(76) Service Project Descriptions (cont'd.) this with the measured height of some portion of the composite resonance spectra.. Investigator: M. Lexie Nall Project: L_NALL. PSORIASI Dept. of Dermatology Non~Realtime Project Began April 1969 The computer is used to perform calculations in connection with a study of the genetics of psoriasis. A questionnaire requesting information on presence or absence of the disease in relatives was sent to almost 700 psoriasis suf- ferers and to 100 controls. A statistically significant familial concentra- tion of the disease has been demonstrated which, together with twin studies, supports the concept that hereditary factors contribute to the etiology of psoriasis. Pedigree analysis and frequencies of psoriasis among siblings of sufferers were not consistent with inheritance of genetic differences at a single auto- somal or x-linked locus, even with decreased penetrance due to delayed age of onset. These findings, plus further analysis, suggested that psoriasis is determined by multifactorial inheritance. Application of the twin method to this study is still in process. The sample of monozygotic and dizygotic twins (one or both members affected) was drawn from the United States. The questionnaire used in this study has been translated into several lan- guages. An international information exchange and coordination center is being set up in the Department of Dermatology. Investigator: John Petralli Project: J _PETRAL. MED DATA Stanford Univ. Hospital Clinical J_PETRAL. INFCON Lab. - Infectious Disease J_PETRAL. PROGRESS Project Began January 1969 Non-Realtime Antibiotic-sensitivity testing gives physicians important information about treatment of specific infections. To improve the quality of antibiotic-sen- sitivity data (high potency single disc method) and to guide: the interpretation of results and antibiotic selection, a computer program has been developed. Clinical information and zone sizes are entered into the ACME computer each day. As the information is given to the computer, the quality-control program immediately detects and challenges unusual results and directs the laboratory technicians to appropriate restudy of the organism in question. This system converts zone sizes to resistant, intermediate, or sensitive and prints final reports from its memory. These final results are generated three days to eight weeks after the specimen enters the lab. Reports for "routine" specimens are printed for distribution to the nursing units. Antibiotic sensitivity test (77) Service Project Descriptions (cont'd.) results are compared to previous results and unusual values are flagged for further study before release to the physician. Results which pass this screen- ing are interpreted for the physician. Previous results are analyzed every six months to allow updating of acceptable criteria and to provide the fellows and residents of Infectious Diseases with patterns of antibiotic susceptibility for approximately fifty organisms. The results for rare organisms are accumu- lated until sufficient data is present to include them in the daily quality control program. Decreased potency of an antibiotic disc is detected by comparison of periodi- cally determined mean zone sizes. Limits of confidence of a single reading are established by review of zone sizes observed with a standard organism tested on different occasions. Knowledge of antibiotic sensitivities of organisms isolated from a specific site such as blood or urine will help to guide the selection of antibiotics before specific sensitivities are known. Such information is of value in selection of antibiotics in treating rarely encountered organisms with less well-known sensitivity patterns or in selection of alternate antibiotics when the first choice drug is hazardous. Yearly comparison of antibiotic sensi- tivity patterns obtained will give information about major trends and suggest appropriate changes in treatment of various infections. Currently the project is testing the feasibility of automatically generating patient charges from the specimen identification data entered into ACME. This would hopefully decrease the paperwork for the lab personnel, facilitate data control and practically eliminate keypunching from charge slips. This also involves automatic routing of charges, depending on whether the patient made an in-house, clinic, or other outpatient visit. There are plans to use ACME to provide physicians with preliminary results on a daily basis. Such a system would be adaptable to a hospital information system to provide instant preliminary and final results at nursing units as they are generated. This system should be running on a small scale within the near future, Another plan involves using ACME to study the possibility of routinely iden- tifying bacteria with gas chromatography. This summer we will begin parallel testing of an automated sensitivity test- ing instrument for approximately four months. The machine will provide sensitivity results twenty hours sooner than conventional methods. In addition to improving the accuracy of laboratory results for the benefit of patients, the computer has proved valuable in checking the work of labora- tory technicians and students in training. (78) TRAINING PROJECTS Investigator: James Calvert Project: J_CALVER. TEXT Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began November 1969 The computer is used for calculations involving the economics of investment in biomedical research. Given some fraction of the gross national product as appropriate for the total national expenditure on health, national investment policy can be made more explicit and rational by considering for each major disease category: (1) medical care costs and lost income per year, (2) yearly probability of premature death or continued disability, (3) fraction of the health budget allocated to research, (4) discount (interest) rate for patient lives saved or improved, (5) the maximum number of years allowed to complete cure or prevention of the particular disease. A second study investigates the economics of effectiveness and efficiency in patient care. Effective patient care simultaneously focuses on the patient's visit, the current illness, the patient's year, and the patient's lifetime. Schedules for effective care are integrated by a simultaneous analysis of policies relating investments of professionals and facilities to benefits of patient care at each of the four time foci. Optimal schedules can then be derived for the care of individual patients within the national population by a weighting matrix of investment policies. Efficient utilization of invested professionals and facilities is markedly influenced by such human capital factors as: (1) degree of specialization and rate of ongoing improvement, (2) flexibility of allocation, and (3) overall state of the technical art. Investigator: Glenn Funk Project: GAFUNK. RHINO Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began June 1971 The intent of this project is to stu.y rhinovirus defectiveness from three approaches: (1) an attempt to derive a subgenomic "defective interfering" (DI) rhinovirion by rapid passage at high multiplicity of infection. (79) Training Project Descriptions (cont'd) (2) study of the kinetics of viral RNA production at permissive and non- permissive temperatures, and (3) study of the intracellular development of rhinovirions under both temperature conditions using an electron microscope. In addition, an attempt will be made to determine a particle-to-PFU-ratio as an indicator of the degree of defectiveness of a viral suspension. Investigator: Rodney Levine Project: RLLEVINE. CPS Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began December 1968 The project was undertaken to clarify some of the mechanisms of pyrimidine synthesis in mammals, and the relationship of that synthesis to the control of cellular proliferation. The computer is used for data analysis and statis- tical evaluation. It greatly accelerates the pace of the experiments. As the work has progressed into an examination of enzyme kinetics, the comput er has been used for theoretical curve fitting. Important properties of the enzyme system have been deduced, and theoretical equations have led to the conclusion that an allosteric enzyme is involved. The computer has been an indispensable aid in calculation related to predic- tion of enzyme preparation behavior in a sucrose gradient centrifugation. Investigator: D. Craig Miller Project: C MILLER. CAB Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began February 1972 This project is an attempt to define concrete risk/benefit guidelines for the new saphenous vein - coronary artery bypass surgery. Method: 1. Collection of 15 significant pre-operative parameters on 400 patients who have undergone the surgery at Stanford. 2. Collection of follow-up clinical and angiographic data on as many of the 400 patients as possible. 3. Collection of 5 operative parameters. 4. Using computer and non-parametric multivariable biostatistical methods, attempt to find correlations among the parameters collected. (80) Training Project Descriptions (cont'd) 5. Report Stanford's results and formulate pre-operative risk/benefit guidelines from the above data. 6. Report on subpopulations of patients with unique pre-op or post-op courses. Investigator: Larry Nestor Project: L NESTOR. DIFFDX Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began January 1970 This project has developed a program to aid in diagnosis. Its original purpose was to provide a teaching aid for students. The program would output differen- tial diagnoses with probability-like values associated with them, in response to a given set of symptoms. Clinical practitioners can also make use of the program in an effort to avoid overlooking an obscure diagnosis. By asking the program what other diseases can show a given set of symptoms, the number of missed diagnoses can be reduced. Investigator: Marc Nuwer Project: MRNUWER. NEURON Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began February 1971 The computer is used for modeling of neurons and groups of neurons. Arrays are constructed which simulate the temporal and spatial relationships of electrical activity on neuron surfaces, using an array for the soma, and a set of arrays for dendrites. In this manner, the interactions of “slow potential" gradients on neurons can be matched; inputs can interact with both spatial and temporal summation. Plans have been formulated to order the modeling to fit the parameters of known neuron types (e.g. pyramidal cells, stellate cells, etc.). Array values will be changed to simulate the properties of the neuron membranes in a way which will simulate learning and memory, principally as proposed in a holographic memory model. Investigator: William Rosenthal Project: W_ROSENT. RESEARCH Medical Student Non-Realtime Project Began December 1968 This project investigates speech and language pathology and normal speech perception, utilizing studies of language-deviant children. ACME is used for (81) Training Project Descriptions (cont'd) statistical data reduction of auditory processing of these children and for longitudinal study and follow-up. The project includes research into the effectiveness of stuttering therapy, speech and auditory perception in aphasic children, and normal speech percep- tion in adults and children. (82) VIII. UTILIZATION DATA A. Interpreting Utilization Charts The teras used to discuss ACME utilization involve charging units and categories of users. 1. Charging Units Last year, the computer service charge units were: page minutes terminal connect tire blacks of disk storage terminal service charge In April, 1972, our rate structure was revised and charge units for batch execution, CPU time slices, and tape sounts vere added. However, due to their recent incorporation in the rate structure, no data is included for thea. A pageminute is defined as occupancy of 4096 bytes of core for one minute. Terminal connect time is the total nuaber of minutes that a terminal is connected to the syster in a logged-on condition. a block of disk storage is a fixed length block of 2000 bytes of 2314-type disk storage. The terminal service charge covers sonthly terminal rent plus other services offered by the ACME staff. This service charge is handled by the University independent of the ACHE grant. 2. User Categories This table shows the category identifier, rate, and definition of each user category. The rate charged per pagenrinute varies by user categories and some categories are subsidized 100% by the ACME Grant. An asterisk next to the category identifier (*4) designates those so subsidized. All other categories are paying. There is a distinction between real- time and non-realtime users. Realtime users ase the 1800 processor or 2701 data adapter for data collection or process control functions. (83) PAGE-MINUTE CHARGE TABLE Cateyory cents/pagemsinute Pre-April,72 Post-April,72 1. Realtime User - Sponsored Research -50 1.00 2. Non-Realtime User - Sponsored Research 1.00 1.70 3. Non-Stanford Medical 2.00 2.50 *4u. Medical Students 1.00 2.00 *5. Realtime User - Core Research 250 2.00 *6. Non-Realtime User - Core Research 1.00 2.00 *7. ACME Staff 1.00 2.00 8. Hospital Data Processing 1.25 1.70 9. Non-Medical - Stanford and Non-Stanforda 2.50 2.00 *10. Realtime - Pilot and Pending Proposal 50 2.C0 *11. Non-Realtime - Pilot and Pending Proposal 1.00 2.00 *12. Realtime —- Extended Non-Funded 50 2.00 *13. Non-kealtime - Extended Non-Funded 1.00 2.00 16. Negotiated Rates - Combination of Core 25 1.20 Research and Medical Administration *No cash charges, i.e., absorbed by the ACME project budget. The four graphs in Section C show atilization since February, 1970 by user-supplied income, pageminutes of use, block storage, and number of terminal connect time hours. An additional table in Section C summarizes ACME utilization by Department. Section D sugmarizes computer resource usage by charge category and primary investi gator. B. Patterns of Use buting fiscal year 1972, a noticeable shift has occurred from a preponderance of program development to execution. Approximately two years ago, it was norsal to find 50% of logged-on users in execution with another 50% performing data entry functions or prograg development. One year ago, approximately 2/3 of those logged-on to the systen were found to be in execution during normal daytime hours. More recently it appears that 75% of the users logged-on to the system are in program execution. The effect of this trend is that more cycles per user hour are absorbed than was the case two years ago. It also indicates that a certain amount of work performed on the system is now more or less routine or operates in a "production" mode. Much of this so-called production- type work is used to support research in the Medical Center. Bxamples of this are the realtime data collection fros spectro- meters and the data collection phase of the Drug Interaction Program. (84) During the past year, approximately 75%-85% of the available disk storage for users has been used. Prequentiy we have run out of space on individual packs during the norsal operating hours. This has caused considerable inconvenience to all users, especially those who attempt to create very large files. Next gonth a number of data compression routines will be made available to all users. These routines will permit a con- Siderable reduction in the amount of space used for individual files. We expect that our users will quickly adopt these techniques to reduce their disk storage charges. Yass INCOME Total Income Incl. Terminal Service —— — —Computer Servic e $40 ,000 ~ $40,000 $30,000), 30,000 TOTAL $20,000}, | 20,000 %., ~‘ o an, a “ ni TERMINAL SERVICE INCOM ~_-F-~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ON ” ~ ~17 $10,000}. 40,000 Ampex Rate Core Decrease COMPUTER SERVICE INCOME Added _— _ Feb 70 May Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Apr Jul Oct Jan 71 = Apr Jul Oct Jan 72 Apr PAGEMINUTES Total ——~— — Chargeable +4+++-Total Excl. Staff & Pharmacy 3,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000] NE™ ,000 ,000 eet tt Lee Z ds 1,000, 0004 aoK. Zs B,,000 ,000 \ “oo ie” ~ a a a Ampex Rate Core Decrease Added - -_- Feb70 May Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb Mar Juri Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Apr Jul Oct Jan 7| = Apr Jul Oct Jan 72 Apr (86) BLOCK STORAGE oo Pot 1a, 000 camnnanprammetlargeable | 120,000 bn 90,000 J. - eh 70,008 a“ ” Lo 60,000 IN ’ 4 60,006 — ~ ” _ s - q4~—_—— “ - ~ a ~ ~— —- - 30,000} ah 30,000 Ampex Rate Core Decreask Added _— - Feb 70 May Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Apr Jul Oct Jan 71 Apr Jul Oct Jan 72 Apr TERMINAL HOURS ———_—s Total ~~ «oe Chargeable \ 4,00 4,000 3,001 ab3 ,000 4 4 4 2,001. sf abe 050 oT. 7 + 7 ~Y Lae a ~~ ~ ” 1,009 “abe Ampex [1,000 “TF Rate Core Decrease Added - - Feb 70 ay Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Apr Jul Oct Jan 71 Apr Jul Oct Jan 72 Apr (87) 06 "19S “L6$ T1996 LT$ 00°000 “LT$ §=—-nSg “ENE £59 “ng 120 ‘06 98S “660 ‘L £e£ 920T OE LEGL 0$*S2 TWLOL IOOHOS TYOTCEN 69 °gl9 *2 Sig *et OSL OeT 00°T weI#olg TeoTpay Teuotzay O° T6Y ‘2 199 €T 2gL 92T O$°T UYaxvesey % BuTYORAar yuTor 62°629 *T $6 ‘T 620 *gnT sqey uvempsTata ££ 220 ‘2 TLL OT 625 “6 3a4}TMMOD suUOTSsTUpY go"¢ 2g go°69g 692 ‘T 156 T OSt ‘OT 208 “ONT 9° ABoTOIN 6" 122% $ ooreer 6$°2T 09 HET gt oC R68 ~- ot 668 opt ‘2 fSorodutreT0%0 lopouTeyudo 9°26 1 o2°T 66 02 z0z 6 at 16 ‘T L6y O2T -0- 62e ‘22 Te TMOseAoTprEe} ca lel 602 “y £99 ‘O€ f£xaBIng gh"ns9 : 698 . g92. 9S 00°T ABoTOTQOTPRY 287690 8 HOE LT 2n6 “€E9 os° Aderauy uopyeppey 6S°6QL “STF } OF ERT “T d0°g2T £96 f2 ong 900 *SST 104 9 00"T SUPOTPEW Tee ToONN TH "OSL *T 6T6HT ‘T $59 OT Sit 186 ‘ET 694 “09 OO'T —- ABOTOTPEY oT Gsou-FeIG “T° S9T “th oge 8 HTL Lae 00°T ABOTLOPPRY 00°922 € T2°064 T Lo*n0L © 206 §2T £6L ‘OT 666 “92 96¢ ‘Tlz 2TL 26 igh ‘0OT o0%2 Aayeqyoksd 00°¢ Lz 219 09s ‘02 AS0ToTsAud g6 "£99 06° et 9925S 62h gS ‘goz -0" 00'T ABoTOowuTe Ug 06°96 40° 16h 'T Oln TE inz 6 O6T “OgT nE2 *LSG soTryeTpeg al'gyc OL°n9 05s 9 zon £20 ‘Liz 96% ‘2 00°T ABoTOYNIEg 46° THO T 06°¢ 40 ‘2 6¢ OTL ‘LOT -0- ABoTOIMAN order, a ' ete 7 auToOTpay Aroqeatdsay . ° Tet Ons £B0TOOU0 £0°6LT G Bn “G2e ngl OT £50 t £90 ‘oth gts ‘22 00°¢ STC qeqeWq % wproopuq Coen S9°ORE a8 & gor ‘T ges é 696 ‘oz saseastq snoy4oajul G0 62 . #80 Tourn gLsas ‘rzt } L896 geL{L 819 “T22 BoToyeuDy go° ltt : : ROS gc9 9 Ao TOI94Ua0T1SED E1625 fh oT’ les 6 ne 61S 6E eel 6< C2L SE 06€ ‘IHS 00°2 «= ABoToOowmrayg Teor Letg0* OT"RGO ‘T . ons 9 . 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