2fxcbiatyernttydisus, Department of Genetias University of Wisemein Madison 6, Wise Aecte # 47~1343 December 11, 1950. ; . Book Find Club, Now York, 75 Yo Genatiainen : Thank you for sending your lact issue of Book Mind News, which T ascume implies my reinstatement as a Club participant, on the basis of shipment at my specific request only. At this tims, I would like to purchase Boyd's “Genetics and the Races of Han", @ 1.8 plus 24 and the diml selection, Don Quixcte, 9 3078 plus oB4. My eheck for 6015 ia enclosed. last Spring, you allowed a discount equivalent to tho shipping . charges for advance payment. If this arrangevent ie still in effect, @ I would like to imow about it. If my check, on this basis, is dram 5 EO AFG ai ara 9 Vier 5 6 ort SU pause el y aCcounv, which I will eupplexent upen hearing from you. A Sincerely, doshua Lederberg oN