DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Division of Research Resources Biomedical Research Technology Program Annual Progress Report PART I, TITLE PAGE 1. PHS AWARD NUMBER: l1lul4;rtjriryO} ty 6 8T5 | YO 2 2. TITLE OF AWARD BIONET, National Computer Resource for Molecular Biologv 3. NAME OF RECIPIENT INSTITUTION: IntelliGenetics, a subsidiary of IntelliCorp 4, HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL (If applicable): N/A 5. REPORTING PERIOD: 5a. FROM (Month, Day, Year): } 9} 3] ~ | Of 1] —] 8 5 Sb. TO (Month, Day, Year): | Of} 27 —~ | 2] 8] 7] 8 6 6. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: 6a. NAME: Ralph E. Kromer 6b. TITLE: President, IntelliCorp 6c. SIGNATURE: Pp ge S Pe __. Le w 7. DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, Year): 8. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code): 4] 1 Part Il. Description of Research Progress This section of the Report provides statistical information on use of the BIONET™ Resource. The period covered is 12/84 - 11/85. Its individual sections have been prepared under guidelines discussed with BRTP staff. In the one year since BIONET formally began accepting and approving applications for access, the BIONET community has expanded to 533 Principal Investigators (PI’s), representing about 1800 total investigators, whose classification is as summarized in Table IJ-1. As shown in the Table, of the 537 accepted Class I PI’s, 27 chose to drop their membership when the subscription fee for telecommunication access was announced. To review, Class I PI’s represent the service component of the Resource, Class II the collaborative component, and Class III is reserved for those persons who are responsible for local computing facilities, and who have agreed to act to support the local community of scientists accessing BIONET. Table 1-1: BIONET User Community Class I PI’s 537 Declined (27) Total Class I 510 Class II PI’s 12 Class III PI’s 3 Nat. Advis. Comn. 8 Net Total §33 Il.A. Scientific Subprojects .A.1. Collaborative Research and Service We report Collaborative Research and Service first, because it represents the bulk of the Resource’s activities in this grant year. We have not reported the research abstracts in the interests of saving space. These abstracts are maintained on our PC database of BIONET users, and are available to any interested party. We report the "Usage Factor" as both central processor units (cpu time), in minutes, and connect time, in hours, for each PI. These values are the sums of all usage by the PI and his or her group members (*Sub-I’s"). We report data only on those PI groups that have accessed the Resource. Of the 522 Class I and II PI’s, 361, representing about 1010 individual investigators, have logged on to the Resource. The data for Sub-I’s is maintained on our PC database and is available to any interested party. We do not report Resource staff hours nor BRTP funds allocated for individual PI's because it is impossible to allocate these rationally to such a large user community. Summary information for all PI’s is given in Part II, Section C., the Resource Summary Table. I.A.2. Core Research and Development We report summary information for our two current Core Research projects. The BRTP funds allocated are calculated on the basis of the sum of individual salaries for the time spent, plus a percentage of the total Resource budget devoted to providing supporting services. The Resource’s primary commodity is cpu cycles made available to all investigators, including BIONET staff. Thus, the percentage used in the above calculation is the cpu time used by the indicated investigators compared to the total cpu time used on the system. The calculation for the actual cost is this percentage times the basis of costs of providing this commodity to local staff; ie., the budget categories of Supplies, Computer Expenses, Software Licenses and Services and Documentation. This basis is, using our anticipate expenditures in these categories through February 28, 1986, $265,500. “TF oSed ‘guopjonmeyI 693 = °PeeN SeFboTOUpaL samosaj B.INOH BATD I * Peay] SHpPOULUUNpy, Sameewy mg pers /~ n¢°L7 $] OLY £29 é sqoefqadg °ON 37NOL ZALIVERED uosfTivdwodi9quy pue [eAefA}zat adUaNbes [BOFSOTOFY OF so} aUeDTTTAIUVI “4 suopyeoptdde aoy sauTysew Yo1eas [uP uenbas ‘aiempiey jo SapPsoTouyoa Mau ayy dupaortdxg oz*91 $f OV 9L2 ‘ °q ‘dep nag OL Bel GY oybz Oud ‘y sTuueg ‘yatws *e fgg *Z4 6 aupyseW yoreas [eFjuanbas sO sueasoid pue satyTj Beep SsuyIeT [Ng pue [pew o9pUuoA_IaTO Jo adupyoxa pydes 10j SAIT[[AIeS asayy BuPAUF] + (Sa91n0s9y SET TEe3eS) saq ys aqoue1 Al Teo fFydessoad so}, Jouey)TLTeI4] °4 ‘yayq0 03 LANOLY JO SapTafp[ Poesy YUoOTPeOPFUNuMOD pue peuopz¥gndwos ayy Jo UOFINGFLISTG e°4l § Biv ve hs prarg ‘y Sapooy 76 ad 0902 Jad ‘y spuuad ‘yatus "ek | 77 ‘Of 6 weidotd S9FT[8IeS LANOLE ~ *Qeul 360H-UON"SD ema ais 7 quanzeded’q 379 | NIW [ABOTOMpaL! (TeTaTUl SPP 3 II I quan QEOOT TY | somosag! 1.1 | SOmouns GUNN 2ST} d ‘CIN SVT) spy | ST MINE dL wold en eam (s)aQgebrasenuy’e =| SpOD SoUusTOY (eseqoezeup, pe) OTS CaTatysoeed __ ©) (y (c) (z) a __ CMINIVEL SOLAZS 3 HONEST ZALDAQIOGYTIOO UEATONAE! 9 ROGERS BOD [xXx | sharpROTTOS SA 7O SUD HS *buyupErL 20 SATWwIOWITO " dorsi y 9861 82 Aateniqed OB C861 1 YW2RN "yoga" g SIPIIUSDTTTAIVI ~=sNOLUALLIONE @ mame IT S06 I.A.3. Training We report summary information for our Training program. The sites at which BIONET provided some level of training are named here, and are discussed in more detail in Part Ii], the Narrative Description. The BRTP funds allocated include the salaries of the personnel involved, the estimated costs of the training program itself for this year ($5,500), and a percentage allocation of cost for cpu use, as discussed in the previous section. -[} efed ‘euoQONNSUI 893 “Peen SeToTOUpaL eomosal simoH eaTD A ‘pean, SeyToOO[OuRPAL RAMEY Ag }wery. / Bre T9Sh 92 E91E | sqaefqadqre -on t9INIOL ZALDY ERED eo sopqouagT{[eqy "4 LY ZZ “a *y Sspuuaq *YIFus Ov 912 ‘ se[snoqg ‘sep, nag Ov IZ i‘ aouainey] *sapay * (eysodwAy 103UFM-PHW £02 6L27 “ Tay ‘apuzy pweTW Gg, Y2aIoFg SAdOTOTY 1eTHIOLOW 6GZ 89 ‘a opAiPW 41a] Me] 89 uf ajepdn aanjeNn ‘ueusyey/S193 NY *qasva) 1cT Lyy 0902-940 aurTeTd ‘prarysuew | 270" 6 weisoig SupuperL LANOId "vB ~ *30UT 3S0H-UON’S emon faisn| 7 queen zeded°q gyre | NIW ,|AoToMpas| (TeTITUI STPPTH 3 II I qa SQEOOTTY ndd | eomossy jamen 26I7a ‘CON 2881) syxy | STW UM dL wok wan quan (8) 20QebTISenUT*e =| SPAD SOUsPOR (emqoezeup 98) O1T3TS Sayadysoeeg «) (y (c) (z) tBupAOTTOS SA JO suo 3HAH XXXX nm) com eo [| | *fasyUTeXL 20 SATWIOWTTCO texg 203 wang 2oefoRkey eqezedes © WO TI aoradiy Zz Cool Ty Adtntqay O&® Coot T MIeW Foggy oll ste To Tr OT fal te} a} | fesmene cuvev sJLVUdSTTT2IUL «63 NOILEALLIGNT V maces IT 2 ee $0d DRCOG SLALLEILS ws) II.B. Books, Papers and Abstracts We report the publications by members of the BIONET scientific community on a version of the special form as generated by our local database Management system. We report only the category of Collaborative Research and Service. There have been no publications in the Core Research program. The published materials used to support our Training program (the Introduction to BIONET, the BIONET Reference Manual and the BIONET Training Manual) have been described before and thus are not reported separately. 10 Part II, Section B Award Number 1U41RRO1685-02 INSTITUTION: Intelligenetics REPORT PERIOD: March 1, 1986 to February 28, 1986 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH * Vogt, M., Haggblom, C., Swift, S., Haas, M., Envelope gene and long terminal repeat determine the different biological properties of Rauscher, Friend, and Moloney Mink Cell Focus-inducing viruses, J. Virol. 55, 184-192, 1985 * Upton, C, McFadden, G., DNA Sequence Homology between the Terminal Inverted Repeats of Shope Fibroma Virus and an Endogenous Cellular Plasmid Species, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Jan. 1986 * Andersen, R.D., Birren, B.W., Taplitz, S.J., Herschman, H.R., The Rat Metallothionein-] Structural Gene and Three Pseudogenes, One of Which Contains 5’-Regulatory Sequences, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1985 * Andersen, R.D., Taplitz, S.J., Briston, G., Herschman, H.R., Rat Metallothionein Multigene Family, in Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Metallothionein and Other Low Molecular Weight Metal-binding Proteins, Birkhauser Verlag, Boston, Aug. 21, 1985 Katzen, A.L., Kornber, T.B., Bishop, J.M., Isolation of the proto-oncogene e-myb from Drosophila melanogaster, Cell 41: 449-456, June 1985 Simon, M., Drees, B., Kornberg, T., Bishop, J.M., The Nucleotide sequence and tissues specific expression of Drosophila e-src, Cell, Oct 1985 * Lohe, Allan R., Brutlag, Douglas L., Multiplicity of Satellite DNA Sequences in Drosphila Melanogaster, PNAS, 1985 * Calhoun, David, Bishop, David T., Bernstein, Harold S., et. al., Fabry Disease: Isolation of a cDNA clone encoding human alpha-galactosidase A, PNAS, 1985 * Cooke, N.E., David, E.V., Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein is a Third Member of the Albumin and alpha-fetoprotein gene family, J. Clin. Investig, 1985 * Glaichenhaus, N., Leopold, P., Cuzin, F., et. al., Changes in the expression of cellular genes inn cells immortalized or transformed by polyoma virus, Cancer Cells, Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory, 1985 Biggs, J., Searles, L.L., Greenleaf, A.L., Structure of the Eukaryotic Transcription Apparatus: Features of the Gene for the Largest Subunit of Drosophila RNA Polymerase II, Cell 42: 611-621, Sept. 1985 * Hamori, Eugene, Novel DNA Sequence Representations, Nature 314: 585, 1985 * Nakauchi, H., Nolan, G.P., Herzenberg, L.A., et. al., Molecular cloning of Lyt-2, a membrane glycoprotein marking a subset of mouse T lymphocytes: Molecular homology to its human counterpart, Leu-2/T8, and to immunoglobulin variable regions, PNAS USA 82: 5126-5130, 1985 * Hogness, D.S., et. al., Regulation and Products of the Ubx Domain of the Bithorax Comples, Cold Springs Harbor Symposia Vol L, 1985 * Allison, L.A., Moyle, M., Shales, M., Ingels, C.J., Extensive homology among the largest subunits of eukaryotic and prokaryotic RNA polymerases, Cell 42: 599-610, 1985 * James, D., Leffak, 1.M., Polarity of Replication Through the Avian Alpha-Golbin Locus, Mol. Cell. Biol., 1985 * Singer, P.A., Oshima, R.G., Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Endo B Cytokertin Expressed in the Preimplantation Mouse Embroyos, J. Biol. Chem., 1986 * Knott, T.J., Rall, S.C., Scotts, J.,, Human Apolipoprotein B. Structure of Carboxy]l-Terminus Part II, Section B li Award Number 1U41RR01685-02 INSTITUTION: Intelligenetics REPORT PERIOD: March 1, 1985 to February 28, 1986 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH Domains, Sites of Gene Expression, and Chromosomal Location, Science, 1985 * Regier, J.C., Pacholski, P., PNAS USA 82: 6035-6039, 1985 * Robinson, H.L., Miles, B.D., Avian leukosis virus-induced osteopetrosis is associated with the persistent synthesis of viral DNA, Virology 141: 130-143, 1985 * Miles, B.D., Robinson, H.L., High frequency transduction of c-erB in avian leukosis virus-induced erythroblastosis, J. Virology 54: 295-305, 1985 * Shank, P.R., Schatz, L.M., Robinson, H.L., et. al., Sequences in the gag-pol-5’ env region of avian leukosis viruses confer the ability to induce osteopetrosis, Virology 145: 94-104, 1985 * Robinson, H.L., Jensen, L., Coffin, J.M., Sequences outside of the LTR determine the lymphomogenic potential of Rous assoicated virus-1, J. Virology 55: 752-759, 1985 * Robinson, H.L., Avian leukosis viruses as vectors for the development of vaccines, Proceedings of 34th Annual National Breeders Roundtable: 64-92, 1985 * Robinson, H.L., Gagnon, G.C., Patterns of proviral insertion and deletion in avian leukosis virus induced lymphhomas, J. Virology, 1985 * Miller, R.H., Robinson, W.S., Common Evolutionary Origin of Hepatitis B Virus and Retroviruses, PNAS, 1985 * Schumacher, M., Camp, S., Taylor, P., et. al., Primary Structure of Torpedo californica Acetylcholinesterase Deduced from dDNA Sequence, Nature, 1985 * Timmerman, K.P., Tu, D., Compete sequences of IS3, NA R13: 2127-2139, 1985 * Kemper, B., Molecular Biology of Parathyroid Hormone, Critical Reviews in BioChem, 1986 * Maratea, D., Young, K., Young, R., Deletion and Fusion Analysis of the Phi 0X174 E Lysis Gene., Gene, 1985 * Machida, C.A., Bestwich, R.K., Kabat, D., A Weakly Pathogenic Mutant of Rauscher Spleen Focus- Forming Virus Has Lost the Carboxyol-Terminal Membrane Anchor of Its Envelope Glycoprotein, J. Virol. 53: 990-993, 1985 * Machida, C.A., Bestwick, R.K., Boswell, B.A., Kabat, D., Role of a Membrane Glycoprotein in Friend Virus-Induced Erythroleukemia: Studies of Mutant and Revertant Viruses., Virology 144: 158-172, 1985 * Bestwick, R.K., Hankins, W.D., Kabat, D., Roles of Helper and Defective Retroviral Genomes in Murine Erythroleukemia: Studies of Spleen Focus-Forming Virus in the Absence of Helper., J. Virol. 56, 1985 Li, J.-P, Bestwick, R.K., Machida, C.A., Kabat, D., Role of a Membrane Glycoprotein in Friend Viral Erythroleukemia: Nucleotide Sequences of Non-Leukemogenic Mutant and Spontaneous Revertant Viruses., J. Virol. 57, 1986 * Gustafson, T.A., Markham, B.E., Morkin, E. , Analysis of Thyroid Hormone Effects on Myosin Heavy Chain Gene Expression in Cardiac and Soleus Muscles Using a Novel Dot-Blot mRNA Assay., BBRC Vol. 130, No.3 1161:1167, 1985 * Morkin, E., Sheer, D., Gustafson, T.A., et. al., Regulation of Cardiac Myosin Iscenzymes by Thyroid Hormone, UCLA Symposia on Mol., Vol.20, 1985 Black, D.L., Chabot, B., Steitz, J.A., U2 as well as U1 Small Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins are Involved in Pre-Messenger RNA Splicing, Cell 42, 1985 * Smith, D. H., BIONET: National Computer Resource for Molecular Biology, Abstracts, Federation of 12 Part I, Section B Award Number 1U41RR01685-02 INSTITUTION: Intelligenetics REPORT PERIOD: March 1, 1985 to February 28, 1986 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH American Socieites for Experimental Biology, Apr 22-25, 1985, Anaheim, CA * Smith, D.H., BIONET: National Computer Resource for Molecular Biology, Abstracts, International Congress on Computers and Biotechnology, Jan 30-31, 1986, Baltimore, MD * Smith, D.H., Brutlag, D., Friedland, P., Kedes, L., BIONET: National Computer Resource for Molecular Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, 1986 13 II.C. Resource Summary Table The Resource Summary Table includes the totals from the previous sections under Training and Core Research and Development. The totals for the Collaborative Research and Service categories were arrived at as follows. The Usage Factor, again in cpu minutes, represents the grand total of all use summarized on the previous forms, plus staff use not allocated to the above two categories. The BRTP funds allocated include the remainder of the direct costs estimated for this year (see Section III of the “Application for Continuation Grant"), i.e., those funds not allocated to the above two categories. The category of Administration /Miscellaneous includes only the Usage Factor of BIONET’s share of the cpu time (minutes) for computer facility staff and DEC-2060 system overhead accounts (see Table III-8). No funds for this cpu time or staff time are allocated; such funds are considered part of the support of the user community and are distributed on the basis of cpu time to the categories above, as described previously, The Funds Allocated include only the items of capital equipment purchased during the year. The category of Down Time includes the sum of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on the DEC-2060 computer. In the period 12/84 - 11/85, there was a total of 139 hours (8340 cpu minutes) of down time: e 93 hours (5580 cpu minutes) were scheduled down time, including 69 hours of downtime for the move of the computer over the weekend of August 17-18, 1985; the remainder was scheduled maintenance. e 46 hours (2760 cpu minutes) of down time were due to unscheduled maintenance. The down time reported on the Summary Table is BIONET’s 50% of the total, or 4,170 cpu minutes. Note that the unscheduled maintenance of 2760 cpu minutes is 0.5% of the total cpu time available for the year. Thus, the DEC-2060 system has been available more than 99% of the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No funds have been allocated to this category. “AT 33BG “SUO}PQVIMASUL FFD Pee ee rena oe - — ne 4 009°L6$ -0- “15S *9E9$ CILL JeLy*ey 6201 ZY é €9€ SINIOL ON OL1‘Y SALL Nod 000‘S S19 ‘LI GNOGNYTEDSIN AOLDRLISININVN -Uu- -a- Bre 19 9€L C9Ol°€ 0902 4d 9 0 ; ONINTWULL ne ‘ ‘ DIAS 3 -Q- oad 009°26$ 0 092 ‘07S L069 S60‘8ET| 0902 O10T o 19¢ Lens nat -0- -o- ens‘