U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH SPEC IAL RESEARCH RESOURCE ANNUAL REPORT Grant Number RR 0031-04 ACME August 1, 1969 to July 31, 1970 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Stanford University School of Medicine U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH SPECIAL RESEARCH RESOURCE ANNUAL REPORT Report Period; From; August 1, 1969 (same as current ]2-month Grant No. budget period) To: July 31, 1970 RR 00311-04 Resource Title Advanced Computer for MEdical Research (ACME) Resource Address Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Resource Tel, No, (415) 321-1200 Ext. 6121 Principal Investigator Lederberg, Joshua Title Professor Academic Dept. Genetics Grantee Institution Stanford University School of Medicine type of Institution Private University investigator's Tel. No, (415) 321-1200 Ext. 5801 Name of Institution's Special Research Resource Advisory Committee: ACME Policy Committee Membership of Special Research Resource Advisor (Indicate Chairman) Vv Committee Name Title Department Institution see next page Typed Name and Title of Principal Investigator Signature Date Joshua Lederberg, Professor Typed Name and Title of Grantee Institution Signature Date Official ACME POLICY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP May, 19/0 Name Paul Armer Malcolm Bagshaw, Robert Baldwin, J. Weldon Bellville Walter Bodmer, Byron William Brown, Jr., Howard Cann, Edward Feigenbaum, Robert Glaser, M.D. Avram Goldstein Donald Harrison L. Lee Hundley Ronald Jamtgaard Courtney Jones Burt Kopell, Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Ellictt Levinthal Lawrence Schneiderman, Bruce Stocker, Howard Sussman, Jobst Von der Groeben Gio Wiederhold Management: Director M.D, Ph.D. MD, Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D. Ph.D. Dean M.D, M.D, Assistant Director Director Deputy Director M.D, Principal Investigator Ph.D. M.D, M.D, M.D, M.D, Consultant to Director Department Stanford Computation Center Radiology Biochemistry Anesthesia Genetics Community and Preven- tive Medicine Pediatrics Computer Science De- partment School of Medicine Pharmacology Cardiology ACME Computer Facility ACME Computer Facility Stanford University Hospital Psychiatry Genetics Genetics Medicine-Ambulatory Medicine-Microbiclogy Pathology Anesthesia ACME Computer Facility Robert Langle, Computation Center Business Manager Institution Stanford University Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Stanford University Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Stanford University Stanford University Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Medical Center Stanford University William Yundt, Computation Center Associate Director for Business and Finance Reviewed report Stanford University Advanced Computer for Medical TABLE OF CONTENTS Special Research Resource Annual Report Section I: Resource Identification Section II: Resource Operations A. Description of Resource Operations and Progress B. Summary of Resource Usage C. Resource of Equipment List D. Summary of Publications Section III: Resource Finances A. Summary of Resource Expenditures B. Expenditure Details ~- Direct Costs C. Summary of Resource Funding D. Budget Explanation - Justification section IV: Detailed Description of Resource Projects Grant No. RR 311-04 18 36 HT 48 ug 52 53 29