(101) BUDGET 1. Detailed Budget for First 12-Month Period 2. Budget Estimates for All Years of Support 3. Explanation (102) SECTION I — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION FROM THROUGH DETAILED BUDGET FOR FIRST 12-MONTH PERIOD 8-1 - 73 T- 31 - 74 DESCRIPTION (/temize) time on AMOUNT REQUESTED (Omit cents} PERSONNEL “cMRS. | SALARY FRINGE TOTAL NAME TITLE OF POSITION BENEFITS Joshua Lederberg PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR LO 0 0 0 Edward Feigenbaum Associate Investigator 10 0 0 0 Thomas Rindfleisch SUMEX Facility Head 100 Ron Jamtgaard 50 (Details|of Salary [Budget Gio Wiederhold 90 are submitted in qa separate Lee Hundley 100 letter) 9 - Systems Programmers 900 il - Applied Mathematician 100 2 - Engineers 200 3 ~ Technicians 300 3 - Operations Staff 300 1 - Secretary 100 1 - Administrative Aide 100 e - Grad. Student RA.’s plps summer help 100 Total (24.(FTE) 375,000 63,750 438,750 CONSULTANT COSTS 2,500 EQUIPMENT.__Lease of PDP-10 System (Purchase Price--$1,744,750 less 10% assumed Educational discount plus 5% Calif. Use Tax times DEC lease factor of 2.2% per 435 300% month=$36,275/month plus miscellaneous features on hardware to be leased. 700 : Purchase graphics station--$8,000; small machine equipment peripherals $26,000; communications hardware--$6, 000. 40,0005 suppiies Office Supplies 4 000 Computer Supplies 6,000 10,000 Books & Publications 200 Office Telephone 7,000 7.200 Reproduction Expense 2,500 Technical Services 2,000 4.500 Engineering Supplies 15,000 15,000 Postage & Freight 2,500 2,500 DOMESTIC 5 East, 5 Midwest, 6 West Coast 4,400 TRAVEL FOREIGN PATIENT COSTS (See instructions} ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS Air conditioning, false flooring, etc., needed for hardware installation. 45,000 OTHER EXPENSES (/temize) Computer service from SUMCCF 24,000 Maintenance: For PDP-10 System--$84,600; for service contracts on aphics ripherals communications hardware-~$9 400. 94.000 Communications Costs (Transmission lines and modems) 12,000 —__Staff Treining 2,000 TOTAL DIRECT COST (Enter on Page 1, item 5) > 1,137,850 INDIRECT « sen DATE OF DHEW AGREEMENT: [J] walveo cost _ . {_] UNDER NEGOTIATION WITH: (See Instructions) —Hh __wtoc* d 4 *IF THIS 1S A SPECIAL RATE (e.g. off-site), SO INDICATE, PHS 398 Ba: 2.70 SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION (103) BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR ALL YEARS OF SUPPORT REQUESTED FROM PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE DIRECT COSTS ONLY (Omit Cents) 1ST PERIOD ADDITIONAL YEARS SUPPORT REQUESTED (This application only) DESCRIPTION (SAME AS DE- TAILED BUOGET) 2ND YEAR 3RD YEAR 4TH YEAR 5TH YEAR 6TH YEAR 7TH YEAR coere et 438,750 | 464,630 | 491,990 | 520,930 | 551,530 CONSULTANT COSTS (Include fees, travel, etc.) 2,500 25900 2,900 2500 2,200 Lease 436,000 | 436,000 | 436,000 | 436,000 | 436,000 EQUIPMENT Maint. 94,000 | 94,000 | 160,000 | 160,000 | 160,000 Purchase 40,000 | 40,000 54,000 | 64,000 64,000 suppiggemunications 12,000} 16,000 16,000 | 18,000 18,000 Supplies 39,200 |] 40,000 41,000 | 42,000 43,000 DOMESTIC 4,400 4400 4,000 4,200 4,200 TRAVEL FOREIGN PATIENT COSTS ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS 45,000 --= = -~- -—— Computer Services 24,000 | 24,000 24,000 | 24,000 24,000 E OTHER EXPENSES Training 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 b TOTAL FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD (Enter on Page 1, !tem 4) $ 6,007 ,730 REMARKS: Justify aif costs for the first year for which the need may not be obvious. For future years, justify equipment costs, as well as any significant increases in any other category. If a recurring annual increase in personnel costs is requested, give percentage, (Use continuation page if needed.) 1. Lease of equipment covers a PDP-10 Computer System. 2. Personnel salaries are increased at 5% per year. and 1% per year greater in each subsequent year. Staff benefits are 17% in Year 1 3. Alteration and renovation funds of $45,000 are requested for air conditioning and false floors needed for hardware installation. 4, The PDP-1O maintenance contract will be changed from 12 hours, 5 days per week to 24 hours, 7 days per week in Year 3. needed by the Service System, and ~versa,. This will provide the backup capability PHS-398 Rav. 32-70 (104) BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR PDP-10 SYSTEM: Purchase Price Central Processor $ 380,000 KI-10 incl. Operator's Console Memory System 400,000 8 x MEO, 8 x 16k words Auxillary Memory System 225,000 4 x ME1O and DTOLC Keyboard Terminals(16) 48,000 Hardcopy & CET, to be selected (16x 3K) Memory Bus Swapping Drum System 83,000 RM1LO B & Controller Memory Bus Dise System 150,000 4 x RPO3 Dise & Controller Input/Output Bus Peripheral System 64,850 Tape Systems, 3 x TU1O, (9x7 track) & 1 DEC TU56 & Controllers Asynchronous Communication System 37,500 DC1O System for Keyboard Terminals Monthly Maint. (2hrs 5 days) $ 525 1,336 78% 320 265 826 338 110 (A) SATELLITE COMPUTERS; Includes intercomputer communications and -- Multiplexed Memory System PDP 11/45 #1: 8K 74 ,050* #2: 4K 16,450 #3: 4K 16,450 #4: 8K (incl. RK11 and RF11 Disc, 56,450 & PC1ll Punch and tape) 10/11 Interface 70,000 MX1O Memory Multiplexor 4,500 Peripherals 118,000 LP1LOC Line Printer, CPLOA, CR1OD Card Punch & Reader Sub Totals 1,744,250 Assume 10% Educational Discount - 174 425 Net 1,569,825 Options: 1) Memory System(4 x ME10) 200,000 2) Terminal Communications(DP11DA's & DP11DC's) 7,900 3) Syne Communications System(DC-75) 50,000 257 5900 (Incl. Option 1) TOTAL $ 1,769,325 a) Added to A above. b) Deletes $7,400 of B above. 547* (B) 195 195 LE4# 500* 15* 6o* 6,896 (Not including sales tax) 668 ’ 115 3 250 b) 1,033 (Not incl. sales tax) (105) 3. Explanation a. Major Assumptions The five-year budget request has been prepared with the following major assumptions: (1) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) SUMEX will include a PDP-10 KI-10 Processor with 192K words of core plus four PDP-1l satellite processors. Additional "user owned" re- mote satellites will be attached by collaborators. It is assumed that the Medical Center will opt to replace the 360/50 with a PDP-10 for the Service Facility. SUMEX personnel will mount a PL-type language on the PDP-10 in order to provide a transition from the 360/50 for current software. A 10% education discount from list price on the PDP-=10 has been assumed. ») man-years will be devoted to the transition of a PL-type language (2) (3) (106) to the PDP-10. The number of programmers covered by the budget reflects our concern with becoming "too large" to be manageable as a research team, as well as recognition of the large effort required to achieve our goals. Five man-years of engineering and technician effort are budgeted. Their primary efforts will involve design, fabrication, installa- tion, and maintenance of special interfaces and communications lines. Much of the collaborators’ work described in the proposal will be dependent upon interfacing new hardware to computing sys- tems. For example, two scanning devices are to be acquired by col- laborative projects and will be interfaced to machines in the Resource. Detailed planning for this group will be dependent upon future decisions in the participating projects. The Operations staff will operate, by assumption, both the SUMEX and SUMCCF systems. Since the SUMEX operation will involve only a few research groups, the operations tasks should be relatively light during most hours of operation. If the SUMCCF budgets four full time equivalents and the SUMEX budgets three, then it is feasible to cover all 21 shifts per week. The operations staff figure includes an Operations Manager who would be shared by the two facilities. All of these estimates are based upon the assump- tions that SUMEX and SUMCCF will be situated in a common area and that shared operating staffs are desired by computing coordinators in the Center. The balance of the staff will be comprised of an applied mathe- matician, one administrative aide, one secretary, plus occasional part time help, including graduate student research assistants. The applied mathematician is requested in order to assist colla- borators and core research efforts. Such assistance should prove especially valuable in developing new algorithms, appraising new techniques for image processing, etc. Staff Benefits: The standard rate for the University's FY1974 is 17%. Training, Consulting, Travel, and Publications: The training bud- get of $2,000 will be used to make the staff better acquainted with PDP-10's, various satellite processors, and new software techniques. The consulting item of $2,500 is an estimate of the first year's needs. It is double the current year budget for ACME outside consulting due to the complexity of tasks to be undertaken. The travel time should provide eight trips to the east coast, 3 to the midwest, and 6 on the west coase ($3,200 + 900 + 400 = $4,400). The travel funds will be used to ex- change information with other research centers, attend training sessions, disseminate information, and investigate possible network participation. (4) (5) (6) (107) Materials and Supplies: These estimates are based entirely upon the experience. gained in the ACME Grant. The items are as follows: Item Est. Cost Office Supplies $ 4,000 Computer Operations Supplies 6,000 Publications 2,500 Postage and Freight 2,500 Books and Periodicals 200 Office Telephone 7,000 Technical Services 2,000 Engineering Supplies 15,000 Total $ 39,200 Communications Costs: Collaborators in this proposal are situated from 100 feet to 2.5 miles from the existing machine room. This budget element will be used to provide high data rate communications lines as required by each research project. Dr. Kopell's group is located in the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital which is about 2.5 miles distant. The mass spectrometer used by the DENDRAL group is situated in the Chemistry Building which is more than 1,000 feet from the machine room. Communications will be handled by a combination of Telephone Company lines and local hardwire connections. Specific transmission requirements must precede detailed estimates. A 40Okb telephone line connecting VA Hospital and the machine room has been priced at $596 per month plus an installation fee of $950. This budget element will also include some modem rentals. We anti- cipate the announcement of a number of commercially available modems which will accommodate bandwidths and data rates of interest. Equipment Lease: The hardware described in Section E of the proposal is a KI-10 System with a list purchase price of $1,744,750. A full payout lease has been offered by DEC at 2.2% of the purchase price per month. A 10% educational discount has been assumed; no negotia- tion has been held with DEC on this point. To this net price, the 5% California Use Tax must be added. The lease rate is calculated as $1,744,750 less 10% plus 5% tax at 2.2% per month giving a monthly rate of $36,274. At the end of five years, the equipment will be owned. The lease rate does not include maintenance. Additional equipment was presented in Section E as "options". The options in- cluded additional core, terminal communications add-ons, and a syn- chronous communications system. In view of the competing demands for funding, these items have been excluded from the budget. If future arrangements with DEC permit the acquisition of more equip- ment within the budgeted dollars, then optional items will be added to the configuration. The optional items were initially part of the required configuration but were set aside in order to obtain a balance between hardware and personnel within an overall budget which was deemed feasible. (7) (8). (9) (108) Maintenance of Equipment: The primary hardware maintenance contract will be with DEC. Using DEC's standard 5-day 12-hour maintenance contract for all items in the budgeted configuration results in monthly charges of $7,053. This figure includes estimates for six hardware items on which standard maintenance charges have not been announced. This level of maintenance may be adequate for the re- search activity of SUMEX. If more hours are needed in order to provide better backup support for the SUMCCF, the 5-day 12-hour assumption will be re-evaluated. In addition to the $84,600 for PDP-10 system maintenance, the budget includes $9,400 for mainten- ance contracts covering graphics stations, additional small machine peripherals, communications hardware, etc. Other Equipment: In addition to the items identified in the PDP-10 system, SUMEX will require equipment for its engineering group, communications hardware, and graphics support. In a research and development program of the type proposed, equipment needs will arise which cannot be specified today. A few examples of the types of hardware which are likely to be required include: complete graphics station: for $8,000; special hardware interfaces for small machines for $10,000; expansions to the small machine equipment pool for $16,000; and communications hardware for $6,000. Alterations and Renovations: $45,000 are included in the budget in order to provide adequate facilities in which to house the SUMEX hardware. Extension of the existing space occupied by the ACME Machine Room will be needed. The University is being asked to provide structural modifications, This proposal includes the funds to provide necessary air conditioning, false floors, cable tray access, and some special electrical provision for the com- puting facilities. The cost estimate is rough at this time. Efforts will be made in the near term to obtain requisite approvals from the University plus the funding for the building modifications. Also, more detailed estimates of special facilities associated with the hardware will be prepared. (109) I. FUTURE PLANS Our plans beyond the requested five-year period of support call for hard- ware dedicated to the types of user projects listed in our proposal. We expect that the central hardware will continue to be available as a research resource for a limited number of users. New projects presumably will emerge calling for development of new computing techniques. The current talents of the staff will be deepened and new skills will be developed which we assume will prove highly useful in solution of some of tomorrow's problems. A lesson from the ACME experience is that technological change, as evidenced by the minicomputer revolution, must be carefully monitored. We hope to anticipate major changes more accurately so that new developments will inte- grate well with local research efforts. We would expect, based upon current trends, to involve ourselves with computer architectures other than the initial selection for this research resource. (110) J. APPENDICES 1. ACME User Publications 2. Biographical Sketches (111) ACME Note APUB-9 Erica Baxter Papers Written By ACME Users February 23, 1972 This list contains papers voluntarily reported to ACME. Balikian, H., A. Brodie, S. Willoughby, A. Dowdy, G. Nokes, M. Weinberger, and J. Luetscher, "Response of Plasma Aldosterone Concentration in Hypertensive Patients to Changes in Posture and Sodium Intake," CLIN. RES., vol. 17, p. 141, Jan. 1969, (abstract). Barnett, C., J. Jackson, and H. Cann, "Child Spacing and Its Implications for Population Control in Highland Guatemala Community," presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Mexico City, Mexico, Apr. 1969. Beatrice, E., 1. Harding-Barlow, and D. Glick, "Electric Spark Cross-Excitation in Laser Microprobe-Emmission Spectroscopy for Samples of 10-25 Micron Diameter," APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 23, pp. 257-259, 1969. Beatrice, E. and D. Glick, "A Direct Reading Polychromator for Emission Spectroscopy," APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 23, pp. 260-263, 1969. Beatrice, E., 0. Glick, E. Scribner, L. Alterton, R. Honey, I. Harding-Barlow, N. Peppers, and R. Rosan, “Q-Switched Ruby Laser for Emission Microspectroscopic Elemental Analysis," ANAL. CHEM., vol. 40, pp. 1178-1182, 1968. Becker, J., Y.T. Thathachari, P.G. Simpson, “Molecular Conformation of L-DOPA," BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS. RES. COMM., Vol. 41, pp. 444-449, 1970. Beliville, J., J. Green, and W. Forrest, dJr., "Respiratory Effects of Etomide and Codeine," CLIN. PHARM. THERAP., vol. 9, pp. 142-151, 1968. Bellville, J. and W. Forrest Jr., “Respiratory and Subjective Effects of d and 1 Pentazocine,” CLIN. PHARM. THERAP., vol. 9, pp. 142-151, 1968. Bellville, J. and J. Seed, "A Comparison of the Respiratory Effects of Dextropropoxyphene and Codeine in Man," CLIN. PHARM. THERAP., vol. 9, pp. 428-434, 1968. Bellville, J., W. Forrest, Jr., J. Stevens, and E. Beer, "The Hypnotic Effects of Ethchlorvynol and Secobarbital in Man," CLIN. PHARM. THERAP., vol. 9, pp. 625-530, 1968. Bellville, J., L. Escarraga, S. Wallenstein, and R. Houd, "The Respiratory Effects of Codeine and Morphine in Man,” CLIN. PHARM. THERAP., vol. 9, pp. 435-441, 1968. Bellville, J., G. Fleischit, and J. Defares, "A New Method of Study Regulation of Respiration--The Response to Sinusoidally Varying C02 Inhalation,“ COMPUTERS FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 329-349, June 1969. Bellville, J., G. Fleischl1, and G. Attura, "Servo Control of Inhaled Carbon Dioxide," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., vol. 24, pp. 414-415, 1968. Bernffeld, M. and P. Maenpaa, "Quantitative Variation in Serine Transfer Ribonucleic Actd during Estrogen-Induced Phosphoprotein Synthesis in Rooster Liver,” BIOCHEMISTRY, vol. 8, pp. 4926-4935, 1969. Bernfield, M., "Chromatographic Properties of Pyrrolidone Carboxylate-tRNA,” submitted to J BIOLOGICAL CHEM. Bernfield, M., "Characterization of Pyrrolidone Carboxylate-RNA from Rat Liver," in preparation. Bodmer, W. and L. Cavalli-Sforza, "A Migration Matrix Model for the Study of Random Genetic Orift," GENETICS, vol. 59, pp. 565-592, 1968. Bodmer, W., M. Feldman, and M. Nabholz, "The Evolution of the Rh Polymorphism: A Model for the Interaction of Incompatibility, Reproductive Compensation, and Heterozygote Advantage," AMER. J. HUMAN GENETICS, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 171-193, Mar. 1969. Bodmer, W., J. Bodmer, D. Ihde, and S. Adler, "Genetic and Serological Associa- tion Analysis of the HL-A Leukocyte System," COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN GENETICS (ed. N. Morton), Univ. Hawaif Press, pp. 117-127, 1969. (112) APUB-9 Page 2 Bodmer, W., V. Miggiano, and M. Nabholz, "Hybrids between Human Leukocytes and a Mouse Cell Line: Production and Characterfzation," WISTAR INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM, monograph no. 9, “Heterospecific Genome Interaction,” (ed. V. Defendi), THE WISTAR INSTITUTE PRESS, 1969. Bodmer, W., M, Nabholz, V. Miggiano, "Genetic Analysis Using Human-Mouse Somatic Cell Hybrids," NATURE, vol. 223, pp. 348-363, 1969. Bodmer, W. and L. Cavalli-Sforza, "The Genetics of Human Populations," FREEMAN AND COMPANY, in press. Bodmer, W. and J. Bodmer, "Studies on African Pygmies IV: A Comparative Study of the HL-A Polymorphism in the Babinga Pygmies and Other African and Caucasian Populations,” AM. JOUR. HUM. GENET., July 1970, Bodmer, W. and B. Gabb, "A Micro Complement Fixation Test for Platelet Antibodies," HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TESTING, July 1970 Bodmer, W., J. Bodmer, A. Coukell, R. Payne, and £. Shanbrom, “A New Allele for the LA Series of HL-A Antigens: The Analysis of a Complex Serum," HISTOCOM- PATIBILITY TESTING, July 1970. Bodmer, W., J. Bodmer, and M. Tripp, "Recombination between the LA and 4 Loci of the HL-A System," HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TESTING, duly 1970. Bodmer, W., P. Mattiuz, D. Ihde, A. Piazza, and R. Ceppellini, “New Approaches to the Population Genetic and Segregation Analysis of the HL-A System," HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TESTING, July 1970. Breitbard, G. and G. Wiederhold, "PL/ACME: An Incremental Compiler for a Subset of PL/1," IFIP68 CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 1968. Brown, B. and L. Soyka, “Survey of Drugs Administered to Nine-Hundred Hospitalized Children: I. Relation to Age, Sex, and Diagnostic Category," submitted to JAMA, Mar. 1970. Bussien, R, "L‘informatique medicale aux Etats-Unis, MEDECINE et HYGIENE, Nov 1970 MeCalvert, J. Lee and John H. Frenster, "Economics of Effectiveness and Efficiency in Patient Care," CLINICAL RESEARCH, vol. 19 >» P. 501 , 1971 (abstract). MCalvert, J. Lee and John H. Frenster, "Economics of Investment in Biomedical fenearac ne Current Patient Care," CLINICAL RESEARCH, vol. 19, p. 499, 1971 abstract). Cann, H., B. Van West, and C. Barnett, "Genetics of Diego Blood Groups in Guatemalan Indians: Use of Antiserums to Diego a and Diego b Antigens," SCIENCE, vol. 162, pp. 1391-1392, Dec, 1968. Clayton, R., "Methods in Enzymology," STEROIDS AND TERPENOIDS, vol. 15, Academic Press, 1969. Cohen, S. and J. Hurwitz, “Genetic Transcription in Bacteriophage : Studies of mRNA Synthesis in vivo,” J. MOL, BIOL., vol. 37, pp. 387-406, 1968. Cohen, S. and C. Miller, "Multiple Molecular Species of Circular R-Factor DNA Isolated from Escherichia coli,” NATURE, vol. 224, pp. 1273-1277, 1969. Cohen, S. and C. Miller, "Non-Chromosomal Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria: II, Molecular Nature of R-Factors Isolated from Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli,” J. MOL. BIOL., vol. 50, No. 3, pp.671-687, June 1970, Cohen, S. and A. Chang, “Genetic Expression in Bacteriophage : III. In- hibition of E. coli Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis during Develop- ment," J. MOL. BIOL., Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 557-575, May 1970. Collins, K. and G, Stark, "Aspartate Transcarbamylase: Studies of the Catalytic Subumt by Ultraviolet Difference Spectroscopy," J. BIOL. CHEM., vol. 244, pp. 1869-1877, Apr. 1969. Collins, R., M. Weinberger, C. Gonzales, G. Nokes, and J. Luetscher, "Catecholamine Excretion in Low Renin Hypertension," CLIN. RES., vol, 18, p. 167, 1970, (abstract). Constantinou, C., and E. Butler, "Medical Application of Computer Displays in the Rapid Examination of Developing Abnormality Patterns in the Kidney," PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE SOCIETY OF INFORMATION DISPLAY, Philadelphia, May 1971. (113) APUBS9 Page 3 Constantinou, C., E. Briggs, R. Dale, and D. Govan, "Real-Time Digital Computer System for Ureteral Physiology Investigation,“ URODYNAMICS, Chap. 33, Academic Press, New York, in press. Constantinou, C., J. Sands, and D. Govan, "Computer Monitoring and Contro} Instrumentation tn Urology Research,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH ANNUAL BIOENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM, Fort Collins, Colo., May 1971. Crouse, L. and G. Wiederhold, "An Advanced Computer System for Real-Time Medical Applications," COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 582-598, Dec. 1969. Crouse, L. and G. Wiederhold, “Interactive Use of Timesharing System for Medical Laboratory Support," presented at the San Diego Biomedical Symposium, San Diego, Calif., Apr. 1970. Crouse, L., R. Stenson, W. Henry, and 0. Harrison, "A Time Shared Digital Computer System for On-Line Analysis of Cardiac Catheterization Data,“ COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, vol. 1, no. 6, p. 605, Academic Press, Inc., June 1968, Doering, C., "Cholesterol Side Chain Cleavage Activity in the Adrenal Gland of the Young Rat: Development and Responsiveness to Adrenocorticotropic Hormone,” ENDOCRINOLOGY, vol. 85, pp. 500-511, 1969. Doering, C., "A Microassay for the Enzymatic Cleavage of the Cholestero] Side Chain," METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY, (ed. R. Clayton), vol. 15, pp. 591-596, Academic Press, 1969. Dong, £., Jr. and B.A. Reitz , “Effect of Timing of Vagal Stimulation on Heart Rate in the Dog," CIRCULATION RES., Vol. 27, No. 5, Nov. 1970, Englund, P., J. Huberman, T. Jovin, and A. Kornberg, “Enzymatic Synthesis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid, XXX. Binding of Triphosphates to DNA Polymerase," submitted to J. BIOL. CHEM., vol. 244, pp. 3038-3044, 1969. Farber, E. and R. McClintock, Jr., "A Current Review of Psoriasis," MEDICAL PROGRESS, vol. 108, pp. 440-457, June 1968. Farber, E. and A. Cox, "The Biology of Psoriasis,” J. OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 348-357, 1967. Farber, E., R. Bright, and M. Nall, "Psoriasis - A Questionnaire Survey of 2,144 Patients," ARCH. DERM., vol. 98, pp. 248-259, Sept. 1968. Forrest, W., Jr. and J. Bellville, "The Use of Computers in Clinical Trials," BRIT. J. ANESTH., vol. 39, pp. 311-319, 1967. Forrest, W., dr. and J. Bellville, "Respiratory Effects of Alphaprodine in Man," OBST. AND GYN., vol. 31, pp. 61-68, 1968. Forrest, W., Jr., B. Brown, and J. Peters, "Management of Cooperative Clinical Trials," Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Assoctation in Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 1968. Fried, M. and K. Vosti, "The Importance of Underlying Disease fn Patients with Gram-Negative Bacteremia," ARCH. INT. MED., vol. 121, pp. 418-423, 1968. Fries, J., "Experience Counting in Sequential Computer Diagnosis," ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, Vol. 126, Oct. 1970. *H Fries, J., "The Effect of Ice Water on Esophageal Rewarming in Connective Tissue Diseases (CTD)," abstract submitted to GASTROENTEROLOGY. Gersch, W. and G. Goddard, “Epileptic Focus Location: Spectral Analysis Method,” SCIENCE, Vol. 169, pp.701-702, 1970. Gersch, W. and E. Dong, Jr., “A Note on Warner's Vagus Heart Rate Control Model," CIRCULATION RESEARCH, 1970. Gersch, W., D. Eddy, and E. Dong, Ur., "Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification: A Heart Beat Interval-Markov Chain Approach," COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, Aug. 1970. Gersch, W., “Spectral Analysis of EEG's by Autoregressive Decomposition of Time Series," MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES, Vol. 7, pp.205-222, 1970. Gersch, W., "Estimation of the Autoregressive Parameters of a Mixed Autoregressive-Moving Average Time Series," IEEE TRANS. AUTOMATIC CONTROL, Aug. 1970. (114) APUR-*) Page i Glick, D. “Cytochemical Analysis by Laser Microprobe-Emission Spectroscopy," ANNALS N. ¥. ACAD. SCI., vol. 157, pp. 265-274, 1969. a& Glick, D., "Cytochemical Analysis by Laser Microprobe ~ Emission Spectroscopy,” RECENT ADVANCES IN QUANTITATIVE HISTO- AND CYTOCHEMISTRY, pp. 192-193, 1971. & Glick, D., K. Marich, J. Orenberg, P. Carr, and D. Miller, "Effect of Atmosphere on Spectral Emission from Plasmas Generated by the Laser Microprobe," ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 43, pp. 1452-1456, September 1971. Glick, D., K. Marich, P. Carr, and £. Beatrice, “Laser Microprobe-Emission Spectroscopy," ANNALS N. Y. ACAD. SCI., vol. 168, pp. 507-509, 1970. Halpern, 8., V. Close, A. Wegmann, and J. Westley, "Gas Chromatography of Amino Acids as N-Thiocarbony] Ester Derivatives," TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, vol. 27, p. 3119, 1968. Harman, C.E. and C.S. Raymond, “Computer Prediction of Chronic Psychiatric Patients,” J. NERV. and MENTAL DIS., Vol. 150, pp. 490-503, 1970. Harman, C.E. and K. Meinhardt, “A Computer System for Treatment Evalua- tion at the Community Mental Health Center," presented at the 2nd Bay Area Regional Conference on Program Evaluation in San Francisco, Calif., January 7, 1971. Harrison, D., R. Goldman, M. Klughaupt, T. Metcalf, and A. Spivack, “Central Venous Oxygen Saturation Measurements in Patients with Myocardtal Infarction," CIRCULATION, vol. 28, Nov. 1968. Harrison, D., M. Flamm, and &. Hancock, “Muscular Subaortic Stenosis: Preven- tion of Outflow Obstruction with Propranolol," CIRCULATION, vol. 28, p. 846, 1968. Harrison, 0., R. Gianelly, W. Angell, E. Stinson, and N. Shumway, “Homograft Replacement of the Mitral Valve,” CIRCULATION, vol. 28, p. 664, 1968. Harrison, D., &. Stinson, E. dong. Jr., and J. Schroeder, “Initial Clinical Experience with Heart Transplantation,” AMER. J. OF CARDIOL., vol. 22, p. 791, 1968. Harrison, D., M. Robinson, and R. Kleiger, "The Role of Hypoxia in Digitalis Toxicity," AMER. J. MED. SCI., vol. 256, p. 352, 1968. Harrison, D. and R. Gianelly, "Studies on the Antiarrhythmic and Circulatory Ac- tions of Lidocaine (Xylocaine(R)),“ ALA. J. MED. SCI., vol. 6, p. 74, 1969. Harrison, D., W. Henry, C. Ploeg, and S. Kountz, "An Improved Hydraulic Vascular Occluder for Chronic Electromagnetic Blood Flow Measurements,” J. APPL. PHYSIOL., vol. 25, p. 790, 1968. Harrison, 0. and R. Gianelly, “Orugs Used in the Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias," DISEASE-A-MONTH, Jan. 1969. Harrison, D., M. Klughaupt, M. Flamm, and £. Hancock, "Non-Rheumatic Mitral In- sufficiency: Determination of Operability and Prognosis,” CIRCULATION, vol. 39, p. 307, 1969. Harrison, D., W. Henry, S. Kountz, R. Cohn, and S. Robison, "Changes in Pulsatile Blood Flow in Autograft and Homograft Kidneys during Rejection," TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 7, p. 545, 1969. Harrison, 0., 8. Treister, R. Gianelly, and R. Cohn, "The Circulatory Effects of Isoproterenol, Acetylstrophanthidin and Volume Loading in Acute Pericardial Tamponade," CARDIOVASC. RES., vol. 3, p. 299, 1969. Harrison, D. and M. Pertroth, "Cardiogenic Shock: A Review,” CLIN. PHARMACOL. AND THERAPEUT., vol. 10, p. 449, 1969. Harrfson, D., R. Gtanelly, and B. Treister, "The Effect of Propranolol on Exercise- Induced Ischemtc ST egment Depression," AMER. J. CARDIOL., vol. 24, p. 161, 1969. Harrison, D., d. Schroeder, R. Popp, E. Stinson, E. Dong, Jr., and N. Shumway, "Acute Rejection Following Cardiac Transplantation: Phonocardiographic and Ultrasound Observations,” CIRCULATION, vol. 40, p. 155, 1969. Harrison, D., B. Wintroub, J. Schroeder, M. Schroll, and S. Robison, "The Hemo- dynamic Response to Dopamine in Experimental Myocardial Infarction,” AMER. J. PHYSIOL., vol. 217, pp. 1716-1720, Dec. 1969. Harrison, D., B. Wintroub, S$. Robison, and S$. Pirages, "The Pulmonary and Systemic Circulatory Response to Dopamine Infusion,” BRIT. J. PHARMACOL., Vol. 37, p. 618, 1969. (115) APUB-9 Page 5 Harrison, D., S. Robison, and M. Schroll, "The Circulatory Response to Lidocaine in Experimental Myocardial] Infarction," AM. J. MED, SCI., Vol. 258, p. 260, 1969. Harrison, 0. and J. Ridges, "Nomograms for Determination of Mixed Venous 02 Content and 02 Stepup in Atrial Septal Defect," AMER. HEART J., Vol. 80, p.575, 1970. Harrison, D., R. Stenson, W. Henry, and L. Crouse, "Analysis of Hemodynamic Data from Cardiac Catheterization with a Digital Computer," OPTICS TECHN. REVIEW, 1969, Henry, W., L. Crouse, R. Stenson, and D. Harrison, "Computer Analysis of Cardiac Catheterization Data," AM. J. OF CARDIOLOGY, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 696-705, Nov. 1968. Hillman, R., “The Teaching of Psychotherapy Problems by Computer," to be presented at the American Psychiatric Association Convention, San Francisco, Calif., May 1970. Hillman, R., “The Teaching of Psychotherapy Problems by Computer," ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, in press. Hodgson, G., E. Petterson, K. Kvenvolden, E. Bunnenberg, B. Halpern, and C. Ponnam- peruma, "Search for Porphyrins in Lunar Dust,” SCIENCE, vol. 167, pp. 763-765, Jan, 1970.° . Huberman, J. and A. Kornberg, “Enzymatic Synthests of Deoxyribonucleic Acid, XXXV. A 3 -Hydroxy] ribonucleotide Binding Site of Escherichia colf Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase," J. BIOL. CHEM., Vol. 245, p. 5326, 1970. Ingels, N., S. Rush, and N. Thompson, "Analytic Stop Motion Stereo Photogrammetry," THE REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 487-492, Mar. 1969. Kakthana, R., J. Butte, and E. Noble, "Effects of Goldthioglucose on Alcohol Consumption in CS7BL Mice," LIFE SCIENCES, vol. 7, p. 825, 1968. Kakihana, R., E. Noble, and J. Butte, "Corticosterone Response to Ethanol in Inbred Strains of Mice," NATURE, vol. 218, Pp. 360, 1968. Kessler, S., “Speed of Mating and Sexual Isolation in Drosophila," NATURE, vol. 220, pp. 1044-1045, 1968. Kessler, S., "The Genetics of Drosophila Mating Behavior I - Organizations of Mating Speed in Drosophila pseudoobscura," AN. BEHAV., vol. 16, pp. 485-491, 1968. Kessler, S., "The Genetics of Drosophila Mating Behavior II - The Genetic Architecture of Mating Speed in Drosophila pseudoobscura," GENETICS, vol. 62, pp. 421-433, 1969. Kessler, S. and R.H. Moos, "The XYY Karyotype and Criminality: A Review,” J. PSYCHIATRIC RES., Vol. 7, pp. 153-170, 1970. Kountz, S., K. Cochrum, H. Perkins, K. Douglas, and F. Belzer, “Selection of silogreft Recipfents by Leukocyte and Kidney Cell Phenotyping," presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Feb. 1970. Kriss, J., 8. Kountz, S. Yeh, J. Wood, and R. Cohn, "99m Tc (V)-Citrate Complex for Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate,” NATURE, vol. 215, p. 1937, 1967. Kriss, J., "The Nature and Significance of the Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator," ADVANCES IN METABOLIC DISORDERS, (eds. K. Levine and R. Luft), vol. 3, pp. 209- 230, 1968. Kriss, J., “The Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator,” CALIF. MED., vol. 109, p. 202, 1968. Kriss, J., “The Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator and Thyroid Disease,” ADVANCES IN INTERNAL MEDICINE, 1970. Kriss, J., T. Mori, and J. Fisher, "Studies of an in vitro Binding Reaction between Thyroid Microsomes and Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator Globulin (LATS): 1. Development of Solid-State Competitive Binding Radioassay Methods for Measurement of Anti-Microsomal and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies, " J. CLIN. ENDOCR. AND METAB., 1970. Kriss, J. and S. McHardy-Young, "Simplified Technique for the Radioimmunoassay of Human TSH," J. NUCLEAR MED., vol. 10, p. 356, 1969, (abstract). Kriss, J., S. McHardy-Young, and H. Kaplan, “Serum Tsh Levels Following Megavol tage Radiotherapy for Hodgkin's Disease," PROGRAM, 45TH AMERICAN THYROID ASSOCIATION, Pp. 83, July 1969, (abstract). (116) APUB-9 Page 6 Kriss, J. and T. Mori, “Studies of a Rapid, in vitro, Binding Reaction between Human Thyroid Microsomes and Radioiodinated Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator (LATS) rs feces PROGRAM, 45TH AMERICAN THYROID ASSOCIATION, p. 28, July 1969, abstract). Kriss, J., E. Glatstein, and J. Eltringham, "Serum TSH and Thyroid Function Following X-Ray Therapy in Patients with Malignant Lymphoma," CLINICAL RESEARCH, vol. 18, p. 168, 1970, (abstract). Kriss, J. and T. Mori, "Rapid Competitive Binding Radioassay of Serum Anti- Microsomal and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies: Measurements in Graves' Disease," CLINICAL RESEARCH, vol. 18, p. 170, 1970, (abstract). Kriss, J. and T. Mori, “Rapid Competitive Binding Radioassay of Serum Anti- Microsomal and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies: Measurements in Graves' Disease,” submitted to 6TH INTERNATIONAL THYROID CONFERENCE, June 1970, (abstract). Laipis, P., B. Olivera, and A. Ganesan, "Enzymatic Cleavage and Repair of Transforming DNA,” P.N.A.S., vol. 62, p. 289, 1969. Levine, R. and N. Kretchmer, “Conversion of Carbamy]l Phosphate to Hydroxyurea: An Assay for Carbamy? Phosphate Synthetase, " ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 324-337, August 1971. 3k Levine, R., N. Hoogenroad, and N. Kretchmer, “Copurification of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase and Aspartate Transcarbamoylase from Mouse Spleen," BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 44, pp. 981-988, 1971. je Levine, R., N. Hoogenroad, and N. Kretchmer, “Regulation of Activity of Carbamoy] phosphate Synthetase from Mouse Spleen," BIOCHEMISTRY, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 3694- 3699, 1971, Luetscher, J., M. Weinberger, and R. Collins, “Oral Contraceptives and Hypertension: Clinical and Laboratory Observations," METABOLIC EFFECTS OF GONADAL HORMONES AND CONTRACEPTIVE STEROIDS, edited by D. Kipnis, et al, Plenum Publishing Corp., 1969. Luetscher, J., M. Weinberger, A. Dowdy, and G. Nokes, “Effects of Sodium Loading, Sodium Depletion and Posture on Plasma Aldosterone Concen- tration and Renin Activity in Hypertensive Patients," J. CLIN. ENDOCR., vol. 29, p. 1310, 1969. Luzzatti, L., R. Greenstein, D. Harris, and H. Cann, “Cytogenetic Analysis of a Boy with the XXXY¥ Syndrome: Origin of the X-Chromosomes,” PEDIATRICS, Apr. 1970. Luzzatti, L. and H. Pryor, "Body Proportions and Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate," submitted to PEDIATRICS. Luzzatti, L. and L. Knight, “Synchronization of Human Lymphocyte Cultures with FuDR," in preparation. Luzzatti, L. and L. Knight, "Morphologic and Labeling Characteristics of the Late Replicating X Chromosome in Man,” in preparation. Luzzatti, L. and L. Knight, "Intrapair and Interpair Chromosome Distance at Metaphase in Human Lymphocytes,“ in preparation. McIntosh, S., Jr., JT. Weisshaar, and H. Ashley, "Progress in Aeroelastic Opti- mization - Analytical Versus Numerical Approaches," SUDAAR, no. 383, July 1969, McIntosh, S., Jr., T. Weisshaar, and H. Ashley, "Progress in Aeroelastic Opti- mization - Analytical Versus Numerical Approaches,” presented at the AIAA Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity Specialist Conference, New Orleans, Loulsfana, Apr. 1969. Marich, K., Carr, P., Treyt], W., and D. Glick, “Effect of Matrix Material on Laser” Induced Elemental Spectral Emission," ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 42 Dec. 1970. Melges, F.T., Tinklenberg, J.R., Hollister, L.£., and H.K. Gillespie, “Marihuana and Temporal Disintegration," SCIENCE, Vol. 168, pp. 1118-1120, 1970. Melges, F.T., Tinklenberg, J.R., Hollister, L.E., and H.K. Gillespie, "Temporal — Disintegration and Depersonalization During Marihuana Intoxfcation,” ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT., Vol. 23, pp. 204-210, 1970. Melges, F.1., Anderson, R.E., Kraemer, H.C., Tinklenberg, J.R., and Weisz, A.E., THE PERSONAL FUTURE AND SELF-ESTEEM, in press. Mesel, &., "Direct Measurement of Intracardiac Blood Flow in Dogs with Experi- mental Ventricular Septal Defects,” CIRCULATION RES., Vol. 27, Dec. 1970. Mesel, E., "Transducer for Direct Measurement of Shunts in Experimental Ventricular Septal Defects," J. APPLIED PHYSIOL., Vol. 28, No. 3, March 1970. (117) APUB+9 Page 7 Mesel, E. and M.J. Gelfand, "An Automated Data Analysis and Acquisition System for a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory,” COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, in press. Morrell, F., “Neural Coding," NEUROSCIENCES RESEARCH PROGRAM BULLETIN, 1969. Morris, S., “Metabolism of Mouse Brain Synaptosome Proteins," Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 1969. Morris, S. and L. Shooter, “Half-Lives of Mouse Brain Synaptosomes," J. NEUROCHEM. , in press. Murray, G., F. Offensend, D. Silva, E. Sondik, and L. Klainer, "A Medical Service Requirements Model for Health System Design," special issue of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE ON HEALTH SYSTEMS, vol. 57, pp. 1880-1887, Nov. 1969. Noble, E., S. Silbergeld, B. Kopell, W. McKinney, W. Wittner, and J. Butte, "The Effects of Physiologic Doses of Corticosteroid on Catecholamine Metabolism in Man," J. PSYCHIAT. RES., vol. 6, p. 159, 1968. Oliver, I., 0. Koskimies, R. Hurwitz, and N. Kretchmer, "Macromolecular Forms of Aspartate Transcarbamylase in Rat Liver," BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS. RSCH. COMMUN., vol. 37, pp. 505-511, 1969. Peters, J., W. Forrest, Jr., and B. Brown, "Use of Computers in Management of a Cooperative Study," presented at the 31st Annual meeting of the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palo Alto, Calif., Feb. 1969. Peters, J., "Using a Time-Shared Computer to Manage a Cooperative Study,” Stanford University, May , 1969. Petralli, J., S. Wallis, and T. Merigan, "A Computer Method for Improvement of Antibiotic Sensitivity Data and Guidance in Therapy," CLINICAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1968. Petralli, J., Russell, E., Katooka, A., and T.C. Merigan, “On-Line Computer Quality Control of Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing,” NEW ENGLAND J. OF MEDICINE, Vol. 283, pp. 735-738, Oct. 1970. Porter, R., M. Modebe, and G. Stark, “Aspartate Transcarbamylase: Kinetic Studies of the Catalytic Subunit," J. OF BIOL. CHEM., vol. 244, pp. 1046-1057, April 1969. Reynolds, W., "Computer Control of Mass Analyzers," PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MASS SPECTROMETRY AND APPLIED TOPICS, (ASTM Committee E-14), Pittsburgh, Pa., May 1968. Reynolds, W., "A Small Computer Approach to Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry," presented at the Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Anaheim, Calif., Nov. 1967. Reynolds, W., “Instrumentation in a Time Shared Computer Environment,” RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 20-26, Apr. 1970. Reynolds, W., V. Bacon, J. Bridges, T. Coburn, B. Halpern, J. Lederberg, E. Levinthal, —. Steed, and R. Tucker, "A Computer Operated Mass Spec- trometer System," submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1970. Reynolds, W., "Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry," Chapter III, (ed. by Waller), to be published by John Wiley & Sons, New York. Rousseau, W., "A Method for Computing Probabilities in Complex Situations," Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University, 1968. Sachs, D., E. Jellum, and B. Halpern, “Determination of the Stereospecific Hydrolytic Action of Pepsin by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," BIOCHEM, BIOPHYS. ACTA., vol. 198, pp. 88-92, 1970. Sanders, W., G. Breitbard, 0. Cummins, J. Flexer, K. Holtz, J. Miller, and G. Wiederhold, “An Advanced Computer System for Medical Research," AFIPS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, vol. 31, 1967. Sanders, W.J. and A. Silvers, "Digital On-Line Computer Display to Investigate the Structure of Metabolic Systems," COMPUTERS AND BIOMED. RES., Vol. 3, pp. 133-145, April 1970. Schneiderman, L., W. Sampson, W. Schoene, and G. Haydon, "Genetic Studies of a Family with Two Autosocial Dominant Conditions," AM. J. MED., vol. 46, p. 380, 1969. Schneiderman, L., L. DeSalvo, S. Baylor, and P. Wolf, "The ‘Abnormal’ Screening Laboratory Result: Its Effect on Physician and Patient,” AM. FED. CLIN. RES., 1970, (abstract). (118) APUB-9 Page 8 Sibergeld, S., N. Brast, and E. Noble, "The Menstrual Cycle: A Double-Blind Study with Enovid and Placebo," PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE, in press. Smallwood, R., E. Sondik, and F. Offensend, "Toward an Integrated Methodology for the Analysis of Health Care Systems,” in preparation, to be presented at the 37th National Meeting of the Operation Research Society of America, Washington, 0. C., Apr. 1970. Smith, R., "Discussion Tasks as a Measure of Family Role Structure: Implications for the Study of Pathological Families," submitted for publication in J. PSYCHIAT. RESEARCH. Smith, R., "Discussion Versus Communication Network Tasks in the Study of Family Role Structure," submitted for publication in J. NERV. MENTAL DISEASES. Solomon, G., S. Levine, and J. Kraft, “Early Experience and Immunity,” NATURE, vol. 220, p. 821, Nov. 1968. Solomon, G., "Stress and Antibody Response in Rats," INT. ARCH. ALLERGY AND APPLIED IMMUNOLOGY, vol. 35, pp. 97-104, 1969. Starr, A. and J. Wernick, "Olivocochlear Bundle Stimulation: Effects on Spontaneous and Tone-~Evoked Activities of Single Units in Cat Cochlear Nucleus," J. NEUROPHYSIOL., vol. 31, pp. 549-564, 1968. Stenson, R., W. Henry, L. Crouse, and D. Harrison, "Computer Analysis of Cardiac Catheterization Data,” AM. J. CARDIOLOGY, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 696-705, Nov. 1968. Stillman, R., W. Roth, K. Colby, and P. Rosenbaum, “An On-Line Computer System for Initial Psychiatric Inventory," AMER. J. PSYCHIAT., vol. 125, p. 7, Jan. 1969. Stillman, R., R. Coste], and D. Cummins, "Computer Administered Psychiatric Inventory," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami, Florida, May, 1969. Strickland, R., "The Effect of Prednisolone on Gastric Function and Structure in Man," GASTROENTEROLOGY, vol. 56, pp. 675-686, 1969. Swanson, G., D. Snider, T. Carpenter, and J. Bellville, "A Hybrid Computing System for On-Line Respiratory Studies," published in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIOENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM AND EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL ISA BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES INSTRUMENTATION SYMPOSIUM, Denver, Colorado, May 1970. Swanson, G., T. Carpenter, D. Snider, and J. Bellville, "An On-Line Hybrid Computing System for Dynamic Respiratory Response Studies”, COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 4, pp. pp. 205-215, Apri? 1971, Thathachari, Y., “X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Melanins,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE VII INTERNATIONAL PIGMENT CELL CONFERENCE, Seattle, Wash., 1969. Thathachari, Y. and M. Blots, "Physical Studies on Melanins: X-Ray Diffraction,” BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 77-89, 1969. Thathachari, Y., "X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Melanins,” presented at the Annual Conference of the Biophysical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 1969. Thathachari, Y., "Radial Distribution Studies on Melanins," PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS, Cambridge, Mass., Aug.-Sept. 1969. Thoman, E. and S. Levine, "Hormonal and Behavioral Responsiveness to Foster Pups as a Function of Prior Maternal Experience," presented at the Symposium of Maternal Behavior in Mammals, sponsored by the International Union of Biological Science, July 1969. Thoman, £., S. Levine, and R. Conner, “Lactation Suppresses Adrenal Conticosteroid Activity and Aggressiveness in Rats," J. COMP. PHYSIOL. PSYCHOL., Vol. 3, pp. 364-369, 1970. Thoman, E., A. Turner, P. Leiderman, and C. Barnett, "Neonate-Mother Interaction: Effects of Parity on Feeding Behavior,” CHILD DEVELOPMENT, Vol. 40, pp. 1103-1111, 1970. Thoman, E., and S. Levine, "Effects of Adrenalectomy on Maternal Behavior in Rats," DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, in press. Thoman, E., C. Barnett, and P. Leiderman, “Neonate-Mother Interaction: Oevelop- ment of Earliest Feeding Patterns as a Function of Parity," CHILD DEVELOPMENT. Thoman, E., J. Olson, and P. Leiderman, “Behavior Patterns of Breast-Feeding Mothers and Neonates as a Function of Parity of the Mother and Sex of the Infant," in preparation. (119) APUB-9 Page 9 Thoman, E. and A. Korner, "Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Behavior ana Development in Infant Rats," DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, in press. Tinklenberg, J.R., Melges, F.T., Hollister, L.E., and H.K. Gillespie, "Marthuana and Immediate Memory,” NATURE, Vol. 226, pp. 1171-1172, 1970. Weinberger, M., R. Collins, A. Dowdy, G. Nokes, and J. Luetscher, "Hypertension Induced by Oral Contraceptive Containing Estrogen and Gestagen - Effects on Plasma Renin Activity and Aldosterone Excretion,” ANN. INTERN. MED,, vol. 71, p. 891, 1969. Weinberger, M., A. Dowdy, G. Nokes, and J. Luetscher, “Stimulation of Plasmas Renin Activity without Increased Aldosterone Production after Administration of Chlorothtazide to Hypertensive Patients," J. CLIN. INVEST., vol. 46, p. 1130, 1967. Weinberger, M., A. Dowdy, G. Nokes, and J. Luetscher, "Plasma Renin Activity and Aldosterone Secretion in Hypertensive Patients during High and Low Sodium Intake and Administration of Diuretic," J. CLIN. ENDOCR., vol. 28, p. 359, 1968. Weinberger, M., A. Dowdy, G. Nokes, and J. Luetscher, "Reversible Increases in Plasma Renin Activity, Aldosterone Secretion and Blood Pressure in Women Taking Oral Contraceptive Preparations," CLIN. RES., vol. 16, p. 150, 1968. Westley, J. and B. Halpern, "The Use of (-)Menthyl Chloroformate in the Optical Analysis of Asymmetric Amino and Hydroxy? Compounds by Gas Chromatography," J. ORG. CHEM., vol. 33, p. 3978, 1968. Westley, J., V. Close, D. Nitecki, and B. Halpern, "Determination of Steric Purity and Configuration of Diketopiperazines by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Thin-Layer Chromatography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry," ANAL. CHEM., vol. 40, p. 1888, 1968. Wiederhold, G., "A Summary of the ACME System," PROCEEDINGS OF THE ONR COMPUTER AND PSYCHOBIOLOGY CONFERENCE, Monterey, Calif., May 1966. Wiederhold, G., "A Summary of the ACME System," PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONVERSA- TION WITH A 50 CONFERENCE, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois, Oct.-Nov. 1966. Wiederhold, G., "Setting up a General Purpose Data-Acquisition System,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE IBM SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY, Yorktown Heights, New York, pp. 249-264, Oct. 1968. Wiederhold, G. and L. Hundley, "A Timeshared Data-Acquisition System,” published in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE COMPUTER GROUP CONFERENCE ON REAL-TIME SYSTEMS, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1969. Wiederhold, G., "An Advanced Computer System for Medica] Research," PROCEEDINGS OF THE IBM JAPAN COMPUTER SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM -- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS, Tokyo, Japan, pp. B1-B15, Nov. 1969. Wiederhold, G., "Setting Up a General-Purpose Data~Acquisition System,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE I8M SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY, Data Processing Division, White Plains, New York, pp. 249-264, Aug. 1969. Wiederhold, G., R. Frey, and S. Girardi, “A Filing System for Medical Research,” presented at Journees Internationales d'Informatique Medicale de Toulouse, France, Mar. 1970. Wiederhold, G., R. Frey, and S. Girardi, "A Filing System for Medical Research,” presented at the Eighth Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life Sciences, Houston, Texas, Mar. 1970. Wiederhold, G. and G. Breitbard, "A Method for Increasing the Modularity of of Large Systems,” IEEE COMPUTER GROUP NEWS, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 30, Mar./Apr. 1970. Wiederhold, V., “How to Use PL/ACME," Document No. 80-50-00, Stanford Computation Center, Stanford University, July 1967 (lst ed.), Sept. 1968 (2nd ed.). Wolf, P., T. Durbridge, and D. Enlander, “An Evaluation of SNOP Coding of Pathologic Data for Computer Retrieval," LABORATORY MEDICINE - THE BULLETIN OF PATHOLOGY, pp. 400-401, Dec. 1969. * New Iintry Since Last APUB. Revision of APUB-8 dated August 12, 1971 Diet: Stelf/AlL HLL ED Aas (120) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all protessioral personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follaw the same genera/ format for each person. | NAMS TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) Professor and Executive Head, LEDERBERG, JOSHUA Department of Genetics 5-23-25 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-US citizen, SEX : indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Montclair, New Jersey U.S.A. CiMate _T] Female EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Columbia College, New York B.A. 1944 College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York (1944-46) Yale University Ph.D. 194] Microbiology HONORS 1957 - National Academy of Sciences 1958 - Nobel Prize in Medicine MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST : ROLE iN PROPOSED PROJECT Molecular Genetics; Artificial Intelligenc PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) SEE ATTACHMENTS: RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to araa of project List all or most representative publications, Oo not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1961- 1959- Stanford University Director, Kennedy Laboratories for Molecular Medicine Professor, Genetics and Biology, and Executive Head, Department of Genetics, Stanford University 1957-1959 University of Wisconsin 1957 1950 Chairman, Department of Medical Genetics Melbourne University, Australia Fullbright Visiting Professor of Bacteriology University of California, Berkeley Visiting Professor of Bacteriology 1947-1959 University of Wisconsin Professor of Genetics 1946-1947 Yale University. Research Fellow of the Jane Coffin Childs Fund for Medical Research 1945-1946 Columbia University. Research Assistant in Zoology Professional Activities: 1967- NIMH: National Mental Health Advisory Council 1961-1962 President (Kennedy)'s Panel on Mental Retardation 1960- NASA Committees: Lunar and Planetary Missions Board 1958-" National Academy of Sciences: Committees on Space Biology 1950-. President's Science Advisory Committee panels. National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation study sections (genetics) RHS-398 Rev. 3-70 81. 182. 186. 192. 194, (121) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Lederberg, J., 1959 A View of Genetics. Les Prix Nobel en 1958: 170-89. Buchs, A., A.B. Delfino, A.M. Duffield, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg, 1970. Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference. VI. Approach to a general method of interpreting low resolution mass spectra with a computer. Helvitia Chimica Acta 53 (6): 1394-1417. Feigenbaum, E. A., B. G. Buchanan, J. Lederberg, 1971 On generality and problem solving: a case study using the DENDRAL program in Machine Intelligence 6, (B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds.), Edinburgh University Press, P. 165-190. Reynolds, W.E., V.A. Bacon, J.C. Bridges, T.C. Coburn, B. Halpern, J. Lederberg, E.C. Levinthal, E. Steed, R.B. Tucker, 1970 A computer operated mass spectrometer system. Analytical Chem. 42:1122-1129, September 1970. Lederberg, J. "Use of Computer to Identify Unknown Compounds: The Automation of Scientific Inference" in Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry (G.R. Waller, ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York (in press) (122) RESEARCH SUPPORT: Budgeted Amt. of Grant Project Title Dates Amt. Salary _ Research Projects: Ff JPL Contract Extended Mission of 9/1/69 - 6/30/72 $185,000 16% 952489 Mariner Mars NASA Viking Biology Team -6/30/72 $ 9,608 NAS-19692 NIH RRO311 Advanced Computer for 1966 - 7/31/73 $ 25% Med. Research NIH Genetics of Bacteria 9/1/71 - 8/31/72 $ 58,000 Al 05160-14 Managerial: NIH Training Program in 7/1/71 - 6/30/72 $130,609 GM 295-13 Genetics NSF Exchange Program 5/1/72 - 4/30/73 $ 60,000 (Applied GB 29094 in Genetics and for) Molecular Biology between Universities of Stanford and Pavia (Italy) NASA Cytochemical 9/1/71 - 8/30/72 $240,000 05% NGR 05-020-004 Studies of Planetary Micro- organisms SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION (123) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for aft professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation pages and follow the same general format for each person. } NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) Edward A. Feigenbaum Professor of Computer Science |1-20-36 PLACE OF SIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (If non-U.S. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Weehawken, New Jersey U. S.A. (mate (Female EDUCATION (8egin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral} YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Carnegie Institute of Technology B. S. 1956 Electrical Engineering Carnegie Institute of Technology Ph.D. 1959 Industrial Administration HONORS Fulbright Research Scholar, Great Britain, National Physics Laboratory, Teddington, England, 1959-60. MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Artificial Intelligence Research Heuristic Programming Associate Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) Current Total, Proj. % Source of Contract/Grant No. Title Year Period Effort Support ARPA SD~183 The Heuristic Programming $200,000 $700,548 2% ARPA Project of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project 5 R24 RROO612-02 Resourcé-Related 214,093 722,062 27% NIH _ 88S Research; Computers and Chemistry RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to area of project. List aff or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1965- Stanford University, Computer Science Department Faculty 1965-68 Stanford University, Director, Computation Center 1968-72 National Institutes of Health, Member, Computer and Biomathematical Sciences Study Section 1965- Editor, Computer Science Series, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York 1960-64 University of California, Berkeley Research-Center for Research in Management Science, 1960-64 Research-Center for Human Learning, 1961-64 Assistant and Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, 1960-64 1963 National Science Foundation. Summer Research Training Institute in Computer Simulation of Cognitive Processes. Faculty member. 1962 Carnegie Corporation. Summer Research Training Institute in Heuristic Programming. Faculty member. 1956 IBM Scientific Computing Center, New York RHS-398 Rev. 3-70 (124) Recent Publications Smith, Q. H., Buchanan, B. G., Engelmore, R. S., Duffield, A. M., Yeo, A., Feigenbaum, E. A., Lederberg, J., and Djerassi, Carl, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference VIII. An Approach to the Computer Interpretation of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of Complex Molecules. Structure Elucidation of Estrogenic Steroids," December, 1971. Buchanan, B. G., Feigenbaum, E. A., and Lederberg, J., "A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in Science." In proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Imperial College, London (September 1971). (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 145.) Buchs, Armand, Delfino, Allan B., Djerassi, Carl, Duffield, A. M., Buchanan, B. G., Feigenbaum, E. A., Lederberg, J., Schroll, Gustav, and Sutherland, G. L., "The Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Interpretation of Low-Resolution Mass Spectra", Advances in Mass Spectrometry Volume 5, 314+318. Feigenbaum, E. A., Buchanan, B. G., and Lederberg, J., "On Generality and Problem Solving: A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Program", Machine Intelligence 6, B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds., Edinburgh University Press, 1971. Lederberg, J., Sutherland, G. L., Buchanan, B. G., Feigenbaum, E. A., Robertson, A. V., Duffield, A. M. and Djerassi, C., “Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference I. The Number of Possible Organic Compounds. Acyclic Structures Containing C, H, O and N", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 91, 2973, 1969. Duffield, A. M., Robertson, A. V., Djerassi, C., Buchanan, B. G., Sutherland, G. L., Feigenbaum, ©. A. and Lederberg, J., "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference II. Interpretation of Low Resolution Mass Spectra of Ketones", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 91, 2977, 1969. Schroll, G., Duffield, A. M., Djerassi, C., Buchanan, B. G., Sutherland, G. L., Feigenbaum, E. A. and Lederberg, J., “Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference III. Aliphatic Ethers Diagnosed by Their Low Resolution Mass Spectra and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 91, 7440, 1969. Lederberg, J., Sutherland, G. L., Buchanan, B. G. and Feigenbaum, E. A., "A Heuristic Program for Solving a Scientific Inference Problem: Summary of Motivation and Implementation", Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 104, November 1969. Buchanan, B. G., Sutherland, G. L. and Feigenbaum, E. A., "Toward an Understanding of Information Processes of Scientific Inference in the Context of Organic Chemistry", in Machine Intelligence 5, B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds., Edinburgh University Press, 1970. (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 99, September 1969) (125) Publications Page 2 Buchanan, B. G., Sutherland, G. L., and Feigenbaum, E. A., "Heuristic DENDRAL: A Program for Generating Explanatory Hypotheses in Organic Chemistry", in Machine Intelligence 4, B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds., Edinburgh University Press, 1969. (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 62, July 1968.) Feigenbaum, E. A., "Artificial Intelligence: Themes in the Second Decade", in Final Supplement to Proceedings of the IFIP68 International Congress, Edinburgh, August 1968. (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 67, August 1967) Lederberg, J. and Feigenbaum, Es A., "Mechanization of Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry", in Formal Representations for Human Judgment, B. Kleinmuntz, ed., Wiley, 1968. (Also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No. 54, August 1967.)