Dear Dr. Lederberg: Yesterday we shipped to you a slant of E. Coli K12-J-2-1. We grow it on the Grey and Tatum salt solution supplemented with 50 g/ml of L-Histidine. It contains enough [Beta]-D-glactosidase to liberate 350 [ . . . ] of o-nitrophenol per hour by a sonicate containing, originally, 10 to the eighth cells/ml. However, I emphasize again, that the bug does not grow on lactose, nor does it adapt to it. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] but prolonged incubation with lactose--18 hours--growth begins but this is due to the extra cellular splitting of lactose by the oozed out enzyme of the dead cells. We call the phenomenon-among ourselves--necrobiosis. I have not published any of this stuff since I felt a genetic study of the bug is sine qua non for any report and this I was not ready to do. Yours cordially Ernest Borek