dUN 9 4 °1977 BIOMEDICAL KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Submitted to the Nationa! Institutes of Health May, 1977 Stanford University Medical School Computer Science Department Stanford University — S. N. Cone Table of Contents SECTION II Page Detailed Budget é * . e . * e * . ‘ . e . . « « . 3 Budget Estimates and Justification . . . . .. 6.6.6. Biographical Sketches. . . « . « « «© «© «© « « « 4AH=4N Research Plan . 1 «© «6 «© » © «© «© © «© «© 2 ee 5 1. Objectives es © © ee ew lk le lk 5 2. Background and Rationale . . .. . +, 4... .,. «6 2.1 The Knowledge Engineering Problem... . , 6 2.2 The Medical Problem oe ee le 7 2.3 Our Work to Date a 9 2.4 Other Approaches = ee ee we ew le 3. Previous Work Done ee ee lk 4, Specific Goals yee ee we le | Competence oe ee eee eC 4,2 Knowledge Engineering Support Tools . . . . 18 4,3 Human Engineering and Clinical Capabilities . +. . . 6 2. 2. © «© « w 20 44 Exportability of the System. . . . . . . 22 4.5 Performance Evaluation ee ee ele lee OY 5. Significance of the Research. . . . . « « « « 26 6. Facilities Available . . . . . . oe uw uw we 27 T. Collaborative Arrangements ee ee ele le le OB 8. Appendix A: Progress Report Submitted to BHSRE . . . 29 PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION 9. 10. 8.1 Summary . 8.2 Detailed Report . ‘ 8.3 Clinical Capabilities , 8,4 User Oriented Features 8.5 Knowledge Acquisition . 8.6 Technical Issues s 8.7 Evaluation Activities , Appendix B: Hardware Announcement REFERENCES . 10.1 MYCIN PUBLICATIONS 10.2 OTHER REFERENCES li se ew ee YQ "6 ew 6 e) 29 + 8 8 2 vw) 30 ee 6 ww OSM s 8 8 6 «6333 » ° » e 6 « 34 oe 6 «© «© 6) 34 ee ee we we AG e « * . . * 45 e e 4S . s a * . . 47