Grant No. RROOQ311-04 Section IV Name: McGann, L. Project: HOSPCOST Department: Community & Preventive Medicine Project Description: Tabulate the results of a sample survey of Stanford Medical Center hospital charges for the aged. The purpose of the study is to compare 1968 costs and sources of financing with parallel results of a 1962 study in the Stanford Medical Center. Name: Mesel, =. Project: CLINIC Department: Pediatrics Project Description: The object of this project is to store patient identi- fication information and diagnoses obtained at each step in the course of illness (clinical - OPD or IPD, cardiac catheterization, surgery, and autopsy) in the ACME files. This wark is patient-service oriented but has several experimental aspects such as the structuring of the filing schemes to permit rapid access (while conserving the amount of file space utilized) and the utilization of the stored information for hos- pital planning purposes, evaluation of patient survival with different modes of therapy, etc. 1e9 Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Name: Mesel, E., Project: WFR Department: Pediatrics Project Description: Investigation of mathematical modeling techniques applicable to medical diagrams. The plan is ultimately to apply the cause-effect modeling techniques developed in an environment that allows on-line interaction between physician and computer model. Though a program has been written to implement the cause-effect modeling techniques using a Burroughs B5500 computer, adapting even that program to ACME will require considerable effort as the program depends heavily on the nearly unique ability of the B5500 to efficiently handle re- cursion and treat overlay automatically. It is felt that the ability to experiment with the models constructed in a way available only in an on-line system and that the increased interest and criticism that will result from testing the models produced in a clinical environment justify the effort, Currently programmed is the congenital heart disease model of Warner and his collaborators. Name: Morrell, L. Project: EEG Department: Neurology Project Description: The initial project will be multivariate statistical evaluation of data relating electroencephalographic measures to motor behavior. The data to be entered in ACME have already been partly processed with a LINC computer; period analysis of spontaneous EEG and also amplitude analysis are used as predictive variables for sub- sequent performance by the human subject, Analysis will be reiterated to afford comparison of electrocortical activity at various regions. Other uses will be analysis of averaged cortical evoked responses to sensory input, and averaged cortical activity preceding and following voluntary action, including speech production. Statistical evaluation of such data as recorded simultaneously from a variety of electrode locations is planned. 130 Grant No. RROO311-o4 Section IV Name: Noble, E. Project: ALCOHOL Department: Psychiatry Project Description: We have been studying the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system of rodents. A study of alcohol's effect on the pituitary adrenal system is being studied in various inbred mouse strains. We are also studying the effects of central nervous system lesions on alcohol preference phenomenon in mice. Finally, the mechanism of cen- tral nervous system adaptation to alcohol and other stressors is being considered. Name: Whitcher, C. Project: spetrm Department: Anesthesia Project Description: Spectral analysis of blood pressure sounds. Determine why blood pressure sounds are difficult to hear under adverse circum stances, 131 Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Category 12 Name: Angel, R. Project: ERCORECT Department: Neurology Project Description: Data reduction and statistical analysis of movement pat- terns, limb displacement, limb velocity, and electromyography in relation to both normal subjects and neurologically impaired patients. Name: Constantinou,’ C. Project: UROL Department: Urology Project Description: ACME will be used for research in the Division of Urology for real-time data acquisition and feedback. Analogue data collected from anesthetized animals in surgery will be transmitted via the interface box to the 1800 and 2741 output re- ceived in the operating room during the experiment. There are four input channels now for parameter input such as action potentials from ureteral smooth muscle, peristetic pressure waves, urine flow rate, EKG or blood pressure, The analogue output is used for driving the XY plotter and providing a reference for servomechani- cal pump. During experiments data files are written from the analogue inputs for long-term storage and also for short term (up to two weeks) before data reduction. ACME will also be used for statistical analysis of the experimental work and the TV for display of waveforms and graphs. 132 Grant No. RROO411-01 Section IV Name: Duffield A. Project: CHEM Department: Chemistry Project Description: The purpose of this project can be summarized as follows: (A) The taking of high rate data transmission to write experimental analysis programs so ag to develop programs for the routine analysis and finished output of mass spectra. The trans- mission is through the 270Y-270X channel. The project plans to develop this interface to service two mass spectrometers (ALTAS CHY and ART MS9). The taken spectra are then to be fed to the Artificial Intelligence group under the supervision of Joshua Lederberg and Edward Feigenbaum to be used in their investigations. (B) Another use of data transmission through the 270Y is to take spectropolorimeter measurements and then analyze these spectra for form bandwidths, and similarities between derivatives for theoretical projections. (C) The project mentioned also includes a battery of utility programs for metastable analysis, chemical rate analysis, C13 substitution ratios, and other routine analyses that the chemists wished programmed. Name: Gersch, W. Project: SYNTHEST Department: Neurology Project Description: Research in the application of time series methods to problems in neurophysiology and medicine. 1) Development and application of new multidimensional autoregressive representation methods of spectral analysis to EEG analysis. 2) Development and application of a time series analysis technique to locate the anatomical site of epileptic focus from data taken from deep brain site implanted bipolar electrodes during generalized epileptic seizure activity. 3) Research on modeling feedback paths in the cat's visual system. Ex- perimental data taken in the laboratory of Dr. K. L. Chow. 4) A eritieal computer analysis of a long standing model of vagus con- trol of heart rate, 5) Development of a novel Markov chain-symbol pattern recognition pro- cedure applied to recognition of cardiac arrhythmias using R-R interval data. 133 Grant No. RROO411-04 Section IV Name: Reynolds, W. Project: DREAMS Department: Genetics Project Description: The purpose of this project can be summarized as follows: (A) The taking of high rate data transmission to write experimental analysis programs so as to develop programs for the routine analysis and finished output of mass spectra. The trans- mission is through the 270Y-270X channel. The project plans to develop this interface to service two mass spectrometers (ALTAS CH4 and AEFI MS9). The taken spectra are then to be fed to the Artificial Intelligence group under the supervision of Joshua Lederberg and Edward Feigenbaum to be used in their investigations. (B) Another use of data transmission through the 270Y is to take spectropolorimeter measurements and then analyze these spectra for form, bandwidths, and Similarities between derivatives for theoretical projections. (C) The project mentioned also includes a battery of utility programs for metastable analysis, chemical rate analysis, C13 substitution ratios, and other routine analyses that the chemists wished programmed. Name: Ross, R. Project: CHEM Department: Chemistry Project Description: The purpose of this project can be summarized as follows: (A) The taking of high rate data transmission to write experimental analysis programs so as to develop programs for the routine analysis and finished output of mass spectra. The trans- mission is through the 270Y-270X channel. The project plans to develop this interface to service two mass spectrometers (ALTAS CH and AEFI MS9). The taken spectra are then to be fed to the Artificial Intelligence group under the supervision of Joshua Lederberg and Edward Feigenbaum to be used in their investigations. (B) Another use of data transmission through the 270Y is to take spectropolorimeter measurements and then analyze these spectra for form, bandwidths, and similarities between derivatives for theoretical projections. (C) The project mentioned also includes a battery of utility programs for metastable analysis, chemical rate analysis, C13 substitution ratios, and other routine analyses that the chemists wished programmed. 134 Grant No. RROO311-01 Section IV Name: Stillman, R. A. Project: DREAMS Department: Chemistry Project Description: The purpose of this project can be summarized as follows: (A) The taking of high rate data transmission to write experimental an- alysis programs so as to develop programs for the routine analysis and finished output of mass spectra, The transmission is through the 270Y- 2fOX channel. The project plans to develop this interface to service two mass spectrometers (ALTAS CH4 and AEI MS9). The taken spectra are then to be fed to the Artificial Intelligence group under the supervision of Joshua Lederberg and Edward Feigenbaum to be used in their investigations. (B) Another use of data transmission through the 270Y is to take spectro- polorimeter measurements and then analyze these spectra for form, band- widths, and similarities between derivatives for theoretical projections. (C) The project mentioned also includes a battery of utility programs for metastable analysis, chemical rate analysis, C134 substitution ratios, and other routine analyses that the chemists wished programmed. 15 Grant No. RROO411-0} Section IV Category 13 Name: Assaykeen, T. Project: RENIN Department: Urology Project Description: We have previously reported that in dogs insulin- induced hypoglycemia significantly increases plasma renin levels. We would like to continue these studies in order to attempt to deter- mine what the stimulus to renin secretion is under these conditions and how this stimulus is transmitted to the juxtaglomerular cells. There is good evidence that the sympathetic nervous system can in- fluence renin secretion but how this occurs is not known. We would like to establish whether catecholamines stimulate renin secretion through alpha or beta receptors, whether cyclic 3', 5'-AMP is in- volved and whether the effects of the catecholamines on renin se- cretion can be separated from the effects of these compounds on renal hemodynamics and function. The results of such studies may lend support to existing theories regarding the control of renin secretion or may give new insight concerning the physiologic control of this important endocrine system, 136 Grant No. RROO311-04 section IV Name: Cohen, 8. Project: DRUGALRT Department: Pharmacology Proj Name: ect Description: The project involves the establishment of a computer- based program aimed at preventing undesireable drug interaction and reducing drug toxicity at the Stanford University Medical Center. A data bank utilizing already available information from the pharmacologi- cal literature will be compiled dealing with drug interactions of clini- cal significance, When prescriptions are billed by the Stanford phar- macists, they would type the name of the drug and the dosage regimen into a terminal located in the Hospital pharmacy. When a new drug added to a patient's regimen ineracted with any one of the several drugs a patient may already be receiving, the computer would print out an appropriate alert accompanied by a literature reference, which would be sent to the nursing unit by the pharmacist--together with the drug. Prior to administering a drug accompanied by such an "alert", the nurse would contact the physician in charge, who would take the patient's total clinical condition into account in deciding whether or not the drug should be administered. This program would provide considerable teaching benefitsto students and house staff, in addition to providing benefits of major importance to patient care. In addition, it would be possible to assess the impact of providing physicians with drug inter- action information in such a direct fashion, and also to learn in a prospective way about the clinical effects of incompatible drug com- binations that are administered for one reason or another despite the alert, DeNardo, G. Project: XENONL33 Department: Nuclear Medicine Project Description: This project involves the use of radioactive methods to assess the regional distribution of ventilation and pulmonary blood flow in normal subjects and subjects with disease. A scintillation camera and special purpose computer are used to generate positimal and quantitive information for subjegnent processing by ACME. Studies in upright man have revealed that the distribution of ventilation is determined by the pre-inspiratory and inspiratory volumes. We propose to study pulmonary embolism with these radioactive methods and compare the results with those obtained from conventional pulmonary function studies. 137 Grant No. RROO3Z11-04 Section IV Name: Fries, Jd. Project: DATABANK Department: Medicine-Immunology Project Description: Concerned with the problem of establishing significant clinical, pathologic, and laboratory correlations in the immunologic diseases, and assessing these correlations in regard to classification, pathogenesis, prognosis, and response to therapy. These diseases are characterized by involvement of a large number of organ systems, a large variety of associated laboratory abnormalities and a course prolonged in duration and punctuated with periodic exacerbations and remissions. A massive amount of data is thus generated by each patient and meaningful correlations may be obscure to the clinician and inaccessible to the clinical researcher. The data cannot be well-handled retrospectively or manually. We have evolved an ordered, comprehensive method of recording patient data structured with respect to time. We propose to establish a compu- ter data bank for storage of this structured information and to develop programs for searching the data bank in a variety of ways to provide the desired correlations and statistical analyses. Name: Govan, D. Project: PARAQUAD Department: Urology Project Description: The Division of Urology at Stanford is currently res- ponsible for the urologic evaluation management and clinical follow-up of nearly 300 patients with spinal cord injury or disease. Utilizing the ACME Computer Facility between July 1967 through the present time, we have developed a method of information storage and retrieval which promises to be of considerable assistance to us in the overall manage- ment of this group of patients. 138 Grant No. RROO411-04 Section IV Name: Kakihana, R. Project: ETHANOL Department: Psychiatry Project Description: We have been studying the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system of rodents. A study of alcohol's effect on the pituitary adrenal system is being studied in various inbred mouse strains. We are also studying the effects of central nervous system Lesions on alcohol preference phenomenon in mice. Finally, the mechan- ism of central nervous system adaptation to alcohol and other stressors is being considered, Name: Kriss, J. Project: ASSAY Department: Nuclear Medicine Project Description: This program is used to calculate the results of a bioassay for the long-acting thyroid stimulator, (LATS), to calculate the statistical significance of these results, and to calculate the results of radioimminoassays for TSH, FSH, LH, growth hormone, anti- sperm antibody, anti-thyroglobulin, anti-microsomal antibody, and LATS. These data are being acquired as part of a study on the patho- genesis of Graves' disease, the effects of X-ray therapy upon thyroid function, and the pathogensis of other endocrine disorders associated with autoimmunity. 149 Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Category 14 Name: Dong, E. Project: heart Department; Cardiovascular Surgery Project Description: Study effects of heart transplantation. Collecting data on blood volume, heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressures, Also, developing relationships between white cell types--correlations and negative correlations. Name: Dong, &E. Project: MARGL Department: Cardiovascular Surgery Project Description: The purpose of our project is to develop a controller for an artificial heart. We are attempting to do this by using a trans- fer function between arterial pressure and heart rate. The project is a joint concern between the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and the Stanford Electronics Laboratory. At the present time, we are recording three channels of analog data from an auto-transplanted dog. This data is processed using the ACME 1800 system, The data are converted to digital data using the 1800 and stored in the 360/50. It is then processed and six channels of data are calculated. The digital data is then converted to analog signals using the 1800 and printed out on an offner strip chart in the laboratory. We also have a PDP-8-360/50 interface which we use to store PDP-8 data on the ACME system. 140 Grant No. RROO311-o4 Section IV Name: Mesel, E. Project: VSD Department: Pediatrics Project Description: This project is concerned with blood flow through ventricular septal defects (VSD) surgically produced in dogs. Two major sets of comparisons are made: the pattern of flow through the VSD is compared with the pattern of differential pressure between the left and right ventricles and with the electrocardiogram (ECG); and flow measured by an electromagnetic flow probe (which we consider a primary standard) is compared with flow measured by other techniques used on people (Fick dye dilution). During the experiment VSD flow, left and right ventricular pressures, and the ECG are recorded on tape. The more interesting data are selected for A to DP conversion and for computation of the differential pressure by program WORKHORSE. Program LISTING lists digitized data, which, when graphed, permits comparison of the pattern of flow with the pat- tern of differential pressure. As might be expected, we have found that these patterns are very similar even under varying conditions (e.g., ectopic beats), with flow slightly delayed with respect to pressure. Program cathlog produces a file which summarizes all our VSD experiments. Future effort will be directed towards the incorporation and use of programs developed in project carcat for pattern recognition of pres- sure and flow contours, Name: Morris, S. Project: EXPT4 Department: Genetics Project Description: I am using the 1800 to interface a Packard liquid scintillation counter to the 360. This allows me to feed raw data directly into the 360 where it can later be retrieved and digested. ACME will be used to analyze the incorporation of radiolabeled amino acids into brain proteins. Wa Grant No. RROO311-o0l Section IV Name: Smith, N. Project: MAC Department: Anesthesia Project Description: This project involves calculation of cardiovascular data from variables obtained in normal volunteer subjects and patients. No statistical analyses are performed through this program; rather they are performed separately using standard programs. Name: Smith, N. Project: BABOONS Department: Anesthesia Project Description: This project involves transfer of manually obtained and calculated data into ACME files. Multiple regression and correlation analyses are then performed on these data. Data obtained by destructive methods (thoracotomy, catheter placement, etc.) are compared to those obtained by nondestructive methods (microphones, accelerometers, etc.). It is hoped to replace the former with the latter. we Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Name: Thathachari, Y. Project: DOPA Department: Dermatology Project Description: Structure of melanins, Melanin is a polymeric pigment widely distributed throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. It has unusual physical and chemical properties. Using ACME as a real-time terminal, models of the molecular structure of melanins were generated starting with the known shape of the subunits and using various criteria for the linking of adjacent units. By watching the output periodically, the flow of the computation could be directed at will. For these genera- ted models, various measurable physical data were computed and compared with the experimentally derived values. Programs were especially written for these calculations and were found to be very promising and fruitful. Some of the results have been published and presented at conferences and more publications are under way. In view of the success of the techniques, the work is being continued. Radioactive tracer techniques for the detection and therapy of melanomas-- improvement on the conventional scanning techniques making more efficient use of observations with a real-time feed back between the collection of data and their processing. Simulated experiments using ACME as a real- time terminal are under way to make a choice between alternate techniques. When the choice is made, we plan to commission the equipment and the interfacing with ACME. 143 Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Name: Warrick, G. Project: STEROID Department: Psychiatry Project Description: The present research in our psychophysiological labora- tory revolves around the "averaged evoked response." We record a con- tinucus EEG on magnetic tape when presenting selected stimuli. After- words it is necessary to take out the EEG from the recording for certain time periods after each stimulus and average from 25 to 100 curves. When more than one kind of stimulus is shown the EEG must be distributed according to specific stimuli and several averages calculated simultan- eously. ACME supplies us with 3 analog input lines for reading of the EEG and corresponding signals. Our sampling rate is 4 msec and by reading 100 curves for 500 msec or 25 curves for 4 sec, we use a storage space of 25000. After the curves are selected and averaged, they are returned through an analog output line and plotted on our X-Y plotter. The curves are also stored in digital form in the ACME file system. We are presently having a second output line installed to give us a time base for the x-axis on the plotter. The two output lines will be connected for more systematic results. 14h Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Name: Wittner, W. Project: AROGUESS Department: Psychiatry Project Description: (AROGUESS) The influence of correctly and incorrectly guessed visual patterns on visual averaged evoked response. This study deals with changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of human subjects under conditions of various "mental states." The EEG associated with certain visual stimuli in certain "mental states" will be averaged to obtain the so-called averaged evoked response (AER). The shape of the AER waveform reflects brain activity beyond the purely sensory-receptive component. For instance, the AER is influenced by such variables ag attention, conditioning, and habituation. in this study, young healthy males will be presented with a sequence of two types of visual stimuli which will alternate randomly. One pres- entation will consist of a cueing flash, an arrow pointing left, anda test flash. The other visual stimulus presentation will consist of a cueing flash, an arrow pointing right, and a test flash. Prior to each presentation, the subject will make a guess as to the type of upcoming presentation by pressing either a left-handed or a right-handed button. On the basis of results of related studies by other investigators, it is assumed that the evoked response to correctly guessed arrows will differ from that evoked by incorrectly guessed arrows. One purpose of the study will be to ascertain whether indeed this is so. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the AER induced by flashes following incorrectly guessed arrows will differ in shape from the AER averaged on flashes following correctly guessed arrows. The assumption is made that guess- ing correctly produces a different "state of mind" than guessing in- correctly and that this "state of mind" persists long enough to alter the AER to a rapidly following neutral light stimulus. The various AERs will be differentially averaged to prove or disprove the stated hypotheses, The averaging of the EEG to obtain the AER will be done by the use of ACME computers. Once the various AERs are averaged, they will be anal- yzed and compared with each other, again by use of the ACME facility. Data (at various stages of analysis) will be stored in computer files. Should the hypotheses prove to be correct, further research will be conducted to investigate the effects of hormones on these parameters. 145 Grant No. RROOZ11-0}4 Section IV Category 15 Name: Aronow, L. Project: LCEL Department: Pharmacology Project Description: Routine laboratory calculations, including statistical tests of significance, relating to the mechanism of action of anti-cancer drugs. Name: Bagshaw, M. Project: SUMMARY Department: Radiology Project Description: The project is designed for retrieval of cases and classification of cases from the tumor registration. The ACME Computer is used for: 1. Gathering case histories and follow-up information from patients with tumors treated by radiation therapy. 2. Generating reliable data for the therapist's use in either research work or patient treatment. 146 Grant No. RROO311-04 section IV Name: Baldwin, R. Project: OLIGOMER Department: Biochemistry Project Description: The project is characterization and helix -- forming properties (both kinetic and equilibrium properties) of short DNA helices formed by dAT oligomers of defined chain of lengths. dAT oligomers have the repeating and self-complementary base sequence ...ATAT... . They may form either hairpin helices or dimmer helices, depending on conditions. The aims of the project are: (1) characterization of loops in DNA helices, (2) measurement of the parameters controlling the cooperativity of DNA melting, and (3) measurement of the rates of the elementary steps of base pair opening and dosing in DNA helices. Name: Bausek, G. Project: HODPAT Department: Medicine - Infectious Diseases Project Description: Lymphoma data program (LDP). The radiotherapeutic treatment of lymphomas, particularly Hodgkin's disease, has been shown to be the most effective way of achieving high cure rates. However, many aspects of these malignancies are still puzzling. For example, in addition to the obvious truth that we are still in the dark regarding the origin of lymphatic cancer, there appear to be significant differences between the lymphomas in their methods of progression, both in the presence and absence of treatment. The LDP has as its initial goal the accumulation of data on many aspects of lymphoma patients in readily retrievable form. Items of importance are: results of physical exams of new patients, background information such as records of malignancies in the patients' families, early symp- toms of the disease, laboratory data, method of treatment, and follow- up data (recurrence, retreatment, etc.). From the analysis of such stored information, it is anticipated that inferences can be drawn regarding optimum treatment scheduling and the possible causes of these diseases. 17 Grant No. RROO411-0%4 Section IV Name: Beard R. Project: PREVMED Department: Community & Preventive Medicine Project Description: Making correlation computations. Analyzing behavioral responses and influences of inhaling carbon monoxide, Name: Bodmer, W. Project: POPGEN Department: Genetics Project Description: Our main use of ACMF is for the analysis and interpretation of data on human white cell antigens. A secondary use is for the analysis and simulation of population genetic models. We have developed a series of programs to facilitate the storage of our data with appropriate editing at the time of input and to facilitate a read interaction between the experimental worker and the computer. This allows us, at short notice, to do small scale 2 x 2 analyses for serum characterization, selection of appropriate individuals for absorbtion and automatic typing according to complex patterns of serum reaction. These increased opportunities for interaction with the computer have been a great help in our day-to-day work and in establishing new relationships amongst our sera. Our future plans include the development of programs for the systematic analysis of family data, 148 Grant No. RROO311-04 Secticn IV Name: Brutlag, D. Project: ULTRA Department: Biochemistry Project Description: During the past several months I have been studying the role of divalent metal ions in the reaction mechanism of the enzyme DNA polymerase, In this work I use ACME to perform nonlinear weighted re- gression analysis of the data I have in order to test various theoretical models which describe how the enzyme works. I also use ACME routinely as a general laboratory tool in the reduction of all of my experimental data. One program reduces data from enzymatic assays and prepares a writ- ten report. Another calculates binding constants from equilibrium dialysis experiments. I have also used ACME for calculating physical parameters of macromolecules from data obtained from the analytical ultracentrifuge. Name: Cady, P. Project: THYROID Department: Psychiatry Project Description: Thyroid function is being studied in human subjects of varying genetic backgrounds subjected to stress, Measures of thyroid function include iodine uptake, thyroidal iodine clearance, thyroxine turnover, free and total thyroxine, and thyroxine binding capacity. Psychological measures of stress include personality in- ventories, mood scales, I & E scales, coping scales, and scored psy- chiatric interviews, Biological measures of stress include cortisol levels, pulse, diastolic and systolic blood pressures, and auditory reaction times. Measures of genetic inheritability are made using Falconer's family incidence equations. The computer is clearly necessary to perform the analysis of variance with such a large number of variables. 1g Grant No. RROO411-04 Section IV Name: Collins, K. Project: ATCase Department: Biochemistry Project Description: This file is used for three purposes. First, it is used in a variety of ways as a research tool. It has been used to compute the dissociation constants for an enzyme (ATCase) and some of its inhibitors. It will be used in the future to simulate difference from model compounds and compare these spectra with the experimental spectra and to analyze data from equilibrium dialysis studies of ATCase and its substrates and inhibitors, Second, it is used as a data processing facility for research-generated data. It is extensively and routinely used to process chromatograms from an amino acid analyzer; a long program stored in ACME provides a variety of different procedures that may be used on the data, Third, it is used as an education device. For instance, this file has been used to process data from a laboratory course in ultracen- trifugation. Name: Conner, R. Project: RATRACE Department: Psychiatry Project Description: There are approximately 15 individuals in this laboratory directly involved in experimentation relating neuroendocrine function to behavior. Information from animal testing chambers will soon be recorded on a high-speed paper-tape punch. The data on the paper- tapes will be dumped directly into ACME data files through a PDP-8 inter- face, or listed by the PDP-8 for keyboard terminal input to ACME. In either case, a program in the permanent ACME files will be written to sort the data from the several experiments recorded simultaneously on the paper-tape. Appropriate programs for the analysis of data from specific experiments will also be maintained in the permanent program files. In addition, we plan to use the ACME system to reduce and analyze data derived from experimentation which does not involve use of our paper-tape recording system, e.g., adrenocortical steroid levels of animals under various conditions and ACTH bioassay data. 150 Grant No. RROO411-0%4 Section IV Name: Fung, D. Project: HARTFORD Department: Anesthesia Project Description: Study of acute ventilatary insufficiency, includes research in: 1) mechanics and gas exchange in patients with ventilatary insuffi- ciency, 2) clinical research in post-operative respiratory complication, 3) cardio-pulmonary failure, 4) respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, 5) drug intoxication, and 6) pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary hyper- tension. ACME is used in these studies for: 1) statistical analysis, 2) program files for computation of physiological parameters from blood gas and other data, and 4) A-D conversion and processing of respiratory data in computation of cardiac output, and respiratory variables. Name: Fung, D. Project: RESPUNIT Department: Anestheisa Project Description: Objective: To determine the response of the pulmonary circulation to changes in inspired gas composition and intra-treacheal pressure. Progress to date: Apparatus has been set up for measuring pulmonary blood flow from exhaled gas composition and a program is al- ready available to compute the results. Current work: 1) Refinements are being made to improve the accuracy of the pulmonary blood flow measurement, and 2) a pilot study is being started to observe the ef- fect of a change in inspired gas composition on pulmonary artery pres- sure. Intended computer use: Computation results from data a) calibra- tion curves are computed, b) data is converted, ¢c) results are computed, and d) statistical parameters are calculated, 1b1 Grant No. RROO411-04 Section IV Name; Glattke, T, Project: ENG Department: Otolaryngology Project Description: We are collecting data on an almost daily basis from a group of preparations with electrodes implanted in the auditory nervous system. Use of ACME for analyses requiring many replications of an operation (e.g., in auto-correlation) is advantageous. Over the next few months, we anticipate attempting a feasibility study to determine if ACME would be useful for patient categorization. Our general thinking is that files containing coded history and test find- ings would be updated on a daily basis, so that these might be avail- able for a trend analysis. (For example, the audiological examination on a given patient may incorporate as many as half-dozen tests. Patient selection for a given course of treatment or additional special testing would seem to be enhanced by the availability of such trend analyses. ) Name: Goldstein, A, Project: PHAlL Department: Pharmacology Project Description: All-purpose programs for statistical and curve- fitting procedures for laboratory studies on morphine, especially on development of tolerance and dependence. Name: Goldstein, D,. Name: BARB Department: Pharmacology Project Description: Largely least-squares curve-fitting programs for establishing essential parameters for enzyme kinetics in inhibition of flavin enzymes by barbiturates. 152 Grant No. RROO311-04 Section IV Name: Hackney, J. Project: PHAL Department: Pharmacology Project Description: All-purpose programs for statistical and curve-fitting procedures for laboratory studies on morphine, especially on develop- ment of tolerance and dependence. Name: Hilf, F. Project: TESTA Department: Psychiatry Project Description: Involves psychological testing of psychiatric patients using on-line interactive techniques in which the patient sits at the terminal and is asked questions and he gives the answers and is rein- forced by the computer. A bravity procedure is also incorporated in this program. The main purpose is to determine if paranoid psychiatrie patients respond to feedback differently than a control group of other psychiatric patients. Name: Hwang, J. Project: BWISTUDY Department: . Genetics Project Description: Study of birth weight and IQ in relation to sex, parents, education, race, and income, 155