= THE Book Finp Crus 4O1 BROADWAY - NEW YORK 13 + NEW YORK Telepbone BArclay 7-9111 March 28, 1950 Mr. Joshue Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 47-1343 Dear Mr. Lederberg: Thark you for your very frank letter of March 10. We gather thet the three books to which you refer were W. C. FIELDS, THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM and MALE AND FEMALE, since you returned these to us. It's a little late now to tell how it happened, but we just have no record of having received omission slips from you on these books, either in advance or after they were shipped. That was why they were sent. If this was due to any negligence on our part, we give you our belated apologies. We assure you it was not intentional. We are not cancelling your account. We have, after read- ing your letter, taken the liberty of putting your name on our special "Request Only” file. That way you will continue to receive the Book Find News and other litera- ture about the Club, but you will be sent books only when you specifically ask for them, the reverse of our usual procedure. You will not have to bother to send in omission slips. We hope you find this arrangement satisfactory. If you have any more questions, or if there is anything else we can do for you, please let us know. We are glad you like our books. Sincerely yours, wc Cae ice Evans BOOK FIND CLUB ... for the best in fiction and non-fiction oR