists to effectively use them. We are beginning to experiment with physician needs for interfaces to our AI programs to be better able to adapt the new machines as professional aids. Also many of the utility tools that we take for granted in the well- developed TENEX and TOPS-20 environment (communications, text manipulation, file management, accounting, etc.) will have to be reproduced. We expect to set up many of the common information services as network nodes. Within the AIM community we expect to serve as a center for software sharing between various distributed computing nodes. This will include contributing locally developed programs, distributing those derived from E. A. Feigenbaum 64 Privileged Communication Resource Software Sec elsewhere in the community, maintaining up-to-date information on subsystems available, and assisting in software maintenance. Privileged Communication 65 E. A, tion 6.1.3 Feigenbaum Section 6.1.4 Community Management 6.1.4 Community Management We plan to retain the current management structure that has worked so well. We will continue to work closely with the management committees to recruit the additional high quality projects which can be accommodated and to evolve resource allocation policies which appropriately reflect assigned priorities and project needs. We expect the Executive and Advisory Committees to play an increasingly important role in advising on priorities for facility evolution and on-going community development planning in addition to their recruitment efforts. The composition of the Executive committee will grow as needed to assure representation of major user groups and medical and computer science applications areas. The Advisory Group membership rotates regularly and spans both medical and computer science research expertise. We expect to maintain this policy. We will continue to make information available about the various projects both inside and outside of the community and thereby promote the kinds of exchanges exemplified earlier and made possible by network Facilities. The AIM workshops under’ the Rutgers resource have served a valuable function in bringing community members and prospective users together. We will continue to support this effort. This summer the AIM workshop will be held at Stanford and we are actively helping to organize the meeting. We will continue to assist community participation and provide a computing base for workshop demonstrations and communications. We will also assist individual projects in organizing more specialized workshops as we have done for the DENDRAL and AGE projects. Fee-for-Service? We have pondered the possibilities of a fee-for-service approach for allocation of the resource in the coming period. We believe that this would be inappropriate for an experimental research resource of national scope Tike SUMEX for several reasons: 1) We have based the development of the national SUMEX-AIM resource entirely on experimentation with tools for new AI research and inter-community scientific collaborations. If obliged to recover some portion of the overall facility cost, these goals may become diluted with administrative and financial impediments, and commitments to paying users, that are tangential to our main research efforts. There is little doubt that a facility of the quality of SUMEX could be tailored to attract paying users (we have turned down numerous such potential users already because they were not aligned with our AI research goals). However, there is little point in demonstrating once again that a computing resource can pay for itself. Rather we should judiciously allocate the available resources to encouraging new medical AI research efforts and stimulating scientific collaborations that cannot always be financially justified at these early stages. E. A. Feigenbaum 66 Privileged Communication Community Management Section 6.1.4 2) A key element in our management plan for SUMEX is to encourage mature projects to acquire computing resources of their own, as soon as justified, and to couple them through communications tethers to SUMEX. This preserves the limited capacity of the central resource for new research efforts and applications. Maturing projects (those able to pay a fee) have every incentive to obtain separate facilities since they cannot obtain sufficient resources from the heavily loaded central resource. In this way such projects effectively pay a "fee" in securing their own facilities and freeing up part of the central facility. 3) Forming this classification involves regrouping the existing rule set, creating a new parameter for each node in the hierarchy. This design of taxonomic organization and inheritance of properties wilt make MYCIN's representation more "frame-like,” while preserving the use of rules to make judgmental associations among the parameters. Because the strategical rules embody a weak model of diagnostic behavior, we believe that they constitute a backbone that will be useful for multiple problem areas. In particular, the strategical backbone could be used to structure a knowledge acquisition dialogue. In addition to encouraging a taxonomic classification of parameters, the strategical rules indicate what other kinds of knowledge the expert building an EMYCIN system will have to specify. For example, it is important to detail the knowledge that suggests a broad category of problems that merit attention in a particular case ("triggering associations") and knowledge to adequately discriminate a case on the basis of the taxonomic distinction. Representing the diagnostic and strategical knowledge in a uniform formalism of rules and parameters, and using an accepted backbone of strategical knowledge, will enable us to use GUIDON for teaching from any new EMYCIN-based program without needing to reorganize the consultation knowledge base. The teaching program will be able to teach a student how to approach cases, while the consultation program will direct its problem- solving according the same approach, one that might be more acceptable to physicians because it is patterned after their methods for solving problems. Privileged Communication 81 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.3.3 Core Research Plans 6.3.3 Knowledge Acquisition Our research on knowledge acquisition to date has largely focused on adding new knowledge to an existing knowledge base. A long-term effort is proposed in which we focus on acquiring the structure and contents of a whole knowledge base. The keystone of our approach to knowledge acquisition is the belief that there is a substantial overlap in the knowledge of many different task domains. We are not referring here to superficial facts and rules (say of the physical world) but rather to the abstract structure implicit in even quite disparate domains. For example, the notion of a hierarchy is found in biological taxonomy, the classification of geologic time, and business organization charts. The advantage of recognizing such abstract structures is that they often possess efficient representations and efficient algorithms for reasoning about them. In the past this commonality has not been exploited. One reason is the difficulty of representing these abstract structures in a form directly useable in different domains. Another problem is the difficulty of finding and piecing together the structures appropriate to a novel domain. We believe there is an elegant solution for these problems via the notions of abstraction and simulation structure described below, and we propose to develop a library of useful abstractions together with their specialized representations and algorithms from which a knowledge engineer can pick and choose in assembling expert programs. More specifically, we propose to expend our effort in four major directions: (1) encoding useful abstractions and simulation structures, (2) exploring the use of abstractions in checking the consistency and completeness of knowledge bases, (3) automated selection of simulation Structures, (4) the use of abstractions in understanding analogy and the use of analogies in identifying abstractions. (1) A Library of Abstractions and Simulation Structures There are an infinite number of possible abstractions. What motivates us to talk of a finite library is the fact that certain abstractions have data representations or algorithms that are particularly efficient or powerful. Some examples are trees, partial orders, rings, groups, and monoids. We propose to differentiate simulation structures on the basis of their representational economy and deductive power. For some Structures, this economy and power outweighs the uniformity of semantic networks and frames. We intend to include only those abstractions for which this is the case. A certain amount of theoretical work must precede the construction of this library. We must devise an adequate language for describing simulation structures and develop data and algorithm representations that facilitates their interface and direct application in new domains. The recent work on abstract operations by Barton, Genesereth, Moses, and Zippel should help in this effort: E. A. Feigenbaum 82 Privileged Communication Core Research Plans Section 6.3.3 (2) The Use of Abstractions in Checking Consistency and Completeness An abstraction prescribes a set of axioms that must be satisfied by all its models. These axioms can be used to check the consistency and completeness of the assertions a knowledge engineer makes in describing his task domain. For example, if a knowledge representation system suspected that a group of assertions was intended to describe a hierarchy, it could detect inconsistent data, such as cycles or multiple parents, and incomplete data, such as nodes without parents. The abstractions appropriate to the task domain are determinable from a number of sources. The user may directly name the abstraction or describe it with an analogy; or the system may be able to infer it from partial information, (3) Modeling 7 The use of models is a time-renowned problem solving technique. For example, architects and ship builders use models to get answers that would be too difficult to obtain using purely formal methods. We would like to draw an analogy between the architect's use of a physical model and the expert system's use of a simulation structure, In both cases the / advantages to be gained are power and efficiency in reasoning about their domains. Most knowledge representation systems store assertions in a uniform, domain-independent formalism like predicate calculus or semantic networks or frames. While there are advantages to uniformity and domain independence, these representations are in many cases considerably less efficient than specialized data structures, and the associated algorithms are often less efficient and less powerful. We are proposing to develop a systematic way of describing when well-known data representations and well- known algorithms are applicable and to devise a program able to employ simulation structures automatically in representing knowledge, given the abstractions it satisfies. (4) Analogies Many analogies are best understood as statements that the situations being compared share a common abstraction. For example, when one asserts that the organization chart of a corporation is like Linnaean taxonomy, what he is saying is that they are both hierarchies. This view of analogy can be turned around and used to help novice users of our abstraction library in finding appropriate entries. Imagine an engineer describing the classification of time in geology (epochs, eras, periods, etc.) who can tell the system that his knowledge base is like that of biological taxonomy and have it infer and use the hierarchy abstraction. In order to realize this goal, a number of problems must first be solved. The fundamental problem is completing a partial interpretation of Privileged Communication 83 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.3.3 Core Research Plans an abstraction. Once we have a method for completing interpretations, analogy understanding (or at least the bit of it we are considering) becomes easy. The system merely checks each of the abstractions of the comparison domain, testing to see whether it is applicable. Sometimes the system may not have a suitable prestored abstraction, and this process will fail. Understanding an analogy in this situation requires the invention of a new abstraction. We are interested in applying and extending the concept formation techniques of Hayes-Roth, Mitchell, and Dieterrich and Michalski in building a program to formulate new abstractions automatically. Of course, a new abstraction will not initially have any specialized data structures or algorithms, but it can provide the next system builder with the techniques developed by the originator. —E. A. Feigenbaum 84 Privileged Communication Core Research Plans Section 6.3.4 6.3.4 Explanation Our motivation for making explanation a primary focus of our research is a belief that expert systems will not be accepted by physicians or scientists unless the systems are able to justify the decisions they make. When important real world domains are involved, human decision makers are loathe to consult machines unless they understand and agree with the basis for the advice. This constraint not only forces us to consider mechanisms for generation of explanations, but it also impacts on the design of the underlying reasoning and representation techniques used by the rest of the consultation system. In the case of MYCIN and its descendents, we have been able to generate intelligible explanations by taking advantage of our rule-based representation. Rules can be translated into English for display to a user, and their interactions can also be explicitly demonstrated. By adding mechanisms for understanding questions expressed in simple English, we were able to create an interactive system that allowed physicians to ‘convince themselves that they agreed with the basis for the program's recommendations. MYCIN's explanation capabilities have been thoroughly discussed elsewhere [26]. ° MYCIN's explanation capabilities were generalized in EMYCIN and thus became available for any EMYCIN consultation system. They were further modified and utilized in both TEIRESIAS and GUIDON. Although we had experienced problems using MYCIN's rules for certain kinds of explanations (e.g., control mechanisms that were sometimes encoded in rules, or algorithmic knowledge such as the mechanisms for drug selection), it was in the setting of GUIDON that the inadequacies of MYCIN's approach became most apparent. Consider, for example, a simple MYCIN rule such as: If: the patient is less than 8 years old Then: don't give tetracycline This rule is totally adequate for MYCIN's decision making task, and would be understood by most physicians if it were used in an explanation, but it is obvious to a casual observer that it contains a giant leap in logic. It is accordingly difficult for GUIDON to teach this rule to a novice medical Student because the underlying pathophysiologic knowledge (i.e., that tetracycline is deposited in the developing bone and teeth of youngsters, weakening the former and disfiguring the latter) is not explicitly represented in MYCIN. Examples such as this one emphasize that a variety of knowledge forms are necessary if an intelligent system is to customize its explanations to the individual who is using the program. Underlying structural and causal relationships are generally required in addition to the high Jevel judgmental rules that had contained almost all of the domain knowledge in MYCIN and the other EMYCIN systems. During the second half on 1979 we formed a weekly seminar group to analyze the characteristics of good explanations. We generally tried to keep our discussions separate from computer science issues, concentrating instead on the psychology of explanation and planning to return eventually Privileged Communication 85 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.3.4 Core Research Plans to consider ways in which our developing theory might be implemented in knowledge-based consultation systems. Although there are several subproblems, it was agreed that the problems of explanation can generally be divided into four categories: (1) modeling the knowledge of the system user; (2) selecting a response strategy; (3) modeling contextual information regarding the interaction; and (4) understanding the question. One goal of our proposed work, then, is to build an explanation system which explicitly addresses all four of these topics. We shall briefly discuss each point: (1) Modeling the User's Knowledge: GUIDON and other ICAI systems have recognized the need to keep an internal model of the student, i.e., what he has shown he knows, what you have already told him, and perhaps a record of where his greatest weaknesses lie. Similarly, it is clear than an expert human consultant customizes his explanations so that they can be understood by the person requesting the consultation (and are thereby maximally convincing). The expert starts with certain suppositions about his client's knowledge (e.g., a teacher may presume his student is starting from scratch, but a cardiologist will assume that another physician requesting advice probably already knows a fair amount of cardiology). The default presumption is modulated, however, as the interaction proceeds and the client demonstrates his strengths or weaknesses. We have recently begun some experiments to investigate methods for encoding, along with the domain knowledge, the complexity and importance of that knowledge. These two parameters seem to be independently important in deciding whether to include a given reasoning step in an explanation. "Key" points (i.e., those that are highly important) probably should be mentioned even if they are not complex and are likely to be known to the user, On the other hand, less important but complex items probably need not be mentioned unless an expert user is really pressing for details of a decision pathway. Thus, static measures of complexity and importance can be compared with user descriptors that are initially assigned by default (depending upon the status of the user, e.g., expert vs. student), but are later altered dynamically in response to the course of the dialog and what it has revealed about the user's background knowledge. These ideas have been encoded in a small computer program which uses a limited knowledge base of rules and associations from the domain of pharyngitis (sore throats). We have experimented with a semantic network representation in which the nodes are values of attributes and rules are only one form of link between nodes. Ati nodes and rules have complexity and importance measures associated with them. An "opinion" regarding a specific patient can be represented as a subset of the nodes in the network, plus the links between them that account for how it has been determined which nodes are active. In this setting, a question tends to ask how it has been determined that a given node is active for a given patient. The appropriate explanation could be very complex if an effort were made to explain every link leading from data observations to the node descriptor in question. A customized explanation is therefore generated E. A. Feigenbaum 86 Privileged Communication Core Research Plans Section 6.3.4 based on three variables which can be dynamically manipulated by the program: (1) the focus of the dialog (e.g., broad-based vs. localized), (2) the expertise of the user, and (3) the degree of generality which is appropriate. These three variables are clearly not independent, and we are experimenting with ways to have their values manipulated in a reasonable fashion as the dialog proceeds. This early effort will provide the basis for further discussions in Year 1 of the proposed work. We have been fortunate to enlist the collaboration of an endocrinologist at Stanford, Dr. Larry Crapo, who is eager to work with us on building an endocrinology knowledge base. It is likely that we will select the pathophysiology of thyroid disease, or of the pituitary adrenal axis. Both these domains are appealing for computer- based representation because the relationships are well-understood and there are some challenging problems of feedback homeostasis that will need to be represented. During Year 02 we will encode this knowledge base in detail and begin experiments on the generation of explanations using the kinds of techniques outlined above. (2) Selecting A Response Strateqy: Our explanation efforts to date have tended to be simple reiterations of individual reasoning steps, but it is clear that experts and teachers use several alternate strategies for conveying their ideas or key facts. Many of these techniques draw upon common sense world knowledge (e.g., analogies with familiar concepts outside the domain), but we have thus far failed to capitalize on these teaching strategies in our work. Thus another goal of the work that lies ahead will be to develop structures for drawing parallels or otherwise representing the strategies used by good “explainers." (3) Modeling Contextual Information Regarding the Interaction - We have already mentioned some of the ways in which contextual information may be useful in determining the best way to answer a question. For example, a more accurate model of the user's knowledge can be developed over time, and the extent to which a given conversation is focused on a particular local topic can be assessed. Note that we are emphasizing here issues other than those related to natural language understanding; computational linguists also often cite the need to record contextual dialog information in order to handle problems such as anaphora. An understanding of the "flow" of a dialog is also important in understanding the meaning of subsequent questions, as we discuss below. (4) Understanding The Question This issue interfaces with the problem of natural language understanding, but we view it in a somewhat different light. We emphasize instead the ways in which the model of the user and contextual information may allow us to disambiguate questions. To draw from a medical example Privileged Communication 87 E. A. Feigenbaum Section 6.3.4 Core Research Plans that we have frequently discussed, consider the following scenario. A reasoning program for pharyngitis diagnosis and management has just diagnosed strep throat and recommended penicillin and the user asks the question "Why would you give penicillin?” In the most obvious case, one might imagine a response that itemizes the risks of streptococcal infections and the reasons for treating early with penicillin. Similarly, one might expect a more detailed response for a student and a quick summary for a physician using the system. However, an alternate interpretation is that EVERY physician knows the theoretical reasons for giving penicillin in strep pharyngitis, and that if the user is a physician and is asking the question then he must be asking something different than the simple informational question. In this case the query might be interpreted as a challenge (one that might have been conveyed by tone of voice if it had been asked of a human consultant). Apparently the user has reason to doubt that penicillin was the appropriate agent in this case, or thinks that no drug was required. Other background information and contextual knowledge should also help, and an intelligent program might thereby answer the question in a given case in any of the following ways: "Because the patient has pre-existing rheumatic heart disease." "Because I doubt that he is allergic to penicillin, even though he reported that he is.” "Because he is unreliable and I am afraid I will not be able to reach him to call him back if his strep culture comes back positive." "Because I tend to treat conservatively and give penicillin for strep throat even though I know there hasn't been a case of rheumatic heart disease in California in over 10 years." Note how different these kinds of explanations are from the simple justification that a program such as MYCIN might have given: "Because streptococcal pharyngitis may be followed by rheumatic myocarditis or glomerulonephritis, mediated by immune complexes, and I can prevent this complication by giving penicillin (to which streptococci are uniformly sensitive)." The ideal intelligent assistant should be able to determine from knowledge of the user, the domain, the individual case, and the context of the dialog, which of the preceding responses is most appropriate. We will attempt to identify methods for giving our program this kind of capability. E. A. Feigenbaum 88 Privileged Communication Available Facilities 7 Available Facilities The existing SUMEX-AIM computer and communications facilities have been described in earlier sections. The number of personnel to support this follow-on work will remain at approximately the same level as before so no additional office space will be required. The additional equipment (VAX's, file server, and PWS's) will be accommodated in the existing SUMEX machine room, a portion of the Pine Hall machine room allocated to Prof. Feigenbaum, and in existing individual office areas. Technician support and hardware development for this equipment will be housed in the existing SUMEX electronics laboratory. Privileged Communication 89 E. A. Feigenbaum Literature Cited 8 10, 11. Literature Cited Feigenbaum, E.A., The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering, Proceedings of the 1978 National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, (1978). Nilsson, N.J., Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Tioga Publishing Company, Palo Alto, California (1980). Winston, P.H., Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., (1977). Nilsson, N.J., Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing 74, North-Holland Pub. Co. (1975). Barr A. and Feigenbaum, E.A. (Eds.}, The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University Department of Computer Science, forthcoming. Boden, M., Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man, Basic Books, New York, (1977). McCorduck, P., Machines Who Think, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco (1979). Coulter, C. L., Research Instrument Sharing, Science, Vol. 201, No. 4354, August 4, 1978. Stefik, M., An Examination of a Frame-Structured Representation System, Proceeding of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, 845, August 1979. Metcalfe, R.M. and Boggs, D.R., Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks, Comm. ACM, Vol. 19, No. 7 (July 1976). Shoch, J.F. and Hupp, J.A., Performance of an Ethernet Local Network -- A Preliminary Report, Proceedings of the Local Area Communications Network Symposium, Boston,May 1979. E. A. Feigenbaum 90 Privileged Communication 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Literature Cited Taft, E.A., Implementation of PUP in TENEX, Internal XEROX PARC memorandum, June 1978. 9. Boggs, D.R., Shoch, J.F., Taft, E.A., and Metcalfe, R.M., PUP: Internetwork Architecture, XEROX PARC report CSL-79-10, July 1 An 97 Wilcox, C. R., Jirak, G. A., and Dageforde, M. L., MAINSAIL - Language Manual, Stanford University Computer Science Report STAN-CS-80-791 (1980). Wilcox, C. R., Jirak, G. A., and Dageforde, M. L., MAINSAIL - Implementation Overview, Stanford University Computer Science Report STAN-CS~80-792 (1980). Mead, C. and Conway, L., Introduction to VLSI Systems, Addison- Wesley Publishing Co. (1980). Rosen, B., PERQ: A Commercially Available Personal Scientific Computer, COMPCON 1980. Thacker, C. P., McCreight, E. M., Lampson, B. W., Sproull, R. F Boggs, D. R., ALTO: A Personal Computer, Computer Structures: Readings and Examples (Siewiorek, Bell, and Newell, eds.), 1979. -, and McDaniel, The Dorado: A Compact High-Performance Personal Computer for Computer Scientists, COMPCON 1980. Greenblatt, R., MIT's LISP Machine, COMPCON 1980. Ward, S. and Terman, C., An Approach to Personal Computing, COMPCON 1980. Lenat, D., “AM: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search, Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, July 1976. Stefik, M.J., Planning With Constraints, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, January 1980. Friedland, P.£., Knowledge-Based Experiment Design In Molecular Genetics, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, October 1979. Privileged Communication 91 E. A. Feigenbaum Literature Cited 25. Sacerdoti, £.D., Problem Solving Tactics, Invited Lecture, Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-79. Available from Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, August, 1979. 26. Scott, A.C., Clancey, W., Davis, R., and Shortliffe, E.H.,Explanation Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Production Systems, American Journal of Computational Linguistics, Microfiche 62, Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems, 1977. E. A. Feigenbaum 92 Privileged Communication Biographical Sketches The following are biographical sketches for all professional personnel contributing to the SUMEX-AIM resource project. These do not include sketches for any of the individual collaborating project investigators. E. A. Feigenbaum 94 Privileged Communication SECTION 11 — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person, } NAME ACHENBACH, Michael W. TITLE System Programmer BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) August 2, 1952 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country} Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. PRESENT NATIONALITY (f/f non-U.& citizen, indicate kind of visa and expiration date) U.S. Citizen SEX £0 Mate C Female EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR IENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFE MRED Soe Stanford University B.S. , 1974 Physics Stanford University M.A. 1975 Education HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST Network communications, ‘Small machines RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT System Programmer RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, Jist training and experience relevant to area of project. List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for aech individual.) 1978 - present System Programmer, SUMEX Computer Project, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine 1975 - 1978 Scientific Programmer, Instrumentation Research Laboratories, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine 1975 Scientific Programmer, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University PUBLICATIONS Smith, D.H., Achenbach, M., Yeager, W.J., Anderson, P.J., Fitch, W.L., and Rindfleisch, T.C.: Quantitative Comparison Gas Chromatographic/ Mass Spectrometric Profiles of Complex Mixtures, Anal. Chem., 49, 1623, 1977. NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 396) Rev. 1/73 E.A. Feigenbaum #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—241-161:3024 95 Privileged Communication SECTION !! — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigetor. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) AIELLO, Nelleke T.G.K. Scientific Programmer March 21, 1949 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY {if non-US. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Amsterdam, The Netherlands U.S. Citizen ClMeie ffitFemale EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD University of California, Santa Cruz B.A. 1971 Mathematics University of California, Santa Cruz B.A. 1971 Information and Computer - Science University of Utah, Salt Lake City M.S. 1972 Computer Science HONORS Departmental Honors, Information and Computer Science, University of California -Grown College Honors, University of California “MAIOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT ~Butiding intelligent systems “Hrowtedge engineering “RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} - Scientific Programmer RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, jist training and experience relevant to ares of project List all or most representative publications. Do not exceed 3 pages for sech individuel.} 1977 - present Scientific Programmer, Heuristic Programming Project, Computer Science Department, Stanford University 1972 - 1977 Programmer, Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. 1973 - 1975 Teaching Assistant, Structured Programming, University of Summers California Extension Summer 1972 Teaching Assistant, Compiler Writing, University of California Extension 1971 Programmer, Shell Benelux Centre, De Hage, The Netherlands PUBLICATIONS (See continuation page) W1H 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum 96 US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-—241-161:3024 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — AIELLO, Nelleke T.G.K. PUBLICATIONS 1. Aiello, N: An Analysis of Notations for Music Applicable to the Digital Control of Electronic Musical Instruments. Masters Thesis, University of Utah, 1972. Collins, A.M., Warnock, E.L., Aiello, N., and Miller, M.L.: Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge, In D. Bobrow and A.M. Collins (Eds.) REPRESENTATION AND UNDERSTANDING STUDIES IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE, New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1975. Nii, H.P. and Aiello, N.: AGE (Attempt to Generalize): Profile of the AGE-O System. Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-78-5 (Working Paper), June 1978. Nii, H.P. and Aiello, N.: AGE: A knowledge-based program for building knowledge-based programs. Proc. of IJCAI-6, pp 645-655, 1979, Aiello, N., Nii, H.P. and White, W.C.: The Joy of AGE-ing: An Introduction to AGE-1l. Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo (work in progress), May 1980. E. A. Feigenbaum 97 Privileged Communication SECTION II — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH {Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for ech person) BIRTHDATE (Ma,, Day, Yr.) NAME TITLE Adjunct Professor July 7, 1940 BUCHANAN, Bruce G. . Computer Science PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country} PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen Gd Mate (2 Femate EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Ohio Wesleyan University B.A. 1961 Mathematics Michigan State University M.A. 1966 Philosophy Michigan State University Ph.D. 1966 Philosophy HONORS (see continuation page) MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST Axtificial Intelligence RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) tsee continuation page) RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience refevant to area of project List all ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.] 1976 - present 1972 - 1976 Stanford University 1966 ~ 1971 Stanford University PUBLICATIONS ( see continuation page) Technical Director of Core Research Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department, Stanford University Research Computer Scientist, Computer Science Department, Research Associate, Artificial Intelligence Project, WiH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 998) Rav. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum aus GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1977—241-161:3024 98 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — BUCHANAN, Bruce G. RECENT HONORS Editorial Board, Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal American Association for Artificial Intelligence — Organizing Committee, Program Committee and Membership Chairman Chairman of Program Committee, IJCAI-79 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, 1979) Invited Colloquium Speaker: University of Maryland Carnegie-Mellon University Rutgers University University of California at Berkeley Michigan State University Invited Speaker: AISB Annual Conference (Amsterdam, July 1980) Workshop on the Logic of Discovery and Diagnostics in Medicine (Pittsburgh, October 1978) Douglass College Seminars for Faculty (Rutgers University, 1978) Workshop on Pattern Directed Inference Systems (Honolulu, 1977) Recipient, National Institutes of Health Career Development Award (1971-1976) MEMBERSHIPS American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAT) Cognitive Science Society Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), SIGART Philosophy of Science Association RESEARCH SUPPORT Funding Current Project % of Gr ant Grant No. fitle of Project Year Period Effort Agency 1P01 LM Research Program : $ 99,484 $497,420 10 NLM 03395-01 Biomedical Knowledge (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/84) Repr esentation MCS-7 903 75 3 Knowledge-Based $ 73,659 $ 73,659 10 NSF Consultation (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/80 Systems + 6 months) NOOO14-79- Exploration of $396,325 $396, 325 10 ONR C~0 302 Tutoring and (3/79-3/82) (3/79-3/82) Prob. Solv. Strategies in Intelligent Com puter~Aid ed Instruction MDA 903-80- jeur istic $496,256 $1,613,588 40 ARPA C-0107 Programming (10/79-9/80) (10/79-9/82) Project 5R24 RROO612- Resource-Related $221,255 $641,419 5 NIH 10 Research — (5/80-4/81) (5/80-4/83) Computers and Chemistry E. A. Feigenbaum 99 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — BUCHANAN, Bruce G. Selected Publications Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Euchenen, and Edward A. Feigenbeum, “Knowledge Engineering for Medical Decision Making: A Review of Computer-Based Clinical Decision Aids," Proceedings of the IEEE, September, 1679. Bruce €. Buchanen, “Issues of Representation in Conveying the Scope end Limitations of Intelligent Assistant Programs." In J.E. Hayes, D. Michie, and L.I. Mikulich (cds.), Mechine Intelligence 9: Machine expertise and the humen interface. New York: Jcehn Wiley, 1o79. Eruce G. PBuchenen and Edward A. Feigenbaum, "DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: Their Applications Dimension," Artificial Intelligence 11, 5, 1978. Bruce G. Buchanén, Tom M. Mitchell, Reid G. Smith and C. Richard Johnson, Dr., "Models of Learning Systems," in J. Belzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Computer Sciences end Technology, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978, Vol ll. Randall Pavis end Pruce G. Buchanén, “Meta-Level Knowledge: Overview end Applications," Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI,1,926, August 1977. Bruce G. Buchanan end Tom Mitchell. "“Model-Directed Learning of Production Rules," in D.A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth (eds.), Pattern Directed Inference Systems, New York: Academic Press, 1978. Bruce G. Buchanan énd Dennis Smith, “Computer Assisted Chemical Reasoning," in E.V. Ludena, N.H. Sébelli and A.C. Wahl (eds.), Computers in Chemical Education and Research, New York: Plenum Press, 1977, p. 461. Randall Devis, Bruce Buchénan, Edwerd Shortliffe, “Production Rules es a Representation of a Knowledge-Based Consultation Program," in Artificial Intelligence, &, 1, February 1¢77. Bruce G. Puchenén, D.H. Smith, W.C. White, R.J. Gritter, E. Feigenbeun, J. Lederberg, and C. Djerassi, “Application of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXII. Automatic Rule Formation in Mass Spectronomy by Means of the Meta-DENDRAL Program," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 8, 6168, 1976. E. A. Feigenbaum 100 Privileged Communication SECTION JI — PRIVILEGEO COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.) NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) Professor and Chairman FEIGENBAUM, Edward A. Computer Science Department January 20, 1936 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) Weehawken, New Jersey, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen PRESENT NATIONALITY f/f non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Gd Male CD Femaie EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) Y SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Carnegie Institute of Technology, B.S. 1956 Electrical Engineering Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carnegie Institute of Technology, Ph.D. 1959 Industrial Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Administration HONORS _ MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT “Artificial Intelligence Principal Investigator -RESEAACH SUPPORT (See instructions) ~~(See continuation page) RESEARCH ANO/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to ares of project List all Or most representative publications. Oo not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1976 - 1976 - 1969 - 1965 - 1965 - 1965 - 1964 - 1960 - 1961 - 1960 - 1968 - 1977 - 1977 - 1979 - present present present present 1968 1968 1965 1963 1964 1964 1972 1978 present present Professor (by Courtesy) Department of Psychology, Stanford University Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University Principal Investigator, Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford Universtiy Associate Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University Director, Stanford Computation Center, Stanford University Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley Research Appointment, Center for Human Learning, University of California, Berkeley Research Appointment, Center for Research in Management Science, University of California, Berkeley Member, Computer and Biomathematical Science Study Section, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland Member , Committee on Mathematics in the Social Sciences, Social Science Research Council, New York, New York Member, Computer Science Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation Member, Advisory Committee on Mathematics in Naval Research, NRC/ONR Professional Societies, Consultantships, Publications (see continuation pages.) NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev, E. A. Feigenbaum 1/73 #2 US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—-241.161:3024 101 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - FEIGENBAUM. Edward A. RESEARCH SUPP ORT Fund ing Current Project % of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency MCS78-02777 MOLGEN: A Computer $153,959 $294 ,476 5 NSF 1PO01 LM 03395-01 MDA 903- .8O-C~0 107 MCS 792 3666 E. A. Feigenbaum Science Application to Molecular Genetics Research Program; Biomedical Knowledge Representation Heuristic Programming Project The Automation of ~« Scientific Inference: Heuristic Computing Applied to Protein Crystallography (12/79-11/80)(6/78-3/81) $ 99.484 (7/79-6/80) $497,420 10 NLM (7/79-6/84) $496,256 $1,613,588 25 ARPA (10/79~-9/80) (10/79-9/82) $54 .469 $54 , 469 0 NSF (12/79-11/81) (12/79-11/81) 102 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — FEIGFNBAUM, Edward A. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Association for Artificial Intelligence (President-Elect, 1979-80) Cognitive Science Society (member, Governing Board, 1979-) American Psychological Association American Association for the Advancement of Science Association for Computing Machinery (member of National Council of ACM, 1966-68) CONSULTANTSHIPS Information Sciences Intstitute of University of Southern California The RAND Corporation Schlumberger, Inc. Jaycor, Inc. BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, co-editor with A. Barr, (in final preparation). Computers and Thought, co-editor with Julian Felman, McGraw-Hill, 1963. Information Processing Language V Manual, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1961 (with A. Newall, F. Tonge, G. Mealy et al). An Information Processing Theory of Verbal Learning, Santa Monica, The RAND \ Corporation Paper P-1817, October 1959 (Monograph) SOME RECENT AND SELECTED PAPERS: Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum, "Knowledge Fngineering For Infectious Disease Therapy Selection" in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 67, No. 9, September 1979. L. Fagan, J. Kunz, E. Feigenbaum, CSD Stanford University J.J. Osborn from PMC, San Francisco "Knowledge Engineering for Dynamic Clinical Settings: Giving Advice in the Intensive Care Unit," submitted to Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1979, February 1979. E. H. Shortliffe, B.G. Buchanan, E. A. Feigenbaum, "Knowledge Engineering for Medical Decision Making: A Review of Computer-Based Clinical Decision Aids," appeared in the Proceedings of the IEEE, September 1979. J.C. Kunz, R.J. Fallat, D.H. McClung, J.J. Osborn, B.A. Votteri, H.P. Nii, J.S. Aikins, L.M. Fagan, E.A. Feigenbaum, "A Physiological Rule Based System for Interpreting Pulmonary Function Test Results," Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo (144) HPP-78-19. B.G. Buchanan and E.A. Feigenbaum, '"DENDRAL and Meta~DENDRAL: Their Applications Dimension," Artificial Intelligence, 11(1,2)5(1979). (Also Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo (126) HPP-78-1). E. A. Feigenbaum 103 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - FEIGENBAUM, Edward A. PUBLICATIONS ( continued ) Feigenbaum, E.A.: The Art of Artificial Intelligence: I. Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering. Proceedings of the IJCAI, 1977. Feigenbaum, E.A., Engelmore. R.S. and Johnson, C.K.: A Correlation between Crystallographic Computing and Artificial Intelligence Research. Acta Cryst., A323 (Jan 1): 13-18, 1977. (Also Stanford Heuristic Progremming Project Memo (102) HPP-77-15.) Nii, H.P. and Feigenbaum E.A.: Rule-based Understanding of Signals. Proceedings of the Conference on Pattern-directed Inference Systems, 1977. (Also Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo (94) EPP-77-7 and Computer Science Department Memo STAN-CS-77-612. ) Feigenbaun, E.A.: Computer Applications: Introductory Remarks. IN Proceedings of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 33, 2321 (1974) also IN W. Siler and D.A.E. Lindberg (Eds.) Computers in Life Science hesearch, Plenum Press, 49-51 (1975). (Also Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo (57) HPP—-74—4.) buchanan, 5.G., Feigenbaum E,A. and Sridharan, N.S.: Heuristic Theory Formation; Data Interpretation and Rule Formation. IN Machine Intelligence 7, Edinburgh University Press (1972). (Also Stanford Heuristic Prgramming Project Memo (3&) HPP-72~-2.) Euchanan, B.G., Feigenbaum, E.A. and Lederberg, J.: A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in Science. IN Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Imperial College, London (September, 1971). (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 145, and Heuristic Programming Project Memo (35) HPP-71-4.) Feigenbaum, E.A., Buchanan, B.G. and Lederberg, J.: On Generality and Problem Solving: A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Frogram. IN B. Meltzer and D., Michie (Eds.) Machine Intelligence 6, Edinburgh University Press (1971). (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Memo No. 121, Heuristic Programming Project Memo (30) HPP-70-5, and Computer Science Memo STAN-CS-176.) Feigenbaum, E.A.: Artificial Intelligence: Themes in the Second Decade. IN Final Supplement to Proceedings of the IFIP 68 International Congress, Edinburgh, August 1968. (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 67, August 1968, and Heuristic Programming Project Memo (11) HFP-67-3.) Lederberg, J. and Feigenbaum, E.A.: Mechanization of Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry. IN B. Kleinmuntz (Ed.), Formal kepresenttions for human Judgment (Wiley, 1968). (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 54, August 1967. and heuristic Programming Project Memo (11) HPP+67+2.) E. A. Feigenbaum 104 Privileged Communication SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnal listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigetor. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) GENESERETH, Michael R. Acting Assistant Professor Computer Science October 15, 1948 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country! PRESENT NATIONALITY (if non-U.S. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen (I Maie (Female EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION ANDO LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.S. 1972 Physics Harvard University M.S. 1974 Computer Science Harvard University Ph.D. 1978 Applied Mathematics HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT €omputer Science/Artificial Intelligence Core research “fFESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions! . (see continuation page) RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training end experience retevant to area of project List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for sach individual. } 1979 - present Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1978 - 1979 Research Associate and co-Group Leader, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, M.I.T. 1973 - 1978 Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, M.I.T. 1971 - 1973 Programmer, Mathlab Group, M.I.T. PUBLICATIONS (see continuation page) NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—241-161:3024 E, A. Feigenbaum 105 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKE RESEARCH SUPPOKT TCH —- GENESERETH, Michael Kk. Funding Current Project % of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency MDA $02~80— Heur istic $496,256 $1,613,588 10 ARPA C0 107 Programming Project (16/79-9/80) (10/79-9/82) MCS—7903 75 3 Knowledge-Based $ 72,659 $ 73,659 33 NSF Consultation (7/79-6/80 (7/79-6/80 Systems + 6 months) + 6 months) 1PO1 LM Biomedical $ 99,484 $497,420 32 NLM 033265-01 Knowledge (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/84) Representation E. A. Feigenbaum 106 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ~ GENESERETH, Michael R. Selected Papers: “The Role of Plans in Intelligent Teaching Systems” , -in intelligent Teaching Systems, edited by Derek Sieeman, Academic Press, 1980. - STAN-CS-784, Stanford Computer Science Dept, Mar. 1980. “The Use of Semantics in a Tablet-Based Program for Selecting Parts of Mathematical Expressions” - in Proc. of the Second MACSYMA Users’ Conference, M.I.T., June 1979. . “The Canonicality of Rule Systems" - in Proc. of the European Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, Springer-Verlag, June 1979. “Artificial Intelligence Techniques in MACSYMA" -in Al Handbook, edited by Feigenbaum and Barr, “Automated Consultation for Complex Computer Systems” - doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Nov. 1978. “The Difficulties of Using MACSYMA and the Functions of User Aids” - Proc. of the First MACSYMA Users’ Conference, June 1977. “A Fast Inference Algorithm for Semantic Networks" - Memo No. 4, M.LT. Mathlab Group, 1977. Invited Talks: “An Automated Consultant for MACSYMA" - Stanford Research Institute, April 1979. - University of Maryland, April 1979. - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Jan. 1979. -~M.LT., Apr. 1978. “The Role of Plans in Automated Tutors and Consultants" - Harvard University, Nov. 1978. “Algebraic Simplification Using MACSYMA” - White Sands Missile Range, July 1978. - Sigma Xi Lecture, David W. Taylor Naval Ship R&D Center, Feb. 1978. “The Simplification of Mathematical Expressions” - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, July 1978. E. A. Feigenbaum 107 Privileged Communication SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal lnvestigetor. Use continuation peges end follow the same general format for eech person} TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) July 20, 1948 NAME System Programmer GILMURRAY, Frank S. PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S& citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Brookl New York, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen , ys - Ci Male CJ Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION OEGREE CONFERRED FIELD B.S. 1970 Electrical Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Computer Science Graduate School (1970-713) HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT . Operating Systems System Programmer RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, jist training and experience relevant to area of project, List all or most representative publicetions, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) System Programmer, SUMEX Computer Project, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine System Programmer, On-Line Systems, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1977 - present 1976 - 1977 1971 - 1976 System Programmer, Computer Center, University of Pittsburgh PUBLICATIONS (none) WIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 wUS. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—-241-161:3024 ivi ication E. A. Feigenbaum 10S Privileged Communic SECTION II — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH {Give the following information for al! professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for ech person.) NAME TITLE LENAT, Douglas B. Assistant Professor Computer Science BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) September 13, 1950° PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S citizen, indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A U.S. Citizen SEX 3) Mate C) Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD University of Pennsylvania B.A. 1972 Mathematics University of Pennsylvania B.A. 1972 Physics University of Pennsylvania M.S. 1972 Applied Mathematics Stanford University Ph.D. 1976 Computer Science HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence “MESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) - a“ {see continuation page) ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Core Research RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, ist training and experience relevant to area of project List ail or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1979 - present Consultant to IBM Yorktown, on Maurice Karnaugh's Automatic Programming Effort 1978 ~ present Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Stanford University 1978 Instructor at General Electric's Program for Modern Managers, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 1978 - present Consultant to Schlumberger Oil -Co., Ridgefield, Conn. 1978 - present Consultant to Xerox-PARC's Systems Science Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif. 1977 - present Consultant to NIH, as member of their Special Study Section on Biotechnology Resources 1977 Consultant to BBN, Boston, on John Seely Brown's CAI project 1976 - 1978 Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department Carnegie-Mellon University 1976 ~ present Consultant to RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Ca., on their "Intelligent Terminal" project PUBLICATIONS (see continuation page) NIH 398 (FORKERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—241-161:3024 109 Privileged Communication BICGRAPHICAL SKETCH = LENAT, Douglas 6. RESEARCH SUPPORT Project %@ of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency 1P01 LM Research Program: $ 99,484 $497,420 10 NLM 03295-01 Biomedical (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/84) Knowledge Representation MCS78— MOLGEN: A $153,959 $294,476 20 NSF 02777 Computer Science (12/79-11/80) (6/78-3/81) Application to Molecular Genetics MDA 903-80— Heuristic $496,256 $1,613,588 20 ARPA C-0 107 Programming (10/79-9/80) (10/79-9/82) Project E. A. Feigenbaum 110 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - LENAT, Douglas B. [1] Progress Report on Program-Understanding Systems, Memo AYM-240, CS Report STAN-CS-74- 444, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford University, August, 1974. Co-authored with Green, Waldinger, Barstow, Llshlager, McCune, Shaw, and Steinberg, [2] Synthesis of Large Programs from Specific Dialogues, Proceedings of the [nternational Symposium on Proving and Improving Programs, [REA, Le Chesnay, France, July, 1975. [3] Duplication of Human Acticns by an Interacting Comnumity of Knowledge Modules, Proceedings of the Vhird International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Bucharest, Romania, August, 1975, [4] BEINGS: Knowledge as Interacting F-xperts, Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tbilisi, USSR, September, 1975. [S] AM An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search, Pa). Thesis, Stanford A. 1. Lab Memo Memo AIM-286, CS Report No. STAN-CS-76-570, and Eleuristic Programming Project. Report HPP-76-8, Stanford University, July, 1976. (6] Designing a Rule System That Searches for Sclemifie Discoveries, (Lenat and Harris), invited paper for the conference in Honolulu, May, 1977: published in (Hlayes-Roth and Watenuan, eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Pattern-Directed Inference, Academic Press, 1977. Also issued as a CMU technical report, April, 1977, [7] Automated Theory Formation in Mathematics, Fitthh UCAL, Cambridge, Mass., August, 1977. [8] Less Than General Production Syston’ drchitectures, (lenat and J. MeDermou,) Fifth ICAI, Cambridge, Mass.. August, 1977. [9] The Ubiquity of Discovery, tie 1977 Computers and Thought Lecture (invited talk at the Filth MCAT). Preliminary version published in the proceedings of that conference; final version printed in the Journal of A. Repeated as an invited talk at NCC (Anaheim, June, 1978). [10] On Automated Scientific Theory Formation: A Case Study Using the AM Program, invited paper presented at the Ninth Machine Intelligence workshop in’ Leningrad, USSR, April, 1977. Forthcoming publication in’ (Michie, ed.) Machine Intelligence 9, 1978, [11] Programs that Acquire Expert Knowledge: Two Al Approaches (Davis & Lenat), McGraw Pili, 1978. (12] Pattern Directed Inference Rules the Waves, Journal of the AISB (Artificial Intelligence Sociely of Britain), October, 1977, 8-12. Reprinted in SIGART, 1978, [13] Rule Based Computation: Some Syntheses, (Mayes-Roth, Waterman, and Lenat), concluding chiuipter for (Hayes-Roth and Waterman, eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Pattern-Directed Inference, Academic Press, 1977, (t4] aratictal Mitelligence and Natiaal Statistics, invited paper at “Computer Science and Statistics: Eleventh Annual Symposium on the Interface’, University of Nowth Carolina at Raleigh, March 6, 1978. [LS] Unscripted interview on AT & Problem Solving, broadcast over the BBC, as part of the Open University’s 32 week course on Cognitive Psychology. Taped at CMU on Feb. 22, 1978, by Clive Holloway, Open University, Milton Keynes, England. {16]) On Asnophysics and Superhuman Performance (an inviled commentary), Journal of the Behavior and Brain Sciences, Vol 1, No. 1, awards) E. A. Feigenbaum 111 Privileged Communication SECTION I! — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.) NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) LEVINTHAL, Elliott C. Adjunct Professor of Genetics Dir., Instrumentation Res. Lab. April 13, 1922 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY {/f non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. U.S. citizen [Mate (Femate EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Columbia College, New York B.A. 1942 Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.S. 1943 Physics and Math Stanford University Ph.D. 1949 Physics and Math HONORS Public Service Medal, awarded by NASA, April,.1977, for exceptional contributions to the success of the Viking project ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT AIM Liaison ~MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST Medical instrumentation research eas amet ~RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} ~ Funding Current Project ~ % of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency NSG 7538 Mars Data Analysis $102,689 $144,781 50% NASA (10/79-9/86) (4/79-9/80) RESEARCH ANO/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, dist training and experience relevant to area of project, List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1974 - present Adjunct Professor, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Director, Instrumentation Research Laboratory, Department of Genetics, Stanford University 1970 - 1973 Associate Dean for Research Affairs, Stanford University School of Medicine 1961 - 1974 Senior Scientist/Director, Instrumentation Research Laboratories, Department of Genetics, Stanford University 1953 ~ 1961 President, Levinthal Electronic Products 1952 - 1953 Chief Engineer, Century Electronics 1950 - 1952 Research Director/Member of Board of Directors, Varian Associates 1949 - 1950 Research Physicist, Varian Associates 1946 - 1948 Research Associate, Nuclear Physics, Stanford University 1943 - 1946 Project Engineer, Sperry Gyroscope Company, New York 1943 Teaching Fellow in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology PUBLICATIONS (See continuation page) NIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 #US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977~241-161:3024 E. A. Feigenbaum 112 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - LEVINTHAL, Elliott C. PUBLICATIONS (Selected) 10. Levinthal, E.C., Lederberg, J. and Hundley, L.: Multivator - A Biochemical Laboratory for Martian Experiments. Life Sciences and Space Research II, COSPAR (Committee on Space Research), 1964, Halpern, B,, Westley, J.W., Levinthal, E.C. and Lederberg, Ji: The Pasteur Probe: An Assay for Molecular Asymmetry. Life Sciences and Space Kesearch, COSPAR (Committee on Space Research), 1966. Levinthal, E.C.: Space Vehicles for Planetary Missions. In Biology and the Exploration of Mars, Nat. Acad. Sci., National Research Council. Levinthal, E.C.: Prospects for Manned Mars Missions. In Biology and the Exploration of Mars,.Nat. Acad. Sei., National Research Council, Levinthal, E.C., Lederberg, J. and Sagan, C.: Relationship of Planetary Quarantine to Biological Search Strategy. Presented at COSPAR Meeting (Committee on Space Research), London, 1967. Sagan, C., Levinthal, E.C. and Lederberg, J.: Contamination of Mars. Science 159:1191~1196, 1968. Levinthal, E.C.: The Role of Molecular Asymmetry in Planetary Biological Exploration. Presented at Gordon Research Conferences, Nuclear Chemistry Section, 1968. Muteh, T.A., Binder, A.B., Huck, F.0O., Levinthal, E.C.. Morris, E.C., Sagan, C, and Young, A.T.: Imaging Experiment. Icarus 16:92, 1972. Levinthal, E.C., Green, W.B., Cuts, J.A. Jahelka, E.D., Johnsen, R.A., Sander, M.J. Seidman, J.B., Young, A.T. and Soderblom, L.A.: Mariner 9 ~ Image Processing and Products. Icarus 18:1088, 1973. Sagan, C., Veverka, J., Fox, P., Dubisch, R., French. R., Gierasch, P., Quam, L., Lederberg, J., Levinthal, E.. Tucker. R., Eross, L. and Pollack, J.B.: Variable Features on Mars, 2, Mariner 9 Global Results. J. Geophysical Research 78. No. 20, p. 4163~4196, 1973. E. A. Feigenbaum 113 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - LEVINTHAL, Elliott C, PUBLICATIONS (continued) 11. Lederberg, J., Feigenbaum, E., Levinthal, E. and kindfleisch, T.: SUMEX - A Resource for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Proc. Ann. Conference, Association for Computing Machinery, November, 1974. 12. Levinthal, E.C., Carhart, R.E., Johnson, S.M. and Lederberg, J.? When Computers Talk to Each Other. Industrial Research 17(12):35-42, 1975. 13. Mutch, T.A., Binder, A.B., Huck, F.0O., Levinthal, E.C., Liebes, S. Morris, E.C., Patterson, W.R., Pollack, J.B., Sagan, C. and Taylor, G.k.: The Surface of Mars: The View from the Viking I Lander, Selence 193(4255):791-801, 1976. 14, Mutch, T.A., Arvidson, R.E., Binder, A.B., Huck, F.O., Levinthal, E.C., Liebes, S., Morris, E.C., Nummedal, D., Follack, J.E. and Sagan, C.: Fine Particles on Mars: Observations with the Viking I Lander Cameras. Seience 194(4260): 87-91, 1976. 15. Mutch, T.A., Arvidson, R.E., Aurin, P., Binder, A.B., Huck, F.O., Levinthal, E.C., Liebes, S., Morris, E.C., Pollack, J.B., Sagan, C. and Saunders, K.: The Surface of Mars: The View from Lander 2. Setence 194(4271):1277-1283, 1976. 16. Levinthal, E.C., Green, W., Jones, K.L. and Tucker, R.: Processing the Viking Lander Camera Data. Jour. Geophys. Res., No. 28, 30 Sept. 1977. 17. Levinthal, E.C., Jones, K.L., Fox, P. and Sagan, C.: Lander Imaging as a Detector of Life on Mars. Jour. Geophys. Res. 82, No. 28, 30 Sept. 1977. E. A. Feigenbaum 114 Privileged Communication SECTION ll — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) NII, H. Penny Research Associate ° Computer Science October 6, 1939 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country] PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Tokyo, Japan U.S. Citizen (JMale Li Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral} JENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED Seo Tufts University, Jackson College B.S. 1962 Mathematics Medford, Massachusetts Stanford University M.A. 1973 Computer Science HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Knowledge-based computer systems design Core Research RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) Funding Current Project % of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency MDA 903-80- Heuristic Programming $496,296 $1,613,588 20 ARPA C-0107 Project (10/79-9/80) (10/79-9/82) RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, jist training and experience relevant to ares of project List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1977 - present Research Associate, Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1976 - 1977 Scientific Programmer,Heuristic Programming Project, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University 1973 - 1975 Associate Investigator for Computer Science, HASP Project, Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, California 1967 — 1968 Systems Engineering Advisor, International Business Machines Corporation, Tokyo, Japan 1962 - 1967 Research Staff Programmer. International Business Machines Corporation, Thomas J. Watson Research Center. 1965-67 Project Leader, Electronic Coding Pad (ECP) System 1965-66 Assistant Manager, Man-Computer Interaction Group 1963-64 Programmer, World's Fair Lexical Processing System 1962-63 Programmer, applications ranging from text processing to linear programming problems RECENT PUBLICATIONS (See continuation page) WiH 8 (FORMERLY PHS mentees 398) wUS. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-241-161:3024 115 E. A. Feigenbaum Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - NII, H. Penny RECENT PUBLICATIONS Nii, H. P. and Aiello, N., "AGE: A Knowledge-based Program for Building Knowledge-based Programs," Proc. of IJCAI-6, 1979, pp.645-655. Kunz, J.C., Fagan, L.M., Fallat, R.J., McClung, D.H., Aikins, J.S., Nii, H.P., Feigenbaum, E.A., Osborn, J.J., "Use of Artificial Intelligence for Interpretation of Physiological Measurments: Pulmonary Function Diagnosis and I.C.U. Ventilator Management," (to be published); abstract in Proc. of NCC, 1978, pp. 26¢-261. Nii, H.P. and Feigenbaum E.A., “Knowledge-based Understending of Signals", in Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, D.A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth (eds.), NY: Academic Press, 1°78. Engelmore, R.A. and Nii, H.P., "A Knowledge-besed System for the Interpretation of Protein X-ray Crystallographic Date", Heuristic Programming Project Memo; HPP-77~-2, (also STAN-CS-77-589), January 1977. . Feigenbaum, E.A., Nii, H.P., et al., "HASP (Heuristic Adaptive Surveillance Progrem) Final Report, Vols. I-IV, Technical Report under ARPA Contract M66314-74-C~1235, Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, CA., 1975 (Classified document). E. A. Feigenbaum 116 Privileged Communication SECTION I — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Dey, Yr.) RINDFLEISCH, Thomas C. Senior Research Associate December 10, 1941 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country} PRESENT NATIONALITY f/f non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Oshkosh, Wisconsin, U.S.A. U.S. citizen sg Mate —C) Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana B.S. 1962 Physics California Institute of Technology, M.S. 1965 Physics Pasadena Ph.D. Thesis to bq completed; all course work and examinations completed. HONORS Graduated with Highest Honors, Purdue University NSF Fellowship, Caltech Sigma Xi MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST : ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Computer science applications in medical research; image Facility Manager “processing and artificial intellivence “RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) “ RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, Jist training and experience relevant to ares of project: List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) Stanford University: 1978 - present Senior Research Associate, Computer Science Department 1976 — present Senior Research Associate, Genetics Department, School of Medicine 1974 - present Director, SUMEX Computer Project, Genetics Department 1971 ~- 1976 Research Associate, Genetics Department: 1974 - 1976 SUMEX Computer Project 1971 - 1976 Mass Spectrometry, Instrumentation Research Labs. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena: 1969 + 1971 Supervisor, Image Processing Development and Applications Group 1968 - 1969 Mariner Mars 1969 Cognizant Engineer for Image Processing 1962 - 1968 Engineer, design and implement image processing computer software PUBLICATIONS (see continuation page) WIH 398 (FORWERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-24}. -161:3024 117 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - RINDFLEISCH, Thomas C. PUBLICATIONS 10. 11. 12. Rindfleisch, T. and Willingham, D.: A Figure of Merit Measuring Picture Resolution. JPL Technical report 32-666, September, 1965. Rindfleisch, T.: A Photometric Method for Deriving Lunar Topographic Information. JPL Technical Report 32-786, September, 1965. Rindfleisch, T. and Willingham, D.: A Figure of Merit Measuring Picture Resolution. Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol. 22A, Photo-Electronic Image Devices, Academic Press, 1966. Rindfleisch, T.: Photometric Method for Lunar Topography. Photogrammetric Engineering, March, 1966. Rindfleisch, T.: Generalizations and Limitations of Photoclinometry. JPL Space Science Summary, Vol. III, 1967. Rindfleisch, T.: The Digital Removal of Noise from Imagery. JPL Space Science Summary 37-62, Vol. III, 1970. Rindfleisch, T.: Digital Image Processing for the Rectification of Television Camera Distortions. Astronomical Use of Television- Type Image Sensors. NASA Special Publication SP~256, 1971. Rindfleisch, T., Dunne, J., Frieden, H., Stromberg, W. and Ruiz, R.: Digital Processing of the Mariner 6 and 7 Pictures. J. Geophysical Research, Vol. 76, No. 2, January, 1971. Pereira, W.E., Summons, R.E., Reynolds, W.E., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Duffield, A.M.: The Quantitation of Beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid in Urine by Mass Fragmentography. Clinica Chimica Acta, 49, 1973. Summons, R.E., Pereira, W.E., Reynolds, W.E., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Duffield, A.M.: Analysis of Twelve Amino Acids in Biological Fluids by Mass Fragmentography. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 46, No. 4, April, 1974. Pereira, W.E., Summons, R.E., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Duffield, A.M.: The Determination of Ethanol in Blood and Urine by Mass Fragmentography. Clin. Chim. Acta, 51, 1974. Pereira, W.E., Summons, R.E., Rindfleisch, T.C., Duffield, A.M., Zeitman, B, and Lawless, J.G.: Stable Isotope Mass Fragmentography: Quantitation and Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Studies of Eight Murchison Meteorite Amino Acids. Geochem. et Cosmochim. Acta, 39, 163, 1975. E. A, Feigenbaum 118 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH = RINDFLEISCH, Thomas C. PUBLICATIONS (continued) 13. Dromey, R.G., Stefik, M.J., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Duffield, A.M.: Extraction of Mass Spectra Free of Background and Neighboring Component Contributions from Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data. Analytical Chemistry, 48, 1368, 1976. 14. Smith, D.H., Achenbach, M., Yeager, W.J., Anderson, P.J., Fitch, W.L. and Rindfleisch, T.C.: Quantitative Comparison of Combined Gas Chromatographic/Mass Spectrometric Profiles of Complex Mixtures. Anal. Chem., 49, 1623, 1977. 15. Smith, D.H., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Yeager, W.J.: Exchange of Comments: Analysis of Complex Volatile Mixtures by a Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry System. Anal. Chem., 50, 1585, 1978. 16. Rindfleisch, T.C. and Smith, D.H.: Chapter 3. In G.R. Waller (Ed.) Biomedical Applications of Mass Spectrometry. (in press) E. A. Feigenbaum 119 Privileged Communication SECTION H — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for ell professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general formet for each person.) NAME SHORTLIFFE, Edward H. Medicine TITLE Assistant Professor Computer Science (by courtesy) BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Y+.) August 28, 1947 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) Edmonton, Alberta, Canada U.S. Citizen PRESENT NATIONALITY (If non-U.S citizen, indicate kind of visa and expiration date} SEX Cd Mate L) Femaie EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts B.A. 1970 Applied Math and Computer Science Stanford University School of Medicine Ph.D. 1975 Med. Info. Sciences Stanford University School of Medicine M.D. 1976 HONORS (see continuation page) MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Computer-based Medical Consultation “Systems “RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions] “(see continuation page) Co-Principal Investigator RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, jist training and experience relevent to srea of project. List all or most representative publications. Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1979 - present Assistant Professor (by courtesy), Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, Califormia 1979 - present Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 1977 - 1979 Resident in Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine 1976 ~ 1977 Intern in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. 1971 - 1975 Doctoral Researcn, Medical Scientist Training Program, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 1970 1971 Research assistant, Drug Interaction (MEDIPHOR) Project, Stanford University School Of Medicine, Stanford, California PUBLICATIONS (see continuation page) WiH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum 120 US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977--241-161:3024 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH - SHORTLIFFE, Edward H. HONORS Graduation Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College, June, 1970. Medical Scientist Training Program, Traineeship, September 1971 -— June 1976. Grace Murray Hopper Award (Distinguished computer scientist under age 30), Association for Computing Machinery, October 1976. Recipient of Research Career Development Award, National Library of Medicine, July 1979 - present. RESEARCH SUPPORT Funding « Current Project % of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency NLM LMO3395 Research Progran: $ 99,484 $497,420 50 NLM Biomedical Knowledge (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/84) Representation noe Explanatory Patterns $ 20,000 $ 20,000 25 KAISER In Clinical Medicine (7/7S-12/80) (7/79-12/80) To support the 75% research time above: NLM LMGO048 Symbolic Computation Methods for Clinical Reasoning (RCDA) E. A. Feigenbaum $ 39,285 $196,425 _ NIM (7/79-6/80) (7/79-6/84) 121 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH = SHORTLIFFE, Edward H. PUBLICATIONS (Selected) BOOK Shortliffe, E.H. Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN , Elsevier/ North Holland, New York, 1976. JOURNAL ARTICLES Shortliffe, E.H., Axline, S.G., Buchanan, B.G., Merigan, T.C., and Cohen, S.N. "An artificial intelligence program to advise physicians regarding antimicrobial therapy". Comput. Biomed. Res. 6:544-560 (1973). Shortliffe, E.H. and Buchanan, B.G. "A model of inexact reasoning in medicine." Math. Biosci. 23:351-379 (1975). Shortliffe, E.H., Davis, R., Axline, S.G., Buchanan, B.G., Green, C.C., and Cohen, S.N. "“Computer—based consultations in clinical therapeutics: explanation and rule-acquisition capabilities of the MYCIN system." Comput. Biomed. Res. 8:303-320 (1975). Davis, R., Buchanan, B.G., and Shortliffe, E.H. "Production rules as an approach to knowledge-based consultation systems." Artificial Intelligence 8:15-45 (1977). Scott, A.C., Clancey, W., Davis, R., and Shortliffe, E.H. "Explanation capabilities of knowledge-based production systems." Amer. J. Computational Linguistics, Microfiche 62, 1977. Also available as TR HPP~77-1, Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford University, March 1977. Wraith, S.M., Aikins, J.S., Euchanan, B.G., Clancey, W.J., Davis, R., Fagan, L.M., Hannigan, J.F., Scott, A.C., Shortliffe, E.H., vanMelle, W.J., Yu, V.L., Axline, 8.G., and Cohen, S.N. "Computerized consultation system for selection of antimicrobial therapy." Amer. J. Hosp. Pharm. 33: 1304-1308 (1976). Yu, V.L., Buchanan, B.G., Shortliffe, E.H., Wraith, S.M., Davis, R., Scott, A,C., Axline, S.G., and Cohen, S.N. "Evaluating the performance of a computer-based consultant." Comput. Prog. Biomed. 9:95~-102 (1979). Shortliffe, E.H., Buchanan, B.G., and Feigenbaum, E.A. "Knowledge engineering for medical decision making: A review of computer-based clinical decision aids." Proceedings of the IEEE, 67:1207-1224 (1979). Shortliffe, E.H. "The computer as clinical consultant" (editorial). Arch, Int. Med. 140:313-314 (1980). Fagan, L.M., Shortliffe, E.H., and Buchanan, B.G. "Computer-based medical decision making: from MYCIN to VM." Automedica, 3,97-106 (1980). E. A. Feigenbaun 122 Privileged Communication SECTION I! — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH . | (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. | Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) SWEER, Andrew J. System Programmer March 12, 1945 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY {f/f non-US, citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Washington, D.C., U.S.A. U.S. citizen LRMate (] Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccelaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.S. 1965 Mathematics University of Pittsburgh, graduate school (1965-66) None -- Mathematics, Computer Science HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Operating systems System Programmer RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) RESEARCH ANO/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to area of project List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1976 - present Head System Programmer, SUMEX Computer Project, | | | | | | | | INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD | | | | | : | Department of Genetics, Stanford University | | | | | 1974 - 1975 Senior Systems Designer, ILLIAC IV Project, Evans and Sutherland 1970 + 1974 Systems Analyst Supervisor, Computer Center, University of Pittsburgh 1968 - 1969 Computer Specialist, Office of Personnel Operations, Department of the Army, Headquarters the Pentagon 1966 - 1968 Systems Programmer/Analyst, Computer Center, University of Pittsburgh PUBLICATIONS (none) KIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 #US._ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—241-161:3024 E. A. Feigenbaum 123 Privileged Communication SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.) NAME TUCKER, Robert B. TITLE System Programmer BIRTHDATE (Ma,, Dey, Yr.) June 12, 1940 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country} PRESENT NATIONALITY fff non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen SW Mste ClFemale EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training end include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD B.S. 1962 Mathematics Stanford University HONORS MAJOR RESEAR CH INTEREST Network Communications Pieital Image Processing RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT System Programmer RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, Jist training and experience relevant to area of project. List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine: 1977 - present 1965 - 1977 PUBLICATIONS (see continuation pages) System Programmer, SUMEX Computer Project Scientific Programmer, Instrumentation Research Laboratories WIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS Rev. 1/73 398) E. A. Feigenbaum 124 @ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. }977—241-161:3024 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — TUCKER, Robert B. PUBLICATIONS Tucker, Robert B. "A Mass Spectrometer Data Acquisition and Analysis System." Stanford Inst. Res. Lab. Tech. Report IRL-1063, NASA CR-94919, CFSTI Accession N-68-25743, 1968. Reynolds, W., Bridges, J., Tucker, R. and Coburn, T. "Computer Control of Mass Analyzers." 16th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, ASTM Committee E-14, NASA CR-96821, 1968. Reynolds, W., Bacon, V., Bridges, J., Coburn, T., Halpren, B., Lederberg, J., Levinthal, E., Steed, E., and Tucker, R. "A Computer Operated Mass Spectrometer System." Analytical Chemistry, vol 42, pp 1122-1129, Sept. 1970. Quam, L., Liebes, S., Tucker, R., Hannah, M., and Eross, B., "Computer Interactive Picture Processing." Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo. AIM-166." 1972. Sagan, C., Veverka, J., Fox, P., Dubiseh, R., Lederberg, J., Levinthal, E., Quam, L., Tucker, R.,- Pollack, J. and Smith, B. "Variable Features on Mars: Preliminary Mariner 9 Television Results." Icarus, vol 17, pp 346-372, 1972. Quam, L., Tucker, R., Eross, B., Veverka J. and Sagan, C. "Mariner 9 Picture Differencing at Stanford." Sky and Telescope, vol 46 no. 2, August 1973. Sagan, C., Veverka, J., Fox, P., Dubisch, R., French, R., Gierasch, P., Quam, L., Lederberg, J., Levinthal, E., Tucker, R., Eross, B. and Pollack, J. "Variable Features on Mars, 2, Mariner 9 Global Results." Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 70, no. 20, pp 4163-4196, 1973. Veverka, J., Sagan, C., Quam, L., Tucker, R. and Eross, B. "Variable Features on Mars III: Comparison of Mariner 1969 and Mariner 1971 Photography." Icarus, vol 21, pp 317-368, 1974. Sagan, C., Veverka, J., Steinbacher, R., Quam, L., Tucker, R. and Eross, B. "Variable Features on Mars IV. Pavonis Mons." Icarus, vol 22, pp 24-47, 1974. Veverka, J., Noland, M., Sagan, C., Pollack, J., Quam, L., Tucker, R., Eross, B., Duxbury, T. and Green, W. "A Mariner 9 Atlas of the Moons of Mars." Icarus, vol 23, no. 2, pp 206-289, 1974. Veverka, J., Sagan, C., Quam, L., Tucker, R. and Eross, B. "The Changing Surface of Mars." Astronomy, vol 3, no. 6, June 1975. Mutch, T. A., et al. "The Surface of Mars: The View from the Viking 2 Lander." Science, vol 194, pp 1277-1283, 17 Dec. 1976. E. A, Feigenbaum 125 Privileged Communication BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH — TUCKER, Robert B. PUBLICATIONS (continued) Levinthal, E., Green, W., Jones, K., Tucker, R. "Processing the Viking Lander Camera Data." Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 82, no. 28, Sept. 1977. Tucker, Robert B. "More on the Viking Mission." Keyboard, 1977/2 pp 1-4, 1977 (Hewlett-Packard). Tucker, Robert B. "Viking Lander Imaging Investigation Picture Catalog of Primary Mission Experiment Data Record." NASA Reference Publication 1007, 568 pp, 1978. E. A, Feigenbaum 126 Privileged Communication SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH {Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person, } NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) . R&D Engineer VEIZADES, Nicholas Instrumentation Research Labs.| August 25, 1932 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (If non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Larissa, Greece U.S. Citizen Cd Mate C) Female EDUCATION (Segin with baccalaureate training end include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD City College of San Francisco, California (1954-55) University of California, Berkeley B.S. 1958 Electrical Engineering Stanford University M.S. 1961 Engineering Science HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Electronic circuit design Electronics Engineer RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions} Funding Current Project 4 of Grant Grant No. Title of Project Year Period Effort Agency RR-00612 Resource Related $221,255 $641,419 5 NIH Research - (5/80-4/81) (5/80~4/83) Computers and Chemistry (DENDRAL) RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, fist training and experience relevant to area of project List all or most representative publications, De not exceed 2 pages for each individual.) 1962 - present Electronics Engineer, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine: 1978 - present SUMEX Computer Project 1962 -— 1978 Instrumentation Research Laboratories 1961 -— 1962 Project Engineer, Fairchild Semiconductor (Instrumentation), Division of Fairchild Instrument and Camera Company, Palo Alto, California 1958 -— 1961 Senior Engineer, Link Division, General Precision, Inc., Palo Alto, California PUBLICATIONS (none) W1H 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum #& US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-—241.161:3024 127 Privileged Communication SECTION II — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigetor. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person.} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma., Day, Yr.) YEAGER, William J. System Programmer June 16, 1940 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U,S. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) San Francisco, California, U.S.A. U.S. Citizen Mate (Female EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD University of Califormia, Berkeley B.A. 1964 Mathematics California State University, San Jose M.A. 1967 Mathematics University of Washington, Seattle None -- Mathematics Doctoral studies (1969-70) HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Network communications System Programmer RESEARCH SUPPORT [See instructions) AESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to area of project List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1978 - present 1975 - 1978 1971 ~ 1975 1970 - 1971 1968 - 1969 1967 - 1968 1966 - 1967 1966 PUBLICATIONS System Programmer, SUMEX Computer Project, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine Scientific Programmer, Instrumentation Research Laboratories, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine Programmer, Bendix Field Engineering, Moffett Field, California Programmer, WELLSCO Data Corp., San Francisco, California Mathematics Instructor, Gavilan Jr. College, Gilroy, California Mathematics Instructor, Califomia Western Univ., San Diego Mathematician/Programmer, Applied Physics Laboratory, Seattle, Washington Systems Representative, Burroughs Corp., San Jose, California Smith, D.H., Achenbach, M., Yeager, W.J., Anderson, P.J., Fitch, W.L., Rindfleisch, T.: Quantitative Comparison of Combined Gas Chromato- graphic/Mass Spectrometic Profiles of Complex Mixtures. Anal. Chen,, 49, 1623, 1977. Smith, D.H., Rindfleisch, T.C. and Yeager, W.J.: Exchange of Comments: Analysis .of Complex Volatile Mixtures by a Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry System. Anal. Chem., 50, 1585,1978. MIH 398 (FORMERLY PHS 398) Rev. 1/73 E. A. Feigenbaum # US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977—241.161:3024 128 Privileged Communication Collaborative Projects. 9 Collaborative Project Reports The following subsections report on the AIM community of projects and "pilot" efforts including local and national users of the SUMEX-AIM facility at Stanford and those using the Rutgers-AIM facility (these are annotated with “[Rutgers-AIM]"). In addition to these detailed progress reports, we have included briefer summary abstracts of the fully authorized projects in Appendix A on page 331. The collaborative project reports and comments are the result of a solicitation for contributions sent to each of the project Principal Investigators requesting the following information: I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRAM A. Project rationale B. Medical relevance and collaboration C Highlights of research progress --Accomplishments this past year ~-Research in progress D. List of relevant publications E. Funding support (see details below) II. INTERACTIONS WITH THE SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE A Medical collaborations and program dissemination via SUMEX B. Sharing and interactions with other SUMEX-AIM projects (via computing facilities, workshops, personal contacts, etc.) C. Critique of resource management (community facilitation, computer services, communications services, capacity, etc.) TIT. RESEARCH PLANS (8/80-7/86) A. Project goals and plans -~-Near-term --Long-range (8/81 forward) B. Justification and requirements for continued SUMEX use (This section will be of special importance to the study section and council review of the SUMEX-AIM renewal application) C. Needs and plans for other computing resources, beyond SUMEX-AIM D Recommendations for future community and resource development We believe that the reports of the individual projects speak for themselves as rationales for participation; in any case the reports are recorded as submitted and are the responsibility of the indicated project leaders. Privileged Communication 135 E. A. Feigenbaum Stanford Projects Section 9.1 9.1 Stanford Projects The following group of projects is formally approved for access to the Stanford aliquot of the SUMEX~AIM resource. Their access is based on review by the Stanford Advisory Group and approval by Professor Feigenbaum as Principal Investigator. E. A. Feigenbaum 136 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.1 AGE - Attempt to Generalize 9.1.1 AGE - Attempt to Generalize AGE - Attempt to Generalize H. Penny Nii and Edward A. Feigenbaum Computer Science Department Stanford University ABSTRACT: Isolate inference, control, and representation techniques from previous knowledge-based programs; reprogram them for domain independence; write an interface that will help a user understand what the package offers and how to use the modules; and make the package available to other members of the AIM community and tabs doing knowledge-based programs development, and the general scientific community. I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRAM Project Rationale The general goal of the AGE project is to demystify and make explicit the art of knowledge engineering. It is an attempt to formulate the knowledge that knowledge engineers use in constructing knowledge-based programs and put it at the disposal of others in the form of a software laboratory. The design and implementation of the AGE program is based primarily on the experience gained in building knowledge-based programs at the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project in the last decade. The programs that have been, or are being, built are: DENDRAL, meta-DENDRAL, MYCIN, HASP, AM, MOLGEN, CRYSALIS [Feigenbaum 1977], and SACON [Bennett 1978]. Initially, the AGE program will embody artificial intelligence methods used in these programs. However, the long-range aspiration is to integrate methods and techniques developed at other AI laboratories. The final product is to be a collection of building-block programs combined with an "intelligent front-end" that will assist the user in constructing knowledge-based programs. It is hoped that AGE will speed up the process of building knowledge-based programs and facilitate the dissemination of AI techniques by: (1) packaging common AI software tools so that they need not be reprogrammed for every problem; and (2) helping people who are not knowledge engineering specialists write knowledge-based programs. Medical Relevance and Collaboration AGE is relevant to the SUMEX-AIM Community in two ways: as a vehicle for disseminating cumulated knowledge about the methodologies of knowledge engineering and as a tool for reducing the amount of time needed to develop knowledge-based programs. (1). Dissemination of Knowledge: The primary strategy for conducting Al research at the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project is to build complex programs to solve carefully chosen problems and to allow the Privileged Communication 137 EF. A. Feigenbaum AGE - Attempt to Generalize . Section 9.1.1. problems to condition the choice of scientific paths to be explored. The historical context in which this methodology arose and summaries of the programs that have been built over the last decade at HPP are discussed in [Feigenbaum 1977]. While the programs serve as case studies in building a field of “Knowledge engineering," they also contribute to a cumulation of theory in representation and control paradigms and of methods in the construction of knowledge-based programs. The cumulation and concomitant dissemination of theory occur through scientific papers. Over the past decade we have also cumulated and disseminated methodological knowledge. In Computer Science, one effective method of disseminating knowledge is in the form of software packages. Statistical packages, though not related to AI, are one such example of software packages containing cumulated knowledge. GE is an attempt to make yesterday's "experimental technique" into tomorrow's "tool" in the field of knowledge engineering. (2). Speeding up the Process of Building Knowledge-based Programs: Many of the programs built at HPP are intelligent agents to assist human problem solving in tasks of significance to medicine and biology (see separate sections for discussions of work and relevance). Without exception the programs were handcrafted. This process often takes many years, both for the AI scientists and for the experts in the field of collaboration. AGE will reduce this time by providing a set of preprogrammed inference mechanisms and representational forms that can be used for a variety of tasks. Close collaboration is still necessary to provide the knowledge base, but the system design and programming time of the AI scientists can be significantly reduced. Since knowledge engineering is an empirical science, in which many programming experiments are conducted before programs suitable for a task are produced, reducing the programming and experimenting time would significantly reduce the time required to build knowledge-based programs. Highlights of Research Summary in addition to the framework for building programs based on the Blackboard model that was available last year, we have added the following additional tools: 1. Framework for building programs that use backward-chained production rules: Backward chaining of production rules is an inference generating mechanism that is used in the MYCIN program (and its offshoots). A simple framework has been implemented in AGE that can be used by itself (i.e. to write MYCIN-like programs) or as a part of a Blackboard based program. 2. Interface to the Units Package: There are kinds of knowledge for which the production rule representation is not suitable. We have augmented the rule-based representation in AGE with frame-like representation, as implemented in the Units package. E. A. Feigenbaum 138 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.1 AGE - Attempt to Generalize The Units data base can be used from the left-hand-sides of : rules or can be modified by the right-hand-sides of rules. This ! combination, in addition to providing another representational | form for the frameworks in AGE, provides inference mechanism | for Units in the form of rules and other control mechanisms available in AGE. Publications Nai, HH. Penny and Aielio, Nelleke, "AGE: a knowledge-based program for building knowledge-based programs,” Proc. of IJCAI-6, pp. 645-655, vol. 2, 1979. In addition, to acquaint a variety of users in the use of AGE, three documents are being prepared. They will be available July 1, 1980. 1. "Introduction of Knowledge Engineering, Blackboard Model, and AGE.” A high level introduction to knowledge engineering and to the formulation of problems using the Blackboard model. 2. "The Joy of AGE-~ing: A User's Guide to AGE-1." An introduction to the use of AGE-1 system, 3. "AGE Reference Manual." A detailed documentation. II, INTERACTION WITH THE SUMEX-AIM RESOURCES AGE availability Currently AGE-1 is available to a limited number of groups on the PDP-10 at the SUMEX-AIM Computing Facility and on the PDP-20/60 at the SCORE Facility of the Computer Science Department. The current implementation is described briefly in a later section. Dissemination | | A three-day workshop was conducted on the week of March 4, 1980 for a | limited number of people who had requested access to AGE. Without | exception, the attendees represented organizations that wish to build | knowledge-based programs, but could not do so because of lack of qualified | staff. The aim of the workshop was to familiarize the user with AGE, -and | for each participant to implement a running program (even if a simple one) 7 related to his own problem. The names of the organizations represented and brief descriptions of the problems for possible implementation on AGE are listed below: Information Science Group, University of Missouri-Columbia Interpretation of test results for determining the cause of blood coagulation problems in patient with excessive bleeding. If the interpretation problem can be successfully implemented, they will go on to implement a program that recommend anti- coagulation therapy. Privileged Communication 139 E. A. Feigenbaum AGE - Attempt to Generalize Section 9.1.1 Institute of Medical Electronics, University of Tokyo Diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases using diverse data and knowledge, and therapy recommendation with re-evaluation diagnosis. In general, this group is interested in building programs that serve as research tools rather than as applied clinical tools. Department of Psychology, University of Colorado This groups is using the Blackboard framework in AGE to build a psychological model of prose comprehension. They have been using AGE for about one year. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Interpretation of physical signals--non-medical application. Schlumberger-Doll Research Center Interpretation of physical signals--non-medical application. In the process of building AGE, we have used it to write some programs to serve as test programs. Three different versions of PUFF [Feigenbaum 1977; Kunz 1978]--one using the Event-driven control macro, one using the Expectation-driven control macro [Nii 1978], and another using backward-chained productions rules [Shortliffe 1977] were implemented. Since the domain-specific knowledge for PUFF already existed and was implemented in EMYCIN, each AGE version took about a week to bring up--time needed to reorganize the rules .into KSs and to rewrite them in the AGE rule Syntax. We have also tested a variety of small programs, including programs for cryptogram analysis, determining a bidding strateqy for the game of hearts, and a graph traversal problem. Profile of the Current AGE System To correspond to the two general technical goals described earlier, AGE is being developed along two separate fronts: the development of tools and the development of "intelligent" user interface. Currently Implemented Tools The current AGE system provides the user with a set of preprogrammed modules called "components" or “building blocks”. Using different combinations of these components, the user can build a variety of programs that display different problem-solving behavior. AGE also provides user interface modules that help the user in constructing and specifying the details of the components. A component is a collection of functions and variables that support conceptual entities in program form. For example, production rule, as a component, consists of: (1) a rule interpreter that support tne syntactic and semantic description of production-rule representation as defined in AGE, and (2) various strategies for rule selection and execution. E. A. Feigenbaum 140 Privileged Communication Section 9,1.1 . AGE - Attempt to Generalize The components in AGE have been carefully selected and modularly programmed to be useable in combinations. For those users not familiar enough to experiment with combining the components, AGE currently provides the user two predefined configuration of components--each configuration is called a "framework", One framework, called the Blackboard framework, is for building programs that are based on the Blackboard model [Lesser 77]. Blackboard model uses the concepts of a globally accessible data structure called a "blackboard", and independent sources of knowledge which cooperate to form hypotheses. The Blackboard model has been modified to allow flexibility in representation, selection, and utilization of knowledge. The other framework, called the Backchain framework, is for building programs that use backward-chained production rules as its primary mechanism of generating inferences. The Front-End To support the user in the selection, specification, and use of the components, AGE is currently organized around four major subsystems that interact in various ways. Around it is a system executive that allows the user access to the subsystems through menu selection. Figure 1. shows the general interrelationship among these subsystems. The Browse and Design subsystems help to familiarize the user with AGE and to. guide the user in the construction of user programs through the use of predefined frameworks. The third subsystem is a collection of interface modules that help the user specify the various components of the framework. The last subsystem is designed for testing and refining the user program. Each of the subsystem is described in more detail below: BROWSE: The function of Browse subsystem is to guide the user in browsing through its textual knowledge base, called the MANUAL. The MANUAL contains (a) a general description of the building-block components on the conceptual level; (b) a description of the implementation of these concepts within AGE; (c) a description of how these components are used within the object program; (d) how they can be constructed by the user; and (e) various examples. The information in the MANUAL is organized to represent the conceptual hierarchy of the components and to represent the functional relationship among them. DESIGN: The function of the DESIGN subsystem is to guide the user in the design and construction of his program through the use of predefined configuration of components, or framework. Each framework is defined in DESIGN-SCHEMA, a data structure in the form of AND/OR tree, that, on one hand, represents all the possible configuration of components within the framework; and, on the other hand, represents the decisions the user must make in order to design the details of the user program. Using this schema, the DESIGN subsystem guides the user from one design decision point to another. At each decision point, the user has access to the MANUAL and also to advice regarding design decisions at that point. An appropriate ACQUISITION module can be invoked from the DESIGN subsystem so that general design and imptementation specifications can be accomplished simultaneously. Privileged Communication 141 £E. A. Feigenbaum AGE - Attempt to Generalize Section 9,1.1 ACQUISITION: For each component that the user must specify, there is a corresponding acquisition module and editor that asks the user for task- specific information. The calling sequence of the acquisition module is guided by DESIGN-SCHEMA when the user is using the DESIGN subsystem. However, they can also be accessed directly from the system menu or Interlisp. INTERPRETER: This subsystem contains several modules that help the user run and debug his program. The Check module checks for the completeness and correctness of the specification for an entire framework. The Interpreter executes the user program which can be executed with various tracing modes. AGE currently provides no special debugging tools beyond what is available in Interlisp,. EXPLANATION: AGE has enough information to replay its execution steps, and it has reasonable justifications for the actions within the various framework. However, AGE is totally ignorant of the user's task domain and has no means of conducting a dialogue about the task domain. A detailed history of the execution steps is available to the user. The HISTORYLIST can be used in a variety of ways, including the construction of explanations. SYSTEM KNOWLEDGE SUBSYSTEM RESULT | tram eee nH + pene en Venere + | MANUAL J....>] BROWSE | toe econo H- tee, toon n- pe nnnnn + | tore coe cnne to Henna V------ + poem crete + [| DESIGN [....>}| DESIGN j....>|USER SYSTEM | | SCHEMA | | | DESIGN | prec reer an to, Been tone nne + hewn enn to---- + rn | Peco eeee eee Fo Hee e ee V------ + toe meee ese en- + {COMPONENTS |....>] ACQUISITION|....>] USER | | | | | { SYSTEM | tooo noe nnne + Fone nono nn n-e + $onaen- +----- + [Svea esses esse .es. | tocnn-H V----- + J INTERPRETER |..... > EXECUTION toon ane [----- + HISTORY LIST Figure 1. AGE System Organization (... = data flow; --- = control flow) £. A. Feigenbaum 142 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.1 AGE ~- Attempt to Generalize IIT. RESEARCH PLAN Research Topics The task of building a software laboratory for knowledge engineers is divided into two main sub-tasks: 1. The isolation of techniques used in knowledge-based programs: It has always been difficult to determine if a particular problem solving method used in a knowledge-based program is “special” to a particular domain or whether it generalizes easily to other domains. In existing knowledge-based programs, the domain specific knowledge and the manipulation of such knowledge using AI techniques are often so closely coupled that it is difficult to make use of the programs for other domains. One of cur goals is to isolate the AI techniques that are general and determine precisely the conditions for their use. 2. Guiding the user in the initial application of these techniques: Once the various techniques are isolated and programmed for use, an intelligent agent is needed to guide the user in the application of these techniques. In AGE-1, we assume that the user understands AI techniques, knows what she wants to do, but does not understand how to use the AGE system to accomplish his task. A longer range interest involves helping the user determine what techniques are applicable to his task, i.e. it will assume that the user does not understand the necessary techniques of writing knowledge-based programs. Research Plan AGE~1 system is now complete, and will be released for general use on July 1. The research and development plan for AGE-2 include the following: 1. Improving the Front-end Although the current Design subsystem provides specification functions that allow the user to interactively specify the knowledge of the domain and control structure, it does not (aside from simple advice) provide the user any hetp in the designing process. For example, AGE should be able to provide some heuristics on what kind of inference mechanisms and representation are appropriate for different kinds of problems. We have begun collecting knowledge-engineering heuristics, but much more work is needed in building a design aid that will be useful. 2. Adding More Tools Our concept of a software laboratory is a facility by which the users are provided with a variety of preprogrammed components that can be combined into problem-solving frameworks--similar in spirit to designs of prefabricated houses. The user can augment and modify a framework to develop his own programs. We currently provide tools for developing programs that use the Blackboard framework and framework for backward- chained inference rules. We have also integrated the Units Package (described elsewhere) to be used within the Blackboard framework. Given Privileged Communication 143 E. A. Feigenbaum AGE - Attempt to Generalize . Section 9.1.1. the current set of components, other frameworks can, and need to be defined; i.e. other combinations of components that would be useful in solving a wide range of problems. Another inference mechanism, the heuristic search paradigm also need to be added. 3. Performance Test Although various users have attempted to use the AGE system, it has not been tested for its power and flexibility. For the next three to five years, we will add to our task the development of an application problem complex enough to exercise the variety of components available in the current system. Computing Resources and Management I believe the computing and communication resources provide by the SUMEX Facility is one of the best in the country. The management is responsive to the needs of the research community and provides superb services. However, the system is getting to a point where no serious research and development is possible, because of the lack of computing cycles due to overcrowding. It is a compliment to the facility that there are so many users. On the other hand, our productivity has gone down in recent months, because of the heavy load on the system. It would appear that the situation will not improve on its own, since many of the projects that were small a few years ago are maturing into larger, more complex systems. Which is the way it should be. The environment in which the work is done also needs to grow. In short, without augmentation to the current computing power and storage space (which had never been generous}, our ability to make research progress at SUMEX will be drastically curtailed. E. A. Feigenbaum 144 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.2 AI Handbook Project 9.1.2 AI Handbook Project Handbook of Artificial Intelligence E. A, Feigenbaum and A. Barr Stanford Computer Science Department I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRAM A. Technical Goals The AI Handbook is a compendium of knowledge about the field of Artificial Intelligence. It is being compiled by students and investigators at several research facilities across the nation. The scope of the work is broad: Two hundred articles cover all of the important ideas, techniques, and systems developed during 20 years of research in AI. Fach article, roughly four pages tong, is a description written for non-AlI specialists and students of AI. Additional articles serve as Overviews, which discuss the various approaches within a subfield, the issues, and the problems. There is no comparable resource for AI researchers and other scientists who need access to descriptions of AI techniques like problem solving or parsing. The research literature in AI is not generally accessible to outsiders. And the elementary textbooks are not nearly broad enough in scope to be useful to a scientist working primarily in another discipline who wants to do something requiring knowledge of AI. Furthermore, we feel that some of the Overview articles are the best critical discussions available anywhere of activity in the field. To indicate the scope of the Handbook, we have included an outline of the articles as an appendix to this report (see Appendix G on page 392). B. Medical Relevance and Collaboration The AI Handbook Project was undertaken as a core activity by SUMEX in the spirit of community building that is the fundamental concern of the facility. We feel that the organization and propagation of this kind of information to the AIM community, as well as to other fields where AI is being applied, is a valuable service that we are uniquely qualified to support. C. Progress Summary Because our objective is to develop a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the field, our article-writing procedure is suitably involved. First drafts of Articles are reviewed by the staff and returned to the author (either an AI scientist or a student in the area). His final draft is then incorporated into a Chapter, which when completed is sent out for review to one or two experts in that particular area, to check for mistakes and omissions. After corrections and comments from our reviewers are Privileged Communication 145 —E. A. Feigenbaum AI Handbook Project Section 9.1.2 incorporated by the staff, the manuscript is edited, and a final computer- ‘prepared, photo-ready copy of the Chapter is generated. We expect the Handbook to reach a size of approximately 1000 pages. Roughly two-thirds of this material will constitute Volume I of the Handbook, which will be going through the final stages of manuscript preparation in the Spring and Summer of 1980. The material in Volume I will cover AI research in Heuristic Search, Representation of Knowledge, AI Programming Languages, Natural Language Understanding, Speech Understanding, Automatic Programming, and Applications-oriented AI Research in Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Education. Researchers at Stanford University, Rutgers University, SRI International, Xerox PARC, RAND Corporation, MIT, USC-ISI, Yale, and Carnegie-Mellon University have contributed material to the project. D. List of Relevant Publications Most of the chapters in Volume I of the AI Handbook have already appeared in preliminary form as Stanford Computer Science Technical Reports, authored by the respective chapter-editors: HPP-79-12 (STAN-CS~-79-726) Ann Gardner. Search. HPP-79-17 (STAN-CS-79-749) William Clancey, James Bennett, and Paul Cohen. Applications-oriented AI Research: Education. HPP-79-21 (STAN-CS-79-754) Anne Gardner, James Davidson, and Terry Winograd. Natural Language Understanding. HPP-79-22 (STAN-CS-79-756) James S. Bennett, Bruce G. Buchanan, and Paul R. Cohen. Applications-oriented AI Research: Science and Mathematics. HPP-79-23 (STAN-CS-79-757) Victor Ciesielski, James S. Bennett, and Paul R. Cohen. Applications-oriented AI Research: Medicine. HPP-79-24 (STAN-CS-79-758) Robert Elschlager and Jorge Phillips. Automatic Programming. HPP~80-3 (STAN-CS-80-793) Avron Barr and James Davidson. Representation of Knowledge. £. Funding Support Status The Handbook Project is partially supported under the Heuristic Programming Project contract with the Advance Research Projects Agency of the DOD, contract number MDA 903-77-C-0322, E. A. Feigenbaum, Principle Investigator and under the core research activities of the SUMEX-AIM resource, E. A. Feigenbaum 146 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.2 AI Handbook Project. IT. INTERACTIONS WITH SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE A. Collaborations and medical use of programs via SUMEX We have had a modest level of collaboration with a group of students and staff at the Rutgers resource, as well as occasional collaboration with individuals at other ARPA net sites. B. Sharing and interactions with other SUMEX-AIM projects. As described above, we have had moderate levels of interaction with other members of the SUMEX-AIM community, in the form of writing and reviewing Handbook material. During the development of this material, limited arrangements have been made for sharing the emerging text. As final manuscripts are produced, they will be made available to the SUMEX- AIM community both as on-line files and in the hardcopy, published edition. C. Critique of Resource Management Our requests of the SUMEX management and systems staff, requests for additional file space, directories, systems support, or program changes, have been answered promptly, courteously and competently, on every occasion, TIT. RESEARCH PLANS (8/80 - 7/83) A. Long Range Project Goals The following is our tentative schedule for completion and publication of the AI Handbook: Spring and Summer, 1980 - Volume I will go through final editing, computer typesetting, and printing. Fall, 1980 through Spring, 1983 - Volume I will be published. Research for Volume II will be started and draft material will go through the external review process. B. Justifications and requirements for continued SUMEX use The AI Handbook Project is a good example of community coliaboration using the SUMNEX~AIM communication facilities to prepare, review, and disseminate this reference work on AI techniques. The Handbook articles currently exist as computer files at the SUMEX facility. All of our authors and reviewers have access to these files via the network facilities and use the document-editing and formatting programs available at SUMEX. This relatively small investment of resources will result in what we feel will be a seminal publication in the field of AI, of particular value to researchers, like those in the AIM community, who want quick access to AI ideas and techniques for application in other areas. Privileged Communication 147 E. A. Feigenbaum AI Handbook Project Section 9.1.2 C. Your needs and plans for other computational resources We will use document preparation programs at SUMEX and a xerographic output device at the Stanford Computer Science Department to produce the final copy of the AI Handbook. D. Recommendations for future community and resource development None. E. A. Feigenbaum 148 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project The DENDRAL Project Resource-Related Research: Computers in Chemistry Prof. Carl Djerassi Department of Chemistry Stanford University I, Summary of Research Program The DENDRAL Project is a resource-related research project. The resource to which it is related is SUMEX-AIM, which provides DENDRAL its sole computational resource for program development and dissemination to the biomedical community. I.A, Project Rationale The DENDRAL project is concerned with the application of state-of- the-art computational techniques to several aspects of structural chemistry. The overall goals of our research are to develop and apply computational techniques to the procedures of structural analysis of known and unknown organic compounds based on structural information obtained from physical and chemical methods and to place these techniques in the hands of a wide community of collaborators to help them solve questions of structure of important biomolecules. These techniques are embodied in interactive computer programs which place structural analysis under the complete control of the scientist working on his or her own structural problem, Thus, we stress the word assisted when we characterize our research effort as computer-assisted structure elucidation or analysis. Our principal objective is to extend our existing techniques for “computer assistance in the representation and manipulation of chemical structures along two complementary, interdigitated lines. We are developing a comprehensive, interactive system to assist scientists in all phases of structural analysis (SASES, or Semi-Automated Structure Elucidation System) from data interpretation through structure generation to data prediction. This system will act as a computer-based laboratory in which complex structural questions can be posed and answered quickly, thereby conserving time and sample. In a complementary effort we are extending our techniques from the current emphasis on topological, or constitutional, representations of structure to detailed treatment of conformational and configurational stereochemical aspects of structure, By Meeting our objectives we will fill in the “missing link" in computer assistance in structural analysis. Our capabilities for structural analysis based on the three-dimensional nature of molecules is an absolute necessity for relating structural characteristics of molecules to their observed biological, chemical or spectroscopic behavior. These Capabilities will represent a quantum leap beyond our current techniques Privileged Communication 149 £E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 and open new vistas in applications of our programs, both of which will attract new applications among a broad community of structural chemists and biochemists who will have access to our techniques. This access depends entirely on our access to and the continued availability of SUMEX-AIM. These issues are discussed in detail in the subsequent section, Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource. The primary rationale for our research effort is that structure determination of unknown structures and the relationship of known structures to observed spectroscopic or biological activity are complex and time-consuming tasks. We know from past experience that computer programs can complement the biochemist's knowledge and reasoning power, thereby acting as valuable assistants in solving important biomedical problems. By meeting our objectives we feel strongly that our programs will become essential tools in the repertoire of techniques available to the structural biochemist. Our research grant has recently been renewed for a three-year period beginning May 1, 1980. This renewal has come at a particularly opportune time in the development of computer aids to structure elucidation. We are beginning to push our techniques for spectral interpretation, structure generation (e.g., CONGEN) and spectral prediction to their limits within the confines of topological representations of molecular structure. Even so, these techniques are perceived to be of significant utility in the scientific community as evidenced by our workshops, the demand for the exportable version of CONGEN and the number of persons requesting collaborative or guest access to our programs at Stanford (see Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource). In order to proceed further in providing to the community programs which are more generally applicable to biological structure problems and more easily accessible we must address squarely the limitations inherent in existing approaches and search for ways to solve them. Our major objectives are based on the following rationale. None of our techniques (or the techniques of any other’ investigators) for computer-assisted structure elucidation of unknown molecular structures make full use of stereochemical information. As existing programs were being developed this limitation was less important. The first step in many structure determinations is to establish the constitution of the structure, or the topological structure, and that is what CONGEN, for example, was designed to accomplish. However, most spectroscopic behavior and certainly most biclogical activities of molecules are due to their three-dimensional Nature. For example, some programs for prediction of the number of resonances observed in 13CMR spectra use the topological symmetry group of a molecule for prediction. However, in reality it is the symmetry group of the stereoisomer that must be used. This group reflects the usually lower symmetry of molecules possessing chiral centers and which generally exist in fewer than the total possible number of conformations. This will increase the number of carbon resonances observed over that predicted by the topological symmetry group alone. More generally, few of the techniques in the area of computer-assisted structure elucidation can be used in accurate prediction of structure/property relationships, whether the properties be spectral resonances or biological activities. E. A. Feigenbaum 150 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project A structure is not, in fact, considered to be established until its configuration, at least, has been determined. Its conformational behavior may then be important to determine its spectroscopic or biological behavior. For these reasons we will emphasize in the new grant period development of stereochemical extensions to CONGEN, existing related programs and the proposed new programs GENOA and SASES, including machine representations and manipulations of configuration and conformation and constrained generators for both aspects of stereochemistry. None of the existing techniques for computer-assisted structure elucidation of unknown molecules, excepting very recent developments in our own laboratory, are capable of structure generation based on inferred partial structures which may overlap to any extent. Such a capability is a critical element in a computer-based system, such as we propose, for automated inference of substructures and subsequent structure generation based on what is frequently highly redundant structural information including many overlapping part structures. Important elements of our research are concerned with further developments of such a capability for structure generation (the GENOA program). Given the above tools for structure representation and generation, we can consider new interpretive and predictive techniques for relating spectroscopic data (or other properties) to molecular structure. The capability for representation of stereochemistry is required for any comprehensive treatment of: 1) interpretation of spectroscopic data; 2) prediction of spectroscopic data; 3) induction of rules relating known molecular structures to observed chemical or biological properties. These elements, taken together, will yield a general system for computer-aided Structural analysis (the SASES system) with potential for applications far beyond the specific task of structure elucidation. Parallel to our program development we have embarked on a concerted effort to extend to the scientific community access to our programs, and critical parts of our research effort are devoted to methods for promoting this resource sharing. Our rationale for this effort is that the techniques must be readily accessible in order to be used, and that development of useful programs can only be accomplished by an extended period of testing and refinement based on results obtained in analysis of a variety of structural problems, analyzed by those scientists actively involved in solutions to those problems. I.B. Medical Relevance and Collaboration The medical relevance of our research Ties in the direct relationship between molecular structure and biological activity. The sciences of chemistry and biochemistry rest on a firm foundation of the past history of well-characterized chemical structures. Indeed, structure elucidation of unknown compounds and the detailed investigation of stereochemical configurations and conformations of known compounds are absolutely essential steps in understanding the physiological role played by Structures of demonstrated biological activity. Our research is focussed on providing computational assistance in several areas of structural chemistry and biochemistry, with primary attention directed to those Privileged Communication 151 E. A, Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 aspects of the problem which are most difficult to solve by strictly manual methods. These aspects include exhaustive and irredundant generation of constitutional isomers, and configurational and conformational stereoisomers under chemical, biological and spectroscopic constraints with a guarantee that no plausible stereoisomer has been overlooked. Although our programs can be applied to a variety of structural problems, in fact most applications by our group and by our collaborators are in the area of natural products, antibiotics, pheremones and other biomolecules which play important biochemical roles. In discussions of collaborative investigations involved with actual applications of our programs we have always stressed the importance of strong links between the structures under investigation and the importance of such structures to health-related research. This emphasis can be seen by examination of the affiliations of current DENDRAL-related investigators and the brief description of current collaborative efforts in Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource. I.C. Highlights of Research Progress In this section we discuss briefly some major highlights of the past year and research currently in progress. 1.C.1. Past Year 1) Exportable version of the CONGEN program for computer-assisted structure elucidation, CONGEN is an interactive computer program whose task is to provide to the structural biochemist all chemical structures which are possible candidates for the structure of an unknown chemical compound, Based on this information, experiments can be designed to pinpoint the correct structure, thereby facilitating rapid and unambiguous identification of novel, bioactive chemicals. During the previous grant year we have completed an exportable version of the CONGEN program and have begun to export it to a variety of structural analysis laboratories in academic, private and industrial research organizations. CONGEN is being utilized at Stanford and at export sites in the hands of investigators who use it as a tool in solving their own structural problems. Even though we have been exporting versions of CONGEN for only six months, already the program has been used for new structures and recent results have formed the basis for at least four formal lectures by users of CONGEN at remote sites. 2) Version I of the GENOA program for structure generation with overlapping atoms. GENOA is an outgrowth of CONGEN whose purpose is to Suggest candidate structures for an unknown based on redundant and ambiguous structural inferences. This program, which utilizes CONGEN as an integral part of the computational procedures, is far simpler to use by the practicing biochemist. This results from GENOA's capability to construct Structures based on substructural information obtained from a variety of spectroscopic, chemical and biochemical techniques. The program itself considers the structural implications of each new piece of structural data and automatically ensures that all overlaps are considered, thereby freeing the investigator from concerns about the potential for overlapping, or redundant substructural information. In addition, GENOA is the ideal tool £. A. Feigenbaum 152 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 . DENDRAL Project’ for interfacing to automated procedures for spectral interpretation, because the necessity for manual intervention in the assignment of substructures is no longer required as it was for CONGEN. 3) Exhaustive and irredundant generation of stereoisomers. During the current grant period we have solved the problem cf computer generation of configurational stereoisomers. These are isomeric chemical structures that differ from one another in the arrangement of atoms in three-dimensional space. Previously, CONGEN and GENOA were capable only of generation of constitutional isomers which convey no information about the structure in three dimensions. The interaction of biomolecules with biochemical systems 1s based on their three dimensional nature, not simply their constitution. Therefore, this new development is crucial to use of computational techniques in structural studies. It is interesting to note that this particular problem remained unsolved, until the present work, since it was originally proposed by Van't Hoff more than 100 years ago. I.C.2. Research in Progress 1) Programs for Interpretation and Prediction of Spectral Data. We are actively pursuing several novel approaches to the automated interpretation of spectral data, concentrating on carbon-13 magnetic resonance (CMR), proton magnetic resonance (PMR) and mass spectral (MS) data. These approaches utilize large data bases of correlations between substructural features of a molecule and spectral signatures of such features. Our approaches are unique in that: 1) we can incorporate stereochemical features of substructures into the data bases; and 2) we can use the same data bases for both interpretation and prediction of data. The stereochemical substructure descriptors are absolutely essential, especially in magnetic resonance data, for either interpretation or prediction. Resonance positions are a strong function of the local environment of a resonating atom, including position in space relative to other neighboring atoms. Descriptors which include the three dimensional relationships among atoms in a substructure are required in order to obtain meaningful correlations. The data bases can be used to interpret spectral data to obtain substructures to be used in CONGEN and GENOA, the structure generating programs. Automation of this aspect of structure elucidation could significantly ease the burden on the structural biochemist because the computer-based files are much more comprehensive and easier to use than correlation tables or diffuse literature sources. The same data bases can be used to predict spectral signatures in the context of a set of complete molecular structures. Comparison of predicted and observed spectra allows a rank-ordering of candidates and will be very useful in directing the attention of the investigator to the most plausible alternatives. This effort marks the beginnings of the SASES system, a general, automated system for computational assistance in several phases of structure elucidation. Privileged Communication 153 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 2) Constrained Generation of Confiqurational Stereoisomers. We have just completed an experimental version of a program, designed to be used with the structure generation programs CONGEN and GENOA, capable of constrained generation of stereoisomers. This means that, for the first time, a computer program can be used to begin with the molecular formula of an unknown compound and using constraints on both molecular connectivity and configuration arrive at a set of structural alternatives which include potential stereochemical variability. This capability allows use of spectral data whose interpretation (see Highlight 1) depends strongly on Stereochemical features of molecules. Most importantly, it gives us a structural representation and methods for structure generation and manipulation which represent the foundations for future developments of the one important remaining aspect of structural analysis, treatment of molecular conformations. I1.D. List of Recent Publications (1) D.H. Smith and R.E. Carhart, "Structure Elucidation Based on Computer Analysis of High and Low Resolution Mass Spectral Data,” in "High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications," M.L. Gross, Ed., American Chemical Society, 1978, p. 325. (2) T.H. Varkony, D.H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Computer-Assisted Structure Manipulation: Studies in the Biosynthesis of Natural Products," Tetrahedron, 34, 841 (1978). (3) D.H. Smith and P.C. Jurs, "Prediction of 13C NMR Chemical Shifts," J. Am. Chem, Soc., 100, 3316 (1978). (4) T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Computer- Assisted Simulation of Chemical Reaction Sequences. Applications to Problems of Structure Elucidation," J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci., 18, 168 (1978). (5) D.H. Smith, T.C. Rindfleisch, and W.J. Yeager, "Exchange of Comments: Analysis of Complex Volatile Mixtures by a Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry System," Anal. Chem., 50, 1585 (1978). (6) J.G. Nourse, R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Exhaustive Generation of Stereoisomers for Structure Elucidation,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 301, 1216 (1979). ' (7) C. Ojerassi, D.H. Smith, and T.H. Varkony, "A Novel Role of Computers in the Natural Products Field," Naturwiss., 66, 9 (1979). (8) N.A.B. Gray, D.H. Smith, T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart, and B.G, Buchanan, "Use of a Computer to Identify Unknown Compounds. The Automation of Scientific Inference,” Chapter 7 in "Biomedical Applications of Mass Spectrometry," G.R. Waller, Ed., in press. (9) T.€. Rindfleisch and D.H. Smith, in Chapter 3 of "Biomedical Applications of Mass Spectrometry," G.R. Waller, Ed., in press. E. A. Feigenbaum 154 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) T.H. Varkony, Y. Shiloach, and D.H. Smith, "Computer-Assisted Examination of Chemical Compounds for Structural Similarities," J, Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci., 19, 104 (1979). J.G. Nourse and D.H. Smith, "Nonnumerical Mathematical Methods in the Problem of Stereoisomer Generation," Match, (No. 6), 259 (1979). N.A.B. Gray, R.E. Carhart, A. Lavanchy, 0.H. Smith, T. Varkony, B.G. Buchanan, W.C. White, and L. Creary, "Computerized Mass Spectrum Prediction and Ranking," Anal. Chem., in press (1980). A, Lavanchy, T. Varkony, D.H. Smith, N.A.B. Gray, W.C. White, R.E. Carhart, B.G. Buchanan, and C. Djerassi, "Rule-Based Mass Spectrum Prediction and Ranking: Applications to Structure Elucidation of Novel Marine Sterols," Org. Mass Spectrom., in press (1980). J.G. Nourse, D.H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, “Computer-Assisted Elucidation of Molecular Structure with Stereochemistry,” J. Am, Chem. Soc., submitted for publication. J. G. Nourse, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference. 28. The Configuration Symmetry Group and Its Application to Stereoisomer Generation, Specification, and Enumeration.", J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 101, 1210, (1979). J. G. Nourse, "Application of the Permutation Group to Stereoisomer Generation for Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation.", in "The Permutation Group in Physics and Chemistry”, Lecture Notes in Chemistry, Vol. 12, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1979), p. 19. J. G. Nourse, "Applications of the Permutation Group in Dynamic Stereochemistry" in "The Permutation Group in Physics and Chemistry", Lecture Notes in Chemistry, Vol. 12, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1979), p. 28. J. G. Nourse, "Selfinverse and Nonselfinverse Degenerate Isomerizations," J. Am. Chem. Soc., in press (1980). N. A. B. Gray, A. Buchs, D. H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Computer- Assisted Structural Interpretation of Mass Spectral Data," Helv. Chim. Acta, submitted for publication. N. A. B. Gray, C. W. Crandell, J. G. Nourse, D. H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Computer-Assisted Interpretation of C-13 Spectral Data,” J. Org. Chem., in preparation. N. A. B. Gray, J. G. Nourse, C. W. Crandell, D. H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, "Stereochemical Substructure Codes for C-13 Spectral Analysis," Org. Magn. Res., in preparation. Privileged Communication 165 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project | Section 9.1.3 I.E. Funding Support T.E.1. Title RESOURCE RELATED RESEARCH: COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY (grant) 1.£.2. Principal Investiqator Carl Djerassi, Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University Dennis H,. Smith (Associate Investigator), Senior Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University I.E£.3. Funding Agency Biotechnology Resources Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health I.£.4. Grant Identification Number RR-00612-11 I.E.5. Total Award and Period Total - 5/1/80 - 4/30/83 --------- $641,419 I.£.6. Current Award and Period Current - 5/1/80 - 4/30/81 -~------- $221,255 II. Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource In the coming period of our research, our computational approaches to structural biochemistry will become much more general and we plan wide dissemination of the programs resulting from our work. These more general approaches to aids for the structural biochemist will yield computer programs with much wider applicability than, for example, the existing CONGEN program. We expect that this will create a significant increase in requests for access to our programs, placing heavy emphasis on our relationship with SUMEX to provide this access (see Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use for additional details). For these reasons, in our new grant period we have identified the SUMEX-AIM resource as the resource to which our research is related. The SUMEX-AIM resource has provided the computational basis for our past program developments and for initial exposure of the scientific community to these programs. The resource is, however, funded completely separately from our own research; we are only one of a nationwide community of users of the SUMEX-AIM facility. In a sense, then, relating our new research to SUMEX formalizes a relationship which already exists. However, such a formalization seems much more relevant now than in the past because of our broader emphasis on software tools and new capabilities for sharing the E. A. Feigenbaum 156 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project results of our research. The relationship is one which goes far beyond mere consumption of cycles on the SUMEX machine. It has been the goal of the SUMEX project to provide a computational resource for research in symbolic computational procedures applied to health-related problems. As such research matures, it produces results, among which are computer programs, of potential utility to a broad community of scientists. A second goal of SUMEX has been to promote dissemination of useful results to that community, in part by providing network access to programs running on the SUMEX-AIM facility during their development phases. SUMEX does not, however, have the capacity to support extensive operational use of such programs. It was expected from the beginning that user projects would develop alternative computing resources as operational demands for their programs grew. Such a state has been reached for the CONGEN program and Tuture developments in the DENDRAL Project to yield more generally useful programs will simply magnify the problem. We will, therefore, under the new relationship between SUMEX~-AIM and our project, participate as before in the SUMEX-AIM community in sharing methods and results with other groups during development of new programs. In addition, we plan to utilize the small machines requested as part of the SUMEX renewal. Our project will benefit by being able to provide more extensive operational access to our existing and developing programs using these machines, and to provide a test environment for adapting our programs to a more realistic laboratory computing environment than the special- purpose SUMEX resource (see Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use for additional information). SUMEX will benefit by moving a substantial part of the DENDRAL production load to more cost-effective systems, thereby freeing the SUMEX resource for new program development. Collaborators who wish to use existing programs for specific problems would access SUMEX via the network as before, but now would be routed to new machines. New program developments will be carried out on SUMEX itself, taking advantage of the much more extensive repertoire of peripheral devices, languages, debugging tools and text editors, i.e., precisely the tasks for which that system was designed. Our proposed relationship to SUMEX-AIM has important implications beyond the practical considerations mentioned above. There is a significant research component to our proposal to make small machines as integral part of the resource sharing aspects of our relationship to SUMEX. The DENDRAL project is one of the first of the SUMEX-AIM projects to have developed sufficient maturity to require additional computer facilities to Support production use and to facilitate export of its programs to be: applied to real-world, biomedical structural problems. In a sense, then, we will be acting in a pathfinding role for the rest of the SUMEX-AIM community as other projects reach maturity and seek realistic mechanisms for dissemination of their software to meet the computational needs of their collaborators. Cooperating with SUMEX in the use of small machines, implementing new software, regulating access to divert development and applications to the appropriate machine are all experiments which we are willing to undertake together with SUMEX, knowing that we will be providing direction to future efforts along similar lines. We will also be in a pathfinding role for a large segment of the biochemical community involved in computing, as we explore the utility of machines which will be much more Privileged Communication 157 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 widely available in Department and laboratory environments than DEC-10's and ~20's. There are currently very few widely available computing resources which provide access to symbolic, problem solving programs operating in an interactive environment. We would be able to fulfill that need to the extent that applications have direct biomedical relevance, to the limits of our share of the SUMEX-AIM computing resource. TI.A. Scientific Collaboration and Program Dissemination TiI.A.1. Scientific Collaborations Several of our research goals involve problems in structural analysis whose solution is of interest to other research groups with specific, health-related problems in structural biochemistry. The following is a brief description of collaborative efforts that have been taking place or will soon commence in the use of DENDRAL programs for various aspects of structural analysis. 1. Dr. David Cowburn, The Rockefeller University. A very likely application for CONGEN enhanced with a conformation generator would be to the field of conformational analysis. This is the problem of determining the conformation of a structure with known constitution and configuration and 18 a general problem in describing the structures of molecules. The description of the conformation(s) of molecules cf biological origin or of those possessing biclogical activity is of considerable importance in establishing more clearly the relationship of structure to function in the actions of drugs,hormones, and neurotransmitters on their natural receptors, the mechanism of enzyme action, and the rational design of new drugs. We will develop this application in collaboration with Professor David Cowburn and his coworkers at the Rockefeller University in New York, Professor Cowburn is actively engaged in determining peptide conformations using principally nuclear magnetic resonance studies of specifically designed and synthesized isotopic isomers of -peptide hormones. These studies use the stable isotopes - deuterium, carbon-13, and nitrogen-15 [91]. Or. Cowburn now has an account at SUMEX and would use the program remotely, at least at first. It is hoped that an effective collaboration can be developed in which Dr. Cowburn will investigate techniques for effectively rejecting chemically unreasonable conformations as they are generated. Those strategies that may be generally useful will then be adapted for CONGEN and incorporated. These techniques will be related either to general considerations(e.g. insufficient degrees of freedom for cyclization of a particular ring system, from a partially generated conformational state) or to the specific molecules being examined (e.g. restrictions stemming from experimental data such as nmr vicinal coupling constants }. Some research using small programs outside CONGEN would be expected to be useful in investigating this area. CONGEN equipped with a conformation generator, would likely be useful to Prof. Cowburn's research in at least three ways: a) The program would be able to generate all the possible conformations for a given problem with input constraints based on NMR couplings. Such a generation is a difficult task for,e.g, compounds containing large rings. The value of CONGEN would be to provide E. A. Feigenbaum 158 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project assurance of exhaustion and to explicitly construct all the possibilities. b) The program would be able to generate all possible isotopic isomers for a given constitution and configuration. if a pruning technique was available, then the generated list would be extremely useful to Dr. Cowburn in considering the strategies of synthesis and nmr experimentation. The avoidance of particularly costly or time consuming steps is of considerable importance in that experimental work, c) In conjunction with the spectral interpretation and planning modules proposed, CONGEN may be able to generate strategies for patterns of enrichment or for nmr experiments which are optimum for conformational determination. Some additional programming would probably be necessary to accomplish this. 2. Dr. Gilda Loew, Stanford Research Institute and The Rockefeller University. Since our conformation generator will output structures with internal (torsional angle) coordinates, it is possible to obtain further information about these structures by doing quantum mechanical energy calculations. By developing a link to these methods, the usefulness of CONGEN should be considerably increased. Since a great deal of work has been done by others on such methods it is not necessary for our group to develop programs of this kind. Instead we will develop this link by collaborating with Prof. Gilda Loew and her group. Professor Loew's work has involved the use of semi-empirical quantum mechanical energy calculations to derive structure-activity for a variety of drug types. The first step in such a collaboration would be to construct the interface necessary to Tink the CONGEN output structures with the input for the PCILO (Perturbation Configuration Interaction using Localized Orbitals) program. This program requires as input, structures with internal coordinates. This will be the form of the output from the proposed conformation generator with an assumption of bond lengths and angles. Once this link has been made then we see at least two areas where CONGEN might be helpful to Professor Loew's ongoing research. a) It will be possible to generate systematically variants of a structure with respect to its constitution, configuration, and conformation. Each such structure would then be given to PCILO for an energy calculation, the results of which are used to help explain potency variations [92]. The advantage of using CONGEN in this way is that an exhaustive generation can be guaranteed which assures no possibilities are overtooked. b) Professor Loew has been considering the conformational variations caused by the intercalation of ethidium into nucleic acids. The observed stability of such intercalated structures has been related to conformational changes in parts of the ONA structure, in particular, the sugar moieties. The application of CONGEN to such a study would again be a systematic variation of possibilities with particular emphasis on the more difficult cyclic structures. Privileged Communication 159 E. A, Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 3. Drs. Larry Anderson and Elliott Organick, Depts. of Fuels Engineering and Computer Science, University of Utah. Or. Anderson's research is in establishing the structure of coal and related polymars via various thermal and chemical degradation schemes. The degradation products are of interest to both energy and environmental studies. Professor Organick is responsible in part for the computer and graphics facility on which CONGEN and related programs can be run. We are exploring with them structure representations based on the Superatom conceut in CONGEA as a means of representing families of structures. Access to our prograns is primarily via the computer facility at Utah. 4. Dr. Raymond Carhart, Lederle Laboratories. Dr. Carhart (a former member of our group) is engaged in research concerned with computer applications to structure/activity relationships. Program development is done jointly between Lederle and Stanford with free exchange of software. Lederle applications are carried out on their own computer facility. 5. Dr, Janet Finer-Moore, University of Georgia. Dr. Finer-Moore is engaged in structure analysis of alkaloids in Dr. Peletier's group at Georgia. This research makes extensive use of 13C NMR. Our collaboration invoives the development and application of our 13C interpretive and predictive programs in structure elucidation of new compounds based on an extensive set of i3C data available on closely related compounds. Access is via network to our programs at Stanford. Recent use of our programs has aided her in correcting erroneous assignments of 13C resonance shifts to Known structure and aided in the solution of the structures of new diterpenoid alkaloids. 6. Dr. Brenda Kimble, University of California, Davis. Dr. Kimble's research is in structural analysis of compounds which are present in trace amounts in environmental milieus and which show mutagenic activity. Many of these compounds are largely aromatic. We are developing the capabilities of our programs to deal efficiently with large, polynuclear aromatic compounds. Access to our programs is via network to Stanford. 7. Dr. Fred McLafferty, Cornell University. Dr. McLafferty's research is involved with instrumental and analytical aspects of mass spectrometry. We are working with him on the development and application of an interface between his STIRS system and CONGEN/GENOA for structure determination based on mass spectral data. Part of this collaboration jis development of IBM versions of some of our programs. Access is in part to Stanford, shifting primarily to Cornel? as development proceeds. , Ti.A.2. Proaram Dissemination Because one of our goals is dissemination of our programs to a wide community of collaborators, we have made use of several of the mechanisms provided by SUMEX-AIM to introduce new investigators to our work and to encourage close collaboration in the study of important structural problems. Generally speaking, introduction of new persons and the development of collaborative projects has followed the course outlined below: E. A, Feigenbaum 160 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project 1) GUEST Access. The GUEST account mechanism of SUMEX-AIM is normally used when persons from the outside community contact us to learn more about our programs. We provide to them a special packet of information on network access and connection to the GUEST account, together with documentation of specific programs in which they are interested. This is a simple way of performing a “try it and see" experiment to determine the utility of the programs to the individual investigator. The following persons have used this method of access the past year: Dr. Robert Adamski - Alcon Labs Dr. A. Bothner-by - Carnegie Mellon University Dr. Reimar Bruening - Institut fur Pharmazeutische Arzneimittellehre der Universitaet, West Germany Dr, William Brugger - International Flavors and Fragrances Dr. Raymond Carhart - Lederle Laboratories Dr. Robert Carter - University of Lund, Sweden Dr. Francois Choplin - Institut Le Bel, France Dre. Jon Clardy - Cornell University Dr. Mike Crocco - American Hoechst Corp. Dr. V. Delaroff ~ Roussel UCLAF, France Dr. Dan Dolata - University of California at Santa Cruz Dr. Bruno Frei - Laboratorium f. Organische Chemie, Switzerland Dr. Y. Gopichand - University of Oklahoma Ms. Wendy Harrison - University of Hawaii at Manoa Dr. Richard Hogue - University of California at Santa Cruz Dr. David Lynn - Columbia University Dr. In Ki Mun - Cornell University Dr. Koji Nakanishi - Columbia University De. Suba Neir - Washington University, St. Louis Dr. J.D. Roberts - California Institute of Technology Dr. Joseph SanFilippo - Rutgers University Dr. Babu Venkataraghavan ~ Lederle Laboratories Privileged Communication 161 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3. Dr. W.T. Wipke - University of California at Santa Cruz Dr. Michael Zippel - Institut fur Biochemie Zentrale Arbeitsgruppe Spectroskopie, Germany 2) EXODENDRAL Accounts. SUMEX-AIM has set aside a special account group called EXODENDRAL designed to give each collaborator, whose initial GUEST experience has proven fruitful, an account of his or her own, These accounts facilitate both access to a variety of cur experimental programs (not generally available through GUEST) and communication using the various message and bulletin board programs. For persons who use exportable versions of our programs on their own computer facilities, EXODENDRAL accounts are used primarily for rapid contact and exchange of messages. Dr. Jean-Claude Braekman ~ Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Dr. Hartmut Braun ~ Organische-Chemisches Institut der Universitaet Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Roy Carrington ~- Shell Biosciences Laboratory, England Dr. David Cowburn ~ The Rockefeller University Dr. Douglas Dorman - Lilly Research Laboratories Dr. Andre Dreiding - Organische-Chemisches Institut der Universitaet Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Janet Finer-Moore - University of Georgia Dr. Kenneth Gash - California State College at Dominguez Hills Br, Steven Heller - Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Martin Huber - Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland Dr. Peter W. Milne - CSIRO Division of Computing Research, Australia Dr. James Shoolery - Varian Associates Dr. William Sieber - Sandoz Ltd., Switzerland Dr. Mark Wood - Rutgers University 3) Program Export. SUMEX-AIM is also the facility which is used to develop and perform experiments with exportable versions of our programs. Wherever possible we encourage collaborators to run our programs on their own computers to decrease the computational burden on SUMEX-AIM as much as £. A, Feigenbaum 162 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project possible. This year we have distributed CONGEN to a number of laboratories owning computers on which the exportable version can now execute. These currentiy include DEC PDP-10 and -20 systems operating undar the TENEX, TOPS-10 and TOPS~-20 operating systems, and more recently, the beginnings of a version for IBM systems. The following persons are currently running CONGEN on their own Jaboratory computers: De. Larry Anderson - University of Utah Dr. Hartmut Braun - Organische-Chemisches Institut der Universitaet Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Raymond Carhart - Lederle Laboratories Dr. Roy Carrington - Sheil Biosciences Laboratory, England Dr. Robert Carter - University of Lund, Sweden Dr. Daniel Chodosh - Smith, Kline & French Laboratories Dr, Douglas Dorman - Lilly Research Labs Dr. Martin Huber - Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland Dr. Carroll Johnson ~- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Dr. G. Jones - ICI Pharmaceuticals, England Dr. Peter W. Milne - CSIRO Division of Computing Research, Australia Dr. James Morrison - Latrobe University, Australia Dr. Fred W. McLafferty - Cornell University Dr, David Pensak - E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company Dr, Gretchen Schwenzer - Monsanto Agricultural Products Co. Dr. Willtam Sieber - Sandoz, Ltd., Switzerland Dr. M.D. Sutherland - University of Queensland, Australia Dr. R.O. Watts - Australian National University 4) Industrial Affiliates Program. The high level of interest shown by industrial research laboratories in our programs has always presented us with delicate questions about access to SUMEX-AIM., In the past we have granted access for trials of our programs under the conditions that access is necessarily limited and that the recording mechanisms of our programs be used to ensure that all such trial use be in the public domain. As of Privileged Communication 163 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 April, 1980, we have begun solicitation of interested industrial organizations to participate in a DENDRAL Project Industrial Affiliates Program. We intend to use this program as a means by which we can coffer collaborations with our on-going research to industrial organizations separate from SUMEX-AIM. Although EXODENDRAL accounts to such organizations may be used to facilitate communication and sharing of new programs and concepts of interest with thse community as a whale, all Significant and certainly all proprietary use of our programs will be carried out on their own computational facilities. As of the writing of this portion of the SUMEX-AIM renewal proposal we have not had any organizations formally take up membership. II.B. Interactions with Other SUMEX-AIM Projects We routinely collaborate with other projects on SUMEX most closely related to our own research. In particular, these collaborations have taken place with the CRYSALIS project, MOLGEN, SECS and have begun with Dr. Carroll Johnson at Oak Ridae. CRYSALIS is concerned with new approaches to the interpretation of X- ray cryStallographic data, X-ray crystallography is another approach to molecular structure elucidation, One of our long-term interests is exploring ways in which CONGEN or GENOA generated structures might be used to guide the search of electron density maps. We are also conmunicating with Prof. Jon Clardy at Cornell on this problem. It is hoped that having narrowed down the structural possibilities for an unknown using physical aid chemical data, the few remaining candidates can be used to guide interpretation of such maps. Most of the structural problems investigated by MOLGEN involve much larger molecules than the size normally investigated in DENDRAL research, Thus, structural representations involving higher lTeveis of abstraction are of utility in MOLGEN, making our structure manipulation tasks quite different. However, many of the ways in which MOLGEN manipulates its structural representations drew on past experience in DENDRAL in develeaping algorithms to perform these manipulations. We collaborate frequently with the SECS project in a number of ways, Although our research efforts are in one sense directed toward opposite ends of work on chemical structures, SECS being devoted to synthesis, DENDRAL being devoted to analysis, the underlying problems of structural manipulation share many common aspects. We have exchanged software where possible, particularly in the area of chemical structure display. We have held several discussions in joint group meetings and at several symposia including the AIM Workshops on common problems, including substructure Searching, canonical representations and representation and manipulation of stereochemistry. Persons visiting one laboratory often take the opportunity to visit the other. For example, recent visitors to both laboratories have included Prof. Andre Dreiding, Zurich, Dr. Martin Huber, Basel, and Prof. Robert Carter, Lund. Dr. Carrolt Johnson has collaborated on the CRYSALIS project in the past. More recently he has taken an interest in the use of knowledge-based E. A. Feigenbaum 164 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project. programs for certain problems in spectral data interpretation. For this reason he is exploring the AGE and EMYCIN systems as frameworks for his program structure, and is involved in discussions with DENDRAL to see where common areas of data interpretation can be identified so that he can draw on our experience and programs. This effort is just heginning at this time; we plan to meet early in May at Stanford to continue discussions. Ti.c. Critique of Resource Management The SUMEX-AIM environment, including hardware, system software and Staff, has proven absolutely ideal for the development and dissemination of DENDRAL programs. The virtual memory operating system has greatly facilitated development of Targe programs. The emphasis on time-sharing and interactive programs has been essential to us in our development of interactive programs. Our experience with other computer facilities has only emphasized the importance of tne SUMEX environment for real-world applications of our programs. To run CONGEN, for example, in a batch computing environment would make no sense whatever because the program (and our other, related programs) is successful in large part because an investigator can closely moniter and control the program as it works toward solution. We have no complaints whatsoever about the computing environment, We do have, however, significant problems with SUMEX-AIM capacity, both in available computer cycles and on-line file storage. In a sense BENDRAL suffers from its success. The rapid progress made during the last grant period and now continuing into the next period has led to development of many new programs as adjuncts to CONGEN and GENOA and at the same time has inspired many persons in the scientific community to request some form of access to our programs. The net resuit is that it is often very difficult to carry on at the same time development and collaborations involving applications of our programs to structural problems due to high load average on the system, The current overcrowding we see on SUMEX creates two major problems for us in the conduct of our research, First, it diminishes productivity as many people compete for the resource; the "time-sharing syndrome” leads to idle, wasted time at the terminal waiting for trivial computations to be completed. Second, the slow response time of the system is an aggravation to an outside investigator who is anxiously trying to solve a structural problem. At some point even the most interested persons will give up, log off the computer and resort to manual methods where possible. We have taken many steps within our project to try to work around heavy use periods on.SUMEX. Our group works a staggered schedule, both in terms of the actual hours worked each day and in terms of what days each week are worked. This results in some problems in intra-group communication, but fortunately the message and other communication systems of SUMEX help alleviate that situation. We try to run ali demonstrations on the DEC-2020 to help ease the burden on the dual KI-10 system. We encourage our collaborators to avoid prime-time use of the system when possible. Privileged Communication 165 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 For these reasons, we strongly support the proposed augmentation of the SUMEX-AIM hardware. Any part of our computations which can be shifted to another machine will not only facilitate export of our software but will ease the load on the GEC-10s and make it easier to continue our research, Both will serve to make SUMEX more responsive and our productivily higher. {1l. Research Plans Project Current research efforts were described in highlight form in the fiest section Summary of Research Program. In this section we discuss in outline form the major goals of cur current grant period (5/1/80 - 4/39/83), Our goals include the following: 1) Develop SASES (Semi-Automated Structure Elucidation System) as a general system for computer aided structural analysis, utilizing Stereochemical structural representations as the fundamental structural description. SASES will represent a computer-based "laboratory" for detailed exploration of structural questions on the computer. It will have as key components the following: A) Capabilities for interpretation of spectral data which, together with inferences from chemical or other data, would be used for determination of (possibly overlapping) substructures; B) The GENOA (structure Generation with Overlapping Atoms) program which will havea the capability of exhaustive generation of (topological and stereochemical) structural candidates and include as an essential component the existing CONGEN program: C) Capabilities for prediction of spectral (and bioiogical) properties to rank-order candidates on the basis of agreement between predicted and observed properties. 2) Develop the GENOA program and integrate it with CONGEN. GENOA will represent the heart of SASES for exploration of structures of unknown compounds, or configurations or conformations of known compounds. GcNOA will be a completely general method for construction of structural candidates for an unknown based on redundant, overlapping substructural information, and it will include capabilities for generation of topological and stereochemical isomers. 3) Develop automated approaches to both interpretation and prediction of spectroscopic data, including but not limited to the following spectroscopic techniques: A) carbon-13 magnetic resonance (13CMR); B) proton magnetic resonance (1HMR); C) infrared spectroscopy (IR); E. A. Feigenbaum 166 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project D) mass spectrometry (MS) E) chiroptical methods including circular dichroism (CD), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), The interpretive procedures will yield substructural information, including stereochemical features, which can be used to construct structural candidates using GENOA. The predictive procedures will be designed to provide approximate but rapid predictions of expected spectroscopic behavior of large numbers of structural candidates, including various conformers of particular structures. Such procedures can be used to rank-order candidates and/or conformers. The predictive procedures will also be designed to provide more detailed predictions of structure/property relationships for known or candidate structures in specific biological applications. 4) Develop a constrained generator of stereoisomers, including: A) design and implement a complete and irredundant generator of possible conformations for a given known, or a candidate for an unknown, structure; B) provide constraints for the conformation generator so that proposed structures for a known or unknown compound possess only those features allowed by: i) intrinsic structural features such as ring closure and dynanics of the chemical structure; and ii) data sensitive to molecular conformations {e.g., MCD, NMR); C) integrate the stereochemical developments with the GENOA program as a final, comprehensive solution to the structure generation problem and allow for interface of the program with other methods dependent on atomic coordinates. 5) Promote applications of these new techniques to structural problems of a community of collaborators, including improved methods for structure elucidation and potential new biomedical applications, through resource sharing involving the following methods of access to our facilities and personnel; A) nationwide computer network access, via tha SUMEX-AIM computer resource; B) exportable versions of programs to specific sites and via the National Resource for Computation in Chemistry and the NIH/EPA Chemical Information System; C) workshops at Stanford to provide collaborators with access to existing and new developments in computer-assisted structure elucidation in an environment where complex questions of utility and application can be answered directly by our own scientific staff; Privileged Communication 167 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 D) interface to a commercially available graphics terminal for structural input and output, at as low a cost as possible, so that chemists can draw or visualize structures more simply and intuitively than with our current, teletype-oriented interfaces. TII.B. Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX use In previous sections we discussed the relationship between the DENDRAL Project and SUMEX-ATh, methods for using SUMEX-AIM for dissemination of our programs to a broad community of structural chemists and biochemists and a critique of resource management. In this section we wish to emphasize certain factors which were not discussed earlier and to show how our future directions and interests are closely related to the proposed continuation and augmentation of the SUMEX-AIM resource. As resource-related research, DENDRAL is intimately tied to the SUMEX resource, OQur involvement with SUMEX goes far beyand simple use of the Facility. We use SUMEX as the focal point for a number of collaborative efforts, for export of our software and for the communication facilities essential to maintaining close contact with remote research groups working with us, We have already discussed in our critique the difficulties we have, im view of heavy SUMEX load, of maintaining both our research effort and the resource-sharing aspects of our project. In view of these factors and because SUMEX is our sole source of computational facilities, we took certain steps in our renewal proposal to attempt to alleviate our situation, Specifically, we requested a coimnputer for our own project, a DEC VAX 11/780, to be linked to SUMEX via ETHERNET. This computer was meant to help offload some of the computational burden DENDRAL places on SUMEX, to provide a facility for production use of our programs by our collaborators and to represent a model for the type of low- cost, scientific computer available in the future to many investigators who could then run our programs in their own laboratories. Our request for the VAX was turned down with specific comments made that SUMEX facilities should be used to support development of new programs and to the extent possible, encourage preliminary production use of our programs by outside persons. In our opinion this view is somewhat shortsighted, because SUMEX is currently overloaded to the extent that even development is impaded. In addition, our current situation leaves no room for the computational burden created by some of our collaborators who need considerably more than "preliminary" access because they have no access to a computer suitable for running our programs, For this reason, we strongly support the effort of SUMEX to acquire a VAX and other small machines in future years, for all the reasons mentioned above. Although we realize that such machines will hava to be shared among the SUMEX-AIM community as a whole, the augmentation of the resource would go a Significant way to meeting the computational requirements of our project and provide a variety of systems of potential use for future export of our programs. E. A. Feigenbaum 168 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.3 DENDRAL Project TII.C. Needs and Plans for Other Computing Resources For several years now we have directed some attention toward alternative computing resources which could be used to support all "production" use of our programs, i.e., all applications designed to use the programs to solve real problems. Although this would have the severe disadvantage of separating our research effort from many of the applications, it has been our hope that emerging technology in networking would enable us to keep in reasonably close contact with another resource. Two resources have emerged as candidates for systems where our programs can be accessed and used in problem-solving. Unfortunately, neither has so far proven feasible for several reasons (mentioned betow). At this tire we cannot determine if the problems will be resolved, Until such time, we will remain completely dependent on SUMEX for all our computational needs. One alternative resource is the NIH/EPA Chemical Information System. For more than three years we have been working with them to obtain sufficient contract money to provide a version of CONGEN integrated into that system. The concept and the funds were approved but a@ contract has never been issued due to administrative problems at the EPA. Although there have been some developments recently, we still have no firm idea on when such a contract will be issued. If this effort is successful, then wa can encourage persons who desire access to our programs to consider using the NIH/EPA system. A second alternative is the National Resource for Computation in Chemistry (NRCC). Until recently, the computational facilities at the NRCC have not been suitable for running interactive programs. Recently, however, the NRCC has obtained a VAX system and we wili investigate whether or not the community as a whole will have access to that system. The NRCC is currently under review for continued funding. Obviously that review will have to be favorable for the NRCC to represent an alternative for access to our programs. IT?l.D. Recommendations for Future Resource and Community Development We have discussed previously our recommendation for the hardware augmentation, particularly with regards to purchase of small machines to facilitate future export, We also have increasing need for more file Storage on-line. This is a result of building large data bases as part of our research in spectral interpretation. For the time being we are working with experimental programs and small data bases. As time progresses, however, these data bases will grow rapidly as our group and a number of our collaborators add additional structures and associated spectral data. Another capability which is of increasing importance to our own work is access to low-cost graphics systems. Our programs will develop increasing dependence on graphics for visualization of three-dimensional molecular structures. Scientists desiring access to our programs will need a graphics terminal for optimum use of our systems. Currently available vector displays are simply too expensive for the average investigator. The emerging technology of low-cost raster display systems offers a more Privileged Communication 169 E. A. Feigenbaum DENDRAL Project Section 9.1.3 promising possibility. However, no currently available machine has the- required capabilities for under $10,000, and this is an area where machines like the Alto hold more promise, SUMEX could perhaps initiate an effort to obtain a system which has the hardware necessary for frame-based display. Such a system allows rotation of three-dimensional objects in a way which permits visualization of the actual shape of the object. E. A. Feigenbaum 170 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 . MOLGEN Project 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project MOLGEN ~ A Computer Science Application to Molecular Biology Profs. E. Feigenbaum, L. Kedes, and D. Brutlag, Dr. P. Friedland Department of Computer Science Stanford University IT. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROGRAM A. Project Rationale The MOLGEN project has focused on research into the applications of symbolic computation and inference to the field of molecular biology. This has taken the specific form of systems which provide assistance to the experimental scientist in various tasks, the most important of which have been the design of complex experiment plans and the analysis of nucleic acid sequences. We plan to expand and improve these systems and build new ones to meet the rapidly growing needs of the domain of recombinant DNA technology. We do this with the view of including the widest possible national user community through the facilities available on the SUMEX-AIM computer resource. It is only within the last few years that the domain of molecular biology has needed automated methods for experimental assistance. The advent of rapid DNA cloning and sequencing methods has had an explosive effect on the amount of data that can be most readily represented and analyzed by computer. Moreover we have already reached a point where progress in the analysis of the information in DNA sequences is being limited by the combinatorics of the various types of analytical comparison methods available. The application of judicious rules for the detection of profitable directions of analysis and for pruning those which obviously lack merit will have an autocatalytic effect on this field in the immediate future. The MOLGEN project has continuing computer science goals of exploring issues of knowledge representation, problem-solving, and planning within a real and complex domain. The project operates in a framework of collaboration between the Heuristic Programming Project (HPP) in the Computer Science Department and various domain experts in the departments of Biochemistry, Medicine, and Genetics. It draws from the experience of several other projects in the HPP which deal with applications of artificial intelligence to medicine, organic chemistry, and engineering. During the next three years of MOLGEN research we intend to begin a transition from being primarily a computer science research project to being an interdisciplinary project with a strong applications focus. The tools that we have already developed will be improved to the point where they make a significant contribution to both research and engineering in the domain of molecular biology. Privileged Communication 171 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 B. Medical relevance and collaboration The field of molecular biology is nearing the point where the results of current research will have immediate and important application to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Recombinant DNA technology has already demonstrated the possibility of harnessing bacteria to produce nearly limitless amounts of such drugs as insulin and somatostatin. Several companies (Genentech, Cetus, Biogen) have already formed to exploit the commercial potential of the burgeoning technology. The programs being developed in the MOLGEN project have already proven useful and important to a considerable number of molecular biologists. Currently several dozen researchers in various laboratories at Stanford (Prof. Paul Berg's, Prof. Stanley Cohen's, Prof. Laurence Kedes', Prof. Douglas Brutlag's, Prof. Henry Kaplan's, and Prof. Douglas Wallace's) and many others throughout the country (University of Utah, Syracuse University, NIH, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Rockefeller University, and others) are using MOLGEN programs over the SUMEX-AIM facility. We have exported some of our programs to users outside the range of our computer network (University of Geneva, for example). C. Highlights of Research Progress Accomplishments The current year has seen the completion of what might be considered the first phase of the MOLGEN project. This section will summarize the major accomplishments of that first phase. Representation Research The domain of molecular biology has proven a fruitful testbed in the development of a flexible software package, the Unit System, for symbolic representation of knowledge. The package is already in use by a variety of research projects both within the Heuristic Programming Project at Stanford and at other institutions. It provides for acquisition and storage of many different types of knowledge, ranging from simple declarative types like integers and strings to complex declarative types like nucleic acid restriction maps to procedural types like a rule language in a subset of English. Planning Research The problem of designing laboratory experiments in molecular biology has been fundamental to MOLGEN research. The work has been split into two major subparts, each resulting in a doctoral thesis in computer science. The two systems, developed by Peter Friedland and Mark Stefik, produce reasonable experiment designs on test problems suggested by laboratory scientists. Friedland's system is based on the observation that human scientists rarely plan experiments from scratch. They start with an abstracted or "skeletal" plan which contains the entire design in outline form. The E. A. Feigenbaum 172 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project major design task is in instantiating or detailing the steps by finding - tools that will work best in the given problem environment. This system has roots in classic problem-solving work dating back to Polya, and also in the Scripts language understanding work of Schank and Abelson. It is heavily dependent upon large amounts of domain specific knowledge, especially upon good heuristics for choosing among alternatives for plan- step instantiation, Stefik's system emphasizes the role that interactions between steps in a plan should have when the plan is being designed. It uses an approach called "constraint posting” to make the interactions between subproblems explicit. Constraints are dynamically formulated and propagated during hierarchical planning and are used to coordinate the solution of nearly independent subproblems. The system also formalizes the problem of control during planning (what to do next) within a structure called "meta- planning". See Appendix B for an annotated example of the system at work. Knowledge Base Construction With the experiment design research as an impetus and the Unit System as a tool, a large knowledge base has been constructed by several Stanford molecular biologists--Prof. Douglas Brutiag, Prof. Laurence Kedes, Dr. John Sninsky, and Rosalind Grymes. This knowledge base is near-expert in several areas (enzymatic methods, nucleic acid structures, detection methods) and contains pointers and references to almost all areas of modern molecular biology. Its design and construction will soon be taken over by a full-time molecular biologist. . Besides its use as a fundamental part of an experiment design system, the knowledge base is proving useful for applications in teaching, in automated nucleic acid sequence analysis (see below), and as an intelligent "encyclopedia" for providing information about technique selection in the laboratory. Other Applications of Symbolic Computation to Molecular Biology Along with the central research in representation and planning, considerable work has been devoted to the construction of tools that are immediately useful to molecular biologists. Most of these tools were developed at the request of the various domain scientists working on the MOLGEN project and are being used by several dozen scientists both at Stanford and elsewhere through the facilities of the SUMEX computer system. Interactive tools for nucleic acid sequence analysis~-a multi-purpose program for analysis of primary sequence data has been made interactive with full help facilities. The program has also been improved to correctly calculate the expected probability of symmetries and homologies, and to properly allow for GU and GT bonding. A series of smaller programs for similar tasks has also been made interactive on the SUMEX system, Sequence analysis through the knowledge base--some of the representational tools developed during the process of knowledge base construction (see above), have proven useful for computer-assisted sequence Privileged Communication 173 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 analysis. Facilities are available for building and displaying restriction maps and region information, and for writing rules which cause this information to be automatically updated as new enzymes or structures are added to the knowledge base. A program for restriction mapping,the GA1l program constructs restriction maps using data from total and partial restriction enzyme digests. A program was written which aids in enzyme selection for gene excision. The SAFE program takes amino acid sequence data and predicts those restriction enzymes which are guaranteed not to cut within the gene. A ligase simulation program was written. It is based on a kinetic theory of ligation which helps scientists select time of reaction and concentrations of reaction components to produce single inserts into vectors. Research in Progress The remainder of the current grant period will be spent on the further development of the tools that have been constructed for experiment design and sequence analysis and on expansion and improvement of the knowledge base. This section details those research plans. Experiment Design Both Friedland's and Stefik's experiment design system have already achieved modest success in producing reasonable plans for a variety of synthetic and analytic problems in molecular biology. Friedland's system can provide technically competent designs for about twenty different types of analytical problems. Stefik's system provides more innovative planning for a single type of synthetic experiment. We intend to begin to integrate the two systems; Stefik's system will serve as a "front-end" that supplies the skeletal plans that drive Friediand's system. The combination of the two methods should provide a synergistic effect that facilitates both efficiency and innovation. A second area of improvement in experiment design lies in providing the design systems with a deeper "theory of the domain.” We would like design decisions to be made on the basis of mechanism whenever possible; e.g. to denature a molecule pick the best hydrogen bond-breaker, rather than the best pre-stored denaturation method. The current first step in making this improvement is in giving the representation formalism the power to work with sequence and topology of molecules, as described below. An added benefit of the work on sequence and topology is in giving the planning system the ability to carry out certain steps of experiment designs. Many problems involve one or more steps that can be solved by use of the sequence analysis tools described in the previous section. The design system can make use of these tools directly and sometimes find faster and better solutions than can be achieved in the laboratory. E. A. Feigenbaum 174 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project For example, the sub-problem of finding the right restriction enzymes .to excise a gene for cloning can be solved by laborious experimental effort or by a few seconds of automated comparison of the gene with the cutting sites of all of the available restriction enzymes. Knowledge Base Construction The current knowledge base contains information about some three hundred laboratory methods and thirty strategies (skeletal plans) for using those methods. It also contains the best currently available data on about forty common phages, plasmids, genes, and other known nucleic acid structures. We have recently concentrated on providing rules that allow the knowledge base to be automatically updated as new techniques or structures are added (for example, automatically revising restriction maps when a new restriction endonuclease is described). We are also working on mechanisms for facilitating the description of restriction sites and functional regions within molecules. After we are satisfied that our representation method is adequate, rules that model the changing structure of nucleic acid structures during the course of an experiment will be added to the knowledge base. , The knowledge base work to date has all been accomplished with the limited time of several expert molecular biologists, particularly Professors Douglas Brutlag and Laurence Kedes. We have just completed a search for an expert to carry on the knowledge base improvement full time and have hired Dr. Rene' Bach for this role. He will begin work on the MOLGEN project sometime early this summer. Sequence Analysis The sequence analysis methods described in the previous section have proven useful to a varied group of users throughout the country over the SUMEX-AIM facility. We will continue to improve these powerful tools and plan to make them available to the scientific community at large on the SUMEX-AIM national resource. If this test is successful, it will demonstrate the need for a full-scale national facility for sequence storage and analysis, and also the ability of MOLGEN to fill that need. D. Publications Feitelson J., Stefik M.J., A Case Study of the Reasoning in a Genetics Experiment, Heuristic Programming Project Report HPP-77-18 (Working Paper) (May 1977) Friedland P., Knowledge-Based Experiment Design in Molecular Genetics, Proceedings Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 285-287 (August 1979) Friedland P., Knowledge-Based Experiment Design in Molecular Genetics, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford CS Report CS79-760 (December 1979) Privileged Communication 175 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 Martin N., Friedland P. ' King J., Stefik M.J., Knowledge Base Management for Experiment Planning in Molecular Genetics, Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 882-887 (August 1977) Stefik M., Friedland P., Machine Inference for Molecular Genetics: Methods and Applications, Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, (June 1978) Stefik M.J., Martin N., A Review of Knowledge Based Problem Solving As a Basis for a Genetics Experiment Designing System, Stanford Computer Science Department Report STAN-CS-77-596. (March 1977) Stefik M., Inferring DNA Structures From Segmentation Data: A Case Study, Artificial Intelligence 11, 85-114 (December 1977) Stefik, M., An Examination of a Frame-Structured Representation System, Proceedings Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 844-852 (August 1979) Stefik, M., Planning with Constraints, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford CS Report CS80-784 (March 1980) E. Funding Support The MOLGEN grant is titled: MOLGEN: A Computer Science Application to Molecular Biology. It is NSF Grant MCS 78-02777. Current Principal Investigators are Edward A. Feigenbaum, Professor of Computer Science and Laurence H. Kedes, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Associate Professor of Medicine. The new grant (September 1980) will add Bruce G. Buchanan, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, and Douglas Brutlag, Associate PRofessor Biochemistry as Co-PI's. MOLGEN is currently funded from 12/79-11/80 at $153,959 including indirect costs and has had a total funding from 6/78-3/81 at $294,476 including indirect costs. TI. INTERACTIONS WITH THE SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE All system development has taken place on the SUMEX-AIM facility. The facility has not only provided excellent support for our programming efforts but has served as a major communication Tink among members of the project. Systems available on SUMEX-AIM such as INTERLISP, TV-EDIT, and BULLETIN BOARD have made possible the project's programming, documentation and communication efforts. The interactive environment of the facility is especially important in this type of project development. We have taken advantage of the collective expertise on medically- oriented knowledge-based systems of the other SUMEX-AIM projects. In addition to especially close ties with other projects at Stanford, we have greatly benefitted by interaction with other projects at yearly meetings and through exchange of working papers and ideas over the system. The combination of the excellent computing facilities and the instant communication with a large number of experts in this field has been a E. A. Feigenbaum 176 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 . MOLGEN Project. determining factor in the success of the MOLGEN project. It has made possible the near instantaneous dissemination of MOLGEN systems to a host of experimental users in laboratories across the country. The wide-ranging input from these users has greatly improved the general utility of our project. We find it very difficult to find fault with any aspect of the SUMEX resource management. It has made it easy for us to expand our user group, to give demonstrations (through the 20/20 adjunct system), and to disseminate software to non-SUMEX users overseas. We do find that we are running moderately close to machine capacity both in size and in speed since our user group has been rapidly expanding during the last year. TIT. RESEARCH PLANS A. Project goals and plans We have proposed further MOLGEN research in several broad categories: representation, planning, knowledge base development, and immediate applications to molecular biology. As would be expected, there will be much interaction among those ganeral areas. Representation As part of the MOLGEN effort, a new representation package, the Units System, has been developed and tested. Its basis was mainly theoretical; we now have the opportunity to improve it from the practical considerations of a targe knowledge base containing many different types of information. We expect to learn which features are important and which are window- dressing. These findings will increase in importance as many other problem-solving systems using large domain-specific knowledge bases are developed. The MOLGEN knowledge base will serve as a laboratory for this research. Among the issues we would like to explore are: 1. MOLGEN currently uses the hierarchy representation features of the Units System for both acquisition and design. Will this continue to be practical as the knowledge base grows, or will the two representation functions have to be divorced? 2. The Units System allows different types of knowledge, e.g. numbers and nucleic acid sequences, to be described and stored in different manners. How much diversity is useful, both from the viewpoint of the representation system and from the viewpoint of the user? 3. Will new features become necessary to make large knowledge bases "perusable” by the human expert describing his domain? Is there some point at which graphics are needed for the expert to have a good grasp of what the system already knows? Privileged Communication 177 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 Planning Both of the two problem solving methods developed in MOLGEN have shown promise. We plan to keep pushing their development until we know their respective limitations and until a practical laboratory tool results. As was previously mentioned, we will combine the two planning methods to produce a system which should produce substantially higher performance than either of its two components. The current experiment design systems are not designed to take an already existing laboratory plan and determine if the plan will satisfy some stated goal. We have proposed using the knowledge base to simulate the result of applying each step of a plan in succession to see if the experiment goal really would be achieved. This sort of a plan verifier will serve to take scientist-designed plans and provide guidance on whether the plan will work before it is actually tried in the laboratory. The plan verifying system will be extended to become first a plan optimizing system and then a plan debugging system. Plan optimization will involve both domain-specific heuristics about how particular steps interact and domain-free heuristics about what good experiment designs should took like. The plan optimizer will make minor changes and introduce subgoals in order to take an already working experiment design and make it more efficient, convenient, reliable, or inexpensive. The knowledge base already contains most of the raw information humans use to make optimization decisions. The research is in developing the proper methods to make automated use of this knowledge. Plan debugging means taking a partially working experiment design and finding and fixing any errors in it. This involves aspects of both verification and optimization as well as new error-correction heuristics. According to Feitelson and Stefik, the serendipity of the experimental laboratory also contributes greatly to plan debugging. Extending the MOLGEN design systems to become execution monitoring systems that can note and take advantage of this serendipity will be a major research effort of about thesis level in magnitude. Knowledge Base Acquisition and Development The current MOLGEN knowledge base is the result of over a man-year of effort by Professors Douglas Brutlag and Laurence Kedes and Drs. Peter Friedland and John Sninsky. It will continue to grow and improve throughout the term of the new proposal with the full time work of Dr. Rene' Bach. By the end of the period covered in the proposal the knowledge base will be in itself a useful tool for teaching, information retrieval, and sequence analysis. It will be expert in some of the most important areas of molecular biology. It will be especially proficient in those judgmental heuristics that guide technique selection as an experiment is being designed. A major new research goal is to provide a facility for self- improvement of the knowledge base. When the design system produces a plan that is especially efficient or innovative, it would be useful to E. A. Feigenbaum 178 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project generalize and save that plan so that it can drive future problem-solving without having to be reinvented. The generalization and learning process has roots in the MACROPS work in STRIPS. Having such a capability would mean that the experiment design system would be a learning system, able to continuously improve it knowledge base. There are two main research questions inherent in the problem: how to recognize when a plan is worth saving, and how to decide how general to make it while still retaining its utility. There are several possible measures of plan "worthiness." One would be whether the plan performed dramatically better than previous plans (e.g. it may have decreased the time to perform an experiment by an order of magnitude). Another would be related to how difficult it was for the system to create the plan. In other words, the plan should be saved because it would take a tong time to find it again. The question is an experimental one; the research will involve trying many heuristics and balancing the improvement in system planning performance against the growth of an unwieldy and overly constrained knowledge base. The question of how general to make the plan and how to parameterize it should also be solved experimentally. There will be trade-offs between how frequently the plan is used and what percentage of the time it will lead to a useful instantiated experiment design. Another research goal is to use the knowledge base and experiment design system as a testbed for an automated performance evaluation system. The goals of such a system are quite general: to determine exactly how well the system is making use of the knowledge base, and how suitable the knowledge base is for the task at hand. Among the specific questions a performance evaluation system for MOLGEN might answer are: 1. Is the system overlooking skeletal plans that it should find? 2. Is it neediessly considering many poor alternative plans? 3. Is it poorly modelling the consequences of plan steps? 4. In what areas of the knowledge base are decision heuristics weak or missing? 5. What types of knowledge are hardly ever being used? All of these questions should be generalizable to many other knowledge-based problem-solving systems. Since the construction of large, expert knowledge bases is such a difficult task, the feedback from the evaluation of the use of these knowledge bases will be invaluable to future system builders. Privileged Communication 179 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 Applications to Molecular Biology The direct applications of MOLGEN to the field of molecular biology fall into three categories: knowledge base development and experiment design, analysis of nucteic acid sequences, and miscellaneous tools. Knowledge Base Development and Experiment Design The original and principal goal of the MOLGEN project is to provide a sophisticated experiment planning program containing an extensive knowledge base in the domain of molecular biology. As described above, our progress towards this goal has succeeded in the development of an extensive outline of this broad domain with emphasis on the myriads of analytical laboratory techniques that exist in this field. Using this knowledge base, MOLGEN is now capable of designing a number of sophisticated analytical experimental procedures. The procedures designed by the system are those already utilized in the laboratory, indicating that the knowledge base contains the correct sorts of heuristics to produce at least competent experiment designs. The limited scope of the current knowledge base provides a constraint on the originality of plans that can be produced; the most novel plans designed by humans are those which draw from many different, perhaps unrelated, knowledge sources. Another success of the knowledge base concerns the organization of the information about each experimental technique. Because of the great flexibility of the Unit System, it is easy for the domain experts to modify and expand the existing information about each entity. . We are continuously fine tuning the type of information contained within the knowledge base, in both content and in organization, during the actual knowledge acquisition phase. . We now propose to attack problems in synthetic molecular biology. We feel that by focusing our efforts on this subject we can assure an extensive repertoire of knowledge for that particular type of problem. This will also allow the planning algorithms to develop more sophisticated plans in the particular area. We have chosen to develop a knowledge base dedicated to the problem of cloning specific genes by recombinant DNA techniques. We have chosen this problem for four reasons: it is one of the most widely used methods in molecular biology today; most of our existing knowledge base is relevant to this problem; both of our current planning algorithms have been successful on either this problem (Stefik's thesis) or closely related problems of analysis of recombinant DNAs (Friedland's thesis); and because the method can be readily divided into four limited Subdomains. These include choice of vectors, method of linking foreign DNA to the vector, transformation of host cells with the recombinant DNAs, and selection of the recombinant DNA containing the gene of interest. We will describe current methods for cloning genes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, using methods in which one can select either for the vector or the inserted gene, and we will describe all the known methods of selecting for genes including direct functional selection, hybridization methods and expression of specific gene products. In addition to specifying the starting population or DNA sample and the ultimate goal, we will allow the user to specify certain subgoals or substrategies. E. A. Feigenbaum 180 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project. Analysis of Nucleic Acid Sequences Our goal is to provide powerful, but easily used programs for the problem of the recognition of biologically significant patterns within nucleotide sequences. To make a set of programs both powerful and easy for a novice to use they must be interactive, self-documenting, and have easy to understand output formats. It also helps tremendously if they are very rapid so that they may be utilized online with nearly instantaneous feedback concerning the progress of the comparison. For this reason we have chosen to utilize the search algorithm developed by Korn and Queen and to convert it to an interactive form. This program was originally designed to provide for speed of comparison of very long nucleotide sequences while still allowing a degree of sophistication within the matching procedure. The algorithm compares two sequences beginning at every position where they share at least a dinucleotide but only carries the comparison as far as certain criteria of matching are allowed. This method, while lacking the sophistication of algorithms that potentially simulate evolutionary steps in the divergence of two sequences or the energetics of the pairing of single-stranded regions of dyad symmetry, is capable of detecting all statistically significant homologies or dyad symmetries given any level of significance desired. Unfortunately it is not capable of comparing more than two sequences at a time nor giving a quantitative measure of the divergence or relatedness of those two sequences. It merely describes the probability of each homology in terms of that expected for a random sequence of a given tength and base composition. Our improvements to the program have included converting it into SAIL and making it interactive. Whenever a user is in doubt about the next step he merely enters a ? and his options at that point are explained. We have also considerably improved the statistical calculations so that the probabilities and expectation frequencies that are determined for a homologous region are based not only on the length of the sequences being compared, but also on the base composition and on the exact algorithm being used in the search itself. Finally we have markedly improved the output displays so that that mismatches are indicated with stars and base pairs in dyad symmetries with bars. We have done all of this without any overhead in terms of execution time so that the program executes almost without delay in a time-sharing environment. We propose to improve our current sequence analysis capabilities by implementing more sophisticated algorithms within the interactive framework. For instance the pattern recognition algorithm of Sellers is currently being implemented in C language at Rockefeller University by Dr. Bruce Erickson. We believe that this program would be a useful addition to our current armory in that it would allow us an accurate metric of relatedness of two sequences which is essential for building phylogenetic trees. This would be the first step towards the comparison of more than one sequence. We would also like to develop methods for determining the secondary structure of single-stranded RNAs. The most commonly used methods are aften limited to short nucleotide regions because of the complexity of the energy calculations for large numbers of comparisons. By first utilizing a Privileged Communication 181 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 rapid method for finding homologous sequences or dyad symmetries, perhaps guided by statistical significance of very low stringency, one might be able to rapidly eliminate most of the fruitless comparisons. By then examining the resulting culled homologies by a set of heuristics concerning their additivity, extension, or exclusiveness, we could order them in terms of their biological significance. This would automate some of the tedious cutting and patching of homologies and dyad symmetries in which molecular biologists are now involved even after they have made comparisons with a computer. With respect to calculations of the thermal stability of symmetric regions it would reduce the total time of calculation by orders of magnitude. In other words, we would use a comparison algorithm based more on biological intuition than calculation in order to find the most profitable regions to apply the more quantitative methods of biophysics. We would further hope to automate the development of phylogenetic trees utilizing these sequence comparison algorithms. Once quantitative measures of relatedness are obtained in all pairwise combinations, then the matrix methods for the generation of the trees and the lengths of the branches is rather straightforward. These calculations are not likely to need any intelligent heuristics for their determination since they are defined analytically and they are rapid compared to the calculations involved in determining the relatedness of the sequences in the first place. Miscellaneous Tools Restriction Digest Analysis One of the best examples of the utility of the application of heuristics and production rules to problems of molecular biology is the GA1 program, developed in this project, for the analysis of restriction endonuclease digests. Determining restriction maps of even simple DNA structures from restriction enzyme digest data can require consideration of millions of possible structures. The application of heuristic methods simplifies the analysis by orders of magnitude allowing solutions to complex problems and even simplifying the amount of data that must be collected to ensure a unique solution. These methods have even resulted in the proposal of a new experimental method for the analysis of restriction data. GA1 is a program which determines all possible organizations of - restriction fragments based on restriction endonuclease digests with single, double, and triple combinations of enzymes. The program contains an intelligent hypothesis generator and a set of production rules which allow it to generate and evaluate hypothetical restriction maps which are consistent with atl of the data. These rules dramatically reduce the total number of possible structural candidates that must be both generated or evaluated. Modern laboratory methods for determining restriction maps include end labeling procedures and two dimensional cross hybridization procedures, In order to extend the program GA1 to cover this kind of data we propose to E. A. Feigenbaum 182 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project be able to set up initial constraints on the locations of all restriction sites in certain local regions of the hypothetical restriction map. Such initial conditions (regional constraints) would be useful not only for entering data obtained from partial digestion of end labelled DNA segments, but would also be very useful if the complete nucleotide sequence were known for a particular region. Such conditions are often found in recombinant DNAs in which the nucleotide sequence of the vector is completely knowr. Another improvement in GAi which would both simplify and extend its use would be to allow the user to describe the complete restriction map determined previously for a limited number of restriction enzymes and then to enter digestion data for new enzymes, singly and in combination with the previously analyzed sites. These initial conditions would impose global constraints over the entire map. Global constraints will not be as readily implemented as the regional constraints described above. If sufficient programming support is available we would also Vike to attempt to apply the hypothesis generating and production rule pruning approach to the analysis of two dimensional restriction data. In this method, radioactively labeled DNA segments generated from a DNA by a one restriction enzyme are hybridized to nonradioactive fragments generated by a second restriction enzyme thus indicating which pairs of fragments are homologous and hence overlapping. Currently the typical analysis is a data driven approach of finding a continuous path among all the overlapping DNA fragments cataloged by this experimental procedure. A model driven approach should extend this already powerful method. While the two dimensional cross-hybridization method only allows the generation of maps for two enzymes at a time, maps generated from all possible pairwise combinations of any set of enzymes are possible by analogy with the Standard one dimensional method. Furthermore, by alternately labeling the fragments from either restriction enzyme and hybridizing those fragments to unlabeled fragments derived from the second enzyme in both directions, sufficient data should be obtained in order to overcome most mapping ambiguities which are usually the downfall of this method. Utilization of the model driven approach to the cross-hybridization procedure will also allow the generation of restriction maps of much Tonger DNAs than currently possible. Synthesis of Specific Nucleic Acid Molecules The MOLGEN knowledge base contains complete sequence information for all published and many unpublished nucleic acid molecules. It also knows about restriction endonucleases and their cutting sites and about ligation methods for rejoining nucleic acid fragments. We see potential use for this knowledge in designing synthetic pathways for the in vitro production of specific target molecules. This may actually be considered a part of the main experiment design effort, but the problem is important enough to make an independent specialized system desirable. Currently, three major methods are used by molecular biologists to select specific sequences of interest from a recombinant DONA "library". The most widely used method uses isolated messenger RNA as radiolabeled Privileged Communication 183 E. A. Feigenbaum MOLGEN Project Section 9.1.4 probe to detect complementary DNA sequences in the recombinant molecules. This requires prior isolation of the mRNA which, unfortunately, is not always easily obtained. Secondly, and perhaps having the most long-term potential, are methods to select by expression in the host cell of the sought for functions. Such an approach will necessarily be limited to genes that can be made to supplement or rescue host functions. The problems of expression of eukaryotic genes in prokaryotic hosts may never be soluble because of the gene-splicing dichotomy. The utility of eukaryotic host- vector systems is now established but selection will still depend on prior creation of host mutants or use of immunological colony (or plaque) screening techniques still to be developed, A third approach has been to use relatively short chemically synthesized cligonucleotide segments that are complementary to the gene of interest. The probe is used to select genomic clones of recombinants containing specific protein coding sequences. In theory, if the amino acid sequence is known, appropriate probes can be constructed. The techniques for chemical oligonucleotide synthesis are difficult and laborious. We propose a different approach using the recombinatorics of the computer stored and generated nucleotide sequences of all known DNA moleculas. If the amino acid sequence of the protein whose gene is desired is known, then a computer assisted search through those sequences will attempt to locate oligonucleotides that could code for a short segment of that protein. By taking advantage of third base degeneracy and knowledge of restriction endonuclease cutting and splicing, constructions of natural oligonucleotides will be suggested. An intelligent algorithm might locate more than just one or two short segments capable of forming molecular hybrids with the DNA sequences being sought and these might be linked in a spaced out manner to provide a more powerful probe, B. Justification and requirements for continued SUMEX use. The MOLGEN project is dependent on the SUMEX facility. We have already developed several useful tools on the facility and are continuing research toward applying the methods of artificial intelligence to the Field of molecular biology. The community of potential users is growing nearly. exponentially as researchers from most of the bio-medical fields become interested in the technology of recombinant DNA. We believe the MOLGEN work is already important to this growing community and will] continue to be important. The evidence for this is are already large list of pilot exo-MOLGEN users on SUMEX. SUMEX is currently meeting the research needs of the MOLGEN project adequately. We expect to need more file space as our knowledge bases grow; perhaps an additional 5000 disk blocks in the next few years for that work. Our real difficulties will come in the applications testing of MOLGEN tools. We support with great enthusiasm the acquisition of satellite computers for technology transfer and hope that the SUMEX staff continue to develop and support these systems. One of the oft-mentioned problems of artificial intelligence research is exactly the problem of taking prototypical systems and applying them to real problems. SUMEX gives the MOLGEN project a chance to conquer that problem and potentially supply E. A. Feigenbaum 184 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.4 MOLGEN Project scientific computing resources to a national audience of bio-medical research scientists. Privileged Communication 185 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 9.1.5 MYCIN Project MYCIN Project Edward. H. Shortliffe, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Medicine Stanford University Medical School Bruce. G. Buchanan, Ph.D. Computer Science Department Stanford University I. Summary of Research Program A. Project Rationale The MYCIN Project is a set of subprojects, each devoted to the development of knowledge-based expert systems for application to medicine and the allied sciences. The project retains the name of our first system, the MYCIN program, but has grown to involve five interrelated sub-projects (MYCIN, EMYCIN, CENTAUR, GUIDON, and ONCOCIN), each of which will be discussed in the sections that appear below. Our first system, MYCIN, is an interactive consultation program which gives physicians antimicrebial therapy recommendations .for patients with infectious diseases. The system must often decide whether and how to treat a patient before definitive laboratory results are available. It must recommend a therapeutic regimen which minimizes the risk of toxic side- effects while covering for ail organisms which are likely to be causing the infection. The relevant knowledge is stored in production rules, and the system currently has rules for treating bacteremias (blood infections) and meningitis. There has already been early work on the codification of cystitis knowledge. The primary goal of the project has been to develop a program which can provide advice similar in quality to that given by a human infectious disease consultant. Formal evaluations of the program's recommendations for patients with bacteremia or meningitis have shown that this goal has been achieved. We have also sought to develop a system that is easy to use and acceptable to physicians. To accomplish this, numerous human engineering features have been incorporated into the consultation. There is also an extensive explanation facility which enables the system to explain its reasoning and to justify its recommendations. The success of the MYCIN program has led us to try to generalize and expand the methods employed in that program to a number of ends: (1) to develop consultation systems for other domains (our generalized system-butlding tool is known as “Essential MYCIN”, or EMYCIN, and has been applied in several new areas); (2) to explore other uses of the knowledge base (our tutoring system, GUIDON, uses the infectious disease knowledge in MYCIN E. A, Feigenbaum 186 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 | MYCIN Project. to teach medical students about diagnosis and management of infections); (3} to continue to improve the interactive process, both for the developer of a knowledge-based system, and for the user of such a system (both EMYCIN and our newest system, ONCOCIN, have stressed simplified techniques for interacting with a knowledge base and entering data); and (4) to experiment with using other knowledge representations in conjunction with the production rules used in MYCIN (our CENTAUR system is a modification to EMYCIN which uses prototypical descriptors of situations or disease states to guide and focus a consultative session). B. Medical Relevance and Collaboration The MYCIN program was designed to help alleviate the well-documented problem of antimicrobial misuse. We felt that MYCIN would be clinically useful when it was able to handle all major infections that are likely to be encountered in a hospital. Our success in developing a high performance program for meningitis and bacteremia has been documented in two articles by Dr. Yu listed in the publications section below. However, the system is not ready for clinical use because it does not have rules for the other areas of infectious disease. A very large investment in time and human resources is required to develop, test and formally evaluate a rule set for each major infection area. By utilizing our EMYCIN system to collaborate on building the PUFF program, however, we learned that it is possible in a short period of time to develop a clinically useful consultation system using the domain- independent parts of MYCIN. EMYCIN has since been applied in a number of additional medical domains outlined below. Although EMYCIN was not used to build our new ONCOCIN program, the lessons learned in building prior production rule systems have allowed us to create a large oncology protocol Managenent system in only eight months. Furthermore, we expect to have ONCOCIN used by Stanford oncologists before the end of 1980. Finally, there is a growing realization that medical knowledge, originally codified for the purpose of computer-based consultations, may be utilized in additional ways that are medically relevant. Using the knowledge to teach medical students is perhaps foremost among these, and GUIDON continues to focus on methods for augmenting clinical knowledge in order to facilitate its use in a tutorial setting. C, Highlights of Research Progress MYCIN Due to the departure of Dr. Victor Yu, the infectious disease expert who worked with us until recently, it has not been possible to expand the rule set into new areas of infectious disease. The 500 rules relating to Privileged Communication 187 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 bacteremia and meningitis are sufficiently rich and complex, however, that they serve as a particularly challenging vehicle for testing the new computational methods we are developing. MYCIN is now totally implemented as an EMYCIN system. Hence, our active work on EMYCIN has been thoroughly tested using MYCIN and our extensive library of patient cases. Ongoing efforts to expand MYCIN or prepare it for clinical implementation, however, have been temporarily set aside to allow us to concentrate on the projects below. EMYCIN Much of the work in the past year has been devoted to improving EMYCIN's facilities for allowing a system builder to construct and debug a knowledge base for a consultation system. This has included extensive documentation of the concepts used in EMYCIN consultation systems, the support programs for developing the knowledge base, and features of a working consultation system, A knowledge-base debugging package was developed to assist the system builder in the task of testing, refining, and validating the knowledge base. This package includes: 1) the EMYCIN explanation facility; 2) a program that automatically explains how the system arrived at the results of a consultation; 3) a program that reviews each result of a consultation, allowing the user to judge whether the result is correct, and assisting the user in refining the knowledge base in order to correct any errors noted in the result or in intermediate conclusions; and 4) a program that automatically compares the results of a consultation to stored “correct" results for the same case, and explains any errors in the conclusions. An additional development in the last year is the EMYCIN "rule compiler." Once a consultation program is built, it becomes important that it perform efficiently. This is most noticeable in large programs such as MYCIN. Production rules, while convenient in their modularity, are not the best representation for speedy execution. We have thus developed a rule compiler as part of EMYCIN that transforms a program's production rules into a decision tree, eliminating the redundant computation inherent ina rule interpreter, and compiles the resulting tree into machine code. The program can thereby use an efficient deductive mechanism for running the actual consultation, while the flexible rule format remains available for acquisition, explanation, and debugging. Finally, an extensive EMYCIN user's document has been drafted. ‘This manual is designed to be used by system builders who are creating a consultation system, not by the eventual users of the consultation system itself. EMYCIN Applications Several consultation systems have been written in EMYCIN. ATT but the most recent of these were developed in parallel with EMYCIN, and thus served to focus attention on certain features and shortcomings of the program to guide in its development. Their brief description here is intended to provide some indication of the range of potential applications of EMYCIN. E. A. Feigenbaum 188 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project PUFF The PUFF system performs interpretation of measurements from the pulmonary function laboratory. The project is a collaboration of a pulmonary physiologist, biomedical engineers, and Stanford computer scientists who had previous experience with the MYCIN program. The data from over 1090 cases were used to create some 60 rules diagnosing the presence of pulmonary disease. These rules are used to create a complete report including the input measurements, other patient data, and the measurement interpretation. The system is a separate SUMEX project now, and is described in full elsewhere in this document. HEADMED The HEADMED program is an application of EMYCIN to clinical psychopharmacology. The system diagnoses a range of psychiatric disorders and can recommend drug treatment if indicated. Like PUFF, this project is a separate SUMEX project. SACON As a stronger test of domain independence, EMYCIN was applied to the completely non-medical domain of structural analysis. SACON (Structural Analysis CONsultation) provides advice to a structural engineer regarding the use of a large structural analysis program called Marc. The Marc program uses finite-element analysis techniques to simulate the mechanical behavior of objects. Engineers typically know what they want the Marc program to do, e.g., examine the behavior of a specific structure under expected loading conditions, but they do not know how the simulation program should be set up to do it. The goal of the SACON program is to recommend an analysis strategy; this advice can then be used to direct the Marc user in the choice of specific input data, numerical methods and material properties. The performance of the SACON program matches that of a human consultant for the Jimited domain of structural analysis problems that was initially selected. To bring the SACON program to its present level of performance, about two man-months of the experts’ time were required to analyze their task as consultants and formulate the knowledge base. About the same amount of time was required to implement and test the rules. CLOT A recent application of EMYCIN is CLOT, a system designed to diagnose disorders of the blood coagulation system of patients. It requests clinical evidence regarding an episode of bleeding, facts from the patient's general medical history, and the results of a battery of coagulation screening tests. From these data CLOT infers the presence and type of coagulation defect (if any) in the patient and then proceeds to make a refined diagnosis for any particular enzymatic deficiency or Privileged Communication 189 EE. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5. platelet defect. These diagnoses can be used by a physician to estimate the severity and cause of a particular episode of bleeding, evaluate the effects of various anti-coagulation therapies on a patient, or estimate the pre-operative risk of a patient having serious bleeding problems during surgery. CLOT was constructed by David Goldman, a medical student at the University of Missouri, with the help of James Bennett, a member of our Stanford group who is very familiar with EMYCIN. Following approximately 10 hours of discussion about the contents of the knowledge base, they entered and debugged in another 10 hours a preliminary knowledge base of some 60 rules. CLOT is now an ongoing project at the University of Missouri. GUIDON Bill Clancey's thesis (August '79) marked the completion of version one of the program. Key results include: (1) A language was developed for representing teaching expertise in the form of "Discourse Procedures"--sequences of rules that reflect dialogue patterns and are independent of the subject material to be taught. This representation was found to be suitable and convenient for incrementally developing a tutorial program. (2) Various teaching methods were demonstrated for carrying on a case method dialogue with a student who is solving a complex diagnostic problem. Meta-knowledge about the representation of the subject material made it possibte to express these Capabilities in a domain independent way. (3) The representation of subject material as modular production rules was studied and found wanting. Though rules conveniently separate relationships into readily accessible associations, an adequate knowledge base for teaching requires the addition of structural knowledge (clusters and patterns), support knowledge (underlying causal mechanisms), and strategical knowledge (managerial approaches). Ongoing GUIDON research focuses on a number of issues: The Student Model. A revised student model has been designed to deal with the following questions: (1) Can the student USE the program? i.e., is he able to enter recognizable input? (2) Is the dialogue with the student COHERENT? i.e., are there recognizable patterns of student input and meaningful transitions between segments of behavior? E. A. Feigenbaum 190 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project (3) Is the student PASSIVE OR ACTIVE? i.e., does he use his own knowledge to solve the problem, or does he rely on the tutor's initiative and ability to provide help? (4) Does the student have a STRATEGY for solving the problem? i.e., is there some plan that organizes the student's data measurements and hypothesis selection? Representation of Problem Solving Strategies. One of the few formalized methods for teaching diagnostic strategies to medical students is a printed outline of data to collect. This outline is woefully inadequate as a teaching tool: it does not convey in itself the meaning or logic of the diagnostic process. Informal experiments with physicians have enabled us to formalize an ideal model of medical diagnostic strategy appropriate to our present domain of investigation (infectious meningitis). Work is underway to incorporate this model in MYCIN so that it "thinks like a clinician," and can thus be used to teach not only diagnostic rules, but human-usable methods for applying them. Some surprising findings coming out of this investigation include the following: (1) Establishing the hypothesis space is accomplished by considering causal links that might be enabled in this patient (called "risk factors"). This can be considered to be a process of determining the topology of the problem--causal connections that may have a bearing on the disorder. (2) “Dropping back” is important to human problem solvers. In fact, hypothesis formation as we have observed it might be described as a process of maintaining a sense of the differential. Focusing and delving deeper is just a temporary phenomenon. Acquisition of this strategical knowledge was greatly helped by analyzing protocols according to the structure/support/strategy framework we have established. This is one of the "knowledge engineering” results of our research, , CENTAUR During the last year we have completed an implementation of PUFF: using the augmented EMYCIN system known as CENTAUR. In this work, largely the effort of Jan Aikins, we have sought to strengthen the pure production rule representation of EMYCIN with additional focusing power provided by hypothesis "frames" or prototypes. CENTAUR now includes 24 prototypes and about 160 rules dealing with pulmonary disease. The system was tested on 100 cases from the files at Pacific Medical Center. CENTAUR agreed with two pulmonary physiologists 84 and 91 per cent of the time respectively on their diagnoses of pulmonary disease in the cases. (This was an improvement over PUFF, which had 74 and 85 per cent agreement with the two physiologists). Privileged Communication 191 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 Basic AI research issues were also explored, such as the . representation of control knowledge for computer consultations, and the explicit representation of the context in which knowledge is applied. Furthermore, the MYCIN explanation facility was expanded to include explanations of control processes, and to give explanations of the prototypes, as well as the rules. Current CENTAUR research is concentrating on polishing and fine- tuning the PUFF implementation described above. Additional studies are contemplated to better define the precise reasons that CENTAUR has performed more accurately than PUFF on the 100 cases mentioned above. One expert collaborator, Dr. R. Fallat feels PUFF had performed less well because of the significant difficulties he has had in adding more rules and still keeping the knowledge base consistent. This was less difficult using the CENTAUR representation scheme. Other research that will draw upon CENTAUR work includes the creation of additional applications systems using the CENTAUR prototype representation mechanism. One challenge will be to interface CENTAUR with the “context-tree” that is provided in EMYCIN, a problem that was not addressed in PUFF because it utilizes only a single context. ONCOCIN The oncology protocol management system, termed ONCOCIN after its domain of expertise and its historical debt to the MYCIN program, has achieved many of its early goals since work on the project began in July 1979. We are developing an interactive system to be used by oncology faculty and fellows in the Debbie Probst Oncology Day Care Center at Stanford University Medical Center. Our overall? goals are: (1) to demonstrate that a rule-based consultation system with explanation capabilities can be usefully applied and gain acceptance in a busy clinical environment; (2) to improve the tools currently available, and to develop new tools, for building knowledge-based expert systems for medical consultation, and (3) to establish both an effective relationship with a specific group of physicians, and a scientific foundation, that will together facilitate future research and implementation of computer-based tools for clinical decision making. The ONCOCIN research goats are directed both towards the basic science of artificial intelligence and towards the development of clinically useful oncology consultation tools. We have undertaken AI research with the following aims: (1) to implement and evaluate recently developed techniques designed to make computer technology more natural and acceptable to physicians; E. A. Feigenbaum 192 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 . MYCIN Project” (2) to extend the methods of rule-based consultation systems to interact with a large database of clinical information; and (3} to continue basic research into the following problem areas: mechanisms for handling time relationships, techniques for quantifying uncertainty and interfacing such measures with a production rule methodology, approaches to acquiring knowledge interactively from clinical experts, assessment of knowledge base completeness and consistency. Our simultaneous clinical goal is to develop and implement a protocol management system, for use in the oncology day care center, with the following capabilities: (1) to assist with identification of current protocols that may apply to a given patient; (2) to assist with determining a patient's eligibility for a given protocol; (3) to provide detailed information on protocols in response to questions from clinic personnel; (4) to assist with chemotherapy dose selection and attenuation for a given patient; (5) to provide reminders, at appropriate intervals, of follow-up tests and films required by the protocol in which a given patient is enroijiled; (6) to reason about managing current patients in light of stored data from previous visits of (a) the individual patients, or (b) the aggregate of all "Similar" patients. Buring the first year of our research, it has been our aim to develop a prototype of the ONCOCIN consultation system, drawing from the programs and capabilities of EMYCIN. We have also analyzed carefully the day-to-day activities of the Stanford oncology clinic in order to determine how to introduce ONCOCIN with minimal disruption of an operation which is already running smoothly. Finally, we have spent much of our time considering the most appropriate mode of interaction with physicians in order to optimize the chances for ONCOCIN to become a useful and accepted tool in this specialized clinical environment. We chose the series of protocols for Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as the first detailed knowledge to be encoded in the ONCOCIN system. These were selected because they were developed at Stanford, because they are among our most commonly used protocols in light of our position as a major lymphoma treatment center, and because the protocols are complicated, with many subtle details depending upon the stage of disease, concomitant or preceding radiotherapy, and evidence for drug toxicity. Privileged Communication 193 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 Although the program will eventually be used on a high-speed terminal with a specially designed interface (see below), we decided that the initial prototype should be a self-contained consultation system that would be modeled on the form of interaction used for EMYCIN consultation systems, We chose not to use EMYCIN itself to build the system, however, because we quickly encountered several special needs that were better handled using alternate representation and control schemes. Therefore, although there are portions of the EMYCIN code that we have been able to borrow, ONCOCIN is an entirely new program in which production rules are only one of several types of knowledge representation used. Both our own experience, plus evidence in the medical computing literature, have suggested that physicians will be unlikely to use consultation systems if they fail to fit smoothly in the day's normal routine. With this in mind, we have carefully studied the current organization and flow of information within Stanford's oncology clinic. A detaited document has been prepared which describes the current clinic organization and the ways in which our system will interact with the current routine. Two principal concerns have been: (1) that ONCOCIN should initially have minimal impact on the current daily routine: record-keeping systems should not be altered, patient flow within the clinic should be unchanged, and the physicians working there should not be forced to depend on an operational computer system in order to get their work done; (2) that it should not take any EXTRA effort on the physicians' part for them to use the ONCOCIN system (other than the initial time required while they are trained how to use it); this implies that the use of ONCOCIN should replace some task that the physicians are currently doing. Currently the clinic physicians are asked to fill out, by hand, the time-oriented flowsheets that are kept in the patient clinic records. These sheets are the basis for data analysis of all the clinical research that is based on chemotherapy protocols in the oncology clinic. Al} information needed by ONCOCIN is entered on this flowsheet. Thus we intend to capture the data needed for an ONCOCIN consultation by having the physician fill out the flowsheet at a computer terminal rather than by hand. The actual mechanics of computer terminal interaction is as important to a clinical system's acceptance as the quality of the program's advice. If a system is slow or cumbersome, physicians will tend to reject it. With this in mind, we have sought to develop an optimal interactive mechanism that will not unreasonably tax the budget of the project. First we have decided to use high-speed CRT terminals (approximately 9600 baud) with auxiliary hard-copy devices. This will permit almost instantaneous screen filling and aliow greater flexibility in the design of what is actually displayed. However, a program written in a powerful but Stow language like INTERLISP is not able to service a high-speed terminal E. A. Feigenbaum 194 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project adequately. For this reason, our interface program will be written in a faster compiled language (we are using PASCAL), and this program will need to communicate in turn with the INTERLISP reasoning program that comprises the rest of ONCOCIN. The design of this interprogram interaction is largely complete, but actual implementation of the ideas is just beginning. Second, we want to minimize typing by the physician. EMYCIN systems have required a typewriter-compatible keyboard, but we do not feel this is reasonable if ONCOCIN is to be used on a daily basis by a large number of oncologists. Initially we examined light-pen and touch-screen technologies, but feel that these are either too expensive or too unreliable. Ultimately, working closely with experts in human factors, we developed a customized 21-character keypad which has been interfaced with a Datamedia terminal similar to those we have used for other development work. This keypad can be used by the physician to fill out the patient's flowsheet (which will be disptayed on the screen at high speed), and there should be minimal if any need to use the terminal keyboard itself. Finally, we want to maintain the explanation and justification capabilities which we have argued are crucial to the acceptance of clinical consultation systems. A specialized split-screen display has been designed which will enable the physician to enter patient data entries in one region while pertinent explanations are displayed in another. D. Publications Since January 1979 Kunz, J.C., Fallat, R.J., Mcclung, D.H., Votteri, B.A., Aikins, J.S., Nii, H.P., Fagan, L.M, Feigenbaum, E.A. Physiological rule-based system for interpreting pulmonary function test resuits. Memo HPP~78-154, Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, 1978. Also Proceedings of Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine, IEEE Press, 1979. Yu, V.L., Buchanan, B.G., Shortliffe, E.H., Wraith, S.M., Davis, R., Scott, A.C., Cohen, S.N. Evaluating the performance of a computer-based consultant. Comput. Prog. Biomed. 9,95-102 (1979). Clancey, W.J. Tutoring rules for guiding a case method dialogue. Int. Je of Man-Machine Studies 11,25-49 (1979). Clancey, W.J. Dialogue management for rule-based tutorials. Proceedings of the 6th Inti. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 155-161, August 1979, Aikins, J.S. Prototypes and production rutes: an approach to knowledge representation for hypothesis formation. Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979, Fagan, L.M., Kunz, J.C., Feigenbaum, E.A., Osborn, J. J. Representation of dynamic clinical knowledge: measurement interpretation in the intensive care unit. Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979. Privileged Communication 195 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 van Melle, W. A domain-independent production-rule system for consultation programs. Proceedings of the 6th IJCAI, August 1979. Shortliffe, E.H., Buchanan, B.G., and Feigenbaum, E.A. Knowledge engineering for medical decision making: a review of computer-based clinical decision aids. Proceedings of the IEEE, 67:1207~1224 (1979). Yu, V.L., Fagan, L.M., Wraith, S.M., Clancey, W.J., Scott, A.C., Hannigan, J.F., Blum, R.t., Buchanan, B.G., Cohen, S.N. Antimicrobial selection by a computer -- a blinded evaluation by infectious disease experts. J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 242:1279-1282 (1979). Shortliffe, E.H. Medical consultation systems: designing for doctors. To appear in Communication With Computers (M. Sime and M. Fitter, eds.), London: Academic Press, 1980. Shortliffe, E.H. The computer as clinical consultant (editorial). Arch. Int. Med, 140:313-314 (1980). Fagan, L.M., Shortliffe, E.H., and Buchanan, B.G. Computer-based medical decision making: from MYCIN to VM, Automedica, March 1980 (in press). Shortliffe, E.H. Clinical knowledge engineering: the MYCIN Project. Proceedings of the First Japanese Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, pp. 1-8, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979. Clancey, W.J. Transfer of Rule-Based Expertise through a Tutorial Dialogue. Computer Science Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University, August 1979. Shortliffe, E.H., Buchanan, B.G., and Feigenbaum, E.A. Knowledge engineering for infectious disease therapy selection. Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. on Cybernetics and Society, Denver, Colorado, October 1979. Clancey, W.J., Shortliffe, E.H., and Buchanan, B.G. Intelligent computer- aided instruction for medical diagnosis. Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Silver Spring, Maryland, October 1979. Fagan, L.M., Kunz, J.C., and Feigenbaum, £.A. Representation of dynamic clinical knowledge: measurement interpretation in the intensive care unit. Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Silver Spring, Maryland, Cctober 1979. Bennett, S.W., and Scott, A.C. Computer-assisted customized antimicrobial dosages. Amer, J. Hosp. Pharm. 37:523-9 (1980). Shortliffe, Edward H. Consultation systems for physicians: the role of artificial intelligence techniques (invited paper). Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Computer Simulation of Intelligence, Victoria, British Columbia, May 1980, E. A. Feigenbaum 196 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project E. Funding Support Grant Title: "Research Program: Biomedical Knowledge Representation" Principal Investigator: Edward A. Feigenbaum Co-Principal Investigator (ONCOCIN Project): Edward H. Shortliffe Agency: National Library of Medicine ID Number: 1 P01 LM 03395 Term: July 1979 to June 1984 Total award: $497,420 Current award (1979-1980): $99,484 Grant Title: "Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems" Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Agency: National Science Foundation ID Number: MCS~7903753 Term: Juty 1979 to June 1980 (plus 6 months) Total award: $146,152 Current award (1979-1980): $73,659 Contract Title: "Exploration of Tutoring and Problem-Solving Strategies” Principal Investigator: Bruce G. Buchanan Agency: Office of Naval Research and Advanced Research Projects Agency (joint) ID number: N0Q0014-79-C-0302 Term: March 1979 to March 1982 Total award: $396,326 Grant Title: "Symbolic Computation Methods For Clinical Reasoning" (RCDA) Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Agency: National Library of Medicine ID Number: NIH 1K04 LM00048 Term: July 1979 to June 1984 Total award: Dollar amount negotiated annually Current award (1979-1980): $39,285 Grant Title: "Explanatory Patterns In Clinical Medicine” Principal Investigator: Edward H. Shortliffe Agency: Kaiser Family Foundation Term: July 1979 to December 1980 Total award: $20,000 II. Interaction With the SUMEX-AIM Resource A. Medical Collaborations and Program Dissemination Via SUMEX A great deal of interest in both MYCIN and EMYCIN have been shown by the medical and academic communities. For two years in succession we have been invited by the American College of Physicians to demonstrate MfCIN at the organization's annual meeting (San Francisco, March 1979, and New Orleans, April 1980). The physicians have uniformly been enthusiastic Privileged Communication 197 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 about the program's potential and what it reveals about one current approach to computer-based medical decision making. In both cases, the demonstrations were performed on-line using network access to the SUMEX computer. There has also been significant growing interest in medical AI and MYCIN from colleagues in Japan. We were asked to demonstrate MYCIN from Tokyo during the 6th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence held in August 1979. Access to SUMEX via a trans-Pacific TYMNET link worked very well and permitted large numbers of Japanese and other conference attendees to observe MYCIN demonstrations and experiment with the program themselves. Then, for three weeks in November 1979, Dr. Shortliffe returned to Japan as a visitor at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Sciences. This visit permitted an intensive period of exchange regarding MYCIN, EMYCIN, and the related work being done by the Japanese. Several teachers have aiso asked to use MYCIN in their computer science or medical computing courses. For example, Prof. Carl Page of Michigan State University, Dr. Peter Szolovits of MIT, and Dr. Steven Zucker of McGill University in Montreal have demonstrated the MYCIN program in their university classes. Dr. Harold Goldberger of MIT made extensive use of the MYCIN program in his study of medical AI programs. Dr. Ves Morinov of the Norwegian Computing Center has used the MYCIN program to demonstrate the benefits of using a rule-based representation for consultation systems. Dr. Martin Epstein used MYCIN as one of the representative systems he demonstrated to students who took the clinical elective on medical computing at the NIH during the summer of 1979. GUEST users who have recently requested access to MYCIN have come from such diverse locations around the country as the Brain Research Institute (UCLA), University of. Texas, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of New Mexico, Columbia University, Systems Science Institute {Louisville), Naval Postgraduate Institute (Monterey, Ca.), Texas Women's University, IBM Scientific Labs, and Alta Bates Hospital (Oakland, Ca.). EMYCIN has also generated a great deal of interest in the academic and business communities. We have been in frequent contact with Bud Frawley and Philippe Lacour-Gayet of Schlumberger, Chuck Brodnax and Milt Waxman of the Hughes Aircraft Corporation, and Harry Reinstein from IBM Scientific Research Center. Two students at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, working under the direction of Colonel Ronald J. Roland, have been developing an EMYCIN system in the domain of selecting decision aids for solving problems in business organizations. The CLOT system mentioned earlier was a joint effort involving members of our group but with the idea and domain expertise coming from members of Don Lindberg's group at the University of Missouri. At the University of Illinois, students working under Donald Michie and Alan Levy have used EMYCIN in two ways: one group developed a new EMYCIN application in tax advising, and the other developed a PASCAL implementation of the ideas used in EMYCIN. The latter program is now being used experimentally in an application involving emergency responses on off-shore drilling rigs. Finally, David Stodolsky at the Systems Science Institute at the University of Louisville has begun to experiment with EMYCIN in an application involving the psychology of interactions in large group conferencing. E. A. Feigenbaum 198 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 . MYCIN Project B. Sharing and Interaction with Other SUMEX-AIM Projects We have continued collaboration with the EMYCIN-based projects RX, HEADMED and PUFF. Our development of a domain-independent system is facilitated by having a number of very different working systems on which to test our additions and modifications to EMYCIN. All the projects have provided us with useful comments and suggestions. We have also interacted with members of the SECS project on SUMEX who have considered developing a question answering system for SECS similar to the one in wYCIN, The community created on the SUMEX resource has other benefits that go beyond actual shared computing. Because we are able to experiment with other developing systems, such as INTERNIST, and because we frequently interact with other workers (at the AIM Workshop or at other meetings around the country), many of us have found the scientific exchange and be heightened. Several of us have visited workers at other Sites, sometimes for extended periods, in order to pursue further issues which have arisen through SUMEX- or Workshop-based interactions, In this regard, the ability to exchange messages with other workers, both on SUMEX and at other sites, has been crucial to rapid and efficient exchange of ideas. For example, most of the invitations and planning for the 6th AIM Workshop, to be held at Stanford in August 1980, have been accomplished via SUMEX or ARPANET mail. Certainly it is unusual for a small community of researchers with similar scholarly interests to have at their disposal such powerful and efficient communication mechanisms, even among those on opposite coasts of the country. C, Critique of Resource Management The SUMEX facility has maintained the high standards that we have praised in the past. The staff members are always helpful and friendly, and work as hard to please the SUMEX community as to please themselves. As a result, the computer is as accessible and easy to use as they can make it. More importantly, it is a reliable and convenient research tool. We extend special thanks to Tom Rindfleisch for maintaining high professional Standards for all aspects of the facility. Due to the introduction of our ONCOCIN work with its special hardware and communication needs, we are aware that we have taxed the limited resources of SUMEX with regards to technical hardware support. It has been next to impossible for one technical specialist (Nick Veizades) to balance the numerous diverse demands on his time. This is not a problem with management of the Resource but a reflection of the need for additional technical personnel associated with SUMEX. We perceive this to be a particularly important requirement in the future if the Resource undertakes an expanded role in the implementation and testing of new hardware. Special mention should be made of the remarkable role played by Tom Rindfleisch and his staff in helping to organize remote demonstrations of MYCIN and INTERNIST. In March 1979, when the American College of Physicians met in San Francisco, they rented a truck and drove to the City Privileged Communication 199 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 with terminals and monitors. The installation they arranged worked well and provided a superb demonstration environment for the physicians who attended. In New Orleans in 1980, the greater distance prevented us from installing the equipment ourselves. SUMEX kindly offered to help orchestrate the New Orleans arrangements, though, and literally hours were Spent locating terminals, arranging for telephone hookups, and finding the right kind of slave monitors. We salute SUMEX for their uncomplaining assistance in this regard, but also would like to note the need for a mechanism that is somewhat less ad hoc for facilitating the demonstration of SUMEX systems from remote locations. Finally, we continue to feel the need for more computing power. Most of our research and development takes place in the hours from 7 p.m. to 10 a.m., but it is unreasonable to expect all our collaborators to adjust their own schedules around a computer. The existence of the 20/20 has been helpful in permitting demonstrations with good response time, and it will also allow us to introduce ONCOCIN in a real clinical environment within the next several months, but ongoing R&D on the main machine ramains difficult much of the time. Even the evening hours are now seeing higher Toad averages than was once the case. TIT. Research Plans (8/80-7/886) A. Project Goats and Plans EMYCIN Our current plans call for four principal efforts related to EMYCIN. First, the knowledge acquisition component of the program, derived from the TETRESTAS work of Davis, is being modified and expanded. Gur concerns relate to both the inefficiencies and limited power of the current capabilities. The meetings during which the CLOT knowledge base was developed were recorded on tape and are forming the basis of an analysis of the knowledge acquisition process. Some early work imp}ement ing the ideas derived from those tapes is already under way. We are also planning to prepare EMYCIN for "export" during the coming year. This will involve tightening up the code, maximizing efficiencies in space and time use, and improving the system's documentation. We do not intend to recode EMYCIN in a language other than INTERLISP, but do want to make it a stand-alone system that can be used for system building in a number of LISP environments. A key element of the documentation will be to better define those environments in which EMYCIN can be most effectively applied. Now that the design and capabilities of EMYCIN are essentially fixed, we are also planning to develop a new application. Other EMYCIN systems have been developed in parallel with EMYCIN itself, and have therefore affected the program's design, but it is now appropriate to see how effectively a new system can be built within the current system E. A. Feigenbaum 200 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project constraints. We are just beginning work, in conjunction with IBM Scientific Labs, to develop an EMYCIN consultation package for electronic fault diagnosis. GUIDON A plan for further development of GUIDON is described in terms of a partial ordering of research problems. Improving the student model will receive priority. interruption/assistance/evaluation teaching strategies / \ / \ / \ dialogue planning \ | \ I \ | \ case selection \ | \ \ | \n rer nse tr ccceseH student model case differences/ genetic epistemology Implementation of the strategical methods is now proceeding. There are several tasks (corresponding to the managerial and operational considerations) organized hierarchically. These tasks will be expressed in rule form (if then ). Structural knowledge will serve to hook these domain independent Strategical rules into a particular rule set like MYCIN's. This will involve adding a taxonomic problem classification to the knowledge base and regrouping rules and parameters according to this classification, Besides using the strategical model for guiding a dialogue with a Student, we are investigating the possibility of reconfiguring MYCIN's rule set so that the strategy rules direct a consultation. The result will be a knowledge base of rules and parameters, just like MYCIN's, that does hypothesis formation with focusing by the same backward chaining interpreter we have always used. Even without this Step, by formalizing (on paper) a strategical model in terms of production rules, we are led to conclude that it is the exhaustive, depth-first character of MYCIN's search that is different from hypothesis formation, not backward chaining. The Strategical rules are meta-rules that modify MYCIN's search. Subgoaling by backward chaining of rules is compatible with both depth-first search and hypothesis formation. Missing knowledge aside, we find that many of MYCIN’s rules are too detailed to be learned by people. We find that people just don't think about the fine-line, statistically-based distinctions that MYCIN rules record. We have developed a way to encode what an expert actually knows by Privileged Communication 201 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5. overlaying qualifications on top of MYCIN's rules. This takes the form of a functional statement (e.g., csf-protein is proportional to intensity and duration of iltness) and ranges of discrimination ( <100 means viral: >250 means chronic or bacterial; otherwise "it could be anything"). These Summary statements capture what the student should learn; they will be used in quizzes based on the rules, as well as for selecting cases. In a related development, we are trying to record aphorisms and mnemonics that experts use for remembering strategical and mechanistic principles, e.g., "when you hear hoof beats think of horses, not zebras" and "csf glucose is low for bacterial meningitis because bacteria eat the glucose for food" (this is wrong, but physicians remember it and generally don't realize or care that it is wrong!). We find that causal knowledge in our domain serves as a cue for remembering associations; actual diagnosis generally occurs at a level higher than causal mechanism. ONCOCIN In the three months remaining in the current year, we expect to have completed the PASCAL interface program that will respond to the special keypad on the Datamedia terminal. We also intend to codify the rules for one more chemotherapy protocol (probably oat cell carcinoma of the lung) in order to verify the generality and flexibility of the representation scheme we have devised. In the coming year, our plans include the following: (1) To develop the software protocols for achieving communication between the PASCAL interface program and the INTERLISP reasoning program. (2) To coordinate the printing routines needed to produce hardcopy flowsheets, patient summaries, and encounter sheets. (3) To install the new terminal and hard copy device in the Oncology Day Care Center for final testing and debugging. (4) To begin offering the ONCOCIN system for use by oncology faculty and fellows in the chemotherapy clinics (three mornings per week) in which most of the lymphoma patients receive their treatment. (5) To codify and implement additional protocols contingent upon adequate progress with the steps outline above. Throughout this work we shall continue to relate the requirements of the system we are devetoping to the underlying artificial intelligence methodologies. We are convinced that the basic science frontiers of AI are best explored in the.context of systems for real world use; thus ONCOCIN Serves as a vehicle for developing an improved understanding of the issues that underlie other forms of knowledge engineering. E. A. Feigenbaum 202 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.5 MYCIN Project B. Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use All the work we are doing (EMYCIN, GUIDON, ONCOCIN, pilus continued use of the original MYCIN program) is totally dependent on continued use of the SUMEX resource. The programs all make assumptions regarding the computing environment in which they operate, and the ONCOCIN design in particular depends upon proximity to the 20/20 which will enable us to use a 9660 baud interface. Most of us use SUMEX as the only comsuter on which we work. In addition, we have long appreciated the benefits of GUEST and network access to the programs we are developing. SUMEX greatly enhances our ability to obtain feedback from interested physicians and computer scientists around the country. Network access has also permitted high quality formal demonstrations of our work both from around the United States and from sites abroad (e.g., Japan, Sweden, Great Britain). C. Requirements for Additional Computing Resources The recent acquisition of the 20/20 by SUMEX has been crucial to the growth of our research work, both to insure high quality demonstrations and to enable us to develop a system such as ONCOCIN for real-world use in a clinical setting. As we continue to develop systems that are potentially. useful as stand-alone packages (e.g., an exportable EMYCIN), additional small computers would be particularly valuable resources. It is not yet clear which machines are optimal for the LISP-based applications we are developing, and an opportunity to test our systems on several small-to- medium machines would be invaluable and in keeping with our desire to move some of the AIM products into a community of service users. As we have mentioned, the response time on the main machine continues to be a major problem during the daytime hours, and is beginning to be limiting on occasion in the evenings as well. Any acquisitions that would provide additional cycles or permit off-loading of some users from the PDP- 10 would significantly benefit the SUMEX research community. The continued growth of our research project, with MYCIN space still required, GUIDON growing, and ONCOCIN now a new and large system, has resulted in some moderate problems with disk allocation as well. We have managed to shuffle allocations reasonably effectively until now, but there is no longer much flexibility and an additional allocation of approximately 2500 pages would greatly relieve the pressure. D. Recommendations for Future Community and Resource Development We have two principal recommendations for new SUMEX developments. First, the acquisition of several small machines, linked to the main processor through the ethernet, and each able to run INTERLISP, would allow important experiments in bringing the more mature AIM systems closer to being exportable for use outside of strict research environments, Privileged Communication 203 E. A. Feigenbaum MYCIN Project Section 9.1.5 Second, we propose the formal establishment of a mechanism for providing hardware and communications equipment for SUMEX demonstrations at a distance. There are beginning to be enough invitations for the older AIM Systems to be shown at meetings and to funding agencies, that a dedicated system of demonstration equipment and personnel seems appropriate at this time. E. A. Feigenbaum 204 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.6 Protein Structure Project 9.1.6 Protein Structure Project Protein Structure Modeling Project Prof. E. Feigenbaum and Mr. Allan J. Terry Department of Computer Science Stanford University I. Summary of Research Program A. Technical goals The goals of the protein structure modeling project are to 1) identify critical tasks in protein structure elucidation which may benefit by the application of AI problem-solving techniques, and 2) design and implement programs to perform those tasks. We have identified two principal areas which are of practical and theoretical interest to both protein crystallographers and computer scientists working in AI. The first is the problem of interpreting a three-dimensional electron density map. The second is the problem of determining a plausible structure in the absence of phase information normally inferred from experimental isomorphous replacement data. Current emphasis is on the implementation of a program for interpreting electron density maps (EDM's). B. Medical relevance and collaboration The biomedical relevance of protein crystallography has been wel] stated in an excellent textbook on the subject (Blundell & Johnson, Protein Crystallography, Academic Press, 1976): "Protein Crystallography is the application of the techniques of X-ray diffraction ... to crystals of one of the most important classes of biological molecules, the proteins. ... It is known that the diverse biological functions of these complex molecules are determined by and are dependent upon their three-dimensional structure and upon the ability of these structures to respond to other molecules by changes in shape. At the present time X-ray analysis of protein crystals forms the only method by which detailed structural information (in terms of the spatial coordinates of the atoms) may be obtained. The results of these analyses have provided firm structural evidence which, together with biochemical and chemical studies, immediately suggests proposals concerning the molecular basis of biological activity.” The project involves a collaboration between computer scientists-at Stanford University and crystallographers at Oak Ridge National Privileged Communication 205 E. A. Feigenbaum Protein Structure Project Section 9.1.6 Laboratories (Dr. Carrol] Johnson), the University of California at San Francisco (Dr. Robert Langridge), and the University of California at San Diego (under the direction of Prof. Joseph Kraut). Our principal collaborator at UCSD is Dr. Stephan Freer. C. Progress summary We have completed a major cycle of design review and program reorganization, resulting in the system described in publication number three below. The system now has a completely rule-based control structure proceeding from strategy rules, to a set of task rules, ending with individual knowledge sources. This new design seems powerful and flexible enough to provide the basis of a useful EDM interpretation system for protein structure determination. After building the control structure we wanted, we have worked on building up the knowledge base. Large chunks of knowledge are called "tasks"; we have completed the Initialization task, implemented a tracing task, and implemented a task to split group toeholds. Further details of these tasks and their content can be found in publication number three. We have also continued our efforts to improve the power of our data representations. Towards this end we have implemented a new preprocessor. to assign functional labels to segments. This program consists of heuristics that attempt to capture the knowledge a human uses when he visually examines a skeletonized EDM. We find the use of labeled segments greatly aids the main CRYSALIS program by allowing rules to be written in terms much closer to those which humans use rather than the language in which the EDM skeleton is defined, Finally, we are compiling documentation on the system and the knowledge it embodies. These documents should be sufficiently complete so that we, or other groups, will have little difficulty picking up where we leave off. We also feel that explicit documentation of our model-building heuristics will be useful to the crystallographic community as it provides a new viewpoint, complementary to traditional crystallographic methods. The work currently in progress can be characterized as additions to the knowledge base and work on new data representations. Whereas the previously-implemented tracing task attempts to grow an "island of certainty” in the hypothesis in a non-directed manner, we are now working on a task that specifically tries to link two such islands. In addition to this new task, we are augmenting the system's tracing knowledge to deal with small sidechains that seldom appear in the data. The final addition to the knowledge base is an effort to incorporate some notion of Stereochemistry and the constraints on three dimensional structure it provides. This will be useful in the matching of features and in the prediction of secondary structure. The last item of work in progress is an attempt to design a data representation that captures volume information. Current representations such as the skeleton preserve topology but do not preserve shape. With the inclusion of volume information, we should be able to capture much of the expert's knowledge of shape and form that presently goes unused. E. A. Feigenbaum 206 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.6 Protein Structure Project D. List of Publications ‘1) Robert S. Engelmore and H. Penny Nii, "A Knowledge-Based System for the Interpretation of Protein X-Ray Crystallographic Data," Heuristic Programming Project Memo HPP-77-2, January, 1977. (Alternate identification: STAN-CS-77-589) 2) E.A. Feigenbaum, R.S. Engelmore, C.K. Johnson, "A Correlation Between Crystallographic Computing and Artificial Intelligence," in Acta Crystallographica, A33:13, (1977). (Alternate identification: HPP-77- 15) 3) Robert Engelmore and Allan Terry, “Structure and Function of the CRYSALIS System", Proc. GIJCAI, 1979. pp250-256 (Alternative identification: HPP-79-16) 4) R. S. Engelmore, A. Terry, S. T. Freer, and C. K. Johnson, "A Knowledge- Based System for Interpreting Protein Electron Density Maps", Abstracts of Amer. Crystallographic Ass. 7,1 (1979) p38 E. Funding status Grant title: The Automation of Scientific Inference: Heuristic Computing Applied to Protein Crystallography Principal Investigator: Prof. Edward A. Feigenbaum Funding Agency: National Science Foundation Grant identification number: MCS 79-33666 Term of award: December 1, 1979 through November 31, 1981 Amount of award: $35,318 (direct costs only) II. Interaction with the SUMEX-AIM resource A. Collaborations The protein structure modeling project has been a collaborative effort since its inception, involving co-workers at Stanford and UCSD (and, more recently, at Oak Ridge and UCSF). The SUMEX facility has provided a focus for the communication of knowledge, programs and data. Without the special facilities provided by SUMEX the research would be seriously impeded. Computer networking has been especially effective in facilitating the transfer of information. For example, the more traditional computational analyses of the UCSD crystallographic data are made at the CDC 7600 facility at Berkeley. As the processed data, specifically the EDM's and their Fourier transforms, become available, they are transferred to SUMEX via the FIP facility of the ARPA net, with a minimum of fuss. (Unfortunately, other methods of data transfer are often necessary as well Privileged Communication 207 E. A. Feigenbaum Protein Structure Project . Section 9.1.6 -- see below.) Programs developed at SUMEX, or transferred to SUMEX from other laboratories, are shared directly among the collaborators. Indeed, with some of the programs which have originated at UCSD and elsewhere, our off-campus collaborators frequently find it easier to use the SUMEX versions because of the interactive computing environment and ease of access. Advice, progress reports, new ideas, general information, etc. are communicated via the message and/or bulletin board facilities. B. Interaction with other SUMEX-AIM projects Our interactions with other SUMEX-AIM projects have been mostly in the form of personal contacts. We have strong ties to the MYCIN, AGE and MOLGEN projects and keep abreast of research in those areas on a regular basis through informal discussions. The SUMEX~AIM workshops provide an excellent opportunity to survey all the projects in the community. Common research themes, e.g. knowledge-based systems, as well] as alternate problem-solving methodologies were particularly valuable to share. C. Critique of Resource Services The SUMEX facility provides a wide spectrum of computing services which are genuinely useful to our project -- message handling, file management, Interlisp, Fortran and text editors come immediately to mind. Moreover, the staff, particularly the operators, are to be commended for their willingness to help solve special problems (e.g., reading tapes) or providing extra service (e.g. immediate retrieval of an archived file). We would also like to commend the staff for its extensive help in setting up a Jink between SUMEX and Dr. Langridge's group at UCSF. Such cooperative behavior is rare in computer centers. There are several facilities we wish to single out as particularly useful in furthering our research goals. Since the members of the project are physically distant, the MSG program is very useful. Similarly, the file system, the ARCHIVE facility, and the general ease of getting backup files from the operator greatly aid our efforts at coordinating the efforts of collaborators using many large data sets and programs. The crystallographers in the project find SUMEX to be a friendly environment which allows them to do their work with a minimum of dealing with operating system details. It has become increasingly evident, however, that as CRYSALIS expands, the facility cannot provide enough machine cycles during prime time to support the implementation and debugging of new features. For example, our segqment-labeling preprocessor requires about an hour of machine time per 100 residues of protein (this is typically five to eight hours of terminal time during working hours) even when the Lisp code is compiled. E. A. Feigenbaum 208 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.6 Protein Structure Project III. Use of SUMEX during the remaining grant period (8/79 - 7/81) A. Long-range goals Our short term goals are to build up the knowledge base to the point where it can solve a small, known protein from “live” data. This will probably entail the implementation of about a dozen tasks. By this point we should also have a package of data-reduction programs Suitable for export to interested crystallographers. Our Jong range goais are the exploitation of the rule-based control Structure for investigating alternative problem-solving strategies, the investigation of modes of explanation of the program's reasoning steps, and the expansion and generalization of the system to cover a wider range of input data. B. Justification for continued use of SUMEX We feel that SUMEX is the ideal vehicle for further research on CRYSALIS. While some of our work is numerical in nature and uses such facilities as FORTRAN, our main interest is in artificial intelligence. Besides being an expert system of use to the crystallographic community, CRYSALIS is an exploration of the general signal processing problem. We are vitally concerned with issues such as proper architecture for using a wide variety of heuristics effectively and hypothesis formation when both data and model are poor. The utility of our work to the AI community is partially demonstrated by the development of the AGE project, an extension of Ms. Nii's early work on CRYSALIS. This project progresses by the collaboration of several physically- Separated groups. SUMEX provides a unique resource, an electronic community of researchers in our field, through the many systems such as net mail, country-wide access, and community workshops. We feel that CRYSALIS would not be possible outside of such a community. C. Needs and plans for other computing resources Our major need for other computing resources is for graphical display of our data and results. This need will be met by use of Dr. Langridge's Evans and Sutherland Picture System at UCSF and Dr. Johnson's raster-based graphics system at ORNL. The major impediment is SUMEX’s current inability to support data transfer to other machines at more than 1200 baud. We are attempting to link SUMEX to UCSF by using FTP over the ARPAnet to the LBL machine and then use an existing link from LBL to UCSF. D. Recommendations for future community and resource development There are two recommendations we wish to make, the first and most important is to expand the computing power available to SUMEX users. CRYSALIS is an inherently-large problem. Proteins contain hundreds, to thousands of atoms which means large hypothesis structures, large quantities of data, and a compute-bound inference program. As the system grows to maturity, we expect increasingly serious problems with address space limitations and with machine cycle availability. Privileged Communication 209 E. A. Feigenbaum Protein Structure Project Section 9.1.6 The second recommendation is that SUMEX develop some relatively inexpensive file transfer facility for machines not on the ARPAnet. Software for this already exists in the form of the TTYFTP program (or possible future programs like it, but in a more portable language), the development needed is in hardware and in the TENEX operating system so that transfer rates greater than 1200 baud can be achieved. We are motivated to recommend this not only by our own need for such a facility, but also by the belief that it would aid other collaborations involving SUMEX and outside computers (the SECS project for example), and aid in the dissemination of useful programs from the research setting of SUMEX to user laboratories. E. A. Feigenbaum 210 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.7 RX Project 9.1.7 RX Project The RX Project: Deriving Medical Knowledge from Time-Oriented Clinical Databases Robert L. Blum, M.D. Division of Clinical Pharmacology Department of Internal Medicine Stanford School of Medicine Gio C. M. Wiederhold, Ph.D. Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Stanford University I. Summary of Research Program I.A. Technical goals: Introduction: Medical and Computer Science Goals The objective of the RX Project is to develop a medical information System capable of accurately deriving knowledge of the course and consequences of treatment of chronic diseases from a large collection of stored patient records. Computerized clinical databases and automated medical records systems have been under development throughout the world for at least a decade. Among the earliest of these endeavors was the ARAMIS Project, (American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System) under development at Stanford by Dr, James Fries and his colleagues since 1967. A prototype ambulatory records system was generalized in the early 1970's by Prof. Gio Wiederhold and Stephen Weyl in the form of a Time-Oriented Database (TOD) System. The TOD System, run on the IBM 370/3033 at the Stanford Center for Information Processing (SCIP), now supports the ARAMIS Project as well as a host of other chronic disease databases which store patient data gathered at many institutions nation-wide. At the present time ARAMIS contains records of over 10,000 patients with a variety of rheumatologic diagnoses. Over 30,000 patient visits have been recorded, accounting for 20,000 patient-years of observation. The fundamental objective of ARAMIS, the other TOD research groups, and all other clinical data bank researchers is to use the raw data which has been gathered by clinical observation in order to Study the evolution and medical management of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, the process of reliably deriving knowledge from raw data has proven to be refractory to existing techniques because of problems stemming from the complexity of disease, therapy, and outcome definitions; the complexity of time relationships; complex causal relationships creating strong sources of bias; and problems of missing and outlying data. Privileged Communication 211 E. A. Feigenbaum RX Project Section 9.1.7. A major objective of the RX Project is to explore the utility of symbolic computational methods and knowledge-based techniques at solving this problem of accurate knowledge inference from non-randomized, non- protocol patient records. A central component of RX is a knowledge base of medicine and statistics, organized as a hierarchy or taxonomic tree consisting of nodes with attached data and procedures. Nodes representing diseases and therapeutic regimens contain procedures which use a variety of time-dependent predicates to label patient records in the database, facilitating the retrieval of time-intervals of interest in the records. The database is then inverted so that each node or object in the knowledge base contains pointers to all time-intervals during which its definition is satisfied. Nodes in the knowledge base also contain lists of other nodes which are causally related. These functional dependencies are used to infer causal pathways among nodes for purposes of selecting confounding variables which need to be controlled for in the study of a specific hypothesis. Causal pathways may also be used in an exploratory mode to discover new hypotheses, To study a particular causal hypothesis the knowledge base also contains information on the applicability of various statistical procedures and procedures for applying them. I.B. Medical Relevance and Collaboration As a test bed for system development our focus of attention has been on the records of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) contained in the Stanford portion of the ARAMIS Data Bank. SLE is a chronic rheumatologic disease with a broad spectrum of manifestations which can lead to death in the third decade of life. With many perplexing diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas, it is a disease of considerable medical interest, In the future we anticipate possible collaborations with other project users of the TOD System such as the National Stroke Data Bank, the Northern California Oncology Group, and the Stanford Divisions of Oncology and of Radiation Therapy. The RX Project is a new research effort only in existence for about a year, and, hence the project is very much in a developmental stage. The primary issues being addressed at this stage are those concerned with the specifics of knowledge representation and flow of control, rather than with the testing of specific hypotheses in chronic disease management. We believe that this research project is broadly applicable to the entire gamut of chronic diseases which constitute the bulk of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Consider five major diagnostic categories which are responsible for approximately two thirds of the two million deaths per year in the United States: myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. Therapy for each of these diagnoses is fraught with controversy concerning the balance of benefits versus costs. £. A. Feigenbaum 212 Priviteged Communication Section 9.1.7 RX Project 1) Myocardial Infarction: Indications for and efficacy of coronary artery bypass graft vs. medical management alone. Indications for long-term antiarrhythmics ... long-term anticoagulants. Benefits of cholesterol-lowering diets, exercise, etc. 2) Stroke: Efficacy of long-term anti-platelet agents, long-term anticoagulation. Indications for revascularization. 3) Cancer: Relative efficacy of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical excision - singly or in combination. Optimal frequency of screening procedures. Prophylactic therapy. 4) Hypertension: Indications for therapy. Efficacy versus adverse effects of chronic antihypertensive drugs. Role of various diagnostic tests such as renal arteriography in work-up. 5) Diabetes: Influence of insulin administration on microvascular complications. Role of oral hypoglycemics. Despite the expenditure of billions of dollars over recent years for randomized controlled trials (RCT's) designed to answer these and other questions, answers have been slow in coming. RCT's are expensive of funds and personnel. The therapeutic questions in clinical medicine are too numerous for each to be addressed by its own series of RCT's. On the other hand, the data regularly gathered in patient records in the course of the normal performance of health care delivery is a rich and largely underutilized resource. The ease of accessibility and manipulation of these data afforded by computerized clinical data banks holds out the possibility of a major new resource for acquiring knowledge on the evolution and therapy of chronic diseases. The goal of the research which we are pursuing on SUMEX is to increase the reliability of knowledge derived from clinical data banks with the hope of providing a new tool for augmenting knowledge of diseases and therapies as a supplement to knowledge derived from formal prospective clinical trials. Furthermore, the incorporation of knowledge from both clinical data banks and other sources into a uniform knowledge base should increase the ease of access by individual clinicians to this knowledge and thereby facilitate both the practice of medicine as well as the investigation of human disease processes. Highlights of Research Progress 1 July 1979 to 1 April 1980 Our predominant objective was to detail the overall conceptual framework for the knowledge base and to develop the extensive computational machinery necessary for retrieving, analyzing, and displaying defined time- intervals within patient records. Privileged Communication 213 E. A. Feigenbaum RX Project Section 9.1.7 The RX Knowledge Base (KB): The central component of RX is a knowledge base of medicine and Statistics, organized as a frame-based, taxonomic tree consisting of units with attached data and procedures, Units representing diseases and therapies contain procedures which use a variety of time-dependent predicates to label the patient records, facilitating the retrieval of time~intervals of interest in the records. Other units representing Statistical techniques are used to map hypotheses onto study designs and event dafinitions. Implementing the algorithms and data structures of this AG was Gane of the major tasks of the current year. At the current time the RX KB contains about 200 units of which 75 contain definitions and other relevant information pertaining to disease courses, effects of drugs, lab values, etc. This information compromises a small subset of medical knowledge dealing with some of the signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) as well as the effects and indications of some drugs used for this disease. Other units contain machine-readable knowledge of statistical techniques needed for testing entered hypotheses. There are approximately 40 time-dependent functions used to map from the database values onto defined units. The entire RX system currently contains approximately 250 INTERLISP functions accounting for 75 disk pages of code. The KB is about 30 disk pages. One disk page = 512 words * 36 bits per word. Also one disk page = approx, 1.5 typed pages on 8.5 by 11.5 inch paper. Statistical Interfaces: Once the relevant episodes have been defined and retrieved from the database they must be analyzed statistically. In order to do this we use the SPSS package (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) available on SUMEX. A collection of RX programs create SPSS "source decks" containing card images of the appropriate commands along with the extracted data. RX then calls the operating system and runs SPSS on the source file, The human-readable listing is then searched for important results which are automatically extracted and interpreted. Time-Oriented Graphics Package: This package enables data on an individual patient to be graphed over time, either linearly by visit or by calendar time with a "telescoping" capability. The program overlays graphs of both point data and data represented as episodes. Study Editor: Dr. Jerrold Kaplan, a research associate affiliated with the project, has implemented an additional package of programs which display to the clinician user those decisions which have been made by the knowledge base concerning which statistical techniques are to be employed, which variables are to be controlled for, and which time intervals are to be excluded. This affords the user with a means for seeing a sketch of the study plan before it is executed, and enables him to modify that plan. E. A. Feigenbaum 214 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.7 RX Project Clinical Study: The Effect of Prednisone on Cholesterol As a testbed for the prototype system we have been investigating the hypothesis that the steroid, prednisone, produces a significant elevation of plasma cholesterol. To test this hypothesis, the records of 50 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were transferred from the ARAMIS Database to SUMEX. Of these patients, 18 were found to have five or more cholesterol determinations and to have had sufficient variance in their prednisone regimens to be testable. The KB is used to elaborate a complex causal model for the prednisone/cholesterol hypothesis which is tested using a hierarchical multiple regression method with time-lagged values. The KB is used to determine sources of possible bias and to control for those variables in the regression or to eliminate corresponding time- intervals from records. An empirical Bayes method is used to average the estimated effects in patients with varying amounts of data. The result, a highly statistically significant elevation of cholesterol by prednisone, will be submitted for publication during the coming year. Research In Progress Much work remains to be done in expanding the system software and in expanding the knowledge base. Current work is addressed to increasing the flexibility of the time-segmentation functions and enriching the data Structures which encode relationships among objects. We are trying to make increasingly general the class of medical hypotheses which the system can analyze automatically. This requires incorporating knowledge of additional statistical methods into the KB and the development of expanded capabilities for interfacing RX to on-line Statistical packages. We are also attempting to generalize our algorithms for selecting the set variables which may potentially confound a given hypothesis. As a means for testing and expanding the system's capabilities we intend to perform several specific studies of importance in the management of the rheumatic diseases. Our study of the effect of prednisone on cholesterol was mentioned above. Other studies now being planned include the effect of chronic aspirin ingestion on liver function in rheumatoid arthritis, the specific incidence of infectious complications of steroids as a function of dose and duration, and the utility of various autoantibodies in the prediction of flares of SLE as compared to the utility of other indicators. Finally, we are developing a methodology for discovering hypotheses of interest in the database using a heuristically guided search of large matrices of simple and partial correlation coefficients. Publications Blum, Robert L.; Wiederhold, Gio: Inferring Knowledge from Clinical Data Banks Utilizing Techniques from Artificial Intelligence. Proc. of The 2nd Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care, pp. 303 to 307, IEEE, Washington, D.C., November 5-9, 1978 Privileged Communication 215 E. A. Feigenbaum RX Project Section 9.1.7 Blum, Robert L.: Automating the Study of Clinical Hypotheses on a Time- Oriented Data Base: The RX Project. Submitted for publication to MEDINFO80, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 1980 Wiederhold, Gio: Databases in Healthcare. To be published in a compendium series on Technology in Healthcare, sponsored by the Healthcare Technology Center, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., also available as Stanford CS Report 80-790 Funding Support Status 1) A Computer-Based System for Advising Physicians on Clinical Therapeutics Robert L. Bium, M.D.: Awardee Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association Foundation Total award: $32,500 (direct) Term: July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1980 2) Integrating Medical Knowledge and Clinical Data Banks Robert L. Blum, M.D.: Principal Investigator National Library of Medicine, New Investigator Award Total award: $90,000 (direct) Term: July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1982 3) Integrating Medical Knowledge and Clinical Data Banks Gio C. M. Wiederhold, Ph.D.: Principal Investigator National Center for Health Services Research, Small Grants Total award: $35,000 (direct) Term: April 1, 1979 to March 31, 1981 IIT. INTERACTIONS WITH THE SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE II.A. Collaborations Since our project is new, we do not yet have public versions of the programs. There is, however, a large sphere of collaboration which we expect in the future. Once the RX program is developed, we would anticipate collaboration with all of the ARAMIS project sites in the further development of a knowledge base pertaining to the chronic arthritides. The ARAMIS Project at SCIP is used by a number of institutions around the country via commercial leased lines to store and process their data. These institutions include the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco and Los Angeles; The Phoenix Arthritis Center, Phoenix; The University of Cincinnati School of Medicine; The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Kansas University; and The University of Saskatchewan. All of the rheumatologists at these sites have closely collaborated with the development of ARAMIS, and their interest in and use of the RX project is anticipated. We hasten to mention that we do not expect SUMEX to support the active use of RX as an on-going service to this extensive network af arthritis centers, but we would like to be able to allow the national centers to participate in the development of the arthritis knowledge base and to test that knowledge base on their own clinical data banks. E. A. Feigenbaum 216 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.7 RX Project B. Interactions with Other SUMEX-AIM Projects Several of the concepts incorporated into the design of the RX Project have been inspired by other SUMEX-AIM Projects. The RX knowledge base is similar to the Units Package of the MOLGEN PROJECT. The production rule inference mechanism used by us is similar to that in the MYCIN Project. Several programs developed by the MYCIN group are regularly used by RX. These include disk hash file facilities, text editing facilities, and miscellaneous LISP functions. Regular communication on programming details is facilitated by the on-line mail system. C. Critique of Resource Management: The SUMEX KI-10 has been severely overloaded for at least a year. Working in LISP is impossible during the day and is even difficult at times which were formerly low utilization times. This has forced us to rely increasingly on other local computation facilities. The SUMEX resource management, per se, has always been accessible and cooperative in trying to provide our project with adequate resources subject to prevailing constraints, ITI. RESEARCH PLANS The overall goal of the RX Project is to develop a computerized medical information system capable of accurately extracting medical knowledge pertaining to the therapy and evolution of chronic diseases from a database consisting of a collection of stored patient records. Goals for the year August, 1980 to July, 1981 have been detailed in section IC. above on research in progress. To summarize that section, our main short-term goal is to generalize and refine our methods for labeling and retrieving time-intervals or episodes from individual patient records and to generalize the class of hypotheses which the system is capable of analyzing. This requires further refinements in RX's algorithms for choosing and controlling for variables which may potentially confound an hypothesis of interest. Long-Range Goals: August, 1981 to July, 1986 There are two inter-related long-range goals of the RX Project: 1) automatic discovery of knowledge in a large time-oriented database and 2) provision of assistance to a clinician who is interested in testing a specific hypothesis. These tasks overlap to the extent that some of the algorithms used for discovery are also used in the process of testing an hypothesis. We hope to make these algorithms sufficiently robust that they will work over a broad range of hypotheses and over a broad spectrum of data distributions in the patient records. Privileged Communication 217 E. A. Feigenbaum RX Project Section 9.1.7. Justification for Continued Use of SUMEX Computerized clinical data banks possess great potential as tools for assessing the efficacy of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, for monitoring the quality of health care delivery, and for support of basic medical research. Because of this potential, many clinical data banks have recently been developed throughout the United States. However, once the initial problems of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval have been dealt with, there remains a set of comnlex problems inherent in the task of accurately inferring medical knowledge from a collection of observations in patient records. These probiems cancera the complexity of disease and outcome definitions, the complexity of time relationships, potential biases in compared subsets, and missing and outlying data. The major problem of medical data banking is in the reliable inference of medical knowledge from primary observational data. We see in the RX Project a method of solution to this problem through the utilization of knowledge engineering techniques from artificial intelligence. The RX Project, in providing this solution, will provide an important conceptual and technologic link to a large community of medical research groups involved in the treatment and study of the chronic arthritides throughout the United States and Canada, who are presently using the ARAMIS Data Bank through the SCIP facility via TELENET. Beyond the arthritis centers which we have mentioned in this report, the TOD (Time-Oriented Data Base) User Group involves a broad range of university and community medical institutions involved in the treatment of cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, nephrologic disease, and others. Through the RX Project, the opportunity will be provided to foster national collaborations with these research groups and to provide a major arena in which to demonstrate the utility of artificial intelligence to clinical medicine, SUMEX as a Resource To discuss SUMEX as a resource for program development, one need only compare it to the environment provided by our other resource, the IBM 370/168 installation at SCIP - the major computing resource at Stanford. Of the programs which we use daily on SUMEX -INTERLISP, MSG, TVEDIT, BBD, LINK- there is nothing even approaching equivalence on the 370, despite its huge user community. These programs greatly facilitate communication with other researchers in the SUMEX community, documentation of our programs, and the rapid interactive development of the programs themselves. The development of a program involving extensive symbolic processing and as large and complex as RX at the SCIP facility, would require a staff many times as large as ours. The SUMEX environment greatly increases the productive potential of a research group such as ours to the point where a large project like RX becomes feasible. E. A. Feigenbaum 218 Privileged Communication Section 9.1.7 RX Project Computation resources required by RX: Disk Allocation: RX requires the use of two large data files which need to be kept on- line: the patient database (DB) and the knowledge base (KB). In the course of testing a hypothesis several other files are used: inverted files, source files for statistical processing, LISP SYSOUT files, etc. Our current total disk allocation of 1500 pages for all RX group members has been just adequate. In the future, with anticipated expansions in numbers of patients and size of the KB, we intend to request an increase of our total allocation to 2000 pages. Programs: RX is written in INTER-LISP. To increase our useable address space, we actually use a stripped-down version prepared by William VanMelle of the MYCIN Project. To run statistical data RX calls SPSS in an inferior fork. The text editor, TVEDIT, is also called from an inferior exec fork. Other Computational Resources It is clear that the scope of potential application of the RX Project is large. Within the term of the SUMEX-AIM grant projected through July, 1986, we anticipate the involvement of several of the national ARAMIS collaborating institutions in developing and testing arthritis knowledge bases which reflect their own patient populations and therapeutic biases. The current SUMEX machine configuration will not be able to support this national interaction because the central processors of the KI-10 are already taxed to the limit. Ours is among the SUMEX groups which would greatly benefit by the addition of one or more PDP-10 compatible machines, which could provide support to our anticipated national user community. Another resource which would be highly desirable is a faster and more reliable means for transferring data interactively between SUMEX and the SCIP IBM 370. Our current method utilizes a 2400 baud line with transmission from SCIP to SUMEX only, and is fraught with a high error rate. The addition of a reliable local network facility would greatly facilitate our ability to transfer patient files from SCIP to SUMEX and to transfer statistical source matrices back to SCIP to be run on that machine. D. Recommendations for Resource Development: SUMEX is heavily loaded everyday and almost every evening. Program research is next to impossible during those periods. Program development would be greatly facilitated by the addition of any resources which lessened this loading: upgrading the current machine to a KL or adding core to decrease page swapping. Privileged Communication 219 E. A. Feigenbaum National AIM Projects Section 9,2 9.2 National AIM Projects The following group of projects is formally approved for access to the AIM aliquot of the SUMEX-AIM resource or the Rutgers-AIM resource. Their access is based on review by the AIM Advisory Group and approval by the AIM Executive Committee. E. A. Feigenbaum 220 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.1 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT). 9.2.1 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) Dr. John Anderson Carnegie-Mellon University I. Summary of Research Program A. Project Rationale: To develop a production system that will serve as an interpreter of the active portion of an associative network. To model a range of cognitive tasks including memory tasks, inferential reasoning, language processing, and problem solving. To develop an induction system capable of acquiring cognitive procedures with a special emphasis on language acquisition and problem-solving skills. B. Medical relevance and collaboration: 1. The ACT model is a general model of cognition. It provides a useful. model of the development of and performance of the sorts of decision making that occur in medicine. 2. The ACT model also represents basic work in AI. It is in part an attempt to develop a self-organizing intelligent system. As such it is relevant to the goal of development of intelligent artificial aids in medicine. We have been evolving a collaborative relationship with James Greeno and Allan Lesgold at the University of Pittsburgh. They are applying ACT to modeting the acquisition of reading and problem solving skills. We have made ACT a guest system within SUMEX. ACT is currently at the state where it can be shipped to other INTERLISP facilities. We have received a number of inquiries about the ACT system. ACT is a system in a continual state of development but we periodically freeze versions of ACT which we maintain and make available to the national AI community. C. Highlights of Research Progress: This last year has seen developments in two main directions. We are completing developing and documenting a system (ACTF) that is capable of a relatively rich variety of cognitive learning and we are completing an application to the modelling of the acquisition of proof skills in high- school students. , Our ACTF system is a production system that operates in a semantic network data base. Our learning work has been focused on ways of increasing the power of production systems for performing various tasks. One class of learning mechanisms concern what we call knowledge compilation. This involves automatic mechanisms for creating productions Privileged Communication 221 E. A. Feigenbaum Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) Section 9.2.1 that directly perform behavior that formerly required interpretative processing of knowledge in the semantic network. These compilation mechanisms also model the process by which human experts develop special purpose procedures to deal with the different types of problems that occur in their domain of expertise. Another class of learning mechanisms are concerned with tuning existing procedures so that they apply more appropriately. There are various mechanisms concerned with extending or generalizing the range of application of a procedure. In the past year we have been working at reducing these different generalization processes to a common partial matching process. In addition to generalization, tuning occurs in the ACTF system by means of discrimination and composition. Discrimination is a process for restricting the range of applicability of a production. Composition attempts to build macro-operators out of a series of productions. The third direction of our learning work has been concerned with developing a flexible strength-based set of conflict resolution rules. Here we are concerned with modelling the gradual improvement seen in human cognitive skills and also providing the system with the resilience so that it can recover from noise and changes in environmental contingencies. A manual has been under construction describing these changes. We plan to have a final version of the ACTF system by the end of May and the manual should be finished by the end of the summer. We have been applying this theory in detail to a simulation of how Students acquire proof skills in geometry. We have a more or less thorough analysis of how students learn new postulates of geometry; initially use these postulates in an interpretative fashion, integrating them with prior knowledge; how they compile special purpose procedures that directly apply this knowledge to proof generation; and how these procedures become tuned with practice. This application has provided strong evidence for most of the learning developments in the ACT system. It has also forced us to develop formalisms for how planning and problem-solving should be structured within a production-system framework. D. List of project publications: [1] Anderson, J.R. Language, Memory, and Thought. Hillsdale, N.Jd.: L. Eribaum, Assoc., 1976. [2] Kline, P.J. & Anderson, J.R. The ACTE User's Manual, 1976. [3] Anderson, J.R., Kline, P. & Lewis, C. Language processing by production systems. In P. Carpenter and M, Just (Eds.). Cognitive Processes in Comprehension. L. Erlbaum Assoc., 1977. [4] Anderson, J.R. Induction of augmented transition networks. Cognitive science, 1977, 125-157. E. A. Feigenbaum 222 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.1 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) [5] Anderson, J.R. & Kline, P. Design of a production system. Paper presented at the Workshop on Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, Hawaii, May 23-27, 1977. [6] Anderson, J.R. Computer simulation of a language acquisition system: A second report. In D. LaBerge and S.J. Samuels (Eds.). Perception and Comprehension. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Assoc., 1978. [7] Anderson, J.R., Kline, P.J., & Beasley, C.M. A theory of the acquisition of cognitive skills. In G.H. Bower (Ed.). Learning and Motivation, Vol. 13. New York: Academic Press, 1979. [8] Anderson, J.R., Kline, P.J., & Beasley, C.M. Complex Learning. In R. Snow, P.A. Frederico, & W. Montague (Eds.). Aptitude, Learning, -an Instruction: Cognitive Processes Analyses. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 1980. [9] Anderson, J.R. & Kline, P.J. A Jearning system and its psychological implications. To appear in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1979. [10] Reder, L.M. & Anderson, J.R. Use of thematic information to speed search of semantic nets. Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1979, 708-710. [11] Neves, D.M. & Anderson, J.R. Becoming expert at a cognitive skill. To appear in J.R. Anderson (Ed.), Cognitive Skills and their Acquisition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1981. [12] Anderson, J.R., Greeno, J.G., Kline, P.J., & Neves, D.M. Learning to Plan in Geometry. To appear in J.R. Anderson (Ed.), Cognitive Skills and their Acquisition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1981. E. Funding Support: A Model for Procedural Learning, John R. Anderson, Principal Investigator, Office of Naval Research (N00014-77-C-0242) $175,000 September 1, 1978 - September 30, 1980 II. Interaction With the SUMEX-AIM Resource A. & B. Collaborations, interactions, and sharing of programs via SUMEX. We have received and answered many inquiries about the ACT system over the ARPANET. This involves sending documentations, papers, and copies of programs, The most extensive collaboration has been with Greeno and Lesgold who are also on SUMEX (see the report of the Simulation of Comprehension Processes project). There is an ongoing effort to assist them in their research. Feedback from their work is helping us with system design. Privileged Communication 223 E. A. Feigenbaum Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) . Section 9.2.1 We find the SUMEX-AIM workshops (those that we could manage to attend) ideal vehicles for updating ourselves on the field and for getting to talk to colleagues about aspects of their work of importance to us. Due to memory space problems encountered by ACT we expect that soon we will need to make use of the smaller version of INTERLISP developed at SUMEX for use in the CONGEN program. C. Critique of resource management. The SUMEX-AIM resource has been well suited for the needs of our project. We have made the most extensive use of the INTERLISP facilities and the facilities for communication on the ARPANET. We have found the SUMEX personnel extremely helpful both in terms of responding to our immediate emergencies and in providing advice helpful to the long-range progress of the project. Despite the fact that we are not located at Stanford, we have not encountered any serious difficulties in using the SUMEX system; in fact, there are real advantages in being in the Eastern time zone where we can take advantage of the low load on the system during the morning hours. We have been able to get a great deal of work done during these hours and try to save our computer-intensive work for this time. Two location changes by the ACT project (from Michigan to Yale in the summer of 1976 and from Yale to Carnegie-Mellon in the summer of 1978) have demonstrated another advantage of working on SUMEX: In both cases we were back to work on SUMEX the day after our arrival. III. Research Plans (8/80-7/86) A. Project goats and plans: Our long-range goals are: (1) Continued development of the ACT System; (2) Application of the system to modeling of various cognitive processes; (3) Dissemination of the ACT system to the national AI community. Our more immediate goals (for the next year or two) involve application of the ACTF system, whose development we have finished, to three domains. First, we hope to complete the development of a simulation of geometry learning in the system. Second, we are starting to embark on an effort to model the acquisition of programming skills in LISP. This will serve as another test of the ideas that we have developed in geometry about learning and planning. The third application will be the modelling first language acquisition. This is a more radical departure from our work in problem-solving and so will provide a rather different test of the learning theory. E. A. Feigenbaum 224 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.1 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) B. Justification for continued use of SUMEX: Our goal for the ACT system is that it should serve as a ready-made "programming language" available to members of the cognitive science community for assembling psychologically-accurate simulations of a wide range of cognitive processes. Our intention and ability to provide such a resource justifies our use of the SUMEX facility. This facility is designed expressly for the purpose of developing and supporting such national AI resources and is, in this regard, clearly superior to the facilities we have available locally from the Carnegie-Mellon computer science department. Among the most important SUMEX advantages are the availability of INTERLISP on a machine accessible by either the ARPANET or TYMNET and the existence of a GUEST login. It appears that, at least for the time being, ACT has no hope of being a national resource unless it resides at SUMEX and, given the local unavailability of a network- accessible INTERLISP, it would even be very difficult to shift any Significant portion of our development work from SUMEX to CMU. C. Needs and plans for other computational resources Carnegie-Mellon's plans to begin upgrading its PDP-10 hardware to emerging state-of-the-art machines (VAX, LISP machines, etc.) promises to provide a excellent resource eventually, and we hope to have access to that resource as it develops. However, given that a considerable amount of software development will be required, a sophisticated LISP system such as INTERLISP is not likely to be available on this hardware in the near future. D. Comments and suggestions for future resource goals: We are beginning to feel squeezed by various limitations of the SUMEX facility. The problem of peak load is quite serious. We have also been Struggling with the address limitations of the current INTERLISP which is made more grievous by the amount of space INTERLISP requires. The computation time and address space limitations have meant that we have not been able to pursue certain projects that we would have otherwise. We applaud any efforts to increased computational power, to increase the address space of INTERLISP (e.g. VAXes), or to create significantly more space efficient versions of INTERLISP., Privileged Communication 225 E. A. Feigenbaum SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis— Section 9.2.2 9.2.2 SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis PI: W. Todd Wipke Board of Studies in Chemistry University of California Santa Cruz, CA. 95064 Coworkers: D. Dolata (Grad student) R. Lasater (Grad Student) D. Rogers (Grad Student) J. Chou (Postdoctoral) P. Condran (Postdoctoral) T. Moock (Postdoctoral) T. Blume (Programmer) I. Summary of Research Program A. Technical Goals. The long range goal of this project is to develop the logical principles of molecular construction and to use these in developing practical computer programs to assist investigators in designing stereospecific syntheses of complex bio-organic molecules. Our specific goals this past year focused on basic research into representation of strategies, facilities for user-defined transforms, revision of our ALCHEM language for better debugging of transforms and extension of capabilities for representing complex reactions. In addition we hoped to improve capabilities for remote teletype usage of SECS and to initiate the. formation of a world-wide SECS Users Group for sharing chemical transforms. B. Medical Relevance and Cotlaboration. The development of new drugs and the study of how drug structure is related to biological activity depends upon the chemist's ability to synthesize new molecules as well as his ability to modify existing structures, e.g., incorporating isotopic labels or other substituents into biomolecular substrates. The Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis (SECS) project aims at assisting the synthetic chemist in designing stereospecific syntheses of biologically important molecules. The advantages of this computer approach over normal manual approaches are many: 1) greater speed in designing a synthesis; 2) freedom from bias of past experience and past solutions; 3) thorough consideration of all possible syntheses using a more extensive library of chemical reactions than any individual person can remember; 4) greater capability of the computer to deal with the many structures which result; and 6) capability of computer to see molecules in graph theoretical sense, free from bias of. 2-D projection. E. A, Feigenbaum 226 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.2 SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis The objective of using XENO (a spinoff of SECS) in metabolism is to predict the plausible metabolites of a given xenobiotic in order that they may be analyzed for possible carcinogenicity. Metabolism research may also find this useful in the identification of metabolites in that it suggests what to look for. Finally, it seems there may even be application of this technique in problem domains where one wishes to alter molecules so certain types of metabolism will be blocked. C. Progress and Accomplishments. RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT: At the University of California, Santa Cruz, we have a GT40 and a GT46 graphics terminal connected to the SUMEX-AIM resource by 1200 and 2400 baud leased lines (one leased line supported by SUMEX). We also have a T1725, T1745, CDI-1030, DIABLO 1620, and an ADM-3A terminal used over 300 baud leased lines to SUMEX. UCSC has only a small IBM 370/145, a PDP-11/45, 11/70 and a VAX 11/780, (the 11's are restricted to running small jobs for student time-sharing) all of which are unsuitable for this research. The SECS laboratory is in the process of moving to a newly renovated room with raised floor in the same building and same floor as the synthetic organic laboratories at Santa Cruz so the environment is excellent, I, C. Highlights of Research Progress 1. SECS Program Developments The Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis (SECS) program has undergone many additions to improve its capabilities and usefulness to synthetic chemists. The CONGEN layout program of Carhart has been modified and incorporated in SECS for clean teletype output and simplified teletype input for users without graphics terminals. The synthesis tree plotting program for hard copy has been rewritten to give more compact trees which are faster to plot on the plotter. This generates better plots in less time and can also be used with XENO. The ALCHEM language which we developed for representing chemical reactions has undergone extensive revision to make it easier to represent absolute stereochemistry and some of the complex reactions in heterocyclic chemistry. Part of this revision now enables SECS to explain to the chemist which ALCHEM statements are being used and the results of their interpretation via a new decompiler for ALCHEM. A complete manual on ALCHEM and a manuscript on the revisions has been written. A User Defined Transform (UDT) module has been added to bridge the gap between program knowledge and user knowledge. This allows the chemist, during a synthetic analysis, to graphically specify a reaction which SECS doesn't know, and continue without interrupting the analysis. The SECS database is also still expanding as a result of contributions from our group and from the SECS Users Group. A META-SECS top-level plan generator has been outlined to reason using synthetic principles and conclude plans which will then be used to Privileged Communication 227 E. A. Feigenbaum SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis Section 9.2.2 guide the existing SECS program in synthetic analysis. The First Order Predicate Calculus is being used to represent the synthetic Strategies and an inference processor is currently in design stages. The explicit representation of synthetic strategies will be an interesting exploration which we feel other synthetic chemists will benefit from, even through manual use of these strategies. Hand simulation of this program is in progress. 2. XENO - A Program to Predict Plausible Metabolites The XENO program was developed to assist metabolism researchers in predicting plausible metabolites of compounds foreign to an organism, and in evaluating the potential biological activity of the resulting metabolites. The knowledge base of XENO has been revised completely and now includes 110 types of metabolic processes. We have specialized on rat and mouse systems to date. The XENO program takes graphical input of a compound to be metabolized and stepwise generates a tree of metabolite structures which might result. The program is operational, but both the program and the data base need improvement for field use. The teletype input and output has been improved by incorporating a modified version of Carhart's teletype plot module from CONGEN so the program can be accessed remotely via teletype or graphics terminal. The second phase of XENO which evaluates potential biological activity is currently being developed. Currently XENO can check each metabolite generated by exact match against a library of compounds and thus if a match is found, pull out the biological activities. Our plans however are to allow extrapolations beyond known compounds and for that we are pursuing several approaches using chemical pattern recognition and chemical similarity. Collaborations with experimental metabolism researchers have begun in order that XENO can make predictions for compounds actively being studied in the laboratory. We hope to get feedback regarding the usefulness of this methodology and to accumulate a list of verified predictions for publication. These collaborators include scientists from NIH, FDA, EPA, ICI Pharmaceutical, Upjohn Co., and UCSF Medical School. This work is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. D. List of Current Project Publications M.L. Spann, K.C. Chu, W.T. Wipke, and G. Ouchi, "Use of Computerized Methods to Predict Metabolic Pathways and Metabolites," J. of Env. Pathology and Toxicology, 2, 123 (1978); also reprinted in “Hazards from Toxic Chemicals," ed. M.A. Mehiman, R.E. Shapiro, M.F. Cranmer ‘and M.J. Norvell, Pathotox Publishers, Inc., Park Forest South, I11., 1978, pp. 123-121. J.D. Andose, E.J.J. Grabowski, P. Gund, J.B. Rhodes, G.M. Smith, and W.T. Wipke, "Computer-Assisted Synthetic Analysis: The Merck Experience,” in. Computer-Assisted Drug Design, ed Olson and Christoffersen, ACS Symposium Series 112, pp 527-552, 1979. E. A. Feigenbaum 228 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.2 SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis S.A. Godleski, P.v.R. Schleyer, E. Osawa, and W.T. Wipke, "The Systematic Prediction of the Most Stable Neutral Hydrocarbon Isomer," Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry, in press. Manuscripts describing our work on symmetry, similarity, and ALCHEM are currently in the review process. E. Funding Status 1. Resource~Related Research: Biomolecular Synthesis PI: W. Todd Wipke, Associate Professor, UCSC ‘Agency: NIH, Research Resources No: RRO1059-03S1 7/1/80-2/28/81 $ 36,949 TDC 2. Computer-Aided Prediction of Metabolites for Carcinogenicity Studies PI: W. Todd Wipke Agency: NIH, National Cancer Institute No: NO1-CP-75816 1/1/80-12/31/80 $74,394 TDC II. Interactions with SUMEX-AIM Resource A. Medical Collaborations and Program Dissemination via SUMEX. SECS is available in the GUEST area of SUMEX for casual users, and in the SECS DEMO area for serious collaborators who plan to use a significant amount of time and need to save the synthesis tree generated. Much of the access by others has been through the terminal equipment at Santa Cruz because graphic terminals make it so much more convenient for structure input and output. A complete synthesis tree was generated for Prof. William Dauben, UC Berkeley of isocomene which was analyzed in detail by his students. They were impressed by the magnitude of the number of synthetic approaches and that all known syntheses were found by the computer. Similarly an analysis of several insect pheremones was done and sent to Prof. A.C. OehIschlager, Dept of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. Other visitors for whom we have done analyses include Dr. M. Onozuka, A. Tomonaga and H. Itoh, Kureha Chemical Co, Tokyo Japan, Dr. Rhyner, Director of research, Ciba-Geigy, Basel. A synthesis of vellerolactone, a substance found to be toxic and teratogenic was generated for Prof. R.E. Carter, Univ. Lund Sweden. A conformational Study of substituted hydroazulenes was performed for Clayton Heathcock, Berkeley (Synthesis of Isoprenoid Antitumor Lactones, NIH CA 12617). The XENO project is working on metabolism of diallylmelamine N-oxide, a hypotensive compound in collaboration with Dr. John M. McCall of Cardiovascular Diseases Research, The Upjohn Co. Dr. Wipke has also used several SUMEX programs such as CONGEN in his course on Computers and Information Processing in Chemistry. Testing and collaboration on the XENO project with researchers at the NCI depend on having access through SUMEX and TYMNET. Privileged Communication 229 E. A. Feigenbaum SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis Section 9.2.2 B. Examples of Sharing, Contacts and Cross-fertilization with other .SUMEX-AIM projects: This year the SECS and XENO project have made use of the teletype plot program which Ray Carhart of the CONGEN project wrote at Stanford. We modified the program to fit the needs of our projects. This was facilitated by being able to transfer the programs within areas on the same computer system at SUMEX. We continue to have intellectual interactions with the DENDRAL and MOLGEN project in areas where we have common interests and have had people from those projects speak at our group seminars. SUMEX also is used for discussions with others in the area of artificial intelligence on the ARPANET. We developed a local print capability through SUMEX with the help of the SUMEX staff which has facilitated our work greatly. C. Critique of Resource Services. We find the SUMEX-AIM network very well human engineered and the staff very friendly and helpful. The SECS project is probably one of the few on the AIM network which must depend exclusively on remote computers, and we have been able to work rather effectively via SUMEX. Basically we have found that SUMEX-AIM provides a productive and scientifically stimulating environment and we are thankful that we are able to access the resource and participate in its activities. SUMEX-AIM gives us at UCSC, a small university, the advantages of a larger group of colleagues, and interaction with people all over the country. We especially thank SUMEX for support of the leased line for our GT40, and for helping develop our remote print capability. SUMEX however has fallen short of our goals and desires: the load average on SUMEX has increased .and reduced my group's efficiency greatly-- the system is too overloaded. We also have not been able to utilize the 4800 baud high speed line we purchased because SUMEX limitations forced running at 2400 baud. We had hoped to be able to write tapes locally with the 4800 baud line, but at 2400 baud it is too slow to be practical. We would like to see some of their local lines slowed down so those remote people doing graphics can run at a higher speed. We have found that when a FORTRAN program is overlayed, the symbol table is lost, making symbolic debugging with DDT impossible, we wish that could be corrected. Lastly our disk space (8000 pages) is too small for our current research projects and staff. D. Collaborations and Medical Use of Programs via Computers other than SUMEX. Arrangements are currently being made to place SECS 2.7 on several computer networks so anyone can access it without having to convert code for their machine. This has proved very useful in the past as a method of getting people to try this new technology. SECS 2.0 has resided on the First Data network since 1974 and has been used extensively in the US and abroad. E. A. Feigenbaum 230 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.2 SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis. III. Research Plans (8/80-7/86) A. Long Range Project Goals and Plans. The SECS project now consists of two major efforts, computer synthesis and metabolism, the latter being a very young project. Our plans for SECS for the next year include adding a high level reasoning module for proposing strategies and goals, and providing control which continues over several steps. This reasoning module also will be able to trace the derivation of goals and thus explain some of its reasoning. We also plan to focus on bringing the transform library up in sophistication to improve the performance and capabilities of SECS. In particular we plan to allow a transform to have access to the precursors generated as well as the product, this will allow much greater control and more natural transform writing, but it requires extensive changes in the SECS control structure to permit this. Currently the similarity module requires a special version of SECS. We plan in the next year to incorporate this module into the standard version of SECS so that the bonds that if broken could lead to identical or similar fragments can be used to create a goal to guide SECS toward such efficient syntheses, even though there may not be a reaction capable of doing that rejoining step. , We will incorporate the Aldrich catalog of available chemicals, both to recognize when a precursor is available and to explore strategies based on available starting materials. The process must be efficient for the library contains 20,000 compounds. We have now a PDP-10, a Univac, and an IBM version of SECS. We hope to compare these and create one version which will run on these and other machines to facilitate sharing of new modules among collaborators. The XENO metabolism project will be expanding the data base to cover more metabolic transforms, including species differences, sequences of transforms, and stereochemical specificities of enzymatic systems. Development of the second phase which assesses the biological activity of the metabolites will continue as will efforts to simulate excretion and incorporation, the endpoints of metabolism. Finally, application of the current program to the molecules actively being investigated by metabolism researchers will occur concurrently to test and verify the work done to date on XENO and provide examples for publication. In the next five years we foresee the SECS and XENO projects reaching a stage of maturity where they will find much application in other research groups. Our research will continue in these areas, but turn to some new programs that approach the problems from different viewpoints and allow us an opportunity to begin fresh taking advantage of what we have learned from the building of SECS and XENO, B. Justification and Requirements for Continued use of SUMEX. The SECS and XENO projects require a large interactive time-sharing capability with high level languages and support programs. I am on the campus computing advisory committee and am the campus representative to the UC Privileged Communication 231 E. A. Feigenbaum SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis Section 9.2.2. Systemwide computing advisory committee and know that the UCSC campus is not likely in the future to be able to provide this kind of resource. Further there does not appear to be in the offing anywhere in the UC system a computer which would be able to offer the capabilities we need. Thus from a practical standpoint, the SECS and XENO projects still need access to SUMEX for survival. Scientifically, interaction with the SUMEX community is’ still extremely important to my research, and will continue to be so because of the direction and orientation of our projects. Collaborations on the metabolism project and the synthesis project need the networking capability of SUMEX-AIM, for we are and will continue to be interacting with synthetic chemists at distant sites and metabolism experts at the National Cancer Institute. Our requirements are for good support of FORTRAN. , Our needs for SUMEX include an expansion of our disk allocation from 8000 pages to 10000 pages for the growth of our programs, databases, and personnel. We are currently tightly constrained spacewise and are hampered in research because of inability to keep needed files. We also would like to have the overlay loader fixed so that an overlaid program can retain its symbol table and permit symbolic use of DDT. This is a serious problem we hope can be fixed by SUMEX staff because without symbols, debugging is very difficult and time-consuming, since we must run SECS and XENO overlaid. C. Needs beyond SUMEX-AIM. We do plan to acquire a virtual memory minicomputer like a VAX or PRIME in the future to offload some of our processing from SUMEX. Such a machine would enable us to do some production and development work locally and would explore the feasibility of those types of machines as hosts for SECS and XENO. A local machine would also free us from the problems we have experienced in the winter when the telephone lines to Stanford get wet and are too noisy to use. Even if we had such a machine we still need to use SUMEX because we plan to continue to develop and maintain the PDP-10 version of SECS and we need SUMEX for its networking capabilities. In the future if we had a mini at UCSC, we would Tighten our load on SUMEX, but currently we see our load increasing as our group grows and as we start new projects yet must maintain existing large programs. We especially need the local capabilities to read and write magnetic tape because we receive and send many tapes between our collaborators. Driving to SUMEX to write a tape is not efficient for our personnel and hinders communication with collaborators via tape. The problem will worsen because the SECS Users Group will be sending UCSC tapes of chemical transforms on a regular basis. D. Recommendations for Community and Resource Development. The AIM Workshops have been excellent in the past and should be continued. We feel the SUMEX resource is heavily utilized, too heavily utilized at times to get any productive work done. SUMEX staff could Tighten the load on the machine by reducing the speed of text terminals at Stanford from 2400 baud and above down to 1200 baud which is plenty fast for humans to read, and E. A. Feigenbaum 232 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.2 SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis giving remote users faster capabilities, say 4800 baud. We feel the community would benefit if remote users such as we had a virtual minicomputer so the toad could be distributed more and not have everything go through Stanford which is highly congested and quite expensive for multiple leased lines. We further feel that it would be worthwhile if discussions regarding the future expansion of SUMEX and the community could include the remote users who depend on SUMEX. SUMEX can not currently handle additional people from the outside community using SECS or XENO for testing. The response time guests and outside collaborators see is not a good reflection on the actual efficiency of the programs. A trivial suggestion but also important is that TV-EDIT be improved to not leave null characters in files which cause problems with compilers both at SUMEX and at other sites when the files are sent to another machine. This suggestion has been made many times by many people but the Situation still exists. Privileged Communication 233 E. A. Feigenbaum Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Section 9.2.3 9.2.3 Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition (CLIPR Project) Walter Kintsch and Peter G. Polson University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado I. Summary of Research Program " The two CLIPR projects have made substantial progress in their research in this past year. This progress is almost completely due to our access to the SUMEX facility. The prose comprehension group has completed one major project, and is currently interacting with other SUMEX projects with the goal of building a prose comprehension model that reflects state- of-the-art knowledge from psychology and artificial intelligence. The main activity of the planning group during the last year has been the detailed analysis of thinking-out-loud protocols collected from both expert and novice software designers. SUMEX facilities have been used to store, edit, and reformat the raw protocols to facilitate later analysis. Results of successive analyses are then input to SUMEX, and SUMEX facilities are used to collate the various results. Technical Goals The CLIPR project consists of two subprojects. The first, the text comprehension project, is headed by Walter Kintsch and is a continuation of work on understanding of connected discourse that has been underway in Kintsch's laboratory for over seven years. The second, the planning project, is headed by Peter Polson of the University of Colorado and Michael Atwood of Science Applications Incorporated, Denver, and is Studying the processes of planning using software design tasks. The goal of the prose comprehension project is to develop a computer System capable of the meaningful processing of prose. This work has been generally guided by the prose comprehension model discussed by Kintsch and van Dijk (1978), although our programming efforts have identified necessary clarifications and modifications in that model (Miller & Kintsch, 1980a). Our more recent research (Miller & Kintsch, 1980b) has emphasized the importance of knowledge and knowledge-based processes in comprehension, and we are accordingly working with the AGE and UNITS groups at SUMEX toward the development of a knowledge-based, blackboard model of prose comprehension. We hope to be able to merge the substantial artificial intelligence research on these systems with psychological interpretations of prose comprehension, resulting in a computational model that is also psychologically respectable. The primary goal of the planning project is the development of a model of human performance on software design tasks. We intend to begin by modeling protocols of experts on solving a particular problem, eventually E. A. Feigenbaum 234 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.3 Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition extending the model to other levels of experience and problems. We propose a two-pronged attack on the process of developing a model, The first is to develop a deeper understanding of our protocol data, to increase our knowledge of the details of the planning processes and the knowledge structures that experts use in the process of planning. We have developed a method of protocol analysis that essentially involves the transforming of the protocol into a Tow level theoretical description of the processes used to solve the design problem. We have assumed a very simplified version of a blackboard model that is described in Atwood and Jeffries (1980). We currently carry out our analysis by hand, developing a form of this low level model for each protocol. However, much of the activities involved in developing this model are clerical in nature and involve the categorization of segments of a verbal protocol and then the reorganization of the categorized information. Much of this work can be automated, and we propose to develop a program that will facilitate our protocol analysis and the development of the Tow level models that we use to describe the behavior of individual subjects. Our second and much longer term objective is the development of a substantive model in AGE that can simulate the design processes. We feel that the software tools that are being developed at SUMEX -- in particular AGE and the UNITS package -- will dramatically facilitate our ability to develop this substantive model. Furthermore, current theoretical ideas about both the process of design and the representation of knowledge involved in developing a design have been strongly influenced by the MOLGEN project at SUMEX (Stefik, 1980). Medical Relevance and Collaboration The text comprehension project impacts indirectly on medicine, as the medical profession is no stranger to the problems of the information glut. By adding to the research on how computer systems might understand and Summarize texts, and determining ways by which the readability of texts can be improved, medicine can only be helped by research on how people understand prose. Development of a more thorough understanding of the various processes responsible for different types of learning problems in children and the corresponding development of a successful remediation Strategy would also be facilitated by an explicit theory of the normal comprehension process. Note that our goal of a blackboard model is particularly relevant to the understanding of learning difficulties. One important aspect of a blackboard model is the separation of cognitive processes into a set of interacting subprocesses. Once such subprocesses have been identified and constructed, it would be instructive to observe the model's performance when certain of these processes are facilitated or inhibited. Many researchers have shown that there are a variety of cognitive deficits (insufficient short-term memory capacity, poor long-term memory retrieval, and such) that can lead to reading problems. Having a blackboard model in which the power of individual components could be manipulated would be a Significant step in determining the nature of such reading problems. Priviteged Communication 235 E. A. Feigenbaum Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Section 9.2.3 The planning project is attempting to gain understanding of the cognitive mechanisms involved in design and planning tasks. The knowledge gained in such research should be directly relevant to a better understanding of the processes involved in medical policy making and in the design of complex experiments. We are currently using the task of software design to describe the processes underlying more general planning mechanisms that are also used in a large number of task oriented environments like policy making. Both the text comprehension project and the planning project involve the development of explicit models of complex cognitive processes; cognitive modelling is a stated goal of both SUMEX and research supported by NIMH. The on-going development of the prose comprehension model would not be possible without our collaboration with the AGE and UNITS research groups. We look forward to a continued collaboration, with, we hope, mutually beneficial results. Several other psychologists have either used or shown an interest in using an early version of the prose comprehension model; these people include Alan Lesgold of SUMEX's SCP project. Needless to say, all of this interaction has been greatly facilitated by the local and network-wide communication systems supported by SUMEX. There has been considerable communication between members of the prose comprehension and AGE/UNITS groups as program bugs have been discovered and corrected; the presence of a mail system has made this process infinitely easier than if telephone or surface mail messages were required. Progress Summary The prose comprehension project has completed an early version of a comprehension model that has now been used by several different researchers (Miller & Kintsch, 1980a). This model has been applied to twenty different texts, and has yielded quite reasonable predictions of recall and readability. We are currently expanding on the premises of this model toward a system that can make use of world knowledge in its analyses, The planning group has completed the detailed analysis of several long thinking-out-loud protocols collected from both expert and novice software designers. These analyses involved the development of a lower level model for each of the protocols. See Atwood and Jeffries (1980) for details and examples. We are about to start development of a program toa partially automate this modelling process. List of Relevant Publications Atwood, M. E., & Jeffries, R. Studies in plan construction I: Analysis of an extended protocol. Technical Report SAI-80-028-DEN, Science Applications, Incorporated, Denver, Co. March, 1980. Polson, P. G., Jeffries, R., Turner, A., & Atwood, M. E. The process of designing software. To appear in J. R. Anderson (Ed.), Learning and Cognition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. E. A. Feigenbaum 236 . Privileged Communication Section 9.2.3 Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Atwood, M. E., Polson, P. G., Jeffries, R., and Ramsey, H. R. Planning as a process of synthesis. Technical Report SAI-78-144-DEN, Science Applications, Incorporated, Denver, Co. December, 1978. Kintsch, W. On modelling comprehension. Invited address at the American Educational Research Association convention. San Francisco, April 10, 1979. Kintsch, W. and van Dijk, T. A. Toward a model of text comprehension and production. Psychological Review, 1978, 85, 363-394. Miller, J. R., & Kintsch, W. Readability and recall of short prose passages: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 1980, in press. Miller, J. R., & Kintsch, W. Readability and recall of short prose passages. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association meetings, April, 1980. Funding Support Status 1. Readability and Comprehension. Walter Kintsch, Professor, University of Colorado National Institute of Education NIE-G-78-0172 9/1/78 - 8/31/81: $96,627 9/1/79 - 8/31/80: $46,537 2. Text Comprehension and Memory Walter Kintsch, Professor, University of Colorado National Institute of Mental Health 5 Rol MH15872-9-13 6/1/76 - 5/31/81: $159,060 6/1/79 - 5/31/80: $32,880 3. Comprehension and Analysis of Information in Text Walter Kintsch, Professor, University of Colorado, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr., Professor, University of Colorado Office of Naval Research, Personnel and Training Programs ONR N00014-78-C-0433 6/1/78 - 5/31/80: $68,315 6/1/80 - 5/31/81: $60,000 4, Procedural Net Theories of Human Planning and Problem Solving Michael Atwood, Research Psychologist, Science Applications, Incorporated; Denver, Colorado Office of Naval Research, Personnel and Training Programs ONR N0014-78-C-0165 1/25/78 ~ 12/31/80: $230,000 1/1/80 - 12/31/80: $85,000 Privileged Communication 237 E. A. Feigenbaum Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Section 9.2.3 If. Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource Sharing and Interactions with other SUMEX-AIM Projects Our primary interaction with the SUMEX community has been the work of the prose comprehension group with the AGE and UNITS projects at SUMEX. Feigenbaum and Nii have visited Colorado, and one of us (Miller) recently attended the AGE workshop at SUMEX. Both of these meetings have been very valuable in increasing our understanding of how our problems might best be solved by the various systems available at SUMEX. We also hope that our experiments with the AGE and UNITS packages have been helpful to the development of those projects. We should also mention theoretical and experimental insights that we have received from Alan Lesgold and other members of the SUMEX SCP project. It is likely that the initial comprehension model (Miller & Kintsch, 1980a) will be used by Dr. Lesgold and other researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Manitoba. Critique of Resource Management The SUMEX-AIM resource is clearly suitable for the current and future needs of our project. We have found the staff of SUMEX to be cooperative and effective in dealing with special requirements and responding to our questions. The facilities for communication on the ARPANET have also facilitated collaborative work with investigators throughout the country. III. Research Plans (8/79 - 7/81) Long Range Projects Goals and Plans The primary long-term goal of the prose comprehension group is the development of a blackboard-based model of prose comprehension. Correspondingly, we anticipate continued use of the AGE and UNITS packages. These packages allow us to model the knowledge structures possessed by people and the inferential processes that operate upon those structures, and are essential to our work, The primary goal of the planning project is the development of a model, or a series of models, of human performance on the software design task. We intend to begin by modeling the protocols of experts on a particular task, eventually extending the model to other levels of experience and other tasks. To do this we will have to become more Familiar with AGE and work on articulating our theory in a way that is compatible with the AGE framework. This will involve two parallel lines of effort. One is a deeper analysis of our protocol data, to increase our knowledge of the detailed planning processes and knowledge structures experts are using to solve these problems. The second is the development of a model in AGE that can simulate these processes. We have to date been using SUMEX only for the latter activity, but we are beginning discover that both objectives are so intertwined that it is counter-productive for us to be using separate computer systems. We have transferred much of our protocol analyses activities to SUMEX, making it easier for us to share this very rich data source with other investigators. E. A. Feigenbaum 238 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.3 Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use The research of the prose comprehension project is clearly tied to continued access to the AGE and UNITS packages, which are simply not available elsewhere, We hope that our continued use of these systems will be offset by the input we have been and will continue to provide to those projects: our relationship has been symbiotic, and we look forward to its continuation. Needs and Plans for Other Computational Resources We currently use three other computing systems, two of which are local to the University of Colorado. One is the Department of Psychology's CLIPR system, which is a Xerox Sigma 3 used primarily for the real-time running of experiments to be modeled on SUMEX. The second is the University of Colorado's CDC 6400, which is used for various types of statistical analysis. Thirdly, the planning group has been using a PRIME computer located at Science Applications, Incorporated for the storage and analysis of protocols. - CLIPR is about to replace the Sigma 3 with a VAX 11/780. When the ARPA-sponsored Vax/Interlisp project is completed, we would be most interested in experimenting with becoming a remote AGE/UNITS site. It would seem that this sort of development is the ultimate goal of the package projects, and this type of interaction, once it becomes feasible, would be a logical extension of our association with the SUMEX facility. Recommendations for Future Community and Resource Development Our primary recommendation for future development within SUMEX involves (a) the continued support of INTERLISP, which is needed for AGE and for other work we have underway on SUMEX and (b) the continued development of the AGE and UNITS projects. In particular, we would like to see an extension of AGE to include a wider variety of control structures so that our psychological models would not be confined to one particular view of knowledge-based processing. Given our imminent acquisition of a VAX, we would particularly Support the ongoing and continued development of INTERLISP for the VAX, so that local use of AGE and UNITS would be possible. Since we, as well as other psychologists, need the real-time capability of VAX/VMS to run on- line experiments, we hope that the INTERLISP system to be developed will be compatible with VMS. Note that this need for real-time work coincides with real-world applications of SUMEX programs, in which a VAX might be devoted to both real-time patient monitoring and diagnostic systems such as PUFF or MYCIN. Privileged Communication 239 E. A. Feigenbaum HMF - Higher Mental Functions Section 9.2.4 9.2.4 HMF - Higher Mental Functions Higher Mental Functions Project Kenneth Mark Colby, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Computer Science Neuropsychiatric Institute University of California at Los Angeles I. Summary of Research Program A. Project rationale The rationale of this project is to contribute new knowledge and instruments to the fields of psychiatry, neurology, and communication disorders using the concepts and methods of artificial intelligence. The project is involved in studies of paranoid conditions, psychiatric taxonomy, intelligent speech prostheses, ideographics for language generation, and computer enhancement of patient outcomes in large mental hospitals. B.. Medical relevance and collaboration. As can be seen from the above description, the project has clear medical relevance. The project collaborates with psychiatrists, neurologists, speech pathologists and biomedical engineers. Besides working at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, the project collaborates with the Northridge Hospital Foundation, Northridge, California. C. Highlights of research progress. In collaboration with three psychiatrists and four psychologists we are working out a new taxonomy for the "neuroses", a category which is notoriously unreliable in the psychiatric classification scheme. In this pilot study we are collecting data on 50 patients and 70 controls. One segment of data is provided by the subjects’ self-accounts which are analyzed by a large program run on the SUMEX facility. This program finds the key ideas in the subject's account and assigns him a profile. The profiles will be clustered into groups and the groups compared to those formed on the basis of the other data-collections in the study. During the past year, the project has developed intelligent speech prostheses (ISPs) which (a) utilize a lexical-semantic word-finding algorithm for anomic aphasias and (b) utilize ocular control for the generation of synthesized Speech. These devices serve as aids to nonvocal patients handicapped by Strokes, tumors, cerebral palsy, and tracheostomies. The word-finding algorithm is dynamically re-organized by the user's selection of words. It is currently being tested on a 54-year-old man with an almost complete anomia due to a stroke in the left hemisphere. The algorithm needs a larger memory to accommodate at least 5,000 English words. The large dictionary on the SUMEX facility is of great help in constructing the lexical-semantic memory, E. A. Feigenbaum 240 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.4 HMF - Higher Mental Functions We have just begun to test the use of ocular control of an ISP. The ‘patient wears specially designed spectacles which can detect where the eye is directed on a small TV screen. Thus the patient spells out words by looking at letters on the screen. Signals from the spectacles are sent to the ISP which generates the utterance of the words thus spelled. Although we have ceased to work on the paranoid PARRY program, due to Tack of funding, it is available for demonstration and study by those interested in modelling psychiatric syndromes. We are in the planning stages of developing a computer ideographic writing system for language generation by nonspeaking patients who cannot spell. If they can learn ideographic symbols which stand for certain concepts and construct the symbols on a graphics terminal by pressing keys, a translating program will convert the symbols into English words which in turn will be spoken by an ISP. We are also beginning to design a type of computerized “recreational-educative" therapy for patients in large mental hospitals with such a shortage of professional manpower that the patients' treatment is limited mainly to custodial care. D. List of Relevant Publications. Colby, K. M., Christinaz, D., Graham, S. 1978. A computer-driven personal, portable, and intelligent speech prosthesis. Computers and Biomedical Research, 11: 337-343, Colby, K. M. 1979. Computer simulation and artificial intelligence in psychiatry. In Methods of Biobehavioral Research E. A. Serafetinides, (ed.), New York: Grune and Stratton. Colby, K. M. 1980. Computer psychotherapists. In Technology in Mental Health Care Delivery Systems, J. B. Sidowski, J. H. Johnson, T. A. Williams (Eds.). Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Heiser, J. F., Colby, K. M., Faught, W. S., Parkison, R. C. 1980. Can psychiatrists distinguish a computer simulation of paranoia from the real thing? The limitations of Turing-like tests as measures of the adequacy of simulations. Journal of Psychiatric Research, Vol. 15, No. 3 Parkison, R. C. 1980. An effective computational approach to the comprehension of purposeful English dialogue. Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, (forthcoming). Colby, K. M., Christinaz, D., Graham, S., Parkison, R. C. A word- finding algorithm using a dynamic lexical- semantic memory for patients with anomia. (In press) Privileged Communication 241 E. A. Feigenbaum HMF - Higher Mental Functions Section 9.2.4 E. Funding Support. 1. Titles of grants a) Intelligent Speech Prosthesis b) Ocular control of Intelligent Speech Prosthesis. 2. Principal Investigator Kenneth Mark Colby, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Computer Science Neuropsychiatric Institute University of California at Los Angeles 3. Funding agencies a) Intelligent Systems Program, Division of Mathematics and Computer Science, National Science Foundation. b}) Science and Technology to Aid the Handicapped Program, National Science Foundation. 4. Grant numbers a) NSF-MCS 78-09900 b) NSF PFR - 17358 5. Total award period a) 6/1/78 - 11/30/80 $135,260. b) 10/1/79 - 3/31/81 $318,368. 6. Current period (see 5. above) II. Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource A. The project communicates and collaborates with the Communication Enhancement Project at Michigan State University, John Eulenberg, Principal Investigator. B. The project communicates with the SUMEX project at the University of Texas at Galveston, John F. Heiser, M.D., Principal Investigator, who experiments with and demonstrates the PARRY program, C. Critique of resource management. The SUMEX staff is still excellent and responsive to our needs. Our only problems are with the telephone company portion of our communications link with SUMEX. E. A. Feigenbaum 242 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.4 HMF - Higher Mental Functions TII. Research Plans (8/80 - 7/86) A. Project goals and plans 1. Near-term We plan to continue to work on the problems described above. Further clinical experience is necessary in testing and developing the word-finding algorithm and the ocularly-controlled ISP. These efforts should be completed in about two years. 2. Long-range It will take years to solve the problems of psychiatric taxonomy, computer ideographic writing systems, and computer enhancement of hospitalized patient outcome. Our work in these areas will depend upon obtaining the requisite funding. B. Justification for continued SUMEX use, All the problems we work on involve natural language in some form or other. We analyze natural language input and generate natural language output. These efforts require large dictionaries and large LISP programs which run at SUMEX. No comparable facilities are available at UCLA. Hence we are heavily dependent upon SUMEX for the continuation of this research. C. Needs and plans for other computer resources. An ISP consists of a microprocessor interfaced with a speech Synthesizre. We have constructed 3 ISPs, building two of the microprocessors ourselves. We expect to purchase another microprocessor and a graphics terminal. D. Recommendations for future development. The SUMEX system is often heavily loaded during daytime hours. The batch facility permits us to run some large production jobs overnight unattended, but the daytime loading is often so great that it discourages even small interactive jobs, such as text editing. It would be very helpful to have more computing power during the daytime, if funding is available. Privileged Communication 243 E. A. Feigenbaum INTERNIST Project Section 9.2.5 9.2.5 INTERNIST Project INTERNIST Project J. D. Myers, M.D. and H. Pople, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I. Summary of Research Program A. Medical Rationale The principal objective of this project is the development of a high- level computer diagnostic program in the broad field of internal medicine as an aid in the solution of complex and complicated diagnostic problems. To be effective, the program must be capable of multiple diagnoses (related or independent) in.a given patient. A major achievement of this research undertaking has been the design of a program called INTERNIST, along with an extensive medical data base now encompassing almost 500 diseases and more than 3,000 manifestations of disease. Although this consultative program is designed primarily to aid skilled internists in complicated medical problems, the program may have spin-off as a diagnostic and triage aid to physicians assistants, rural heaith clinics, military medicine and space travel. Development of the system which we now call INTERNIST-I was begun about eight years ago. The system was successfully demonstrated for the first time in 1974 and has been used since that time in the analysis of hundreds of clinical problems. ; ; A major point of departure for the design of the original INTERNIST program was the realization that the task of clinical decision making in internal medicine is an ill-structured problem. In other domains, the task of diagnosis is often viewed as one of pattern recognition or discrimination: there is available a predefined collection of possible classifications (characterizing disease entities or clinical states), one and only one of which is considered possible in the case being studied. A diagnostic problem solver dealing with such a well structured domain has the fairly straightforward task of selecting that one of this fixed set of alternatives which best fits the facts of the case. Many statistical, pattern recognition, and algorithmic techniques have been employed successfully in performing computer aided diagnosis in these well Structured clinical problem domains. Primarily because complex cases often involve two or more concurrently active disease processes, no set of exhaustive and mutually exclusive classifications can be developed to structure the diagnostic problem in internal medicine. In principle, it might be argued that this E. A. Feigenbaum 244 Privileged Communication Section 9,2.5 INTERNIST Project more complex problem domain could be reduced to a simple discrimination - task if, in addition to the individual disease entities, one includes appropriate multiple disease complexes in the set of allowable patient descriptors. However, since our experience indicates that as many as ten or twelve individual descriptors may apply in a complex clinical problem, and considering that there are a thousand or more individual descriptors of interest in Internal Medicine, the prospect of recording explicitly ail possible multiple disease classifications is clearly infeasible. Our thesis is that, in the absence of explicit structure derived from the problem domain, the successful clinician engages in heuristic imposition of structure so that effective problem solving strategies might be selected and employed for decision making relative to the postulated problem structure. In INTERNIST-I, this concept of heuristic imposition of structure is expressed primarily by means of a novel "problem-formation" heuristic. In effect, the program composes dynamically, on the basis of evidence provided, what in context constitutes a presumed exhaustive and mutually exclusive subset of disease entities that can explain, more or less equally well, some significant subset of the observed findings in a clinical case. This heuristic problem structuring procedure is invoked repeatedly during the course of a diagnostic consultation in order to deal sequentially with the component parts of a complex clinical problem. Because INTERNIST is intended to serve a consulting role in medical diagnosis, it has been challenged with a wide variety of difficult clinical problems: cases published in the medical journals, coc's, and other interesting and unusual problems arising in the local teaching hospitals. In the great majority of these test cases, the problem-formation strategy of INTERNIST has proved to be effective in sorting out the pieces of the puzzle and coming to a correct diagnosis, involving in some cases as many as a dozen disease entities. On the basis of this extensive test of the initial INTERNIST system, it has become clear that many aspects of the system's performance could be significantly enhanced if it would be possible to deal with the various component problems and their interrelationships simultaneously. This has led to the design of INTERNIST-II, a system embodying strategies of concurrent problem-formation which we expect will yield more rapid convergence to the correct diagnosis in many cases, and in at least some cases provide more acceptable diagnostic behavior. B. Medical relevance and collaboration The program inherently has direct and substantial medical relevance. The institution of collaborative studies with other institutions has been deferred pending completion of the programs and knowledge base enhancements required for INTERNIST-II, Privileged Communication 245 E. A. Feigenbaum INTERNIST Project . Section 9.2.5. C. Highlights of research progress Accomplishments this past year During the past year, the R & D activities of the INTERNIST project have concentrated on three major problem areas associated with the original implementation of INTERNIST. These areas are: a) restructuring of the underlying diagnostic logic of INTERNIST to conform more closely to the expectations of clinician users of the System. The primary goal in developing a new model of diagnostic reasoning is to achieve a concurrent problem formation capability in order that improved scoring methods and attention to the principle of parsimony might be exploited in focusing the attention of INTERNIST on regions of the problem space having the greatest potential for yielding a solution. Moreover, the new approach has the potential for improved modes of interaction with the user, as it can reveal at any point in its analysis the multiple partial characterizations that have been postulated, and expose the space of alternative complex descriptions that can be generated by combining these partial characterizations. The potential for providing justification and explanation of the system's behavior is thereby greatly enhanced. b) development of a friendlier user interface, enabling use of the system by clinicians unfamiliar with the specifics of the INTERNIST vocabulary. One of the barriers to successful implementation of the original INTERNIST system in a ward setting is the language of discourse used in that system for specifying the positive and negative findings in a clinical case. The number of possible findings that might be entered now numbers more than three thousand; thus some means for convenient browsing among these possible entries, and some convenient means for communicating the selected items to INTERNIST had to be found. We have developed for this purpose a menu-selection front end system, that comprises a network of approximately 1000 frames designed to permit selection of pertinent facts that might be revealed by any of a host of information acquisition procedures. Convenient escape mechanisms have been provided to permit the user to alternate between the interactive data entry and analytical components of the system. c) incorporation of additional disease profiles and related medical information in the INTERNIST knowledge base, to approach the critical mass required for effective field tests of the system. Research in Progress © There are five major components to the continuation of this research project: 1) The completion, continued updating, refinement and testing of the extensive medical knowledge base required for the operation of INTERNIST. E. A. Feigenbaum 246 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.5 INTERNIST Project 2) The completion and implementation of the improved diagnostic consulting program, which has been designed to overcome certain performance problems identified during the past four years' experience with the original INTERNIST program. 3) Institution of field trials of INTERNIST on the clinical services in internal medicine at the Health Center of the University of Pittsburgh. 4) Expansion of the clinical field trials to other university health centers which have expressed interest in working with the system. 5) Adaptation of the diagnostic program and data base of INTERNIST to subserve educational purposes and the evaluation of clinical performance and competence. D. List of relevant publications 1. Pople, H.E. "The Formation of Composite Hypotheses in Diagnostic Problem Solving: An Exercise in Synthetic Reasoning", Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Boston, August 1977. 2. Pople, H.E. "On the Knowledge Acquisition Process in Applied A.1I. Systems", Report of Panel on Applications of A.I., Proceedings of Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1977. 3. Pople, H.E., Myers, J. D. & Miller, R.A. “The DIALOG Model of Diagnostic Logic and its Use in Internal Medicine, Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tbilisi, USSR, September 1975. 4. Pople, H.E. "Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Computer-Based Medical Consultation, Proceeding IEEE Intercon, New York, 1975. E. Funding support 1. Title of grant. Clinical Decision Systems Research Resource. 2. Harry E. Pople, Jr., Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Business Jack D. Myers, M.D. University Professor (Medicine) University of Pittsburgh 3. Division of Research Resources National Institutes of Health 4. 5 R24 RRO1101-03 Privileged Communication 247 E. A. Feigenbaum INTERNIST Project Section 9.2.5 5. 07/01/77-06/30/78 $160,414 07/01/78-06/30/79 $178,414 6. 07/01/79-06/30/80 $200,414 II. Interactions with the SUMEX-AIM Resource A, B. Collaborations and Medical Use of Program Via SUMEX INTERNIST remains in a stage of research and development. As noted above, we are continuing to develop better computer programs to operate the diagnostic system, and the knowledge base cannot be used very effectively for collaborative purposes until it has reached a critical stage of completion. These factors have stifled collaboration via SUMEX up to this point and will continue to do so for the next year or two. In the meanwhile, through the SUMEX community there continues to be an exchange of information and states of progress. Such interactions particularly take place at the annual AIM Workshop. C. Critique of Resource Management SUMEX has been an excellent resource for the development of INTERNIST. Our large program is handled efficiently, effectively and accurately. The staff at SUMEX have been uniformly supportive, cooperative, and innovative in connection with our project's needs. III. Research Plans (8/80-7/86) A. Project Goals and Plans We expect that the conversion of INTERNIST knowledge structures to the form required by INTERNIST-II will be reasonably complete by the next fiscal year (June 30, 1981). Shortly thereafter, provided adequate hardware resources are available, we intend to commence formal field trials of INTERNIST at the Presbyterian-University Hospital of Pittsburgh. This local phase of the clinical evaluation will continue for approximately one year, Beginning in July 1982, we intend to extend the clinical trials to collaborating institutions, with the addition of one additional user group approximately every six months through June 1984. E. A. Feigenbaum 248 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.5 | INTERNIST Project B. Justification and Requirements for Continued SUMEX Use In order to provide the level of computer services required by the expanded level of R & D activity in the near term, and to support the schedule of field trial studies envisioned during the current five year planning horizon, we have requested NIH support for a dedicated INTERNIST machine to be acquired during the next fiscal year. If this hardware support becomes available, we would not expect to make additional demands on SUMEX-AIM for computing services. However, we would continue to look to SUMEX for software support and for the communications network that so effectively bridges the far-flung AIM community. Until such dedicated resources are in place, we would expect to make use of the SUMEX-AIM facilities at a moderately increased level of utilization. Privileged Communication 249 E. A. Feigenbaum PUFF/VM Project Section 9.2.6 9.2.6 PUFF/VM Project PUFF/VM: Biomedical Knowledge Engineering in Clinical Medicine John J. Osborn, M.D. The Institutes of Medical Sciences (San Francisco) Pacific Medical Center and Edward A. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. Computer Science Department Stanford University The immediate goal of this project is the development of knowledge- based programs to interpret physiological measurements made in clinical medicine. The interpretations are intended to be used to aid in diagnostic decision making and in therapeutic actions. The programs will operate within medical domains which have well developed measurement technologies and reasonably well understood procedures for interpretation of measured resuits. The programs are: (1) PUFF: the interpretation of standard pulmonary function laboratory data which include measured flows, lung volumes, pulmonary diffusion capacity and pulmonary mechanics, and (2) VM: management of respiratory insufficiency in the intensive care unit. The second, but equally important, goal of this project is the dissemination of Artificial Intelligence techniques and methodologies to medical communities that are involved in computer aided medical diagnosis and interpretation of patient data. Funding support: PUFF/VM is supported by NIH grant GM24669 for $164,000 from 1 September 1978 - 30 August 1981. Some indirect costs are included in this total. A proposal for supplemental funding, submitted 1 February 1979, is pending. I. Summary Of Research Program PUFF A. Technical Goals The task of PUFF program is to interpret standard measures of pulmonary function. It is intended that PUFF produce a report for the | patient record, explaining the clinical significance of measured test results. PUFF also must provide a diagnosis of the presence and severity E. A. Feigenbaum 250 Privileged Communication Section 9.2.6 PUFF/VM Project of pulmonary disease in terms of measured data, referral diagnosis, and- patient characteristics. The program must operate effectively over a wide range of pathological conditions with a broad clinical perspective about the possible complexity of the pathology. B. Medical Relevance and Collaboration Interpretation of standard pulmonary function tests involves attempting to identify the presence of obstructive airways disease (OAD: indicated by reduced flow rates during forced exhalation), restrictive Tung disease (RLD: indicated by reduced lung volumes), and alveolar-capillary diffusion defect (DD: indicated by reduced diffusivity of inhaled CO into the blood). Obstruction and restriction may exist concurrently, and the presence of one mediates the severity of the other. Obstruction of several types can exist. In the laboratory at the Pacific Medical Center (PMC), about 50 parameters are calculated from measurement of lung volumes, flow rates, and diffusion capacity. In addition to these measurements, the physician may also consider patient history and referral diagnosis in interpreting the test results and diagnosing the presence and severity of pulmonary disease. Currently PUFF contains a set of about 250 physiologically based interpretation "rules". Each rule is of the form "IF THEN ". Each rule relates physiological measurements or states to a conclusion about the physiological significance of the measurement or State. The interpretation system operates in a batch mode, accepting input data and printing a report for each patient. The report includes: (1) Interpretation of the physiological meaning of the test results, the limitation on the interpretation because of bad or missing data; the response to bronchodilators if used; and the consistency of the findings _ and referral diagnosis. (2) clinical findings, including the applicability of the use of bronchodilators, the consistency of multiple indications for airway obstruction, the relation between test results, patient characteristics and referral diagnosis. (3) Interpretation Summary, which consists of the diagnosis of presence and severity of abnormality of pulmonary function. C. Progress Summary Knowledge base: PUFF is implemented on the PDP-10 in a version of the MYCIN system which is designed to accept rules from new task domains. A typical rule is: Priviteged Communication 251 E. A. Feigenbaum PUFF/VM Project . Section 9.2.6 If (FVC>=80) and (FEV1/FVC tf om ph ga 0 d o ® c A — MIT44 LINCOLN ¢y 5 “\ —-— LBL MOFFETT cD \ \ / 0 C RCCS Ames 15/48 OLLL JE recag fh Y) SRI UTAH CORADCOM a Orcc71 O 4 SRI51 C) XEROX ANL (’ nape W F) BBNO STANFORD ‘ b>) BBNG3 ) > TYMSHARE Ko }7‘BBN30 \ suman 7 Cb OC HAWAII YT] © \ [] NBS 0 NORSAR we " by .[] PENTAGON << ] COLLINS GUNTER BRAGG EGLIN_] ROBINS © a O LONDON TEXAS AW SATELLITE CIRCUIT O IMP O TIP A PLURIBUS IMP © PLURIBUS TIP (NOTE: THIS MAP DOES NOT SHOW ARPA’S EXPERIMENTAL SATELLITE CONNECTIONS) NAMES SHOWN ARE IMP NAMES, NOT (NECESSARILY) HOST NAMES uot JeoOTuNUMO) peZeTTaAtig ad xtpueddy S8TIT[TOR] UoTJeOTUNUMIOD) YAOMJeN sjowsy uoLzeoOLUNWWOD paBaLLAtud T8€ wnequeblay -y "a ‘oz eunbiy dew xsomIaN LeotHoy LINVdYY ARPANET LOGICAL MAP, MARCH 1980 3033 3033 coc7600 | [FPS-AP120B 370/195 DATA - cpcEEoo Foran “360/76 COMPUTER PDP-10 fepe-11]) [coceaon} | VARIANT [Pop-10] POP-10 (Pppcio] DEC-2040T DEC-2050T = PDF-11] ~~ ean H6180 PDP-11 oreert Po. | ia Vo ooce ame (Here) | waits coal SPP] ces mt POP-10 PLURIBUS C - UTAH 7 — ACCS 16 [st : POP-VY PDP-11 POP-11 [PoP-17] 360/67 PDP-11 Y | ILLIAC -1V PoP -6 aaa POP-11 Lu ADEC=1070) [PORT Ceca) PDP Al {oe - 1090T}. \ | [pop [PoP-17] s ror=11 Sywrare cytlt 44 < BE PDP-10 —- HAWATI AMES15, SRI2 voA ° \ \ us Por PDP -10 PL [pec 1080} . 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TEXAS Aaunten Hee LS [ Por-9 | 22060) ies yeas or GEC 4080 ' . / =o; (Dec 10 360/1955 oO IMP PLEASE NOTE THAT WHILE [THiS MAP SHOWS THE HOST te POPULATION OF THE NETWORK ACCORDING TO THE Q BEST INFORMATION OBTAINABLE, NO CLAIM CAN BE ZY PLURIBUS IMP Q PLURIBUS TIP OCA SATELLITE CIRCUIT (A. VERY DISTANT HOST MADE FOR ITS ACCURACY HOST COMPUTER CONFIGURATION SUPPLIED BY THE NETWORK INFORMATION CENTER NAMES SHOWN ARE IMP NAMES, NOT { NECESSARILY } HOST NAMES SOLFLLLIVJ UOLYESLUNWWOD YIOMIEN a OWeyY qd Xipueddy T°2ee wnequabley -y °3 uoLzeoLuNMMO) peBalLAtug dew xyomzen LeorydeuHoey 3NI73L -etz eunbey Ir (CURRENT) IL THE YELENET NETWORK O Class 1 Central Oftice @ Class 2 or Class 3 Central Office To Mexico g Xtpuaddy SALPLLLIBY VOLYRDILUNWWO} YSOMIEN |B }OWAaY Appendix 0 Remote Network Communication Facilities (MID 1980) THE YELENET NETWORK Figure 21b. E. A. Fei>onbaum 382.2 Privileged Communication Resource Management Structure Appendix E Appendix E Resource Management Structure Philosophy of Management One way to administer a national resource is by subcontract to a fee- compensated, neutral agent under a governing body that could speak to the technical and quality-control interests of the served constituency. Appropriate in some circumstances, this model would separate the administration of the resource from active participation in the on-going research and development. An approach expected to foster greater creativity is to couple the resource closely with an active user-center. This of course can lead to manifest conflicts of interest that must be addressed and avoided if the resource is to be available fairly on a regional or national basis. SUMEX-AIM has been based on the latter approach with a charter that spells out the underlying objectives and responsibilities of the program, and which establishes incentives, resources, and obligations for proper performance. Our resource design, incorporating all of these ingredients, has made the development of the procedural framework a matter of simple common-sense logic. It will be plain that the convergence of local self- interest with peer and contractual responsibility offers the best assurance that the programmatic goals will be respected and simplifies the tasks of surveillance and accountability. The self-interest part of this equation stems from our original motivation in requesting the resource: the need for specialized computing facilities to support intense, interdisciplinary studies in applications of AI at Stanford University Medical School. Comprising several departments (Chemistry, Medicine, Genetics, and Computer Science), interwoven projects (DENDRAL, MYCIN, MOLGEN, Heuristic Programming), and principal faculty (Professors Feigenbaum, Lederberg, Djerassi, Shortliffe, and Buchanan), a Substantial body of research has progressed and evolved over many years. Successful, stable collaborations of this scope are not readily found. This history both depends upon and contributes to the doctrine of resource- sharing that underlies the SUMEX-AIM effort. One premise of the management plan is therefore the charter allocation of half the user-available capacity of the SUMEX facility to the Stanford complex of projects, subject to a local committee chaired by Professor Feigenbaum. This principle clearly defines the local benefit of the resource, minimizes anxiety and conflict-of-interest, and enables the local group to respond quite objectively to the allocations that are made by an Executive Committee for the "national" or non-Stanford aliquot (see the section on "Management Committees" below). Another important contribution to the success of the plan is the welcome participation of an NIH-BRP representative on the Executive Committee. What would be inappropriate meddling in the conduct of a narrower research project funded by NIH, is a communication channel and source of detached judgment that has Privileged Communication 383 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix —E Resource Management Structure been invaluable in expediting the innumerable decisions about which NIH must and should be consulted in the week-to-week business of the resource. The efficacy of this principle, as is appropriate to acknowledge here, has been validated and enhanced by the style and energy that Dr. William Baker has brought to this task. Further consequences of the charter principles are the conscientious cultivation of the "national" community for the most efficacious use of its aliquot, and the further growth of distributed facilities in due course. In summer of 1977, a computing facility at Rutgers University was established, coupled to SUMEX-AIM via the ARPANET and with 15% of the user- available capacity allocated for AIM use with the advice of the AIM Executive Committee. An increasing number of projects are using that resource as reported in Section 9. Finally, the recognition in the charter that SUMEX-AIM is not merely a retail-store for computer cycles, but the means of building a community, is a necessary basis for the morale of the whole operation and the rationale for no fee-for-service. The remainder of this section will summarize the way in which these responsibilities are handled bureaucratically. Organization and Procedures The SUMEX-AIM resource is administered between the Departments of Medicine and Computer Science of Stanford University. Its mission, locally and nationally, entails both the recruitment of appropriate research projects interested in medical AI applications and the catalysis of interactions among these groups and the broader medical community. User projects are separately funded and autonomous in their management. They are selected for access to SUMEX on the basis of their scientific and medical merits as well as their commitment to the community goals of SUMEX. Currently active projects span a broad range of application areas such as clinical diagnostic consultation, molecular biochemistry, psychological and affective behavior modeling, instrument data interpretation, and tool building to facilitate the development of new AI applications. In July 1978, Professor Lederberg, the original SUMEX Principal Investigator, became president of The Rockefeller University. Professor Feigenbaum, chairman of the Stanford Department of Computer Science, took Over as Principal Investigator of the SUMEX project. Because of Prof. Feigenbaum's role as co-Principal Investigator of SUMEX from its start and his long standing collaboration with Prof. Lederberg, the management transition took place very smoothly. The SUMEX-AIM community continues to function with the same high level of vitality as before and has continued to grow. Professor Lederberg retains an active role in the SUMEX-AIM community as chairman of the AIM Executive Committee and on a more frequent basis through the system message facilities. Close scientific and administrative ties are retained with the Stanford medical community. Immediately following Prof. Lederberg's E. A. Feigenbaum 384 Privileged Communication Resource Management Structure Appendix E departure, Professor Stanley Cohen, new chairman of the Department of Genetics, provided this liaison. In recognition of the growing scope and Significance of the clinical applications being pursued at SUMEX, we have recently significantly strengthened our contacts within the Stanford community in that area. Professor Edward H. Shortliffe, one of the key designers of MYCIN, has assumed the role of co-Principal Investigator of SUMEX and the project will become administratively part of the Stanford Department of Medicine, effective August 1980. As part of the largest clinical medicine department at Stanford, SUMEX will have increased visibility and opportunity to broaden its local scientific collaborations. Management Committees Since the SUMEX-AIM project is a multilateral undertaking by its very Nature, we have created several management committees to assist in administering the various portions of the SUMEX resource. As defined in the SUMEX-AIM management plan adopted at the time the initial resource grant was awarded, the available facility capacity is allocated 40% to Stanford Medical School projects, 40% to national projects, and 20% to common system development and related functions. Within the Stanford aliquot, Prof. Feigenbaum has established an advisory committee to assist in selecting and allocating resources among projects appropriate to the SUMEX mission. The current membership of this committee is listed in Appendix I. For the national community, two committees serve complementary functions. An Executive Committee oversees the operations of the AIM resources (SUMEX and the AIM portion of the Rutgers facility) as related to national users and makes the final decisions on authorizing admission for new projects and revalidating continued access for existing projects. It also establishes policies for resource allocation and approves plans for resource development and augmentation within the national portion of SUMEX (e.g., hardware upgrades, significant new development projects, etc.). The Executive Committee oversees the planning and implementation of the AIM Workshop series implemented under Prof. S. Amarel of Rutgers University and assures coordination with other AIM activities as well. The committee will play a key role in assessing the possible need for additional future AIM community computing resources and in deciding the optimal placement and management of such facilities. The current membership of the Executive committee is listed in Appendix I. Reporting to the Executive Committee, an Advisory Group represents the interests of medical and computer science research relevant to AIM goals. The Advisory Group serves several functions in advising the Executive Committee; 1) recruiting appropriate medical/computer science Projects, 2) reviewing and recommending priorities for allocation of resource capacity to specific projects based on scientific quality and medical relevance, and 3) recommending policies and development goals for the resource. The current Advisory Group membership is given in Appendix I. Privileged Communication 385 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix E Resource Management Structure These committees have functioned actively in support of the resource. Except for the meetings held during the AIM workshops, the committees have "met" by messages, net-mail, and telephone conference owing to the size of the groups and to save the time and expense of personal travel to meet face to face. The telephone meetings, in conjunction with terminal access to related text materials, have served quite well in accomplishing the agenda business and facilitate greatly the arrangement of meetings. Other solicitations of advice requiring review of sizable written proposals are done by mail. New Project Recruiting The SUMEX-AIM resource has been announced through a variety of media as well as by correspondence, contacts of NIH-BRP with a variety of prospective grantees who use computers, and contacts by our own staff and committee members. The number of formal projects that have been admitted to SUMEX has nearly quadrupled since the start of the project; others are working tentatively as pilot projects or are under review. Reports for the various projects can be found in Section 9 and a graphical summary of community growth in Appendix B. In the recent past we have made numerous efforts to broaden outside awareness of work in the AIM community and to encourage new research projects including: 1) CONGEN workshop at Stanford, December 1978. 2) AGE workshop at Stanford, February 1980. 3) AI session in the Fourth Illinois Conference on Medical Information Systems, 1979. 4) INTERNIST participation in a course on AI computing at NIH, 1979. 5) AI session in the Association for Information Science meeting, 1979. 6) AI session at Sixth International Joint Conference on AI, August 1979 and extensive Tecture tour among Japanese university and industrial research projects. 7) MYCIN and INTERNIST program demonstrations at the American College of Physicians meetings in 1979 and 1980. We have prepared a variety of materials for prospective new users ranging from general information in a SUMEX-AIM overview brochure to more detailed information and guidelines for determining whether a user project is appropriate for the SUMEX-AIM resource. Dr. E. Levinthal has prepared a questionnaire to assist users seriously considering applying for access to SUMEX-AIM. Pilot project categories have been established both within the Stanford and national aliquots of the facility capacity to assist and encourage new projects in formulating possible AIM proposals and pending their application for funding support. Pilot projects are approved for E. A. Feigenbaum 386 Privileged Communication Resource Management Structure Appendix E access for limited periods of time after preliminary review by the Stanford or AIM Advisory Group as appropriate to the origin of the project. These contacts have sometimes done much more than support already formulated programs and have provided guidance for new investigators and projects to formulate new biomedical AI applications and establish appropriate collaborations between medical and AI scientists. The AIM Executive and Advisory Committees have also played important roles in Suggesting to pilot efforts ways in which their research programs could be strengthened through better collaborative ties. We have welcomed a number of visiting investigators at Stanford who were able to pay their own expenses, so they could see first hand how AI applications programs are formulated and get acquainted with the computing tools available. As an additional aid to new projects or collaborators with existing projects, we provide a limited amount of funds for use to support terminals and communications needs of users without access to such equipment. Stanford Community Building The Stanford community has undertaken several internal efforts to encourage interactions and sharing between the projects centered here. Numerous classes and seminars have been held over the years including ones to introduce chemistry students to the DENDRAL programs and to develop the early versions of the AI Handbook 5 articles. We also hold weekly informal lunch meetings (SIGLunch) between community members to discuss general AI topics, concerns and progress of individual projects, or system problems as appropriate as well as having frequent outside invited speakers. Existing Project Reviews We have conducted a continuing careful review of on-going SUMEX-AIM projects to maintain a high scientific quality and relevance to our biomedical AI goals and to maximize the resources available for newly developing applications projects. At the last full AIM workshop, meetings of the AIM Advisory Group and Executive Committee were held to review the national AIM projects. These groups recommended continued access for all formal projects then on the system. They also recommended phasing out the Organ Culture pilot project. In the fall of 1978, meetings of the Stanford Advisory Group were held to review projects supported out of the Stanford aliquot. The recommendation of this group was to phase out support for the Hydroid Project, pending work more directly applicable to SUMEX-AIM goals. The group also recommended phasing out the Quantum Chemistry and Genetics Applications pilot projects unless stronger AI relevance were established immediately. The Quantum Chemistry project has since developed close collaboration with the DENDRAL stereochemistry effort. The Genetics Applications project has transferred their work to other systems to continue their calculations on genetic demographic data and has stopped using SUMEX. Privileged Communication 387 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix E Resource Management Structure AIM Workshop Support The Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine resource (under Dr. Saul Amarel) has organized a series of workshops devoted to a range of topics related to artificial intelligence research, medical needs, and resource sharing policies within NIH. Until recently, meetings have been held regularly at Rutgers. In May 1979, a mini-AIM workshop devoted to clinical diagnosis programs was organized by MIT-Tufts and Rutgers and held in Vermont. This meeting was small (about 25 attendees) and emphasized detailed technical discussions about system designs and the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Many of the attendees were graduate students in order to maximize the benefit of personal contacts and discussions for on-going research projects. Topics covered in the discussions included state-of- the-art in explanation, causality in reasoning, strategies of focusing and dealing with multiple diagnostic problems, issues of representation and grain of description, creating and updating a knowledge base, planning strategies, issues of time representation, and inexact reasoning. In August 1980, the AIM workshop will be held at Stanford as part of an extensive series of meetings. The workshop will be followed by a two- day series of tutorials for medical scientists to introduce them to AI computing goals and capabilities. This in turn will be followed by the first annual conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence devoted to a broad range of scientific issues in AI research. The SUMEX facility has served as a communications base for workshop planning and provided support for workshop demonstrations when requested. We expect to continue this support for future workshops. The AIM workshops provide much useful information about the strengths and weaknesses of the performance programs both in terms of criticisms from other AI projects and in terms of the needs of practicing medical people. We plan to continue to use this experience to guide the community building aspects of SUMEX-AIM. Resource Capacity Planning and Allocation Policies As the SUMEX-AIM community has grown, the facility has become increasingly loaded and a number of diverse and conflicting demands have arisen which require controlled allocation of critical facility resources (file space and central processor time). We have implemented user-oriented policies in trying to give users the greatest latitude possible to pursue their research consistent with fairly meeting our responsibilities in managing SUMEX as a national resource. We have described the details of our allocation procedures in earlier reports. These have been implemented to attempt to maintain the 40:40:20 balance in system use between Stanford, National, and staff communities. The initial complement of user projects justifying the SUMEX resource was centered to a large extent at Stanford. As the number of national has grown, so has the Stanford group of projects matured and in practice the 40:40 split between Stanford and non-Stanford projects is not ideally E. A. Feigenbaum 388 Privileged Communication Resource Management Structure Appendix E realized (see Appendix B). Our job scheduling controls bias the allocation of CPU time based on percent time consumed relative to the time allocated over the 40:40:20 community split. The controls are “soft” however in that they do not waste computer cycles if users below their allocated percentages are not on the system to consume the cycles. The operating disparity in CPU use to date reflects a substantial difference in demand between the Stanford community and the developing national projects, rather than inequity of access. For example, the Stanford utilization is spread over a large part of the 24-hour cycle, while national-AIM users tend to be more sensitive to local prime-time constraints. (The 3-hour time zone phase shift across the continent is of substantial help in load balancing.) During peak times under the new overload controls, the Stanford community still experiences mutual contentions and delays while the AIM group has relatively open access to the system. For the present, we propose to continue our policy of "soft" allocation enforcement for the fair split of resource capacity. Our system also categorizes users in terms of access privileges. These comprise fully authorized users, pilot projects, guests, and network visitors in descending order of system capabilities. We want to encourage bona fide medical and health research people to experiment with the various programs available with a minimum of red tape while not allowing unauthenticated users to bypass the advisory group screening procedures by coming on as guests. So far we have had relatively little abuse compared to what other network sites have experienced, perhaps on account of the personal attention that senior staff gives to the logon records, and to other security measures. However, the experience of most other computer managers behooves us to be cautious about being as wide open as might be preferred for informal service to pilot efforts and demonstrations. We will continue developing this mechanism in conjunction with management committee policy decisions. We have actively encouraged mature projects to apply for their own machine resources in order to preserve the SUMEX-AIM resource for new AI applications. In the recent past, several projects have submitted proposals for such facilities including DENDRAL (see Section 9.1.3 on page 149). In spite of favorable reviews of the research project itself (resulting in a 3-year renewal), the study section did not want to see the DENDRAL project divert its energies to run a separate machine resource. Rather they felt such an augmentation should be coordinated and implemented by the SUMEX resource in conjunction with the DENDRAL group. Such a relationship is feasible in the case of the local DENDRAL project and we feel can serve as a model for further distribution of resources to advanced projects. We cannot effectively operate such resources for all the projects in our community but through experimentation with new machines, we can lay the groundwork for packaged systems that other groups may be able to acquire and easily operate. This mandate through the DENDRAL review is one of the bases for our long term plans for the coming renewal period. Privileged Communication 389 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix F LISP Address Space Limitations Appendix F LISP Address Space Limitations In recent years, the program address space limitations imposed by the architecture of the PDP-10/20 systems have been increasingly felt in building large knowledge-based systems for biomedicine and in other application areas. Each user has access to a 256K 36-bit virtual address space (slightly more than 1M byte). For many conventional programs, this is adequate but the large language and program structures required for expert systems easily consume this space. Current systems have used many approaches to compress their address space requirements including compiling established static code so it can be swapped between the main LISP space and an inferior fork and reorganizing dynamic code and data structures so they can be swapped between memory and hash-coded files. For example, space is now a critical problem for GUIDON because it is itself a large system built on top of another large system, MYCIN. In MYCIN, the dictionary, tables of facts (drugs/organism relations), and static properties that consume string space have already been moved off to disk in the form of hash files. In GUIDON, even this is not enough; MYCIN's rules must be hashed as well. For the short term, it appears that more of GUIDON's code will have to be non-resident ("recognized files”), thus trading time for space. Since response time is crucial for consultative programs, this trade-off is not acceptable. Early in the development of Internist-I it became obvious that the 18 bit address space of INTERLISP imposed a severe limitation on the size of the knowledge base. The limit was on both atom and list space. To make matters worse there was no room left for the dynamic data structures (mostly lists) that are established by the diagnostic program. To get around this problem the INTERNIST group invested approximately 2 man years to develop a disk-oriented knowledge base that fetched and overlayed knowledge structures on demand. As a result all but the most trivial changes on knowledge structures are prohibitive, the system is not portable, and they still see an occasional case for which there is insufficient list space to be used by the diagnostic program. Similar problems are anticipated in the development of Internist-II. The plan, at present, is to employ LISP hash files for the larger and/or infrequently accessed structures. In both AGE and Meta-DENDRAL, it is not possible to load all the information on the system files into a single save file. This is handled by having different specialized environments that contain different system information, e.g., system execution and system development. In Meta- DENDRAL, all of the executing code will not fit in a single address space, sO a system of selective loading is used based on dynamic demand. This reduces memory requirements for code but increases system overhead. In addition, DENDRAL has used a greatly stripped down version of LISP (also £E. A. Feigenbaum 390 Privileged Communication LISP Address Space Limitations Appendix F used by INTERNIST) in order to have sufficient data space to handle meaningful problems. They are still are constrained in problem complexity by the timited space to store data structures. Similarly in MOLGEN, the address space in INTERLISP was sufficiently tight that the knowledge base would not fit in core, even at a very early stage in the project. To remedy this, they added a "virtual memory" system to the Units representation system which paged from a disk file on a demand basis. This patch basically made the PDP10 usable at a cost in execution time. While the 18-bit address limit has not stopped research, it has stifled it by increasing overhead and causing users to scale down the scope of their research efforts. In order to minimize the cost of knowledge-base and program overlays, each project has had to tune their approach to the particular program structure. Even fairly modest ambitions push tolerance and system capacity to the limits. Much effort has gone into solving this problem in the ARPANET INTERLISP community. Address extensions for the PDP-10/20 class machines (including Foonly, Inc. machines) based on memory segmentation schemes do not lend themselves to a LISP environment since there is no intrinsic difference between program and data and the added overhead of keeping track of the extended address constructs with software becomes prohibitive. Thus, the solutions under active consideration include moving either to general purpose machines with larger logical address spaces (e.g., Prime or DEC VAX) or to special purpose LISP machines, One of our objectives for the renewal period is to add facilities to the SUMEX-AIM resource that will provide a uniform and effective solution to these problems. Privileged Communication 391 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix G This is a list of the Chapters in the Handbook. eight Chapters are expected to appear in Volume I. in each Chapter follows. all of articles Il. IIl. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. E. A. Feigenbaum AI Handbook Outline Appendix G AI Handbook Qutline E. A. Feigenbaum and A. Barr Computer Science Department Stanford University Articles in the first A tentative list of the Introduction Search Representation of Knowledge Natural Language Understanding ~ Speech Understanding AI Programming Languages Applications-oriented AI Research: Science Applications-oriented AI Research: Medicine Applications~oriented AI Research: Education Automatic Programming Information Processing Psychology Theorem Proving Vision Robotics Learning and Inductive Inference Planning, Reasoning, and Problem Solving 392 Privileged Communication AI Handbook Outline I. INTRODUCTION A. The AI Handbook (intent, audience, style, use, outline) B. Overview of AI C. History of AI DO. An Introduction to the AI Literature II. Search A. Overview Problem representation B. 1. 2. 3. State-space representation Problem-reduction representation Game trees C. Search methods D. 1. 2. 3. E 1 2. 3. 4 5 6 Blind state-space search Blind AND/OR graph search Heuristic state-space search a. Basic concepts in heuristic search b. A*: optimal search for an optimal solution c. Relaxing the optimality requirement d. Bidirectional search Heuristic search of an AND/OR graph Game tree search a. Minimax b. Alpha-beta pruning c. Heuristics in game tree search xample search programs Logic Theorist GPS Gelernter's geometry theorem-proving machine Symbolic integration programs STRIPS ABSTRIPS III. Representation of Knowledge A. Issues and problems in representation theory B. Survey of representation techniques C. Representation schemes Privileged Communication 393 E. A. SOO S WP Be Logic Procedural representations Semantic networks Production systems Direct (analogical) representations Semantic primitives Frames and scripts Appendix G Feigenbaum Appendix G IV. Natural Language Understanding A. B. C Overview ~- History and issues Early attempts at mechanical translation Grammars 1. Review of formal grammars 2. Transformational grammars 3. Systemic grammars 4. Case grammars Parsing 1. Overview of parsing techniques 2. Augmented transition nets, Woods 3. CHARTS - The GSP system Text generating systems Natural language processing systems Early NL systems Wilks' machine translation work MARGIE LUNAR SHRDLU SAM and PAM LIFER NOOO DWN V. Speech Understanding Systems VI. E. A. Overview B. AI A. Some early ARPA speech systems 1. DRAGON 2. HEARSAY I 3. SPEECHLIS Recent Speech Systems HARPY HEARSAY II HWIM SRI-SDC System hmwM Re Programming Languages Historical overview AI programming language features 1. Overview and comparison 2. Data structures 3. Control structures 4. Pattern matching 5. Programming environment Major AI programming languages 1. LISP 2. PLANNER and CONNIVER 3. QLISP 4. SAIL 5, POP-2 Feigenbaum 394 AI Handbook Outline Privileged Communication AI Handbook Outline VII. Applications-oriented AI Research: Science and Mathematics A. Overview B. TEIRESIAS - Issues in expert systems design C. Appl ications in chemistry 2. 4. 5. Applications in chemical analysis The DENDRAL Programs a. DENDRAL b. CONGEN and its extensions c. Meta-DENDRAL CRYSALIS Applications in organic synthesis D. Applications in mathematics 1. 2. MACSYMA AM F. Miscellaneous science applications research 1. 2. The SRI Computer-Based Consultant PROSPECTOR VIII. Applications-oriented AI Research: Medicine A. Overview B. Medical systems anak WN MYCIN CASNET INTERNIST Present Illness Program Digitalis Advisor IRIS IX. Applications-oriented AI Research: Education A. Historical overview B. Issues in ICAI systems design C. ICAI Systems SOO WN PR SCHOLAR WHY SOPHIE WEST WUMPUS BUGGY EXCHECK X. Automatic Programming A. Overview - Methods of program specification B. Basic approaches C. AP Systems Privileged Communication 395 E. A. On ON WN pe PSI SAFE Programmer's Apprentice PECOS DAEDALUS PROTOSYSTEM-1 NLPQ LIBRA - Program Optimization Appendix G Feigenbaum Appendix G XI. Information Processing Psychology A. Overview B. GPS C. Cognitive development D. EPAM E. Semantic network models a. Quillian's network b. LNR's MEMOD c. HAM d. ACT F. Belief systems XII. THEOREM PROVING A. Overview B. Logic C. Resolution theorem proving 1. Basic resolution method 2. Syntactic ordering strategies 3. Semantic and syntactic refinement D. Non-resolution theorem proving 1. Overview 2. Natural deduction 3. Boyer-Moore 4. LCF EF. Applications of theorem proving 1. Use in question answering 2. Use in problem solving 3. Theorem proving programming languages 4, Man-machine theorem proving 5. Use in automatic programming F. Proof checkers XIII. VISION A. Overview B. Image-level processing 1. Overview 2. Edge detection 3. Texture 4. Region growing 5. Overview of pattern recognition C. Spatial-level processing 1. Overview 2. Stereo information 3. Shading 4. Motion D. Object-lTevel processing 1. Overview 2. Generalized cones and cylinders E. Scene level processing E. A. Feigenbaum 396 AI Handbook Outline Privileged Communication AI Handbook Outline Appendix G F. Vision systems 1. Polyhedral or Blocks World vision a. Overview b. COPYDEMO b. Guzman c Falk d. Waltz e. Navatya 2. Robot vision systems 3. Perceptrons XIV. Robotics Overview Robot planning and problem solving Arms Present-day industrial robots Robotics programming languages mOOWO YS XIII. Learning and Inductive Inference A. Overview B. Simple inductive tasks 1. Sequence extrapolation 2. Grammatical inference C. Pattern recognition 1. Character recognition 2. Other recognition tasks D. Learning rules and strategies of games 1. Formal analysis 2. Examples of game-learning programs E. Single concept formation F. Multiple concept formation: Structuring a domain (AM, Meta-DENODRAL) G. Interactive cumulation of knowledge (TEIRESIAS) XIV. Problem Solving, Planning & Reasoning by Analogy A. Overview of problem solving B. Planning 1. Overview 2. STRIPS (see IIDS) 3. ABSTRIPS (see IID6) 4. NOAH 5. HACKER 6. INTERPLAN 7, Rieger's causal reasoning system 8. Rutgers work 7. QA3 (see IXE1) C. Reasoning by analogy 1 . Overview 2. Evans's ANALOGY program 3. ZORBA 4. Winston's learning system D. Contraint relaxation 1. Waltz 2. REF-ARF E. Game playing Privileged Communication 397 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix H MAINSAIL System Demonstration Appendix H MAINSAIL System Demonstration As of July 30, 1979, the MAINSAIL project has successfully designed, demonstrated, and documented an ALGOL-like language system for machine- independent software design. This system includes the compiler, code generators, and run-time support for a range of target machine environments including TENEX, TOPS-20, TOPS-10, RT-11, and RSX-11. The designs for other environments have been studied but resources have not allowed more extensive implementations. Within Council-approved funding and manpower Timits and the AI charter of the SUMEX resource, we do not have access to the more extensive resources that would be required to continue effective development and export of this system beyond this initial research and demonstration phase. The principal individuals involved (Messrs. Wilcox and Jirak and Ms. Dageforde) have formed a small private company, XIDAK, to Support and continue development of MAINSAIL under license from Stanford University. XIDAK has almost completed a VAX implementation of MAINSAIL and is pursuing interests from a growing group of potential users, including a microprogrammed implementation for the PERQ computer. The following is a brief summary of recent work in this final demonstration phase of the MAINSAIL effort. Detailed reports on the language manual and design description can be found in references 14 and 15. 1) The compiler has undergone major reexamination and improvement with a substantial reduction in the size of data structures. As a result, it iS now able to run on 16-bit machines with small address spaces (e.g., 32K words). 2) The runtime systems were thoroughly reexamined for optimizing execution efficiency and memory utilization. The garbage collection facility, used in the dynamic storage allocation system, was also substantially improved. 3) A new approach to code generation was introduced utilizing tree structures for the intermediate representation, rather than the more primitive triples or quadruples. 4) Facilities for managing "module libraries" of executable MAINSAIL modules were implemented. 5) At the conclusion of the demonstration phase, there were three sites using the TENEX version, six using the TOPS~10 version, and five using the TOPS-20 version. 6) A research project based on MAINSAIL is underway, aimed at an efficient program execution and development environment implemented on a microcoded "MAINSAIL machine" which directly executes a tailor- made MAINSAIL instruction set. This is the basis of Wilcox'’s Ph.D. thesis. E. A. Feigenbaum 398 Privileged Communication AIM Management Committee Membership Appendix I Appendix I AIM Management Committee Membership The following are the membership lists of the various SUMEX-AIM Management committees at the present time: AIM Executive Committee: LEDERBERG, Joshua, Ph.D. (Chairman) President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 (212) 360-1234, 360-1235 AMAREL, Saul, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 (201) 932-3546 BAKER, William R., Jr., Ph.D. . (Exec. Secretary) Biotechnology Resources Program National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 5B43 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-5411 FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. Principal Investigator - SUMEX Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 LINDBERG, Donald, M.D. (Adv Grp Member) 605 Lewis Hall University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65201 (314) 882-6966 MYERS, Jack D., M.D. School of Medicine Scaife Hall, 1291 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 Privileged Communication 399 E. A. Feigenbaum Appendix I AIM Management Committee Membership SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TCi17 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 E. A. Feigenbaum 400 Privileged Communication AIM Management Committee Membership AIM Advisory Group: LINDBERG, Donald, M.D. 605 Lewis Hall University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 66201 (314) 882-6966 AMAREL, Saul, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 (201) 932-3546 BAKER, William R., Jr., Ph.D. Biotechnology Resources Program National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 5B43 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-5411 FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. Principal Investigator - SUMEX Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 LEDERBERG, Joshua, Ph.D. President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 (212) 360-1234, 360-1235 MINSKY, Marvin, Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Appendix I (Chairman) (Exec. Secretary) (Ex-officio) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 545 Technology Square Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (617) 253-5864 MOHLER, William C., M.D. Associate Director Division of Computer Research and Technology National Institutes of Health Building 12A, Room 3033 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (301) 496-1168 Privileged Communication 401 E. A. Feigenbaum E. Appendix I A. Feigenbaum AIM Management Committee Membership MYERS, Jack D., M.D. School of Medicine Scaife Hall, 1291 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 (412) 624-2649 PAUKER, Stephen G., M.D. Department of Medicine - Cardiology Tufts New England Medical Center Hospital 171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02111 (617) 956-5910 SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. (Ex-officio) Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TC117 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 SIMON, Herbert A., Ph.D. Department of Psychology Baker Hall, 339 Carnegie-Mellon University Schenley Park Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 . (412) 578-2787 or 578-2000 402 Privileged Communication AIM Management Committee Membership Appendix I Stanford Community Advisory Committee: FEIGENBAUM, Edward, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 216 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-4079 (Chairman) SHORTLIFFE, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator - SUMEX Division of General Internal Medicine, TC117 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5821 DJERASSI, Carl, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, Stauffer I-106 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-2783 LEVINTHAL, Elliott C., Ph.D. Department of Genetics, S047 Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 (415) 497-5813 Privileged Communication 403 E. A. Feigenbaum