ACME NOTES Confisuration of Machine pie file 2321 “Tae 1, Pe fe oe oe ee ee ee oe ee ee ow wo a CN-2 Gio Wiederhold April 21, 1956 2 disks 2411 [Ci tapes i | Operator [i] eel aang 8u sec OOO0k byte gs 2.5f 26211. SU c0edin. reader hale Oe sec punch 64k bytes ne tr OEE OR Latah NTE Sete | Model 50 _ {Uo | AOA NC a A? __printer® ee rine ant IE ae inn By Oy "Io icine pamere sneeeeinants emacs 2 torte ys oo 7 Ui e701 [ 2702 1800 | TING mnie 7 OU KK mormon 5 5 x | | a ! % a [PAX] Led 5 e @ 32 A to D Bi 2 8 8 Dto A. WV A Py 20 D reg. in HELO “Dit win ET) pereg erry 12 Dreg. ot parallel oe ae 80 Process Jntecrups data entry 18 Selectric LI€Cs Ppop-8s Other Digital. Input en fle tevision of Ci] dated January 12 Terminals le Active 3