ACME Computing Facility | “Advanced Computer for Medical Research Stanford University pans of Medicine ANNUAL REPORT “FY, 1972 Primary support from Biotechnology Resources Branch ~ National Institutes of Health NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DIVISION OF RESEARCH RESOURCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES BRANCH RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION if Pe Report Period: Grant No, As +e . From: August 1, 1971 To: July 31, 1972 RR - 311 - 06 “s Date of Report Preparation: May 1972 Name of Resource Resource Address Resource Telephone No. Advanced Computer for MEdical | Stanford University (415) 321-1200 ext. 6121 Research (ACME) School of Medicine Stanford, Calif. 94305 Principal Investigator Title Academic Dept. Lederberg, Joshua Professor Genetics Grantee Institution Type of Institution Investigator's : Telephone No, Stanford University Private Non-Profit University School of Medicine (415) 321-1200 ext. 5801 Name of Institution's Biotechnology Resource Advisory Committee: ACME Policy Committee Membership of Biotechnology Resource Advisory Committee: Name Title Department Institution *Elliott Levinthal Assoc. Dean for Research Genetics SU Med School Stanley Cohen Assistant Professor Clin. Pharmacology " Joseph DeGrazia Assistant Professor Nuclear Medicine " Donald Harrison Associate Professor Cardiology " Sumner Kalman Professor Pharmacology " Howard Sussman Assistant Professor Pathology " *Chariman; has reviewed report. Name and Title of Principal Investigator tepesare Date Name and Title of Grantee Institution Official} Signature ) Date Joshua Lederberg, Prof. of Genetics TABLE OF CONTENTS TMTRODUCTION. a cacscccccccncccccwweccccs ccascassccncesccncccccceel i. Ii. Itt. IV. SUMMARY... cece ccc ccc cc cc ncccccccnscccncucececcecccuccacccncd A. Highlights of Piscal Year, 1972... cccscccccencccecsecesld Be Goals for Piscal Year, 1973... cccccccccccacccccecescces3 C. Comment on Medical Center Coaputer Planning. ........0.04 D. Overview of Six-Year ACHE Experiment... ....cccccccesccecd STANFORD MEDICAL CEWTER COMPUTING PLANS. gc cccccccccccccccee? A. The Sedical Center Scene... .ccccoccccccccccaccacesccecel Bo ACME FoOllOW-On Grant.ceccccccceccccccrcccscccsccvesesscel ACME FACILITY ACCOMPLISHMBETS, 197 2eccccccncccencccacccsceed A. Planning StudieS.....ccccccccccccccccececcccccccccececed B. ew and Continuing Application Programs......ccceececee ll C. System Software Improvements... ..cccoenccccasccccesccee t3 D. Hardware Changes... cccsacccccccccccccccacccsccccccccce lt? E. Operations Report. ccccccccccee cccscccsnccsecscccccccesell Po. Education and Training. .ccccecceccscccccccccccsccascavela PLANNED PROGRAM POR 1973.2 cccccccccccccccecccccccccccccess 24 An ODJECCIVES cc reer ecccccccccccccccancccccccccccecacacsces 24 B. Applications Development... ....ccccccccccccccccccccese ltt Cc. Hardware ACQUISITIONS. oo cere ecewe scene sccceseccceeceee 2 De. System Software... ccc cc ccaccccccccccccccccccccccccse eld ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. ccc cca cccccccecccccncseccesseed3 (ii) VI. BUDGET 2. ce cc cc cw mec ccc mecca c wc c ccc cece wesc ccececscccesccse JD Aw. Resource Expenditures. .cwaccccccacccscccrccccseaccccs 39 B. Justification for 1973 Budget. .... cca ccccccccccccecee 36 C. Expenditure Details. ...cseesesccccccsescscaccrccssccee 38 D. Summary of Resource Funding... ccccsccsccccavcccccssees 43 E. Resource Equipment LiStecsccccccccccceccccccccaccccees 44 Fo Income Projection. 2. ccccccscccncccccccccccccscccccccce 4/7 VIL. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS... cc ccccccc ccs ccccccscccccccccsccccccs 49 A. Core and Collaborative Research... .cccccccccccacsc cece s 49 Bo SeLVice Projects... 2. cece ccc ccc ccccancccccecccccccscsee 56 Cw. Training Project. ence ccccccccccccccccccccccccscessces 18 VIII. UTILIZATION DATA. cc cc cc ccc ccc cccncccc ence cesses asececcess G2 A. Interpreting Utilization Charts... cece cccccaccncccccee 82 B. PatternS Of USC... cc cccccccccc acca nanccsacecsecccccces B3 Cw. Utilization Charts... wc ccccccccccnccnscccccccccccccsce 85 D. Summary of Computer Resource USage...cccccccsccccccece 89 IX. PUBLICATIONS... cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccc ccswccncascncsaccccesccesecelll A. Publications in Regularly Scheduled Periodicals.......111 Be Other Publications. .cccsccacccncaccccccacvcccscceceesall2 Cw. Staff Technical Notes... .cccccccaccccccccccccscascces cll] Appendix A: Summary of Campus/ACME Merger Study......... 223 Appendix B: ACME System Core Timing Results...eccneecece 0l28 Appendix C: Results of Three Compaction Algorithas...... .136 Appendix D: Comparison of Meantime Between Pailures......137 Appendix E: Proposal for Ssall Computer Service......... .138 (iii) Major portions of this report were prepared using the Stanford Campus Facility WYLBOR and ACME Facility text editing prograas. Final copy was produced on the ACMB systen printer.